## Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.################################################################### Setup common utility functions.#################################################################ifndef _MAKEBASE_GMK_MAKEBASE_GMK := 1ifeq ($(wildcard $(SPEC)),) $(error MakeBase.gmk needs SPEC set to a proper spec.gmk)endif# By defining this pseudo target, make will automatically remove targets# if their recipe fails so that a rebuild is automatically triggered on the# next make invocation..DELETE_ON_ERROR:################################################################################# Definitions for special characters################################################################################# When calling macros, the spaces between arguments are# often semantically important! Sometimes we need to subst# spaces and commas, therefore we need the following macros.X:=SPACE:=$(X) $(X)COMMA:=,DOLLAR:=$$HASH:=\#LEFT_PAREN:=(RIGHT_PAREN:=)SQUOTE:='#'DQUOTE:="#"define NEWLINEendef# In GNU Make 4.0 and higher, there is a file function for writing to files.ifeq (4.0, $(firstword $(sort 4.0 $(MAKE_VERSION)))) HAS_FILE_FUNCTION := trueendif############################### Functions################################# Debug functions# Prints the name and value of a variablePrintVar = \ $(info $(strip $1) >$($(strip $1))<)### Functions for timers# Store the build times in this directory.BUILDTIMESDIR=$(OUTPUT_ROOT)/make-support/build-times# Record starting time for build of a sub repository.define RecordStartTime $(DATE) '+%Y %m %d %H %M %S' | $(NAWK) '{ print $$1,$$2,$$3,$$4,$$5,$$6,($$4*3600+$$5*60+$$6) }' > $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_start_$(strip $1) && \ $(DATE) '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' > $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_start_$(strip $1)_human_readableendef# Record ending time and calculate the difference and store it in a# easy to read format. Handles builds that cross midnight. Expects# that a build will never take 24 hours or more.define RecordEndTime $(DATE) '+%Y %m %d %H %M %S' | $(NAWK) '{ print $$1,$$2,$$3,$$4,$$5,$$6,($$4*3600+$$5*60+$$6) }' > $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_end_$(strip $1) $(DATE) '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' > $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_end_$(strip $1)_human_readable $(ECHO) `$(CAT) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_start_$(strip $1)` `$(CAT) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_end_$(strip $1)` $1 | \ $(NAWK) '{ F=$$7; T=$$14; if (F > T) { T+=3600*24 }; D=T-F; H=int(D/3600); \ M=int((D-H*3600)/60); S=D-H*3600-M*60; printf("%02d:%02d:%02d %s\n",H,M,S,$$15); }' \ > $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_diff_$(strip $1)endef# Hook to be called when starting to execute a top-level targetdefine TargetEnter $(PRINTF) "## Starting $(patsubst %-only,%,$@)\n" $(call RecordStartTime,$(patsubst %-only,%,$@))endef# Hook to be called when finish executing a top-level targetdefine TargetExit $(call RecordEndTime,$(patsubst %-only,%,$@)) $(PRINTF) "## Finished $(patsubst %-only,%,$@) (build time %s)\n\n" \ "`$(CAT) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_diff_$(patsubst %-only,%,$@) | $(CUT) -f 1 -d ' '`"endef################################################################################# This macro translates $ into \$ to protect the $ from expansion in the shell.# To make this macro resilient against already escaped strings, first remove# any present escapes before escaping so that no double escapes are added.EscapeDollar = $(subst $$,\$$,$(subst \$$,$$,$(strip $1)))################################################################################# This macro works just like EscapeDollar above, but for #.EscapeHash = $(subst \#,\\\#,$(subst \\\#,\#,$(strip $1)))################################################################################# This macro translates $ into $$ to protect the string from make itself.DoubleDollar = $(subst $$,$$$$,$(strip $1))################################################################################# ListPathsSafely can be used to print command parameters to a file. This is# typically done if the command line lenght risk being too long for the# OS/shell. In later make versions, the file function can be used for this# purpose. For earlier versions, a more complex implementation is provided.