8186617: The "com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities" class can be dropped in favour of public API
Reviewed-by: azvegint, prr
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package javax.swing;
* Drop modes, used to determine the method by which a component
* tracks and indicates a drop location during drag and drop.
* @author Shannon Hickey
* @see JTable#setDropMode
* @see JList#setDropMode
* @see JTree#setDropMode
* @see javax.swing.text.JTextComponent#setDropMode
* @since 1.6
public enum DropMode {
* A component's own internal selection mechanism (or caret for text
* components) should be used to track the drop location.
* The drop location should be tracked in terms of the index of
* existing items. Useful for dropping on items in tables, lists,
* and trees.
* The drop location should be tracked in terms of the position
* where new data should be inserted. For components that manage
* a list of items (list and tree for example), the drop location
* should indicate the index where new data should be inserted.
* For text components the location should represent a position
* between characters. For components that manage tabular data
* (table for example), the drop location should indicate
* where to insert new rows, columns, or both, to accommodate
* the dropped data.
* The drop location should be tracked in terms of the row index
* where new rows should be inserted to accommodate the dropped
* data. This is useful for components that manage tabular data.
* The drop location should be tracked in terms of the column index
* where new columns should be inserted to accommodate the dropped
* data. This is useful for components that manage tabular data.
* This mode is a combination of <code>ON</code>
* and <code>INSERT</code>, specifying that data can be
* dropped on existing items, or in insert locations
* as specified by <code>INSERT</code>.
* This mode is a combination of <code>ON</code>
* and <code>INSERT_ROWS</code>, specifying that data can be
* dropped on existing items, or as insert rows
* as specified by <code>INSERT_ROWS</code>.
* This mode is a combination of <code>ON</code>
* and <code>INSERT_COLS</code>, specifying that data can be
* dropped on existing items, or as insert columns
* as specified by <code>INSERT_COLS</code>.