8005922: TEST_BUG: There is no /tmp directory for windows system.
Reviewed-by: weijun
<applet width=100 height=100 code=UpdatePermissions.class>
This is a multi-stage test. Click on "done" when you have completed
reading these instructions.<br><br>
First, policytool will be invoked.<br><br>
Then, follow these steps:<br>
0) If testing on Windows, create a temporary directory.
(Example: C:\foo\tmp)<br><br>
1) Click on the "Add Policy Entry" button in the
main policytool window.<br><br>
2) Click on the "Add Permission" button in the Policy Entry window.<br><br>
3) In the Permission window, pull down the "Permission" menu and
select "AWTPermission".<br><br>
4) In the Permission window, pull down the "Target Name" menu and
select "listenToAllAWTEvents".<br><br>
5) Click on the "OK" button in the Permission window.<br><br>
6) Click on the "Done" button in the Policy Entry window.<br><br>
7) In the main policytool window, pull down the "File" menu and
select "Save As".<br><br>
8) In the SaveAs window, enter "/tmp/ptool.test" as the file name
and click "OK".<br>
If testing on Windows, use the temporary directory created in Step 0.
(Example: Save as "C:\foo\tmp\ptool.test")<br><br>
9) cat /tmp/ptool.test<br>
If testing on Windows, check the contents of the file created in the previous
10) check to make sure that the new entry is in the policy file.<br><br>
11) repeat steps 1-10 for:<br>
AWTPermission: readDisplayPixels<br>
NetPermission: specifyStreamHandler<br>
RuntimePermission: setContextClassLoader,
SecurityPermission: createAccessControlContext<br><br>
In the confirmation dialog pop-up, click "OK".<br><br>
Exit policytool. If testing on Windows, delete the temporary directory and its
contents created during this test.<br><br>
Press "Pass" if ... press "Fail" otherwise.<br><br>