## The function ListPathsSafely can be called either directly or, more commonly# from a recipe line. If called from a recipe, it will be executed in the# evaluation phase of that recipe, which means that it will write to the file# before any other line in the recipe has been run.ifeq ($(HAS_FILE_FUNCTION), true) # Param 1 - Name of variable containing paths/arguments to output # Param 2 - File to print to # Param 3 - Set to true to append to file instead of overwriting define ListPathsSafely $$(call MakeDir, $$(dir $$(strip $2))) $$(file $$(if $$(filter true, $$(strip $3)),>>,>) \ $$(strip $2),$$(subst $$(SPACE),$$(NEWLINE),$$(strip $$($$(strip $1))))) endefelse # HAS_FILE_FUNCTION = false $(eval compress_paths = \ $(strip $(shell $(CAT) $(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/support/ListPathsSafely-pre-compress.incl))) compress_paths += \ $(subst $(SRC_ROOT),X97, \ $(subst $(OUTPUT_ROOT),X98, \ $(subst X,X00, \ $(subst $(SPACE),\n,$(strip $1))))) $(eval compress_paths += \ $(strip $(shell $(CAT) $(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/support/ListPathsSafely-post-compress.incl))) decompress_paths=$(SED) -f $(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/support/ListPathsSafely-uncompress.sed \ -e 's|X99|\\n|g' \ -e 's|X98|$(OUTPUT_ROOT)|g' -e 's|X97|$(SRC_ROOT)|g' \ -e 's|X00|X|g' ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf = \ $(if $(word $3,$($(strip $1))), \ $(shell $(PRINTF) -- "$(strip $(call EscapeDollar, \ $(call compress_paths, $(wordlist $3,$4,$($(strip $1))))))\n" \ | $(decompress_paths) >> $2)) # Param 1 - Name of variable containing paths/arguments to output # Param 2 - File to print to # Param 3 - Set to true to append to file instead of overwriting define ListPathsSafely ifneq (,$$(word 30001,$$($$(strip $1)))) $$(error Cannot list safely more than 30000 paths. $1 has $$(words $$($$(strip $1))) paths!) endif $$(call MakeDir, $$(dir $2)) ifneq ($$(strip $3), true) $$(shell $(RM) $$(strip $2)) endif $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,1,250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,251,500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,501,750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,751,1000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,1001,1250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,1251,1500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,1501,1750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,1751,2000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,2001,2250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,2251,2500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,2501,2750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,2751,3000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,3001,3250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,3251,3500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,3501,3750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,3751,4000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,4001,4250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,4251,4500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,4501,4750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,4751,5000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,5001,5250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,5251,5500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,5501,5750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,5751,6000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,6001,6250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,6251,6500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,6501,6750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,6751,7000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,7001,7250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,7251,7500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,7501,7750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,7751,8000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,8001,8250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,8251,8500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,8501,8750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,8751,9000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,9001,9250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,9251,9500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,9501,9750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,9751,10000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,10001,10250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,10251,10500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,10501,10750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,10751,11000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,11001,11250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,11251,11500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,11501,11750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,11751,12000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,12001,12250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,12251,12500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,12501,12750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,12751,13000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