8025741: Fix jdk/make/docs/Makefile to point to correct docs URL for JDK 8.
Reviewed-by: tbell
#!/bin/bash## Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.# # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation.# # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.# # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.##best pass rate at test 262 knownTEST262_PASS_AT_LEAST=435RUN_TEST="true"RUN_TEST262="true"RUN_NODE="true"KEEP_OUTPUT="true"CLEAN_AND_BUILD_NASHORN="true"#the stable node version to sync againstNODE_LAST_STABLE=v0.6.18#parse argsfor arg in $*do if [ $arg = "--no-test" ]; then RUN_TEST="false" echo "**** WARNING - you have disabled 'ant test', which is a minimum checkin requirement..." elif [ $arg = "--no-262" ]; then RUN_TEST262="false" elif [ $arg = "--no-node" ]; then RUN_NODE="false" elif [ $arg = "--no-build" ]; then CLEAN_AND_BUILD_NASHORN="false" elif [ $arg = "--no-logs" ]; then KEEP_OUTPUT="false" fidonefunction lastpart() { arr=$(echo $1 | tr "/" "\n") for x in $arr do _last=$x done echo $_last}function check_installed() { which $1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error $1 not installed: $?" exit 2 fi}check_installed hgcheck_installed gitcheck_installed mvcheck_installed gitPWD=$(pwd);while [ -z $NASHORN_ROOT ]do if [ -e $PWD/.hg ]; then NASHORN_ROOT=${PWD} break fi PWD=$(dirname ${PWD})doneecho "Nashorn root detected at ${NASHORN_ROOT}"COMMON_ROOT=$(dirname $NASHORN_ROOT)echo "Common root is ${COMMON_ROOT}"echo "Running checkintest..."ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME=$COMMON_ROOT/$(lastpart $NASHORN_ROOT)if [ $CLEAN_AND_BUILD_NASHORN != "false" ]; then echo "Cleaning and building nashorn at $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn..." $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn; ant clean >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn; ant jar >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done."fifunction failure_check() { while read line do LINE=$(echo $line | grep "Tests run") if [ "${LINE}" != "" ]; then RESULT=$(echo $line | grep "Failures: 0" | grep "Errors: 0") if [ "${RESULT}" == "" ]; then TESTNAME=$2 echo "There were errors in ${TESTNAME} : ${LINE}" exit 1 fi fi done < $1}function test() { TEST_OUTPUT=$ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/$(mktemp tmp.XXXXX) echo "Running 'ant test' on nashorn from ${ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME}/nashorn..." $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn; ant test >$TEST_OUTPUT) echo "Done." failure_check $TEST_OUTPUT echo "**** SUCCESS: 'ant test' successful" if [ $KEEP_OUTPUT == "true" ]; then cp $TEST_OUTPUT ./checkintest.test.log rm -fr $TEST_OUTPUT fi}if [ $RUN_TEST != "false" ]; then test;fifunction test262() { echo "Running 'ant test262parallel' on nashorn from ${ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME}/nashorn..." TEST262_OUTPUT=$ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/$(mktemp tmp.XXXXX) echo "Looking for ${ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME}/test/test262..." if [ ! -e $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn/test/test262 ]; then echo "test262 is missing... looking in $COMMON_ROOT..." if [ ! -e $COMMON_ROOT/test262 ]; then echo "... not there either... cloning from repo..." hg clone http://hg.ecmascript.org/tests/test262 $COMMON_ROOT/test262 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null echo "Done." fi echo "Adding soft link ${COMMON_ROOT}/test262 -> ${ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME}/test/test262..." ln -s $COMMON_ROOT/test262 $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn/test/test262 echo "Done." fi echo "Ensuring test262 is up to date..." $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn/test/test262; hg pull -u >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." echo "Running test262..." $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/nashorn; ant test262parallel > $TEST262_OUTPUT) FAILED=$(cat $TEST262_OUTPUT|grep "Tests run:"| cut -d ' ' -f 15 |tr -cd '"[[:digit:]]') if [ $FAILED -gt $TEST262_PASS_AT_LEAST ]; then echo "FAILURE: There are ${FAILED} failures in test262 and can be no more than ${TEST262_PASS_AT_LEAST}" cp $TEST262_OUTPUT ./checkintest.test262.log echo "See ./checkintest.test262.log" echo "Terminating due to error" exit 1 elif [ $FAILED -lt $TEST262_PASS_AT_LEAST ]; then echo "There seem to have been fixes to 262. ${FAILED} < ${TEST262_PASS_AT_LEAST}. Please update limit in bin/checkintest.sh" fi echo "**** SUCCESS: Test262 passed with no more than ${TEST262_PASS_AT_LEAST} failures." if [ $KEEP_OUTPUT == "true" ]; then cp $TEST262_OUTPUT ./checkintest.test262.log rm -fr $TEST262_OUTPUT fi }if [ $RUN_TEST262 != "false" ]; then test262; fi;function testnode() { TESTNODEJAR_OUTPUT=$ABSOLUTE_NASHORN_HOME/$(mktemp tmp.XXXXX) echo "Running node tests..."#replace node jar properties nashorn with this nashorn NODEJAR_PROPERTIES=~/nodejar.properties NODE_HOME=$(cat $NODEJAR_PROPERTIES | grep ^node.home | cut -f2 -d=) NASHORN_HOME=$(cat $NODEJAR_PROPERTIES | grep ^nashorn.home | cut -f2 -d=) ABSOLUTE_NODE_HOME=$COMMON_ROOT/$(lastpart $NODE_HOME) echo "Writing nodejar.properties..." cat > $NODEJAR_PROPERTIES << EOFnode.home=../nodenashorn.home=../$(lastpart $NASHORN_ROOT)EOF echo "Done." echo "Checking node home ${ABSOLUTE_NODE_HOME}..." if [ ! -e $ABSOLUTE_NODE_HOME ]; then echo "Node base dir not found. Cloning node..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT; git clone https://github.com/joyent/node.git $(lastpart $NODE_HOME) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." echo "Updating to last stable version ${NODE_LAST_STABLE}..." $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NODE_HOME; git checkout $NODE_LAST_STABLE >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." echo "Running configure..." $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NODE_HOME; ./configure >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." fi echo "Ensuring node is built..."#make sure node is built $(cd $ABSOLUTE_NODE_HOME; make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." NODEJAR_HOME=$COMMON_ROOT/nodejar if [ ! -e $NODEJAR_HOME ]; then echo "No node jar home found. cloning from depot..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT; hg clone https://hg.kenai.com/hg/nodejs~source nodejar >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) $(cd $COMMON_ROOT/nodejar; ant >/dev/null) echo "Done." echo "Copying node files..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT/nodejar; ant copy-node-files >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Patching node files..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT/nodejar; ant patch-node-files >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." fi echo "Ensuring node.jar is up to date from source depot..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT/nodejar; hg pull -u >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) echo "Done." echo "Installing nashorn..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT/nodejar; ant >/dev/null) echo "Done." echo "Running node.jar test..." $(cd $COMMON_ROOT/nodejar; mvn clean verify >$TESTNODEJAR_OUTPUT) echo "Done." failure_check $TESTNODEJAR_OUTPUT echo "**** SUCCESS: Node test successful." if [ $KEEP_OUTPUT == "true" ]; then rm -fr $TESTNODEJAR_OUTPUT cp $TESTNODEJAR_OUTPUT ./checkintest.nodejar.log fi}if [ $RUN_NODE != "false" ]; then testnode;fi;echo "Finished"