author dl
Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:54:28 +0200
changeset 26448 5853628b0e63
parent 21743 3d979da7bdf0
child 31876 91b22707521a
permissions -rw-r--r--
8056248: Improve ForkJoin thread throttling Reviewed-by: psandoz, martin

'\" t
.\"  Copyright (c) 1994, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
.\" This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
.\" under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation.
.\" This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
.\" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
.\" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
.\" version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
.\" accompanied this code).
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
.\" 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
.\" Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
.\" Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
.\" or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
.\" questions.
.\"     Arch: generic
.\"     Software: JDK 8
.\"     Date: 21 November 2013
.\"     SectDesc: Basic Tools
.\"     Title: javap.1
.if n .pl 99999
.TH javap 1 "21 November 2013" "JDK 8" "Basic Tools"
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" * Define some portability stuff
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" * set default formatting
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" disable hyphenation
.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
.ad l
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------

.SH NAME    
javap \- Disassembles one or more class files\&.

\fBjavap\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fIclassfile\fR\&.\&.\&.
The command-line options\&. See Options\&.
One or more classes separated by spaces to be processed for annotations such as DocFooter\&.class\&. You can specify a class that can be found in the class path, by its file name or with a URL such as \f3file:///home/user/myproject/src/DocFooter\&.class\fR\&.
The \f3javap\fR command disassembles one or more class files\&. The output depends on the options used\&. When no options are used, then the \f3javap\fR command prints the package, protected and public fields, and methods of the classes passed to it\&. The \f3javap\fR command prints its output to \f3stdout\fR\&.
-help, --help, -?
Prints a help message for the \f3javap\fR command\&.
Prints release information\&.
Prints line and local variable tables\&.
Shows only public classes and members\&.
Shows only protected and public classes and members\&.
-private, -p
Shows all classes and members\&.
Passes the specified option to the JVM\&. For example:
\f3javap \-J\-version\fP
\f3javap \-J\-Djava\&.security\&.manager \-J\-Djava\&.security\&.policy=MyPolicy MyClassName\fP

For more information about JVM options, see the \f3java(1)\fR command documentation\&.
Prints internal type signatures\&.
Shows system information (path, size, date, MD5 hash) of the class being processed\&.
Shows \f3static final\fR constants\&.
Prints disassembled code, for example, the instructions that comprise the Java bytecodes, for each of the methods in the class\&.
Prints stack size, number of locals and arguments for methods\&.
-classpath \fIpath\fR
Specifies the path the \f3javap\fR command uses to look up classes\&. Overrides the default or the \f3CLASSPATH\fR environment variable when it is set\&.
-bootclasspath \fIpath\fR
Specifies the path from which to load bootstrap classes\&. By default, the bootstrap classes are the classes that implement the core Java platform located in \f3jre/lib/rt\&.jar\fR and several other JAR files\&.
-extdir \fIdirs\fR
Overrides the location at which installed extensions are searched for\&. The default location for extensions is the value of \f3java\&.ext\&.dirs\fR\&.
Compile the following \f3DocFooter\fR class:
\f3import java\&.awt\&.*;\fP
\f3import java\&.applet\&.*;\fP
\f3public class DocFooter extends Applet {\fP
\f3        String date;\fP
\f3        String email;\fP
\f3        public void init() {\fP
\f3                resize(500,100);\fP
\f3                date = getParameter("LAST_UPDATED");\fP
\f3                email = getParameter("EMAIL");\fP
\f3        }\fP
\f3        public void paint(Graphics g) {\fP
\f3                g\&.drawString(date + " by ",100, 15);\fP
\f3                g\&.drawString(email,290,15);\fP
\f3        }\fP
The output from the \f3javap DocFooter\&.class\fR command yields the following:
\f3Compiled from "DocFooter\&.java"\fP
\f3public class DocFooter extends java\&.applet\&.Applet {\fP
\f3  java\&.lang\&.String date;\fP
\f3  java\&.lang\&.String email;\fP
\f3  public DocFooter();\fP
\f3  public void init();\fP
\f3  public void paint(java\&.awt\&.Graphics);\fP
The output from \f3javap -c DocFooter\&.class\fR command yields the following:
\f3Compiled from "DocFooter\&.java"\fP
\f3public class DocFooter extends java\&.applet\&.Applet {\fP
\f3  java\&.lang\&.String date;\fP
\f3  java\&.lang\&.String email;\fP
\f3  public DocFooter();\fP
\f3    Code:\fP
\f3       0: aload_0       \fP
\f3       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method\fP
\f3       4: return        \fP
\f3  public void init();\fP
\f3    Code:\fP
\f3       0: aload_0       \fP
\f3       1: sipush        500\fP
\f3       4: bipush        100\fP
\f3       6: invokevirtual #2                  // Method resize:(II)V\fP
\f3       9: aload_0       \fP
\f3      10: aload_0       \fP
\f3      11: ldc           #3                  // String LAST_UPDATED\fP
\f3      13: invokevirtual #4                  // Method\fP
\f3 getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      16: putfield      #5                  // Field date:Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      19: aload_0       \fP
\f3      20: aload_0       \fP
\f3      21: ldc           #6                  // String EMAIL\fP
\f3      23: invokevirtual #4                  // Method\fP
\f3 getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      26: putfield      #7                  // Field email:Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      29: return        \fP
\f3  public void paint(java\&.awt\&.Graphics);\fP
\f3    Code:\fP
\f3       0: aload_1       \fP
\f3       1: new           #8                  // class java/lang/StringBuilder\fP
\f3       4: dup           \fP
\f3       5: invokespecial #9                  // Method\fP
\f3 java/lang/StringBuilder\&."<init>":()V\fP
\f3       8: aload_0       \fP
\f3       9: getfield      #5                  // Field date:Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      12: invokevirtual #10                 // Method\fP
\f3 java/lang/StringBuilder\&.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;\fP
\f3      15: ldc           #11                 // String  by \fP
\f3      17: invokevirtual #10                 // Method\fP
\f3 java/lang/StringBuilder\&.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;\fP
\f3      20: invokevirtual #12                 // Method\fP
\f3 java/lang/StringBuilder\&.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      23: bipush        100\fP
\f3      25: bipush        15\fP
\f3      27: invokevirtual #13                 // Method\fP
\f3 java/awt/Graphics\&.drawString:(Ljava/lang/String;II)V\fP
\f3      30: aload_1       \fP
\f3      31: aload_0       \fP
\f3      32: getfield      #7                  // Field email:Ljava/lang/String;\fP
\f3      35: sipush        290\fP
\f3      38: bipush        15\fP
\f3      40: invokevirtual #13                 // Method\fP
\f3      43: return        \fP
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.TP 0.2i    
.TP 0.2i    
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