,13001,13250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,13251,13500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,13501,13750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,13751,14000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,14001,14250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,14251,14500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,14501,14750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,14751,15000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,15001,15250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,15251,15500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,15501,15750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,15751,16000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,16001,16250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,16251,16500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,16501,16750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,16751,17000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,17001,17250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,17251,17500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,17501,17750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,17751,18000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,18001,18250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,18251,18500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,18501,18750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,18751,19000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,19001,19250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,19251,19500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,19501,19750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,19751,20000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,20001,20250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,20251,20500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,20501,20750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,20751,21000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,21001,21250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,21251,21500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,21501,21750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,21751,22000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,22001,22250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,22251,22500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,22501,22750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,22751,23000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,23001,23250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,23251,23500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,23501,23750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,23751,24000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,24001,24250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,24251,24500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,24501,24750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,24751,25000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,25001,25250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,25251,25500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,25501,25750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,25751,26000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,26001,26250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,26251,26500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,26501,26750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,26751,27000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,27001,27250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,27251,27500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,27501,27750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,27751,28000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,28001,28250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,28251,28500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,28501,28750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,28751,29000) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,29001,29250) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,29251,29500) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,29501,29750) $$(call ListPathsSafely_IfPrintf,$1,$2,29751,30000) endefendif # HAS_FILE_FUNCTION################################################################################# A file containing a way to uniquely identify the source code revision that# the build was created fromSOURCE_REVISION_TRACKER := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/src-rev/source-revision-tracker# Locate all hg repositories included in the forest, as absolute pathsFindAllReposAbs = \ $(strip $(sort $(dir $(filter-out $(SRC_ROOT)/build/%, $(wildcard \ $(addprefix $(SRC_ROOT)/, .hg */.hg */*/.hg */*/*/.hg) \ )))))# Locate all hg repositories included in the forest, as relative pathsFindAllReposRel = \ $(strip $(subst $(SRC_ROOT)/,.,$(patsubst $(SRC_ROOT)/%/, %, $(FindAllReposAbs))))################################################################################define SetupLogging ifeq ($$(LOG_PROFILE_TIMES_FILE), true) ifeq ($$(IS_GNU_TIME), yes) SHELL := $$(BASH) $$(SRC_ROOT)/common/bin/shell-profiler.sh \ gnutime $$(TIME) \ $$(OUTPUT_ROOT)/build-profile.log $$(SHELL) else ifneq ($$(FLOCK), ) SHELL := $$(BASH) $$(SRC_ROOT)/common/bin/shell-profiler.sh \ flock $$(FLOCK) \ $$(OUTPUT_ROOT)/build-profile.log $$(SHELL) endif endif ifeq ($$(LOG_LEVEL), trace) SHELL_NO_RECURSE := $$(SHELL) # Shell redefinition trick inspired by http://www.cmcrossroads.com/ask-mr-make/6535-tracing-rule-execution-in-gnu-make # For each target executed, will print # Building <TARGET> (from <FIRST PREREQUISITE>) (<ALL NEWER PREREQUISITES> newer) # but with a limit of 20 on <ALL NEWER PREREQUISITES>, to avoid cluttering logs too much # (and causing a crash on Cygwin). SHELL = $$(warning $$(if $$@,Building $$@,Running shell command) $$(if $$<, (from $$<))$$(if $$?, ($$(wordlist 1, 20, $$?) $$(if $$(wordlist 21, 22, $$?), ... [in total $$(words $$?) files]) newer)))$$(SHELL_NO_RECURSE) -x endif # The warn level can never be turned off LogWarn = $$(info $$(strip $$1)) LOG_WARN := ifneq ($$(findstring $$(LOG_LEVEL), info debug trace),) LogInfo = $$(info $$(strip $$1)) LOG_INFO := else LogInfo = LOG_INFO := > /dev/null endif ifneq ($$(findstring $$(LOG_LEVEL), debug trace),) LogDebug = $$(info $$(strip $$1)) LOG_DEBUG := else LogDebug = LOG_DEBUG := > /dev/null endif ifneq ($$(findstring $$(LOG_LEVEL), trace),) LogTrace = $$(info $$(strip $$1)) LOG_TRACE := else LogTrace = LOG_TRACE := > /dev/null endifendef# Make sure logging is setup for everyone that includes MakeBase.gmk.$(eval $(call SetupLogging))################################################################################# Creates a sequence of increasing numbers (inclusive).# Param 1 - starting number# Param 2 - ending numbersequence = \ $(wordlist $1, $2, $(strip \ $(eval SEQUENCE_COUNT :=) \ $(call _sequence-do,$(strip $2))))_sequence-do = \ $(if $(word $1, $(SEQUENCE_COUNT)),, \ $(eval SEQUENCE_COUNT += .) \ $(words $(SEQUENCE_COUNT)) \ $(call _sequence-do,$1))################################################################################MAX_PARAMS := 35PARAM_SEQUENCE := $(call sequence, 2, $(MAX_PARAMS))# Template for creating a macro taking named parameters. To use it, assign the# template to a variable with the name you want for your macro, using '='# assignment. Then define a macro body with the suffix "Body". The Body macro# should take 1 parameter which should be a unique string for that invocation# of the macro.# Ex:# SetupFoo = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)# define SetupFooBody# # do something# # access parameters as $$($1_BAR)# endef# Call it like this# $(eval $(call SetupFoo, BUILD_SOMETHING, \# BAR := some parameter value, \# ))define NamedParamsMacroTemplate $(if $($(MAX_PARAMS)),$(error Internal makefile error: \ Too many named arguments to macro, please update MAX_PARAMS in MakeBase.gmk)) # Iterate over 2 3 4... and evaluate the named parameters with $1_ as prefix $(foreach i,$(PARAM_SEQUENCE), $(if $(strip $($i)),\ $(strip $1)_$(strip $(call EscapeHash, $(call DoubleDollar, $($i))))$(NEWLINE))) # Debug print all named parameter names and values $(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL),debug trace), \ $(info $0 $(strip $1) $(foreach i,$(PARAM_SEQUENCE), \ $(if $(strip $($i)),$(NEWLINE) $(strip [$i] $(if $(filter $(LOG_LEVEL), trace), \ $($i), $(wordlist 1, 20, $($(i))) $(if $(word 21, $($(i))), ...))))))) $(if $(DEBUG_$(strip $1)), $(info -------- <<< Begin expansion of $(strip $1)) \ $(info $(call $(0)Body,$(strip $1))) \ $(info -------- >>> End expansion of $(strip $1)) \ ) $(call $(0)Body,$(strip $1))endef################################################################################# Make directory without forking mkdir if not needed# 1: List of directories to createMakeDir = \ $(strip \ $(eval MakeDir_dirs_to_make := $(strip $(foreach d, $1, $(if $(wildcard $d), , $d)))) \ $(if $(MakeDir_dirs_to_make), $(shell $(MKDIR) -p $(MakeDir_dirs_to_make))) \ )################################################################################# Assign a variable only if it is empty# Param 1 - Variable to assign# Param 2 - Value to assignSetIfEmpty = \ $(if $($(strip $1)),,$(eval $(strip $1) := $2))################################################################################ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS),solaris) # On Solaris, if the target is a symlink and exists, cp won't overwrite. # Cp has to operate in recursive mode to allow for -P flag, to preserve soft links. If the # name of the target