8180326: Update the tables in java.desktop to be HTML-5 friendly
Reviewed-by: prr, azvegint
/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */package javax.swing;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.awt.im.InputContext;import java.beans.BeanProperty;import java.beans.JavaBean;import java.io.*;import java.text.*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.event.*;import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;import javax.swing.text.*;/** * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> extends <code>JTextField</code> adding * support for formatting arbitrary values, as well as retrieving a particular * object once the user has edited the text. The following illustrates * configuring a <code>JFormattedTextField</code> to edit dates: * <pre> * JFormattedTextField ftf = new JFormattedTextField(); * ftf.setValue(new Date()); * </pre> * <p> * Once a <code>JFormattedTextField</code> has been created, you can * listen for editing changes by way of adding * a <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> and listening for * <code>PropertyChangeEvent</code>s with the property name <code>value</code>. * <p> * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> allows * configuring what action should be taken when focus is lost. The possible * configurations are: * * <table class="striped"> * <caption>Possible JFormattedTextField configurations and their descriptions * </caption> * <thead> * <tr><th>Value</th> * <th>Description</th></tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr><td>JFormattedTextField.REVERT * <td>Revert the display to match that of <code>getValue</code>, * possibly losing the current edit. * <tr><td>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT * <td>Commits the current value. If the value being edited * isn't considered a legal value by the * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> that is, a * <code>ParseException</code> is thrown, then the value * will not change, and then edited value will persist. * <tr><td>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT * <td>Similar to <code>COMMIT</code>, but if the value isn't * legal, behave like <code>REVERT</code>. * <tr><td>JFormattedTextField.PERSIST * <td>Do nothing, don't obtain a new * <code>AbstractFormatter</code>, and don't update the value. * </tbody> * </table> * The default is <code>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT</code>, * refer to {@link #setFocusLostBehavior} for more information on this. * <p> * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> allows the focus to leave, even if * the currently edited value is invalid. To lock the focus down while the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> is an invalid edit state * you can attach an <code>InputVerifier</code>. The following code snippet * shows a potential implementation of such an <code>InputVerifier</code>: * <pre> * public class FormattedTextFieldVerifier extends InputVerifier { * public boolean verify(JComponent input) { * if (input instanceof JFormattedTextField) { * JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField)input; * AbstractFormatter formatter = ftf.getFormatter(); * if (formatter != null) { * String text = ftf.getText(); * try { * formatter.stringToValue(text); * return true; * } catch (ParseException pe) { * return false; * } * } * } * return true; * } * public boolean shouldYieldFocus(JComponent input) { * return verify(input); * } * } * </pre> * <p> * Alternatively, you could invoke <code>commitEdit</code>, which would also * commit the value. * <p> * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> does not do the formatting it self, * rather formatting is done through an instance of * <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter</code> which is obtained from * an instance of <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * Instances of <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter</code> are * notified when they become active by way of the * <code>install</code> method, at which point the * <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter</code> can install whatever * it needs to, typically a <code>DocumentFilter</code>. Similarly when * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> no longer * needs the <code>AbstractFormatter</code>, it will invoke * <code>uninstall</code>. * <p> * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> typically * queries the <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> for an * <code>AbstractFormat</code> when it gains or loses focus. Although this * can change based on the focus lost policy. If the focus lost * policy is <code>JFormattedTextField.PERSIST</code> * and the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> has been edited, the * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> will not be queried until the * value has been committed. Similarly if the focus lost policy is * <code>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT</code> and an exception * is thrown from <code>stringToValue</code>, the * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> will not be queried when focus is * lost or gained. * <p> * <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter</code> * is also responsible