* Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
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* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
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package com.sun.media.sound;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A chorus effect made using LFO and variable delay. One for each channel
* (left,right), with different starting phase for stereo effect.
* @author Karl Helgason
public class SoftChorus implements SoftAudioProcessor {
private static class VariableDelay {
private float[] delaybuffer;
private int rovepos = 0;
private float gain = 1;
private float rgain = 0;
private float delay = 0;
private float lastdelay = 0;
private float feedback = 0;
public VariableDelay(int maxbuffersize) {
delaybuffer = new float[maxbuffersize];
public void setDelay(float delay) {
this.delay = delay;
public void setFeedBack(float feedback) {
this.feedback = feedback;
public void setGain(float gain) {
this.gain = gain;
public void setReverbSendGain(float rgain) {
this.rgain = rgain;
public void processMix(float[] in, float[] out, float[] rout) {
float gain = this.gain;
float delay = this.delay;
float feedback = this.feedback;
float[] delaybuffer = this.delaybuffer;
int len = in.length;
float delaydelta = (delay - lastdelay) / len;
int rnlen = delaybuffer.length;
int rovepos = this.rovepos;
if (rout == null)
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
float r = rovepos - (lastdelay + 2) + rnlen;
int ri = (int) r;
float s = r - ri;
float a = delaybuffer[ri % rnlen];
float b = delaybuffer[(ri + 1) % rnlen];
float o = a * (1 - s) + b * (s);
out[i] += o * gain;
delaybuffer[rovepos] = in[i] + o * feedback;
rovepos = (rovepos + 1) % rnlen;
lastdelay += delaydelta;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
float r = rovepos - (lastdelay + 2) + rnlen;
int ri = (int) r;
float s = r - ri;
float a = delaybuffer[ri % rnlen];
float b = delaybuffer[(ri + 1) % rnlen];
float o = a * (1 - s) + b * (s);
out[i] += o * gain;
rout[i] += o * rgain;
delaybuffer[rovepos] = in[i] + o * feedback;
rovepos = (rovepos + 1) % rnlen;
lastdelay += delaydelta;
this.rovepos = rovepos;
lastdelay = delay;
public void processReplace(float[] in, float[] out, float[] rout) {
Arrays.fill(out, 0);
Arrays.fill(rout, 0);
processMix(in, out, rout);
private static class LFODelay {
private double phase = 1;
private double phase_step = 0;
private double depth = 0;
private VariableDelay vdelay;
private double samplerate;
private double controlrate;
public LFODelay(double samplerate, double controlrate) {
this.samplerate = samplerate;
this.controlrate = controlrate;
// vdelay = new VariableDelay((int)(samplerate*4));
vdelay = new VariableDelay((int) ((this.depth + 10) * 2));
public void setDepth(double depth) {
this.depth = depth * samplerate;
vdelay = new VariableDelay((int) ((this.depth + 10) * 2));
public void setRate(double rate) {
double g = (Math.PI * 2) * (rate / controlrate);
phase_step = g;
public void setPhase(double phase) {
this.phase = phase;
public void setFeedBack(float feedback) {
public void setGain(float gain) {
public void setReverbSendGain(float rgain) {
public void processMix(float[] in, float[] out, float[] rout) {
phase += phase_step;
while(phase > (Math.PI * 2)) phase -= (Math.PI * 2);
vdelay.setDelay((float) (depth * 0.5 * (Math.cos(phase) + 2)));
vdelay.processMix(in, out, rout);
public void processReplace(float[] in, float[] out, float[] rout) {
phase += phase_step;
while(phase > (Math.PI * 2)) phase -= (Math.PI * 2);
vdelay.setDelay((float) (depth * 0.5 * (Math.cos(phase) + 2)));
vdelay.processReplace(in, out, rout);
private boolean mix = true;
private SoftAudioBuffer inputA;
private SoftAudioBuffer left;
private SoftAudioBuffer right;
private SoftAudioBuffer reverb;
private LFODelay vdelay1L;
private LFODelay vdelay1R;
private float rgain = 0;
private boolean dirty = true;
private double dirty_vdelay1L_rate;
private double dirty_vdelay1R_rate;
private double dirty_vdelay1L_depth;
private double dirty_vdelay1R_depth;
