5108146: Merge i486 and amd64 cpu directories
6459804: Want client (c1) compiler for x86_64 (amd64) for faster start-up
Reviewed-by: kvn
* Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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// A JavaCallWrapper is constructed before each JavaCall and destructed after the call.
// Its purpose is to allocate/deallocate a new handle block and to save/restore the last
// Java fp/sp. A pointer to the JavaCallWrapper is stored on the stack.
class JavaCallWrapper: StackObj {
friend class VMStructs;
JavaThread* _thread; // the thread to which this call belongs
JNIHandleBlock* _handles; // the saved handle block
methodOop _callee_method; // to be able to collect arguments if entry frame is top frame
oop _receiver; // the receiver of the call (if a non-static call)
JavaFrameAnchor _anchor; // last thread anchor state that we must restore
JavaValue* _result; // result value
// Construction/destruction
JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle callee_method, Handle receiver, JavaValue* result, TRAPS);
// Accessors
JavaThread* thread() const { return _thread; }
JNIHandleBlock* handles() const { return _handles; }
JavaFrameAnchor* anchor(void) { return &_anchor; }
JavaValue* result() const { return _result; }
// GC support
methodOop callee_method() { return _callee_method; }
oop receiver() { return _receiver; }
void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
// Encapsulates arguments to a JavaCall (faster, safer, and more convenient than using var-args)
class JavaCallArguments : public StackObj {
enum Constants {
_default_size = 8 // Must be at least # of arguments in JavaCalls methods
intptr_t _value_buffer [_default_size + 1];
intptr_t _parameter_buffer [_default_size*2 + 1];
bool _is_oop_buffer[_default_size + 1];
intptr_t* _value;
intptr_t* _parameters;
bool* _is_oop;
int _size;
int _max_size;
bool _start_at_zero; // Support late setting of receiver
void initialize() {
// Starts at first element to support set_receiver.
_value = &_value_buffer[1];
_is_oop = &_is_oop_buffer[1];
_parameters = &_parameter_buffer[0];
_max_size = _default_size;
_size = 0;
_start_at_zero = false;
JavaCallArguments() { initialize(); }
JavaCallArguments(Handle receiver) {
JavaCallArguments(int max_size) {
if (max_size > _default_size) {
_value = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(intptr_t, max_size + 1);
_is_oop = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(bool, max_size + 1);
if (TaggedStackInterpreter) {
_parameters = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(intptr_t, max_size*2 + 1);
// Reserve room for potential receiver in value and is_oop
_value++; _is_oop++;
_max_size = max_size;
_size = 0;
_start_at_zero = false;
} else {
inline void push_oop(Handle h) { _is_oop[_size] = true;
JNITypes::put_obj((oop)h.raw_value(), _value, _size); }
inline void push_int(int i) { _is_oop[_size] = false;
JNITypes::put_int(i, _value, _size); }
inline void push_double(double d) { _is_oop[_size] = false; _is_oop[_size + 1] = false;
JNITypes::put_double(d, _value, _size); }
inline void push_long(jlong l) { _is_oop[_size] = false; _is_oop[_size + 1] = false;
JNITypes::put_long(l, _value, _size); }
inline void push_float(float f) { _is_oop[_size] = false;
JNITypes::put_float(f, _value, _size); }
// receiver
Handle receiver() {
assert(_size > 0, "must at least be one argument");
assert(_is_oop[0], "first argument must be an oop");
assert(_value[0] != 0, "receiver must be not-null");
return Handle((oop*)_value[0], false);
void set_receiver(Handle h) {
assert(_start_at_zero == false, "can only be called once");
_start_at_zero = true;
_is_oop[0] = true;
_value[0] = (intptr_t)h.raw_value();
// Converts all Handles to oops, and returns a reference to parameter vector
intptr_t* parameters() ;
int size_of_parameters() const { return _size; }
// Verify that pushed arguments fits a given method
void verify(methodHandle method, BasicType return_type, Thread *thread) PRODUCT_RETURN;
// All calls to Java have to go via JavaCalls. Sets up the stack frame
// and makes sure that the last_Java_frame pointers are chained correctly.
class JavaCalls: AllStatic {
static void call_helper(JavaValue* result, methodHandle* method, JavaCallArguments* args, TRAPS);
// Optimized Constuctor call
static void call_default_constructor(JavaThread* thread, methodHandle method, Handle receiver, TRAPS);
// call_special
// ------------
// The receiver must be first oop in argument list
static void call_special(JavaValue* result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, JavaCallArguments* args, TRAPS);
static void call_special(JavaValue* result, Handle receiver, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS); // No args
static void call_special(JavaValue* result, Handle receiver, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, Handle arg1, TRAPS);
static void call_special(JavaValue* result, Handle receiver, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, Handle arg1, Handle arg2, TRAPS);
// virtual call
// ------------
// The receiver must be first oop in argument list
static void call_virtual(JavaValue* result, KlassHandle spec_klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, JavaCallArguments* args, TRAPS);
static void call_virtual(JavaValue* result, Handle receiver, KlassHandle spec_klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS); // No args
static void call_virtual(JavaValue* result, Handle receiver, KlassHandle spec_klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, Handle arg1, TRAPS);
static void call_virtual(JavaValue* result, Handle receiver, KlassHandle spec_klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, Handle arg1, Handle arg2, TRAPS);
// Static call
// -----------
static void call_static(JavaValue* result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, JavaCallArguments* args, TRAPS);
static void call_static(JavaValue* result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS);
static void call_static(JavaValue* result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, Handle arg1, TRAPS);
static void call_static(JavaValue* result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, Handle arg1, Handle arg2, TRAPS);
// Low-level interface
static void call(JavaValue* result, methodHandle method, JavaCallArguments* args, TRAPS);