8211398: Square character support for the Japanese new era
Reviewed-by: rriggs
SampleTree demonstrates JTree features. Each node of SampleTree has 7children, with each one drawn in a random font and color. Each node isnamed after its font. While the data isn't interesting, the exampleillustrates a number of features:- Dynamically loading children (see DynamicTreeNode.java)- Adding/removing/inserting/reloading (see the following inner classes in SampleTree.java: AddAction, RemoveAction, InsertAction, and ReloadAction)- Creating a custom cell renderer (see SampleTreeCellRenderer.java)- Subclassing JTreeModel for editing (see SampleTreeModel.java)To run the SampleTree demo: java -jar SampleTree.jarThese instructions assume that this installation's version of the javacommand is in your path. If it isn't, then you should eitherspecify the complete path to the java command or update yourPATH environment variable as described in the installationinstructions for the Java(TM) SE Development Kit.