8006529: Methods always get callee - it should be conditional
Summary: This commit streamlines the bytecode function signatures, prologue, local variable use, scope creation, and invocation. It started out quite innocently when we noticed that we always emit __callee__ parameters for all functions even when they are not needed, but it turned out to be quite a deep rabbit hole. In the end, I identified exact conditions when functions need to have a callee parameter, when they need to receive parent scope, when they need to create their own scope, when they need to have variable arity signature, and when they need to have an "arguments" object, and made sure that callee parameters in signatures only show up when they are needed, that parent function's scope is only passed to a child function when it is needed, that the function only creates its own scope when it is needed. In crypto.js, the number of scopes dropped from 446 to 244, and the number of callees dropped from 315 to 145.
Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
sundarSundararajanown properties of 'obj':0 -> foo1 -> barhas own 'foo'? truehas own 'xyz'? false'foo' enumerable? true'bar' enumerable? truefoo is writable? truefoo is configurable? truefoo is enumerable? truefoo's value = 44foo's get = undefinedfoo's set = undefinedbar is writable? truebar is configurable? truebar is enumerable? truebar's value = orclbar's get = undefinedbar's set = undefinedfunc is writable? truefunc is configurable? truefunc is enumerable? truefunc's value = function() { print("myfunc"); }func's get = undefinedfunc's set = undefinedabc is writable? undefinedabc is configurable? trueabc is enumerable? trueabc's value = undefinedabc's get = abc() { return "abc"; }abc's set = undefinedxyz is writable? undefinedxyz is configurable? truexyz is enumerable? truexyz's value = undefinedxyz's get = undefinedxyz's set = xyz(val) { print(val); }hey is writable? undefinedhey is configurable? truehey is enumerable? truehey's value = undefinedhey's get = hey() { return "hey"; }hey's set = hey(val) { print(val); }undefined