file differs from the source file, rename after copy. # If the source and target parent directories are the same, recursive copy doesn't work # so we fall back on regular copy, which isn't preserving symlinks. define install-file $(MKDIR) -p '$(@D)' $(RM) '$@' if [ "$(@D)" != "$(<D)" ]; then \ $(CP) -f -r -P '$<' '$(@D)'; \ if [ "$(@F)" != "$(<F)" ]; then \ $(MV) '$(@D)/$(<F)' '$@'; \ fi; \ else \ if [ -L '$<' ]; then \ $(ECHO) "Source file is a symlink and target is in the same directory: $< $@" ; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ $(CP) -f '$<' '$@'; \ fi endefelse ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS),macosx) # On mac, extended attributes sometimes creep into the source files, which may later # cause the creation of ._* files which confuses testing. Clear these with xattr if # set. Some files get their write permissions removed after being copied to the # output dir. When these are copied again to images, xattr would fail. By only clearing # attributes when they are present, failing on this is avoided. # # If copying a soft link to a directory, need to delete the target first to avoid # weird errors. define install-file $(MKDIR) -p '$(@D)' $(RM) '$@' $(CP) -fRP '$<' '$@' if [ -n "`$(XATTR) -l '$@'`" ]; then $(XATTR) -c '$@'; fi endefelse define install-file $(call MakeDir, $(@D)) $(CP) -fP '$<' '$@' endefendif# Variant of install file that does not preserve symlinksdefine install-file-nolink $(call MakeDir, $(@D)) $(CP) -f '$<' '$@'endef################################################################################# Take two paths and return the path of the last common directory.# Ex: /foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar/banan -> /foo/bar# foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar -> <empty>## The x prefix is used to preserve the presence of the initial slash## $1 - Path to compare# $2 - Other path to compareFindCommonPathPrefix = \ $(patsubst x%,%,$(subst $(SPACE),/,$(strip \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefixHelper, \ $(subst /,$(SPACE),x$(strip $1)), $(subst /,$(SPACE),x$(strip $2))) \ )))FindCommonPathPrefixHelper = \ $(if $(call equals, $(firstword $1), $(firstword $2)), \ $(firstword $1) \ $(call FindCommonPathPrefixHelper, \ $(wordlist 2, $(words $1), $1), $(wordlist 2, $(words $2), $2) \ ) \ )# Convert a partial path into as many directory levels of ../, removing# leading and following /.# Ex: foo/bar/baz/ -> ../../..# foo/bar -> ../..# /foo -> ..DirToDotDot = \ $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(foreach d, $(subst /,$(SPACE),$1),..))# Computes the relative path from a directory to a file# $1 - File to compute the relative path to# $2 - Directory to compute the relative path fromRelativePath = \ $(eval $1_prefix := $(call FindCommonPathPrefix, $1, $2)) \ $(eval $1_dotdots := $(call DirToDotDot, $(patsubst $($(strip $1)_prefix)/%, %, $2))) \ $(eval $1_suffix := $(patsubst $($(strip $1)_prefix)/%, %, $1)) \ $($(strip $1)_dotdots)/$($(strip $1)_suffix)################################################################################# link-file-* works similarly to install-file but creates a symlink instead.# There are two versions, either creating a relative or an absolute link. Be# careful when using this on Windows since the symlink created is only valid in# the unix emulation environment.define link-file-relative $(call MakeDir, $(@D)) $(RM) $@ $(LN) -s $(call RelativePath, $<, $(@D)) $@endefdefine link-file-absolute $(call MakeDir, $(@D)) $(RM) $@ $(LN) -s $< $@endef################################################################################# Filter out duplicate sub strings while preserving order. Keeps the first occurance.uniq = \ $(if $1,$(firstword $1) $(call uniq,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1)))# Returns all whitespace-separated words in $2 where at least one of the# whitespace-separated words in $1 is a substring.containing = \ $(strip \ $(foreach v,$(strip $2),\ $(call uniq,$(foreach p,$(strip $1),$(if $(findstring $p,$v),$v)))))# Returns all whitespace-separated words in $2 where none of the# whitespace-separated words in $1 is a substring.not-containing = \ $(strip $(filter-out $(call containing,$1,$2),$2))# Return a list of all string elements that are duplicated in $1.dups = \ $(strip $(foreach v, $(sort $1), $(if $(filter-out 1, \ $(words $(filter $v, $1))), $v)))# String equalsequals = \ $(and $(findstring $(strip $1),$(strip $2)),\ $(findstring $(strip $2),$(strip $1)))# Remove a whole list of prefixes# $1 - List of prefixes# $2 - List of elements to processremove-prefixes = \ $(strip $(if $1,$(patsubst $(firstword $1)%,%,\ $(call remove-prefixes,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1),$2)),$2))# Convert the string given to upper case, without any $(shell)# Inspired by http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-make/2013-09/msg00009.htmluppercase_table := a,A b,B c,C d,D e,E f,F g,G h,H i,I j,J k,K l,L m,M n,N o,O \ p,P q,Q r,R s,S t,T u,U v,V w,W x,X y,Y z,Zuppercase_internal = \ $(if $(strip $1), $$(subst $(firstword $1), $(call uppercase_internal, \ $(wordlist 2, $(words $1), $1), $2)), $2)# Convert a string to upper case. Works only on a-z.