* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
* CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
* have any questions.
package com.sun.media.sound;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding;
import javax.sound.sampled.spi.FormatConversionProvider;
* This class is used to convert between 8,16,24,32 bit signed/unsigned
* big/litle endian fixed/floating stereo/mono/multi-channel audio streams and
* perform sample-rate conversion if needed.
* @author Karl Helgason
public class AudioFloatFormatConverter extends FormatConversionProvider {
private static class AudioFloatFormatConverterInputStream extends
InputStream {
private AudioFloatConverter converter;
private AudioFloatInputStream stream;
private float[] readfloatbuffer;
private int fsize = 0;
public AudioFloatFormatConverterInputStream(AudioFormat targetFormat,
AudioFloatInputStream stream) {
this.stream = stream;
converter = AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(targetFormat);
fsize = ((targetFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() + 7) / 8);
public int read() throws IOException {
byte[] b = new byte[1];
int ret = read(b);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return b[0] & 0xFF;
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int flen = len / fsize;
if (readfloatbuffer == null || readfloatbuffer.length < flen)
readfloatbuffer = new float[flen];
int ret = stream.read(readfloatbuffer, 0, flen);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
converter.toByteArray(readfloatbuffer, 0, ret, b, off);
return ret * fsize;
public int available() throws IOException {
int ret = stream.available();
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return ret * fsize;
public void close() throws IOException {
public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
stream.mark(readlimit * fsize);
public boolean markSupported() {
return stream.markSupported();
public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
long ret = stream.skip(n / fsize);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return ret * fsize;
private static class AudioFloatInputStreamChannelMixer extends
AudioFloatInputStream {
private int targetChannels;
private int sourceChannels;
private AudioFloatInputStream ais;
private AudioFormat targetFormat;
private float[] conversion_buffer;
public AudioFloatInputStreamChannelMixer(AudioFloatInputStream ais,
int targetChannels) {
this.sourceChannels = ais.getFormat().getChannels();
this.targetChannels = targetChannels;
this.ais = ais;
AudioFormat format = ais.getFormat();
targetFormat = new AudioFormat(format.getEncoding(), format
.getSampleRate(), format.getSampleSizeInBits(),
targetChannels, (format.getFrameSize() / sourceChannels)
* targetChannels, format.getFrameRate(), format
public int available() throws IOException {
return (ais.available() / sourceChannels) * targetChannels;
public void close() throws IOException {
public AudioFormat getFormat() {
return targetFormat;
public long getFrameLength() {
return ais.getFrameLength();
public void mark(int readlimit) {
ais.mark((readlimit / targetChannels) * sourceChannels);
public boolean markSupported() {
return ais.markSupported();
public int read(float[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int len2 = (len / targetChannels) * sourceChannels;
if (conversion_buffer == null || conversion_buffer.length < len2)
conversion_buffer = new float[len2];
int ret = ais.read(conversion_buffer, 0, len2);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
if (sourceChannels == 1) {
int cs = targetChannels;
for (int c = 0; c < targetChannels; c++) {
for (int i = 0, ix = off + c; i < len2; i++, ix += cs) {
b[ix] = conversion_buffer[i];
} else if (targetChannels == 1) {
int cs = sourceChannels;
for (int i = 0, ix = off; i < len2; i += cs, ix++) {
b[ix] = conversion_buffer[i];
for (int c = 1; c < sourceChannels; c++) {
for (int i = c, ix = off; i < len2; i += cs, ix++) {
b[ix] += conversion_buffer[i];
float vol = 1f / ((float) sourceChannels);
for (int i = 0, ix = off; i < len2; i += cs, ix++) {
b[ix] *= vol;
} else {
int minChannels = Math.min(sourceChannels, targetChannels);
int off_len = off + len;
int ct = targetChannels;
int cs = sourceChannels;
for (int c = 0; c < minChannels; c++) {
for (int i = off + c, ix = c; i < off_len; i += ct, ix += cs) {
b[i] = conversion_buffer[ix];
for (int c = minChannels; c < targetChannels; c++) {
for (int i = off + c; i < off_len; i += ct) {
b[i] = 0;
return (ret / sourceChannels) * targetChannels;
public void reset() throws IOException {
public long skip(long len) throws IOException {
long ret = ais.skip((len / targetChannels) * sourceChannels);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return (ret / sourceChannels) * targetChannels;
private static class AudioFloatInputStreamResampler extends
AudioFloatInputStream {
private AudioFloatInputStream ais;
private AudioFormat targetFormat;
private float[] skipbuffer;
private SoftAbstractResampler resampler;
private float[] pitch = new float[1];
private float[] ibuffer2;
private float[][] ibuffer;
private float ibuffer_index = 0;
private int ibuffer_len = 0;
private int nrofchannels = 0;
private float[][] cbuffer;
private int buffer_len = 512;
private int pad;
private int pad2;
private float[] ix = new float[1];
private int[] ox = new int[1];
private float[][] mark_ibuffer = null;
