8143542: C2 doesn't eliminate identical checks
Summary: Two identical Ifs back to back can be merged
Reviewed-by: kvn
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package com.oracle.security.ucrypto;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.*;
* OracleUcrypto provider main class.
* @since 9
public final class UcryptoProvider extends Provider {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 351251234302833L;
private static boolean DEBUG = false;
private static HashMap<String, ServiceDesc> provProp = null;
private static String defConfigName = "";
static {
try {
// cannot use LoadLibraryAction because that would make the native
// library available to the bootclassloader, but we run in the
// extension classloader.
String osname = System.getProperty("os.name");
if (osname.startsWith("SunOS")) {
provProp = AccessController.doPrivileged
(new PrivilegedAction<HashMap<String, ServiceDesc>>() {
public HashMap<String, ServiceDesc> run() {
try {
DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("com.oracle.security.ucrypto.debug"));
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
defConfigName = javaHome + sep + "conf" + sep + "security" + sep +
return new HashMap<>();
} catch (Error err) {
if (DEBUG) err.printStackTrace();
return null;
} catch (SecurityException se) {
if (DEBUG) se.printStackTrace();
return null;
if (provProp != null) {
boolean[] result = loadLibraries();
if (result.length == 2) {
if (result[0]) { // successfully loaded libmd
sd("MessageDigest", "MD5",
sd("MessageDigest", "SHA",
"SHA-1", "SHA1"));
sd("MessageDigest", "SHA-256",
"2.16.840.", "OID.2.16.840."));
sd("MessageDigest", "SHA-384",
"2.16.840.", "OID.2.16.840."));
sd("MessageDigest", "SHA-512",
"2.16.840.", "OID.2.16.840."));
if (result[1]) { // successfully loaded libsoftcrypto
String supportedMechs = getMechList();
debug("Prov: supported mechs = " + supportedMechs);
for (UcryptoMech m : UcryptoMech.values()) {
if (supportedMechs.indexOf(m.name() + ",") != -1) {
ServiceDesc[] services = m.getServiceDescriptions();
// skip unsupported UcryptoMech
if (services == null || services.length == 0) continue;
for (int p = 0; p < services.length; p++) {
ServiceDesc entry = services[p];
provProp.put(entry.getType() + "." + entry.getAlgorithm(),
// NOTE: GCM support is only available since jdk 7
sd("AlgorithmParameters", "GCM", "com.oracle.security.ucrypto.GCMParameters"));
} else {
debug("Prov: unexpected ucrypto library loading error, got " + result.length);
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
if (DEBUG) ace.printStackTrace();
// disable Ucrypto provider
provProp = null;
private static ServiceDesc sd(String type, String algo, String cn,
String... aliases) {
return new ServiceDesc(type, algo, cn, aliases);
private static final class ProviderService extends Provider.Service {
ProviderService(Provider p, ServiceDesc sd) {
super(p, sd.getType(), sd.getAlgorithm(), sd.getClassName(),
sd.getAliases(), null);
public Object newInstance(Object ctrParamObj)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
String type = getType();
if (ctrParamObj != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException
("constructorParameter not used with " + type + " engines");
String algo = getAlgorithm();
try {
if (type.equals("Cipher")) {
int keySize = -1;
if (algo.charAt(3) == '_') {
keySize = Integer.parseInt(algo.substring(4, 7))/8;
algo = algo.substring(0, 3) + algo.substring(7);
if (algo.equals("AES/ECB/NoPadding")) {
return new NativeCipher.AesEcbNoPadding(keySize);
} else if (algo.equals("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding")) {
return new NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.AesEcbPKCS5();
} else if (algo.equals("AES/CBC/NoPadding")) {
return new NativeCipher.AesCbcNoPadding(keySize);
} else if (algo.equals("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")) {
return new NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.AesCbcPKCS5();
} else if (algo.equals("AES/CTR/NoPadding")) {
return new NativeCipher.AesCtrNoPadding();
} else if (algo.equals("AES/GCM/NoPadding")) {
return new NativeGCMCipher.AesGcmNoPadding(keySize);
} else if (algo.equals("AES/CFB128/NoPadding")) {
return new NativeCipher.AesCfb128NoPadding();
} else if (algo.equals("AES/CFB128/PKCS5Padding")) {
return new NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.AesCfb128PKCS5();
} else if (algo.equals("RSA/ECB/NoPadding")) {
return new NativeRSACipher.NoPadding();
} else if (algo.equals("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding")) {
return new NativeRSACipher.PKCS1Padding();
} else if (type.equals("Signature")) {
if (algo.equals("SHA1withRSA")) {
return new NativeRSASignature.SHA1();
} else if (algo.equals("SHA256withRSA")) {
return new NativeRSASignature.SHA256();
} else if (algo.equals("SHA384withRSA")) {
return new NativeRSASignature.SHA384();
} else if (algo.equals("SHA512withRSA")) {
return new NativeRSASignature.SHA512();
} else if (algo.equals("MD5withRSA")) {
return new NativeRSASignature.MD5();
} else if (type.equals("MessageDigest")) {
if (algo.equals("SHA")) {
return new NativeDigest.SHA1();
} else if (algo.equals("SHA-256")) {
return new NativeDigest.SHA256();
} else if (algo.equals("SHA-384")) {
return new NativeDigest.SHA384();
} else if (algo.equals("SHA-512")) {
return new NativeDigest.SHA512();
} else if (algo.equals("MD5")) {
return new NativeDigest.MD5();
} else if (type.equals("AlgorithmParameters")) {
if (algo.equals("GCM")) {
return new GCMParameters();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Error constructing " +
type + " for " + algo + " using OracleUcrypto", ex);
throw new ProviderException("No impl for " + algo +
" " + type);
static Provider provider = null;
private static native boolean[] loadLibraries();
private static native String getMechList();
static void debug(String msg) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("UCrypto/" + msg);
public UcryptoProvider() {
super("OracleUcrypto", 9.0d, "Provider using Oracle Ucrypto API");
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<>() {
public Void run() {
return null;
if (provider == null) provider = this;
private void init(final String configName) {
if (provProp != null) {
debug("Prov: configuration file " + configName);
Config c;
try {
c = new Config(configName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new UcryptoException("Error parsing Config", ex);
String[] disabledServices = c.getDisabledServices();
for (String ds : disabledServices) {
if (provProp.remove(ds) != null) {
debug("Prov: remove config-disabled service " + ds);
} else {
debug("Prov: ignore unsupported service " + ds);
for (ServiceDesc s: provProp.values()) {
debug("Prov: add service for " + s);
putService(new ProviderService(this, s));
public Provider configure(String configArg) throws InvalidParameterException {
// default policy entry only grants read access to default config
if (!defConfigName.equals(configArg)) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Ucrypto provider can only be " +
"configured with default configuration file");
// re-read the config
return this;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return this == obj;
public int hashCode() {
return System.identityHashCode(this);