for determining when values are committed to * the <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. Some * <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter</code>s will make new values * available on every edit, and others will never commit the value. You can * force the current value to be obtained * from the current <code>JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter</code> * by way of invoking <code>commitEdit</code>. <code>commitEdit</code> will * be invoked whenever return is pressed in the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * <p> * If an <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> has not been explicitly * set, one will be set based on the <code>Class</code> of the value type after * <code>setValue</code> has been invoked (assuming value is non-null). * For example, in the following code an appropriate * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> and <code>AbstractFormatter</code> * will be created to handle formatting of numbers: * <pre> * JFormattedTextField tf = new JFormattedTextField(); * tf.setValue(100); * </pre> * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> As the <code>AbstractFormatter</code> will * typically install a <code>DocumentFilter</code> on the * <code>Document</code>, and a <code>NavigationFilter</code> on the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> you should not install your own. If you do, * you are likely to see odd behavior in that the editing policy of the * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> will not be enforced. * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> Swing is not thread safe. For more * information see <a * href="package-summary.html#threading">Swing's Threading * Policy</a>. * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running * the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage * of all JavaBeans™ * has been added to the <code>java.beans</code> package. * Please see {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}. * * @since 1.4 */@JavaBean@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Same-version serialization onlypublic class JFormattedTextField extends JTextField { private static final String uiClassID = "FormattedTextFieldUI"; private static final Action[] defaultActions = { new CommitAction(), new CancelAction() }; /** * Constant identifying that when focus is lost, * <code>commitEdit</code> should be invoked. If in committing the * new value a <code>ParseException</code> is thrown, the invalid * value will remain. * * @see #setFocusLostBehavior */ public static final int COMMIT = 0; /** * Constant identifying that when focus is lost, * <code>commitEdit</code> should be invoked. If in committing the new * value a <code>ParseException</code> is thrown, the value will be * reverted. * * @see #setFocusLostBehavior */ public static final int COMMIT_OR_REVERT = 1; /** * Constant identifying that when focus is lost, editing value should * be reverted to current value set on the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * * @see #setFocusLostBehavior */ public static final int REVERT = 2; /** * Constant identifying that when focus is lost, the edited value * should be left. * * @see #setFocusLostBehavior */ public static final int PERSIST = 3; /** * Factory used to obtain an instance of AbstractFormatter. */ private AbstractFormatterFactory factory; /** * Object responsible for formatting the current value. */ private AbstractFormatter format; /** * Last valid value. */ private Object value; /** * True while the value being edited is valid. */ private boolean editValid; /** * Behavior when focus is lost. */ private int focusLostBehavior; /** * Indicates the current value has been edited. */ private boolean edited; /** * Used to set the dirty state. */ private DocumentListener documentListener; /** * Masked used to set the AbstractFormatterFactory. */ private Object mask; /** * ActionMap that the TextFormatter Actions are added to. */ private ActionMap textFormatterActionMap; /** * Indicates the input method composed text is in the document */ private boolean composedTextExists = false; /** * A handler for FOCUS_LOST event */ private FocusLostHandler focusLostHandler; /** * Creates a <code>JFormattedTextField</code> with no * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. Use <code>setMask</code> or * <code>setFormatterFactory</code> to configure the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> to edit a particular type of * value. */ public JFormattedTextField() { super(); enableEvents(AWTEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK); setFocusLostBehavior(COMMIT_OR_REVERT); } /** * Creates a JFormattedTextField with the specified value. This will * create an <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> based on the * type of <code>value</code>. * * @param value Initial value for the JFormattedTextField */ public JFormattedTextField(Object value) { this(); setValue(value); } /** * Creates a <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. <code>format</code> is * wrapped in an appropriate <code>AbstractFormatter</code> which is * then wrapped in an <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * * @param format Format used to look up an AbstractFormatter */ public JFormattedTextField(java.text.Format format) { this(); setFormatterFactory(getDefaultFormatterFactory(format)); } /** * Creates a <code>JFormattedTextField</code> with the specified * <code>AbstractFormatter</code>. The <code>AbstractFormatter</code> * is placed in an <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * * @param formatter AbstractFormatter to use for formatting. */ public JFormattedTextField(AbstractFormatter formatter) { this(new DefaultFormatterFactory(formatter)); } /** * Creates a <code>JFormattedTextField</code> with the specified * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * * @param factory AbstractFormatterFactory used for formatting. */ public JFormattedTextField(AbstractFormatterFactory factory) { this(); setFormatterFactory(factory); } /** * Creates a <code>JFormattedTextField</code> with the specified * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> and initial value. * * @param factory <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> used for * formatting. * @param currentValue Initial value to use */ public JFormattedTextField(AbstractFormatterFactory factory, Object currentValue) { this(currentValue); setFormatterFactory(factory); } /** * Sets the behavior when focus is lost. This will be one of * <code>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT</code>, * <code>JFormattedTextField.REVERT</code>, * <code>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT</code> or * <code>JFormattedTextField.PERSIST</code> * Note that some <code>AbstractFormatter</code>s may push changes as * they occur, so that the value of this will have no effect. * <p> * This will throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> if the object * passed in is not one of the afore mentioned values. * <p> * The default value of this property is * <code>JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT</code>. * * @param behavior Identifies behavior when focus is lost * @throws IllegalArgumentException if behavior is not one of the known * values */ @BeanProperty(bound = false, enumerationValues = { "JFormattedTextField.COMMIT", "JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT", "JFormattedTextField.REVERT", "JFormattedTextField.PERSIST"}, description = "Behavior when component loses focus") public void setFocusLostBehavior(int behavior) { if (behavior != COMMIT && behavior != COMMIT_OR_REVERT && behavior != PERSIST && behavior != REVERT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("setFocusLostBehavior must be one of: JFormattedTextField.COMMIT, JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT, JFormattedTextField.PERSIST or JFormattedTextField.REVERT"); } focusLostBehavior = behavior; } /** * Returns the behavior when focus is lost. This will be one of * <code>COMMIT_OR_REVERT</code>, * <code>COMMIT</code>, * <code>REVERT</code> or * <code>PERSIST</code> * Note that some <code>AbstractFormatter</code>s may push changes as * they occur, so that the value of this will have no effect. * * @return returns behavior when focus is lost */ public int getFocusLostBehavior() { return focusLostBehavior; } /** * Sets the <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> is * able to return an instance of <code>AbstractFormatter</code> that is * used to format a value for display, as well an enforcing an editing * policy. * <p> * If you have not explicitly set an <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> * by way of this method (or a constructor) an * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> and consequently an * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> will be used based on the * <code>Class</code> of the value. <code>NumberFormatter</code> will * be used for <code>Number</code>s, <code>DateFormatter</code> will * be used for <code>Dates</code>, otherwise <code>DefaultFormatter</code> * will be used. * <p> * This is a JavaBeans bound property. * * @param tf <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> used to lookup * instances of <code>AbstractFormatter</code> */ @BeanProperty(visualUpdate = true, description = "AbstractFormatterFactory, responsible for returning an AbstractFormatter that can format the current value.") public void setFormatterFactory(AbstractFormatterFactory tf) { AbstractFormatterFactory oldFactory = factory; factory = tf; firePropertyChange("formatterFactory", oldFactory, tf); setValue(getValue(), true, false); } /** * Returns the current <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * * @see #setFormatterFactory * @return <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> used to determine * <code>AbstractFormatter</code>s */ public AbstractFormatterFactory getFormatterFactory() { return factory; } /** * Sets the current <code>AbstractFormatter</code>. * <p> * You should not normally invoke this, instead set the * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> or set the value. * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> will * invoke this as the state of the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> * changes and requires the value to be reset. * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> passes in the * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> obtained from the * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. * <p> * This is a JavaBeans bound property. * * @see #setFormatterFactory * @param format AbstractFormatter to use for formatting */ protected void setFormatter(AbstractFormatter format) { AbstractFormatter oldFormat = this.format; if (oldFormat != null) { oldFormat.uninstall(); } setEditValid(true); this.format = format; if (format != null) { format.install(this); } setEdited(false); firePropertyChange("textFormatter", oldFormat, format); } /** * Returns the <code>AbstractFormatter</code> that is used to format and * parse the current value. * * @return AbstractFormatter used for formatting */ @BeanProperty(visualUpdate = true, description = "TextFormatter, responsible for formatting the current value") public AbstractFormatter getFormatter() { return format; } /** * Sets the value that will be formatted by an * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> obtained from the current * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code>. If no * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> has been specified, this will * attempt to create one based on the type of <code>value</code>. * <p> * The default value of this property is null. * <p> * This is a JavaBeans bound property. * * @param value Current value to display */ @BeanProperty(visualUpdate = true, description = "The value to be formatted.") public void setValue(Object value) { if (value != null && getFormatterFactory() == null) { setFormatterFactory(getDefaultFormatterFactory(value)); } setValue(value, true, true); } /** * Returns the last valid value. Based on the editing policy of * the <code>AbstractFormatter</code> this may not return the current * value. The currently edited value can be obtained by invoking * <code>commitEdit</code> followed by <code>getValue</code>. * * @return Last valid value */ public Object getValue() { return value; } /** * Forces the current value to be taken from the * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> and set as the current value. * This has no effect if there is no current * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> installed. * * @throws ParseException if the <code>AbstractFormatter</code> is not able * to format the current value */ public void commitEdit() throws ParseException { AbstractFormatter format = getFormatter(); if (format != null) { setValue(format.stringToValue(getText()), false, true); } } /** * Sets the validity of the edit on the receiver. You should not normally * invoke this. This will be invoked by the * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> as the user edits the value. * <p> * Not all formatters will allow the component to get into an invalid * state, and thus this may never be invoked. * <p> * Based on the look and feel this may visually change the state of * the receiver. * * @param isValid boolean indicating if the currently edited value is * valid. */ @BeanProperty(visualUpdate = true, description = "True indicates the edited value is valid") private void setEditValid(boolean isValid) { if (isValid != editValid) { editValid = isValid; firePropertyChange("editValid", Boolean.valueOf(!isValid), Boolean.valueOf(isValid)); } } /** * Returns true if the current value being edited is valid. The value of * this is managed by the current <code>AbstractFormatter</code>, as such * there is no public setter for it. * * @return true if the current value being edited is valid. */ @BeanProperty(bound = false) public boolean isEditValid() { return editValid; } /** * Invoked when the user inputs an invalid value. This gives the * component a chance to provide feedback. The default * implementation beeps. */ protected void invalidEdit() { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(JFormattedTextField.this); } /** * Processes any input method events, such as * <code>InputMethodEvent.INPUT_METHOD_TEXT_CHANGED</code> or * <code>InputMethodEvent.CARET_POSITION_CHANGED</code>. * * @param e the <code>InputMethodEvent</code> * @see InputMethodEvent */ protected void processInputMethodEvent(InputMethodEvent e) { AttributedCharacterIterator text = e.getText(); int commitCount = e.getCommittedCharacterCount(); // Keep track of the composed text if (text != null) { int begin = text.getBeginIndex(); int end = text.getEndIndex(); composedTextExists = ((end - begin) > commitCount); } else { composedTextExists = false; } super.processInputMethodEvent(e); } /** * Processes any focus events, such as * <code>FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED</code> or * <code>FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST</code>. * * @param e the <code>FocusEvent</code> * @see FocusEvent */ protected void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent e) { super.processFocusEvent(e); // ignore temporary focus event if (e.isTemporary()) { return; } if (isEdited() && e.getID() == FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST) { InputContext ic = getInputContext(); if (focusLostHandler == null) { focusLostHandler = new FocusLostHandler(); } // if there is a composed text, process it first if ((ic != null) && composedTextExists) { ic.endComposition(); EventQueue.invokeLater(focusLostHandler); } else { focusLostHandler.run(); } } else if (!isEdited()) { // reformat setValue(getValue(), true, true); } } /** * FOCUS_LOST