# $1 - The string to convertuppercase = \ $(strip \ $(eval uppercase_result := $(call uppercase_internal, $(uppercase_table), $1)) \ $(uppercase_result) \ )################################################################################ifneq ($(DISABLE_CACHE_FIND), true) # In Cygwin, finds are very costly, both because of expensive forks and because # of bad file system caching. Find is used extensively in $(shell) commands to # find source files. This makes rerunning make with no or few changes rather # expensive. To speed this up, these two macros are used to cache the results # of simple find commands for reuse. # # Runs a find and stores both the directories where it was run and the results. # This macro can be called multiple times to add to the cache. Only finds files # with no filters. # # Needs to be called with $(eval ) # # Even if the performance benifit is negligible on other platforms, keep the # functionality active unless explicitly disabled to exercise it more. # # Initialize FIND_CACHE_DIRS with := to make it a non recursively-expanded variable FIND_CACHE_DIRS := # Param 1 - Dirs to find in # Param 2 - (optional) specialization. Normally "-a \( ... \)" expression. define FillCacheFind # Filter out already cached dirs. The - is needed when FIND_CACHE_DIRS is empty # since filter out will then return empty. FIND_CACHE_NEW_DIRS := $$(filter-out $$(addsuffix /%,\ - $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS)) $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS), $1) ifneq ($$(FIND_CACHE_NEW_DIRS), ) # Remove any trailing slash from dirs in the cache dir list FIND_CACHE_DIRS += $$(patsubst %/,%, $$(FIND_CACHE_NEW_DIRS)) FIND_CACHE := $$(sort $$(FIND_CACHE) $$(shell $(FIND) $$(FIND_CACHE_NEW_DIRS) \( -type f -o -type l \) $2)) endif endef # Mimics find by looking in the cache if all of the directories have been cached. # Otherwise reverts to shell find. This is safe to call on all platforms, even if # cache is deactivated. # # $1 can be either a directory or a file. If it's a directory, make # sure we have exactly one trailing slash before the wildcard. # The extra - is needed when FIND_CACHE_DIRS is empty but should be harmless. # # Param 1 - Dirs to find in # Param 2 - (optional) specialization. Normally "-a \( ... \)" expression. define CacheFind $(if $(filter-out $(addsuffix /%,- $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS)) $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS),$1), \ $(if $(wildcard $1), $(shell $(FIND) $1 \( -type f -o -type l \) $2)), \ $(filter $(addsuffix /%,$(patsubst %/,%,$1)) $1,$(FIND_CACHE))) endefelse # If CacheFind is disabled, just run the find command. # Param 1 - Dirs to find in # Param 2 - (optional) specialization. Normally "-a \( ... \)" expression. define CacheFind $(shell $(FIND) $1 \( -type f -o -type l \) $2) endefendif################################################################################define AddFileToCopy # Helper macro for SetupCopyFiles # 1 : Source file # 2 : Dest file # 3 : Variable to add targets to # 4 : Macro to call for copy operation # 5 : Action text to log $2: $1 $$(call LogInfo, $(strip $5) $$(patsubst $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/%,%,$$@)) $$($$(strip $4)) $3 += $2endef# Returns the value of the first argumentidentity = \ $(strip $1)# Setup make rules for copying files, with an option to do more complex# processing instead of copying.## Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.## Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:# SRC : Source root dir (defaults to dir of first file)# DEST : Dest root dir# FILES : List of files to copy with absolute paths, or path relative to SRC.# Must be in SRC.# FLATTEN : Set to flatten the directory structure in the DEST dir.# MACRO : Optionally override the default macro used for making the copy.# Default is 'install-file'# NAME_MACRO : Optionally supply a macro that rewrites the target file name# based on the source file name# LOG_ACTION : Optionally specify a different action text for log messagesSetupCopyFiles = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)define SetupCopyFilesBody ifeq ($$($1_MACRO), ) $1_MACRO := install-file endif # Default SRC to the dir of the first file. ifeq ($$($1_SRC), ) $1_SRC := $$(dir $$(firstword $$($1_FILES))) endif ifeq ($$($1_NAME_MACRO), ) $1_NAME_MACRO := identity endif ifeq ($$($1_LOG_ACTION), ) $1_LOG_ACTION := Copying endif # Remove any trailing slash from SRC and DEST $1_SRC := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$($1_SRC)) $1_DEST := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$($1_DEST)) $$(foreach f, $$(patsubst $$($1_SRC)/%,%,$$($1_FILES)), \ $$(eval $$(call AddFileToCopy, $$($1_SRC)/$$f, \ $$($1_DEST)/$$(call $$(strip $$($1_NAME_MACRO)),$$(if $$($1_FLATTEN),$$(notdir $$f),$$f)), \ $1, $$($1_MACRO), $$($1_LOG_ACTION))))endef################################################################################# Parse a multiple-keyword variable, like FOO="KEYWORD1=val1;KEYWORD2=val2;..."