7096936: issue in jsse/runtime
7096937: TEST: com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/GenSSLConfigs/main.java need modification as a result of TLS fix
Reviewed-by: wetmore, jdn, xuelei
## Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.### Makefile for building and packaging all of the JDK and the JRE. See# also included files.#BUILDDIR=.include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Defs.gmk## Make sure we are clear what the default target is#default_target: all## Check target#check: variable_check## Help target#help: intro_help target_help variable_help notes_help examples_help# Intro help messageintro_help: @$(ECHO) "\Makefile for the main JDK workspace. \n\Default behavior is to use the BOOTDIR javac to bootstrap the build and \n\import in pre-built components like the VM from the JDK_IMPORT_PATH. \n\"# Target helptarget_help: @$(ECHO) "\--- Common Targets --- \n\all -- build the core JDK (default target) \n\help -- Print out help information \n\check -- Check make variable values for correctness \n\sanity -- Perform detailed sanity checks on system and settings \n\openjdk -- synonym for 'OPENJDK=true all' \n\fastdebug -- build the core JDK in 'fastdebug' mode (-g -O) \n\debug -- build the core JDK in 'debug' mode (-g) \n\clean -- remove all built and imported files \n\clobber -- same as clean \n\docs -- run javadoc to generate the JDK documentation \n\images -- build the jdk and jre image directories \n\import -- copy in the pre-built components (e.g. VM) \n\import_product -- copy in the product components \n\import_fastdebug -- copy in the fastdebug components \n\import_debug -- copy in the debug components \n\create_links -- create softlinks in Solaris 32bit build to 64bit dirs \n\"# Variable help (only common ones used by this workspace)variable_help: variable_help_intro variable_list variable_help_endvariable_help_intro: @$(ECHO) "--- Common Variables ---"variable_help_end: @$(ECHO) " "# One line descriptions for the variablesOUTPUTDIR.desc = Output directoryPARALLEL_COMPILE_JOBS.desc = Solaris/Linux parallel compile run countSLASH_JAVA.desc = Root of all build tools, e.g. /java or J:BOOTDIR.desc = JDK used to boot the buildLANGTOOLS_DIST.desc = langtools dist area used to buildCORBA_DIST.desc = corba dist areaJAXP_DIST.desc = jaxp dist areaJAXWS_DIST.desc = jaxws dist areaJDK_IMPORT_PATH.desc = JDK used to import components of the buildCOMPILER_PATH.desc = Compiler install directoryCACERTS_FILE.desc = Location of certificates fileDEVTOOLS_PATH.desc = Directory containing zip and unzipCUPS_HEADERS_PATH.desc = Include directory location for CUPS header filesDXSDK_PATH.desc = Root directory of DirectX SDK# Make variables to print out (description and value)VARIABLE_PRINTVAL_LIST += \ OUTPUTDIR \ PARALLEL_COMPILE_JOBS \ SLASH_JAVA \ BOOTDIR \ LANGTOOLS_DIST \ JAXWS_DIST \ CORBA_DIST \ JAXP_DIST \ JDK_IMPORT_PATH \ COMPILER_PATH \ CACERTS_FILE \ DEVTOOLS_PATH# Make variables that should refer to directories that existVARIABLE_CHECKDIR_LIST += \ SLASH_JAVA \ BOOTDIR \ JDK_IMPORT_PATH \ COMPILER_PATH \ DEVTOOLS_PATH# Make variables that should refer to files that existVARIABLE_CHECKFIL_LIST += \ CACERTS_FILE# Some are windows specificifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)VARIABLE_PRINTVAL_LIST += \ DXSDK_PATHVARIABLE_CHECKDIR_LIST += \ DXSDK_PATHendif# For pattern rules below, so all are treated the sameDO_PRINTVAL_LIST=$(VARIABLE_PRINTVAL_LIST:%=%.printval)DO_CHECKDIR_LIST=$(VARIABLE_CHECKDIR_LIST:%=%.checkdir)DO_CHECKFIL_LIST=$(VARIABLE_CHECKFIL_LIST:%=%.checkfil)# Complete variable checkvariable_check: $(DO_CHECKDIR_LIST) $(DO_CHECKFIL_LIST)variable_list: $(DO_PRINTVAL_LIST) variable_check# Pattern rule for printing out a variable%.printval: @$(ECHO) " ALT_$* - $($*.desc)" @$(ECHO) " \t $*=$($*)"# Pattern rule for checking to see if a variable with a directory exists%.checkdir: @if [ ! -d $($*) ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "WARNING: $* does not exist, try $(MAKE) sanity"; \ fi# Pattern rule for checking to see if a variable with a file exists%.checkfil: @if [ ! -f $($*) ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "WARNING: $* does not exist, try $(MAKE) sanity"; \ fi# Misc notes on helpnotes_help: @$(ECHO) "\--- Notes --- \n\- All builds use same output directory unless overridden with \n\ \t ALT_OUTPUTDIR=<dir>, changing from product to fastdebug you may want \n\ \t to use the clean target first. \n\- LANGTOOLS_DIST must refer to a langtools dist area, used to build. \n\- CORBA_DIST must refer to a corba dist area. \n\- JAXP_DIST must refer to a jaxp dist area. \n\- JAXWS_DIST must refer to a jaxws dist area. \n\- JDK_IMPORT_PATH must refer to a compatible build, not all past promoted \n\ \t builds or previous release JDK builds will work. \n\- The 'debug' target and 'import_debug' only works when a debug promoted \n\ \t build is available, and they currently are not. \n\- The fastest builds have been when