behavior implementation */ private class FocusLostHandler implements Runnable, Serializable { public void run() { int fb = JFormattedTextField.this.getFocusLostBehavior(); if (fb == JFormattedTextField.COMMIT || fb == JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT) { try { JFormattedTextField.this.commitEdit(); // Give it a chance to reformat. JFormattedTextField.this.setValue( JFormattedTextField.this.getValue(), true, true); } catch (ParseException pe) { if (fb == JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT) { JFormattedTextField.this.setValue( JFormattedTextField.this.getValue(), true, true); } } } else if (fb == JFormattedTextField.REVERT) { JFormattedTextField.this.setValue( JFormattedTextField.this.getValue(), true, true); } } } /** * Fetches the command list for the editor. This is * the list of commands supported by the plugged-in UI * augmented by the collection of commands that the * editor itself supports. These are useful for binding * to events, such as in a keymap. * * @return the command list */ @BeanProperty(bound = false) public Action[] getActions() { return TextAction.augmentList(super.getActions(), defaultActions); } /** * Gets the class ID for a UI. * * @return the string "FormattedTextFieldUI" * @see JComponent#getUIClassID */ @BeanProperty(bound = false) public String getUIClassID() { return uiClassID; } /** * Associates the editor with a text document. * The currently registered factory is used to build a view for * the document, which gets displayed by the editor after revalidation. * A PropertyChange event ("document") is propagated to each listener. * * @param doc the document to display/edit * @see #getDocument */ @BeanProperty(expert = true, description = "the text document model") public void setDocument(Document doc) { if (documentListener != null && getDocument() != null) { getDocument().removeDocumentListener(documentListener); } super.setDocument(doc); if (documentListener == null) { documentListener = new DocumentHandler(); } doc.addDocumentListener(documentListener); } /* * See readObject and writeObject in JComponent for more * information about serialization in Swing. * * @param s Stream to write to */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); if (getUIClassID().equals(uiClassID)) { byte count = JComponent.getWriteObjCounter(this); JComponent.setWriteObjCounter(this, --count); if (count == 0 && ui != null) { ui.installUI(this); } } } /** * Resets the Actions that come from the TextFormatter to * <code>actions</code>. */ private void setFormatterActions(Action[] actions) { if (actions == null) { if (textFormatterActionMap != null) { textFormatterActionMap.clear(); } } else { if (textFormatterActionMap == null) { ActionMap map = getActionMap(); textFormatterActionMap = new ActionMap(); while (map != null) { ActionMap parent = map.getParent(); if (parent instanceof UIResource || parent == null) { map.setParent(textFormatterActionMap); textFormatterActionMap.setParent(parent); break; } map = parent; } } for (int counter = actions.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) { Object key = actions[counter].getValue(Action.NAME); if (key != null) { textFormatterActionMap.put(key, actions[counter]); } } } } /** * Does the setting of the value. If <code>createFormat</code> is true, * this will also obtain a new <code>AbstractFormatter</code> from the * current factory. The property change event will be fired if * <code>firePC</code> is true. */ private void setValue(Object value, boolean createFormat, boolean firePC) { Object oldValue = this.value; this.value = value; if (createFormat) { AbstractFormatterFactory factory = getFormatterFactory(); AbstractFormatter atf; if (factory != null) { atf = factory.getFormatter(this); } else { atf = null; } setFormatter(atf); } else { // Assumed to be valid setEditValid(true); } setEdited(false); if (firePC) { firePropertyChange("value", oldValue, value); } } /** * Sets the edited state of the receiver. */ private void setEdited(boolean edited) { this.edited = edited; } /** * Returns true if the receiver has been edited. */ private boolean isEdited() { return edited; } /** * Returns an AbstractFormatterFactory suitable for the passed in * Object type. */ private AbstractFormatterFactory getDefaultFormatterFactory(Object type) { if (type instanceof DateFormat) { return new DefaultFormatterFactory(new DateFormatter ((DateFormat)type)); } if (type instanceof NumberFormat) { return new DefaultFormatterFactory(new NumberFormatter( (NumberFormat)type)); } if (type instanceof Format) { return new DefaultFormatterFactory(new InternationalFormatter( (Format)type)); } if (type instanceof Date) { return new DefaultFormatterFactory(new DateFormatter()); } if (type instanceof Number) { AbstractFormatter displayFormatter = new NumberFormatter(); ((NumberFormatter)displayFormatter).setValueClass(type.getClass()); AbstractFormatter editFormatter = new NumberFormatter( new DecimalFormat("#.