author darcy
Thu, 07 Dec 2017 11:00:32 -0800
changeset 48209 5fb7750f22cd
parent 47217 72e3ae9a25eb
child 48667 f2344724a475
permissions -rw-r--r--
8193191: Update JavacTestingAbstractProcessor for JDK 10 Reviewed-by: jjg

<!-- importing.xml -->
<project name="jdk" basedir="..">

    <script language="javascript" classpath=".idea/classes">
        var JdkLogger = Java.type("idea.JdkIdeaAntLogger");
        new JdkLogger(project)

     <!-- java.marker is set to a marker file to check for within a Java install dir.
         The best file to check for across Solaris/Linux/Windows/MacOS is one of the
         executables; regrettably, that is OS-specific. -->
    <condition property="java.marker" value="bin/java">
        <os family="unix"/>
    <condition property="java.marker" value="bin/java.exe">
        <os family="windows"/>

    <target name="-check-jtreg.home" depends="-def-check">
        <check name="jtreg" property="jtreg.home" marker="lib/jtreg.jar"/>

    <property name="test.dir" value="${basedir}/jdk/test"/>

    <macrodef name="call-make">
            <attribute name="dir"/>
            <attribute name="args"/>
                <exec executable="make" dir="@{dir}" failonerror="true">
                    <arg line="@{args}"/>
                    <env key="CLASSPATH" value = ""/>

    <target name="cond-clean" unless="${intellij.ismake}">
        <antcall target="clean"/>

    <target name="post-make" depends="cond-clean, build-module"/>

        **** Global JDK Build Targets

    <target name="clean" depends="-do-configure">
        <echo message="base = ${basedir}"/>
        <call-make dir = "${}" args = "clean"/>

    <target name="-do-configure">
        <echo message="base = ${basedir}"/>
        <fail message="Not part of a full JDK forest">
                    <available file="${basedir}/configure" />
        <exec executable="sh" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true">
            <arg line="configure --with-boot-jdk=${}"/>

    <target name="images">
        <call-make dir = "${}" args = "images"/>

    <target name="jimages">
        <call-make dir = "${}" args = "jimages"/>

    <target name="check-env">
        <exec executable="env" dir="${basedir}"/>

    <target name="build-module">
        <call-make dir = "${}" args = "${}"/>

    <target name="" depends="-def-check">
        <check name="bootstrap java" property="" marker="${java.marker}"/>

    <target name="-def-check">
        <macrodef name="check">
            <attribute name="name"/>
            <attribute name="property"/>
            <attribute name="marker" default=""/>
                <fail message="Cannot locate @{name}: please set @{property} to its location">
                            <isset property="@{property}"/>
                <fail message="@{name} is not installed in ${@{property}}">
                                <equals arg1="@{marker}" arg2=""/>
                                <available file="${@{property}}/@{marker}"/>