private float dirty_vdelay1L_feedback;
private float dirty_vdelay1R_feedback;
private float dirty_vdelay1L_reverbsendgain;
private float dirty_vdelay1R_reverbsendgain;
private float controlrate;
public void init(float samplerate, float controlrate) {
this.controlrate = controlrate;
vdelay1L = new LFODelay(samplerate, controlrate);
vdelay1R = new LFODelay(samplerate, controlrate);
vdelay1L.setGain(1.0f); // %
vdelay1R.setGain(1.0f); // %
vdelay1L.setPhase(0.5 * Math.PI);
globalParameterControlChange(new int[]{0x01 * 128 + 0x02}, 0, 2);
public void globalParameterControlChange(int[] slothpath, long param,
long value) {
if (slothpath.length == 1) {
if (slothpath[0] == 0x01 * 128 + 0x02) {
if (param == 0) { // Chorus Type
switch ((int)value) {
case 0: // Chorus 1 0 (0%) 3 (0.4Hz) 5 (1.9ms) 0 (0%)
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 3, 0);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 1, 3);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 2, 5);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 4, 0);
case 1: // Chorus 2 5 (4%) 9 (1.1Hz) 19 (6.3ms) 0 (0%)
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 3, 5);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 1, 9);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 2, 19);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 4, 0);
case 2: // Chorus 3 8 (6%) 3 (0.4Hz) 19 (6.3ms) 0 (0%)
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 3, 8);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 1, 3);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 2, 19);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 4, 0);
case 3: // Chorus 4 16 (12%) 9 (1.1Hz) 16 (5.3ms) 0 (0%)
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 3, 16);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 1, 9);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 2, 16);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 4, 0);
case 4: // FB Chorus 64 (49%) 2 (0.2Hz) 24 (7.8ms) 0 (0%)
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 3, 64);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 1, 2);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 2, 24);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 4, 0);
case 5: // Flanger 112 (86%) 1 (0.1Hz) 5 (1.9ms) 0 (0%)
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 3, 112);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 1, 1);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 2, 5);
globalParameterControlChange(slothpath, 4, 0);
} else if (param == 1) { // Mod Rate
dirty_vdelay1L_rate = (value * 0.122);
dirty_vdelay1R_rate = (value * 0.122);
dirty = true;
} else if (param == 2) { // Mod Depth
dirty_vdelay1L_depth = ((value + 1) / 3200.0);
dirty_vdelay1R_depth = ((value + 1) / 3200.0);
dirty = true;
} else if (param == 3) { // Feedback
dirty_vdelay1L_feedback = (value * 0.00763f);
dirty_vdelay1R_feedback = (value * 0.00763f);
dirty = true;
if (param == 4) { // Send to Reverb
rgain = value * 0.00787f;
dirty_vdelay1L_reverbsendgain = (value * 0.00787f);
dirty_vdelay1R_reverbsendgain = (value * 0.00787f);
dirty = true;
public void processControlLogic() {
if (dirty) {
dirty = false;
double silentcounter = 1000;
public void processAudio() {
if (inputA.isSilent()) {
silentcounter += 1 / controlrate;
if (silentcounter > 1) {
if (!mix) {
} else
silentcounter = 0;
float[] inputA = this.inputA.array();
float[] left = this.left.array();
float[] right = this.right == null ? null : this.right.array();
float[] reverb = rgain != 0 ? this.reverb.array() : null;
if (mix) {
vdelay1L.processMix(inputA, left, reverb);
if (right != null)
vdelay1R.processMix(inputA, right, reverb);
} else {
vdelay1L.processReplace(inputA, left, reverb);
if (right != null)
vdelay1R.processReplace(inputA, right, reverb);
public void setInput(int pin, SoftAudioBuffer input) {
if (pin == 0)
inputA = input;
public void setMixMode(boolean mix) {
this.mix = mix;
public void setOutput(int pin, SoftAudioBuffer output) {
if (pin == 0)
left = output;
if (pin == 1)
right = output;
if (pin == 2)
reverb = output;