the workspace and the BOOTDIR are on \n\ \t local disk. \n\"examples_help: @$(ECHO) "\--- Examples --- \n\ $(MAKE) fastdebug \n\ $(MAKE) ALT_OUTPUTDIR=/tmp/foobar all \n\ $(MAKE) ALT_OUTPUTDIR=/tmp/foobar fastdebug images \n\ $(MAKE) ALT_OUTPUTDIR=/tmp/foobar all docs images \n\ $(MAKE) ALT_BOOTDIR=/opt/java/jdk1.6.0 \n\ $(MAKE) ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/java/jdk1.7.0 \n\"## 'all' target intro#all:: @$(ECHO) $(PLATFORM) $(ARCH) $(RELEASE) build started: $(shell $(DATE) '+%y-%m-%d %H:%M')# Just in case anyone uses this old name, same as 'build'optimized: buildopenjdk: $(MAKE) OPENJDK=true all## Special debug rules (You may also want to set ALT_OUTPUTDIR)#debug: $(MAKE) VARIANT=DBG allfastdebug: $(MAKE) VARIANT=DBG FASTDEBUG=true all## Rules to re-import VM and other JDK files#import: $(CD) java/redist; $(MAKE) clean allimport_fastdebug: $(MAKE) VARIANT=DBG FASTDEBUG=true importimport_product: $(MAKE) VARIANT=OPT FASTDEBUG=false import## Core.#all build:: sanity-all post-sanity-allSUBDIRS = tools java javax sun comSUBDIRS_tools = launchersSUBDIRS_misc = org sunw jpda mkdemo mksample# Alternate classes implementationifndef OPENJDK SUBDIRS_misc += altclassesendifinclude $(BUILDDIR)/common/Subdirs.gmkall build:: $(SUBDIRS-loop)clean clobber:: $(RM) -r $(OUTPUTDIR)## Docs#OTHERSUBDIRS = docsdocs:: sanity-docs post-sanity-docs $(OTHERSUBDIRS-loop)## Release engineering targets.#include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Release.gmk## Cscope targets.#include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Cscope.gmk## Sanity checks.#include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Sanity.gmk$(OUTPUTDIR) $(TEMPDIR): $(MKDIR) -p $@# this should be the last rule in this file:all:: @if [ -r $(WARNING_FILE) ]; then \ $(CAT) $(WARNING_FILE) ; \ fi @$(ECHO) $(PLATFORM) $(ARCH) $(RELEASE) build finished: $(shell $(DATE) '+%y-%m-%d %H:%M')## Developer rule that links 32 and 64 bit builds on Solaris by creating# softlinks in the 32bit outputdir to the 64bit outputdir.#ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris) ifeq ($(ARCH_FAMILY), sparc) ARCH32 = sparc ARCH64 = sparcv9 else ARCH32 = i586 ARCH64 = amd64 endif OUTPUTDIR32 = $(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)/../$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH32) OUTPUTDIR64 = $(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)/../$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH64)endifcreate_links:ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris) @if [ -d $(OUTPUTDIR32) -a -d $(OUTPUTDIR64) ] ; then \ dirlist=`($(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR64); $(FIND) . -name $(ARCH64))`; \ for sd in $$dirlist ; do \ pdir=`$(DIRNAME) $$sd`; \ if [ -d $(OUTPUTDIR32)/$$pdir ] ; then \ echo "Creating link for $$sd"; \ (cd $(OUTPUTDIR32)/$$pdir; $(RM) $(ARCH64); \ $(LN) -s $(OUTPUTDIR64)/$$sd ); \ fi; \ done; \ else \ $(ECHO) "Build both 32 and 64 bit versions first"; \ fielse $(ECHO) "Rule $@ does not apply on $(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)"endif## Test rule#.NOTPARALLEL: test_runtest: $(MAKE) test_runtest_run: test_clean test_start test_summarytest_start: @$(ECHO) "Tests started at `$(DATE)`"test_clean: $(RM) $(OUTPUTDIR)/test_failures.txt $(OUTPUTDIR)/test_log.txttest_summary: $(OUTPUTDIR)/test_failures.txt @$(ECHO) "#################################################" @$(ECHO) "Tests completed at `$(DATE)`" @( $(EGREP) '^TEST STATS:' $(OUTPUTDIR)/test_log.txt \ || $(ECHO) "No TEST STATS seen in log" ) @$(ECHO) "For complete details see: $(OUTPUTDIR)/test_log.txt" @$(ECHO) "#################################################" @if [ -s $< ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: Test failure count: `$(CAT) $< | $(WC) -l`"; \ $(CAT) $<; \ exit 1; \ else \ $(ECHO) "Success! No failures detected"; \ fi# Get failure list from log$(OUTPUTDIR)/test_failures.txt: $(OUTPUTDIR)/test_log.txt @$(RM) $@ @( $(EGREP) '^FAILED:' $< || $(ECHO) "" ) | $(NAWK) 'length>0' > $@# Get log file of all tests runJDK_TO_TEST := $(shell \ if [ -d "$(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)/j2sdk-image" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "$(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)/j2sdk-image"; \ elif [ -d "$(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)/bin" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "$(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)"; \ elif [ "$(PRODUCT_HOME)" != "" -a -d "$(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "$(PRODUCT_HOME)"; \ fi \)TEST_TARGETS=jdk_all$(OUTPUTDIR)/test_log.txt: $(RM) $@ ( $(CD) ../test && \ $(MAKE) NO_STOPPING=- PRODUCT_HOME=$(JDK_TO_TEST) $(TEST_TARGETS) \ ) | tee $@## JPRT rules#include jprt.gmk## Phonies to avoid accidents.#.PHONY: all build clean clobber optimized debug fastdebug create_links \ import import_product import_fastdebug import_debug \ test test_run test_start test_clean test_summary