private float mark_ibuffer_index = 0;
private int mark_ibuffer_len = 0;
public AudioFloatInputStreamResampler(AudioFloatInputStream ais,
AudioFormat format) {
this.ais = ais;
AudioFormat sourceFormat = ais.getFormat();
targetFormat = new AudioFormat(sourceFormat.getEncoding(), format
.getSampleRate(), sourceFormat.getSampleSizeInBits(),
sourceFormat.getChannels(), sourceFormat.getFrameSize(),
format.getSampleRate(), sourceFormat.isBigEndian());
nrofchannels = targetFormat.getChannels();
Object interpolation = format.getProperty("interpolation");
if (interpolation != null && (interpolation instanceof String)) {
String resamplerType = (String) interpolation;
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("point"))
this.resampler = new SoftPointResampler();
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear"))
this.resampler = new SoftLinearResampler2();
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear1"))
this.resampler = new SoftLinearResampler();
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear2"))
this.resampler = new SoftLinearResampler2();
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("cubic"))
this.resampler = new SoftCubicResampler();
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("lanczos"))
this.resampler = new SoftLanczosResampler();
if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("sinc"))
this.resampler = new SoftSincResampler();
if (resampler == null)
resampler = new SoftLinearResampler2(); // new
// SoftLinearResampler2();
pitch[0] = sourceFormat.getSampleRate() / format.getSampleRate();
pad = resampler.getPadding();
pad2 = pad * 2;
ibuffer = new float[nrofchannels][buffer_len + pad2];
ibuffer2 = new float[nrofchannels * buffer_len];
ibuffer_index = buffer_len + pad;
ibuffer_len = buffer_len;
public int available() throws IOException {
return 0;
public void close() throws IOException {
public AudioFormat getFormat() {
return targetFormat;
public long getFrameLength() {
return AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED; // ais.getFrameLength();
public void mark(int readlimit) {
ais.mark((int) (readlimit * pitch[0]));
mark_ibuffer_index = ibuffer_index;
mark_ibuffer_len = ibuffer_len;
if (mark_ibuffer == null) {
mark_ibuffer = new float[ibuffer.length][ibuffer[0].length];
for (int c = 0; c < ibuffer.length; c++) {
float[] from = ibuffer[c];
float[] to = mark_ibuffer[c];
for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {
to[i] = from[i];
public boolean markSupported() {
return ais.markSupported();
private void readNextBuffer() throws IOException {
if (ibuffer_len == -1)
for (int c = 0; c < nrofchannels; c++) {
float[] buff = ibuffer[c];
int buffer_len_pad = ibuffer_len + pad2;
for (int i = ibuffer_len, ix = 0; i < buffer_len_pad; i++, ix++) {
buff[ix] = buff[i];
ibuffer_index -= (ibuffer_len);
ibuffer_len = ais.read(ibuffer2);
if (ibuffer_len >= 0) {
while (ibuffer_len < ibuffer2.length) {
int ret = ais.read(ibuffer2, ibuffer_len, ibuffer2.length
- ibuffer_len);
if (ret == -1)
ibuffer_len += ret;
Arrays.fill(ibuffer2, ibuffer_len, ibuffer2.length, 0);
ibuffer_len /= nrofchannels;
} else {
Arrays.fill(ibuffer2, 0, ibuffer2.length, 0);
int ibuffer2_len = ibuffer2.length;
for (int c = 0; c < nrofchannels; c++) {
float[] buff = ibuffer[c];
for (int i = c, ix = pad2; i < ibuffer2_len; i += nrofchannels, ix++) {
buff[ix] = ibuffer2[i];
public int read(float[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (cbuffer == null || cbuffer[0].length < len / nrofchannels) {
cbuffer = new float[nrofchannels][len / nrofchannels];
if (ibuffer_len == -1)
return -1;
if (len < 0)
return 0;
int remain = len / nrofchannels;
int destPos = 0;
int in_end = ibuffer_len;
while (remain > 0) {
if (ibuffer_len >= 0) {
if (ibuffer_index >= (ibuffer_len + pad))
in_end = ibuffer_len + pad;
if (ibuffer_len < 0) {
in_end = pad2;
if (ibuffer_index >= in_end)
if (ibuffer_index < 0)
int preDestPos = destPos;
for (int c = 0; c < nrofchannels; c++) {
ix[0] = ibuffer_index;
ox[0] = destPos;
float[] buff = ibuffer[c];
resampler.interpolate(buff, ix, in_end, pitch, 0,
cbuffer[c], ox, len / nrofchannels);
ibuffer_index = ix[0];
destPos = ox[0];
remain -= destPos - preDestPos;
for (int c = 0; c < nrofchannels; c++) {
int ix = 0;
float[] buff = cbuffer[c];
for (int i = c; i < b.length; i += nrofchannels) {
b[i] = buff[ix++];
return len - remain * nrofchannels;
public void reset() throws IOException {
if (mark_ibuffer == null)
ibuffer_index = mark_ibuffer_index;
ibuffer_len = mark_ibuffer_len;
for (int c = 0; c < ibuffer.length; c++) {
float[] from = mark_ibuffer[c];
float[] to = ibuffer[c];
for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {
to[i] = from[i];
public long skip(long len) throws IOException {
if (len > 0)
return 0;
if (skipbuffer == null)
skipbuffer = new float[1024 * targetFormat.getFrameSize()];
float[] l_skipbuffer = skipbuffer;
long remain = len;
while (remain > 0) {
int ret = read(l_skipbuffer, 0, (int) Math.min(remain,
if (ret < 0) {
if (remain == len)
return ret;
remain -= ret;
return len - remain;
private Encoding[] formats = { Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT };
public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(Encoding targetEncoding,
AudioInputStream sourceStream) {
if (sourceStream.getFormat().getEncoding().equals(targetEncoding))
return sourceStream;