#")); ((NumberFormatter)editFormatter).setValueClass(type.getClass()); return new DefaultFormatterFactory(displayFormatter, displayFormatter,editFormatter); } return new DefaultFormatterFactory(new DefaultFormatter()); } /** * Instances of <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> are used by * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> to obtain instances of * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> which in turn are used to format values. * <code>AbstractFormatterFactory</code> can return different * <code>AbstractFormatter</code>s based on the state of the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>, perhaps returning different * <code>AbstractFormatter</code>s when the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> has focus vs when it * doesn't have focus. * @since 1.4 */ public abstract static class AbstractFormatterFactory { /** * Returns an <code>AbstractFormatter</code> that can handle formatting * of the passed in <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * * @param tf JFormattedTextField requesting AbstractFormatter * @return AbstractFormatter to handle formatting duties, a null * return value implies the JFormattedTextField should behave * like a normal JTextField */ public abstract AbstractFormatter getFormatter(JFormattedTextField tf); } /** * Instances of <code>AbstractFormatter</code> are used by * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> to handle the conversion both * from an Object to a String, and back from a String to an Object. * <code>AbstractFormatter</code>s can also enforce editing policies, * or navigation policies, or manipulate the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> in any way it sees fit to * enforce the desired policy. * <p> * An <code>AbstractFormatter</code> can only be active in * one <code>JFormattedTextField</code> at a time. * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> invokes * <code>install</code> when it is ready to use it followed * by <code>uninstall</code> when done. Subclasses * that wish to install additional state should override * <code>install</code> and message super appropriately. * <p> * Subclasses must override the conversion methods * <code>stringToValue</code> and <code>valueToString</code>. Optionally * they can override <code>getActions</code>, * <code>getNavigationFilter</code> and <code>getDocumentFilter</code> * to restrict the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> in a particular * way. * <p> * Subclasses that allow the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> to be in * a temporarily invalid state should invoke <code>setEditValid</code> * at the appropriate times. * @since 1.4 */ public abstract static class AbstractFormatter implements Serializable { private JFormattedTextField ftf; /** * Installs the <code>AbstractFormatter</code> onto a particular * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * This will invoke <code>valueToString</code> to convert the * current value from the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> to * a String. This will then install the <code>Action</code>s from * <code>getActions</code>, the <code>DocumentFilter</code> * returned from <code>getDocumentFilter</code> and the * <code>NavigationFilter</code> returned from * <code>getNavigationFilter</code> onto the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * <p> * Subclasses will typically only need to override this if they * wish to install additional listeners on the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * <p> * If there is a <code>ParseException</code> in converting the * current value to a String, this will set the text to an empty * String, and mark the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> as being * in an invalid state. * <p> * While this is a public method, this is typically only useful * for subclassers of <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * <code>JFormattedTextField</code> will invoke this method at * the appropriate times when the value changes, or its internal * state changes. You will only need to invoke this yourself if * you are subclassing <code>JFormattedTextField</code> and * installing/uninstalling <code>AbstractFormatter</code> at a * different time than <code>JFormattedTextField</code> does. * * @param ftf JFormattedTextField to format for, may be null indicating * uninstall from current JFormattedTextField. */ public void install(JFormattedTextField ftf) { if (this.ftf != null) { uninstall(); } this.ftf = ftf; if (ftf != null) { try { ftf.setText(valueToString(ftf.getValue())); } catch (ParseException pe) { ftf.setText(""); setEditValid(false); } installDocumentFilter(getDocumentFilter()); ftf.setNavigationFilter(getNavigationFilter()); ftf.setFormatterActions(getActions()); } } /** * Uninstalls any state the <code>AbstractFormatter</code> may have * installed on the <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. This resets the * <code>DocumentFilter</code>, <code>NavigationFilter</code> * and additional <code>Action</code>s installed on the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. */ public void uninstall() { if (this.ftf != null) { installDocumentFilter(null); this.ftf.setNavigationFilter(null); this.ftf.setFormatterActions(null); } } /** * Parses <code>text</code> returning an arbitrary Object. Some * formatters may return null. * * @throws ParseException if there is an error in the conversion * @param text String to convert * @return Object representation of text */ public abstract Object stringToValue(String text) throws