# These will be converted into a series of variables like FOO_KEYWORD1=val1,# FOO_KEYWORD2=val2, etc. Unknown keywords will cause an error.## Parameter 1 is the name of the rule, and is also the name of the variable.## Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:# KEYWORDS A list of valid keywords# STRING_KEYWORDS A list of valid keywords, processed as string. This means# that '%20' will be replaced by ' ' to allow for multi-word strings.#ParseKeywordVariable = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)define ParseKeywordVariableBody ifneq ($$($1), ) # To preserve spaces, substitute them with a hopefully unique pattern # before splitting and then re-substitute spaces back. $1_MANGLED := $$(subst $$(SPACE),||||,$$($1)) $$(foreach mangled_part, $$(subst ;, , $$($1_MANGLED)), \ $$(eval mangled_part_eval := $$(call DoubleDollar, $$(mangled_part))) \ $$(eval part := $$$$(subst ||||,$$$$(SPACE),$$$$(mangled_part_eval))) \ $$(eval $1_NO_MATCH := true) \ $$(foreach keyword, $$($1_KEYWORDS), \ $$(eval keyword_eval := $$(call DoubleDollar, $$(keyword))) \ $$(if $$(filter $$(keyword)=%, $$(part)), \ $$(eval $(strip $1)_$$$$(keyword_eval) := $$$$(strip $$$$(patsubst $$$$(keyword_eval)=%, %, $$$$(part)))) \ $$(eval $1_NO_MATCH := ) \ ) \ ) \ $$(foreach keyword, $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS), \ $$(eval keyword_eval := $$(call DoubleDollar, $$(keyword))) \ $$(if $$(filter $$(keyword)=%, $$(part)), \ $$(eval $(strip $1)_$$$$(keyword_eval) := $$$$(strip $$$$(subst %20, , $$$$(patsubst $$$$(keyword_eval)=%, %, $$$$(part))))) \ $$(eval $1_NO_MATCH := ) \ ) \ ) \ $$(if $$($1_NO_MATCH), \ $$(if $$(filter $$(part), $$($1_KEYWORDS) $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS)), \ $$(info Keyword $$(part) for $1 needs to be assigned a value.) \ , \ $$(info $$(part) is not a valid keyword for $1.) \ $$(info Valid keywords: $$($1_KEYWORDS) $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS).) \ ) \ $$(error Cannot continue) \ ) \ ) endifendef################################################################################# ShellQuote## Quotes a string with single quotes and replaces single quotes with '\'' so# that the contents survives being given to the shell.ShellQuote = \ $(SQUOTE)$(subst $(SQUOTE),$(SQUOTE)\$(SQUOTE)$(SQUOTE),$(strip $1))$(SQUOTE)################################################################################# FixPath## On Windows, converts a path from cygwin/unix style (e.g. /bin/foo) into# "mixed mode" (e.g. c:/cygwin/bin/foo). On other platforms, return the path# unchanged.# This is normally not needed since we use the FIXPATH prefix for command lines,# but might be needed in certain circumstances.ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows) FixPath = \ $(shell $(CYGPATH) -m $1)else FixPath = \ $1endif################################################################################# Write to and read from file# Param 1 - File to readReadFile = \ $(shell $(CAT) $1)# Param 1 - Text to write# Param 2 - File to write toifeq ($(HAS_FILE_FUNCTION), true) WriteFile = \ $(file >$2,$(strip $1))else # Use printf to get consistent behavior on all platforms. WriteFile = \ $(shell $(PRINTF) "%s" $(call ShellQuote, $1) > $2)endif################################################################################# DependOnVariable## This macro takes a variable name and puts the value in a file only if the# value has changed since last. The name of the file is returned. This can be# used to create rule dependencies on make variable values. The following# example would get rebuilt if the value of SOME_VAR was changed:## path/to/some-file: $(call DependOnVariable, SOME_VAR)# echo $(SOME_VAR) > $@## Note that leading and trailing white space in the value is ignored.## Defines the sub directory structure to store variable value file inDependOnVariableDirName = \ $(strip $(addsuffix $(if $(MODULE),/$(MODULE)), \ $(subst $(SRC_ROOT)/,, $(if $(filter /%, $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))), \ $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)), \ $(CURDIR)/$(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))))# Defines the name of the file to store variable value in. Generates a name# unless parameter 2 is given.