AudioFormat format = sourceStream.getFormat();
int channels = format.getChannels();
Encoding encoding = targetEncoding;
float samplerate = format.getSampleRate();
int bits = format.getSampleSizeInBits();
boolean bigendian = format.isBigEndian();
if (targetEncoding.equals(AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT))
bits = 32;
AudioFormat targetFormat = new AudioFormat(encoding, samplerate, bits,
channels, channels * bits / 8, samplerate, bigendian);
return getAudioInputStream(targetFormat, sourceStream);
public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(AudioFormat targetFormat,
AudioInputStream sourceStream) {
if (!isConversionSupported(targetFormat, sourceStream.getFormat()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported conversion: "
+ sourceStream.getFormat().toString() + " to "
+ targetFormat.toString());
return getAudioInputStream(targetFormat, AudioFloatInputStream
public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(AudioFormat targetFormat,
AudioFloatInputStream sourceStream) {
if (!isConversionSupported(targetFormat, sourceStream.getFormat()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported conversion: "
+ sourceStream.getFormat().toString() + " to "
+ targetFormat.toString());
if (targetFormat.getChannels() != sourceStream.getFormat()
sourceStream = new AudioFloatInputStreamChannelMixer(sourceStream,
if (Math.abs(targetFormat.getSampleRate()
- sourceStream.getFormat().getSampleRate()) > 0.000001)
sourceStream = new AudioFloatInputStreamResampler(sourceStream,
return new AudioInputStream(new AudioFloatFormatConverterInputStream(
targetFormat, sourceStream), targetFormat, sourceStream
public Encoding[] getSourceEncodings() {
return new Encoding[] { Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT };
public Encoding[] getTargetEncodings() {
return new Encoding[] { Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT };
public Encoding[] getTargetEncodings(AudioFormat sourceFormat) {
if (AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(sourceFormat) == null)
return new Encoding[0];
return new Encoding[] { Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT };
public AudioFormat[] getTargetFormats(Encoding targetEncoding,
AudioFormat sourceFormat) {
if (AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(sourceFormat) == null)
return new AudioFormat[0];
int channels = sourceFormat.getChannels();
ArrayList<AudioFormat> formats = new ArrayList<AudioFormat>();
if (targetEncoding.equals(Encoding.PCM_SIGNED))
formats.add(new AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, 8, channels, channels,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, false));
if (targetEncoding.equals(Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED))
formats.add(new AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, 8, channels, channels,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, false));
for (int bits = 16; bits < 32; bits += 8) {
if (targetEncoding.equals(Encoding.PCM_SIGNED)) {
formats.add(new AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, bits, channels, channels
* bits / 8, AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, false));
formats.add(new AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, bits, channels, channels
* bits / 8, AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, true));
if (targetEncoding.equals(Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED)) {
formats.add(new AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, bits, channels, channels
* bits / 8, AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, true));
formats.add(new AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, bits, channels, channels
* bits / 8, AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, false));
if (targetEncoding.equals(AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT)) {
formats.add(new AudioFormat(AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, 32, channels, channels * 4,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, false));
formats.add(new AudioFormat(AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, 32, channels, channels * 4,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, true));
formats.add(new AudioFormat(AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, 64, channels, channels * 8,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, false));
formats.add(new AudioFormat(AudioFloatConverter.PCM_FLOAT,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, 64, channels, channels * 8,
AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, true));
return formats.toArray(new AudioFormat[formats.size()]);
public boolean isConversionSupported(AudioFormat targetFormat,
AudioFormat sourceFormat) {
if (AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(sourceFormat) == null)
return false;
if (AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(targetFormat) == null)
return false;
if (sourceFormat.getChannels() <= 0)
return false;
if (targetFormat.getChannels() <= 0)
return false;
return true;
public boolean isConversionSupported(Encoding targetEncoding,
AudioFormat sourceFormat) {
if (AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(sourceFormat) == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) {
if (targetEncoding.equals(formats[i]))
return true;
return false;