ParseException; /** * Returns the string value to display for <code>value</code>. * * @throws ParseException if there is an error in the conversion * @param value Value to convert * @return String representation of value */ public abstract String valueToString(Object value) throws ParseException; /** * Returns the current <code>JFormattedTextField</code> the * <code>AbstractFormatter</code> is installed on. * * @return JFormattedTextField formatting for. */ protected JFormattedTextField getFormattedTextField() { return ftf; } /** * This should be invoked when the user types an invalid character. * This forwards the call to the current JFormattedTextField. */ protected void invalidEdit() { JFormattedTextField ftf = getFormattedTextField(); if (ftf != null) { ftf.invalidEdit(); } } /** * Invoke this to update the <code>editValid</code> property of the * <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. If you an enforce a policy * such that the <code>JFormattedTextField</code> is always in a * valid state, you will never need to invoke this. * * @param valid Valid state of the JFormattedTextField */ protected void setEditValid(boolean valid) { JFormattedTextField ftf = getFormattedTextField(); if (ftf != null) { ftf.setEditValid(valid); } } /** * Subclass and override if you wish to provide a custom set of * <code>Action</code>s. <code>install</code> will install these * on the <code>JFormattedTextField</code>'s <code>ActionMap</code>. * * @return Array of Actions to install on JFormattedTextField */ protected Action[] getActions() { return null; } /** * Subclass and override if you wish to provide a * <code>DocumentFilter</code> to restrict what can be input. * <code>install</code> will install the returned value onto * the <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * * @return DocumentFilter to restrict edits */ protected DocumentFilter getDocumentFilter() { return null; } /** * Subclass and override if you wish to provide a filter to restrict * where the user can navigate to. * <code>install</code> will install the returned value onto * the <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * * @return NavigationFilter to restrict navigation */ protected NavigationFilter getNavigationFilter() { return null; } /** * Clones the <code>AbstractFormatter</code>. The returned instance * is not associated with a <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * * @return Copy of the AbstractFormatter */ protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { AbstractFormatter formatter = (AbstractFormatter)super.clone(); formatter.ftf = null; return formatter; } /** * Installs the <code>DocumentFilter</code> <code>filter</code> * onto the current <code>JFormattedTextField</code>. * * @param filter DocumentFilter to install on the Document. */ private void installDocumentFilter(DocumentFilter filter) { JFormattedTextField ftf = getFormattedTextField(); if (ftf != null) { Document doc = ftf.getDocument(); if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) { ((AbstractDocument)doc).setDocumentFilter(filter); } doc.putProperty(DocumentFilter.class, null); } } } /** * Used to commit the edit. This extends JTextField.NotifyAction * so that <code>isEnabled</code> is true while a JFormattedTextField * has focus, and extends <code>actionPerformed</code> to invoke * commitEdit. */ static class CommitAction extends JTextField.NotifyAction { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JTextComponent target = getFocusedComponent(); if (target instanceof JFormattedTextField) { // Attempt to commit the value try { ((JFormattedTextField)target).commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException pe) { ((JFormattedTextField)target).invalidEdit(); // value not committed, don't notify ActionListeners return; } } // Super behavior. super.actionPerformed(e); } public boolean isEnabled() { JTextComponent target = getFocusedComponent(); if (target instanceof JFormattedTextField) { JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField)target; if (!ftf.isEdited()) { return false; } return true; } return super.isEnabled(); } } /** * CancelAction will reset the value in the JFormattedTextField when * <code>actionPerformed</code> is invoked. It will only be * enabled if the focused component is an instance of * JFormattedTextField. */ private static class CancelAction extends TextAction { public CancelAction() { super("reset-field-edit"); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JTextComponent target = getFocusedComponent(); if (target instanceof JFormattedTextField) { JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField)target; ftf.setValue(ftf.getValue()); } } public boolean isEnabled() { JTextComponent target = getFocusedComponent(); if (target instanceof JFormattedTextField) { JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField)target; if (!ftf.isEdited()) { return false; } return true; } return super.isEnabled(); } } /** * Sets the dirty state as the document changes. */ private class DocumentHandler implements DocumentListener, Serializable { public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { setEdited(true); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { setEdited(true); } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {} }}