# Param 1 - Name of variable# Param 2 - (optional) name of file to store value inDependOnVariableFileName = \ $(strip $(if $(strip $2), $2, \ $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/vardeps/$(DependOnVariableDirName)/$(strip $1).vardeps))# Does the actual work with parameters stripped.# If the file exists AND the contents is the same as the variable, do nothing# else print a new file.# Always returns the name of the file where the value was printed.# Param 1 - Name of variable# Param 2 - (optional) name of file to store value inDependOnVariableHelper = \ $(strip \ $(eval -include $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2)) \ $(if $(call equals, $(strip $($1)), $(strip $($1_old))),,\ $(call MakeDir, $(dir $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2))) \ $(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL), trace), \ $(info NewVariable $1: >$(strip $($1))<) \ $(info OldVariable $1: >$(strip $($1_old))<)) \ $(call WriteFile, $1_old:=$(call DoubleDollar,$(call EscapeHash,$($1))), \ $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2))) \ $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2) \ )# Main macro# Param 1 - Name of variable# Param 2 - (optional) name of file to store value inDependOnVariable = \ $(call DependOnVariableHelper,$(strip $1),$(strip $2))# LogCmdlines is only intended to be used by ExecuteWithLogifeq ($(LOG_CMDLINES), true) LogCmdlines = $(info $(strip $1))else LogCmdlines =endif################################################################################# ExecuteWithLog will run a command and log the output appropriately. This is# meant to be used by commands that do "real" work, like a compilation.# The output is stored in a specified log file, which is displayed at the end# of the build in case of failure. The command line itself is stored in a file,# and also logged to stdout if the LOG=cmdlines option has been given.## NOTE: If the command redirects stdout, the caller needs to wrap it in a# subshell (by adding parentheses around it), otherwise the redirect to the# subshell tee process will create a race condition where the target file may# not be fully written when the make recipe is done.## Param 1 - The path to base the name of the log file / command line file on# Param 2 - The command to runExecuteWithLog = \ $(call LogCmdlines, Exececuting: [$(strip $2)]) \ $(call WriteFile, $2, $(strip $1).cmdline) \ ( $(strip $2) > >($(TEE) $(strip $1).log) 2> >($(TEE) $(strip $1).log >&2) || \ ( exitcode=$(DOLLAR)? && \ $(CP) $(strip $1).log $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs/$(subst /,_,$(patsubst $(BUILD_OUTPUT)/%,%,$(strip $1))).log && \ $(CP) $(strip $1).cmdline $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs/$(subst /,_,$(patsubst $(BUILD_OUTPUT)/%,%,$(strip $1))).cmdline && \ exit $(DOLLAR)exitcode ) )################################################################################# Find lib dir for module# Param 1 - module nameFindLibDirForModule = \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_libs/$(strip $1)################################################################################# Return a string suitable for use after a -classpath or --module-path option. It# will be correct and safe to use on all platforms. Arguments are given as space# separate classpath entries. Safe for multiple nested calls.# param 1 : A space separated list of classpath entries# The surrounding strip is needed to keep additional whitespace outPathList = \ "$(subst $(SPACE),$(PATH_SEP),$(strip $(subst $(DQUOTE),,$1)))"################################################################################# Check if a specified hotspot variant is being built, or at least one of a# list of variants. Will return 'true' or 'false'.# $1 - the variant to test forcheck-jvm-variant = \ $(strip \ $(if $(filter-out $(VALID_JVM_VARIANTS), $1), \ $(error Internal error: Invalid variant tested: $1)) \ $(if $(filter $1, $(JVM_VARIANTS)), true, false))################################################################################# Converts a space separated list to a comma separated list.## Replacing double-comma with a single comma is to workaround the issue with# some version of make on windows that doesn't substitute spaces with one comma# properly.CommaList = \ $(strip \ $(subst $(COMMA)$(COMMA),$(COMMA),$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $1))) \ )################################################################################# Converts a space separated list to a colon separated list.## Replacing double-colon with a single colon is to workaround the issue with# some version of make on windows that doesn't substitute spaces with one colon# properly.ColonList = \ $(strip \ $(subst ::,:,$(subst $(SPACE),:,$(strip $1))) \ )################################################################################# Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present.$(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, , common/MakeBase.gmk))endif # _MAKEBASE_GMK