6557851: CMS: ergonomics defaults are not set with FLAG_SET_ERGO
Summary: Default values set by cms ergonomics are set with FLAG_SET_DEFAULT so down stream the values look like the default values and affect how later parameters are set. Set these values with FLAG_SET_ERGO instead and adjust how later parameters are interpreted.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, apetrusenko, pbk, ysr
Building the "langtools" workspace.The "langtools" workspace can be built from the command line with Ant.The build file is make/build.xml, in conjunction with make/build.properties.Some additional user-specific properties files are also read, to allowyou to customize selected properties as needed.Individual tools within the workspace can also be built and worked onwith NetBeans, using the projects in the make/netbeans directory.The "langtools" workspace can also be built from the command line withGNU Make, although the Makefile is simply a wrapper around the Antbuild file. This is provided for systems (such as the full OpenJDK build)that expect to be able to build this workspace with GNU Make.System Requirements: Ant: version 1.6.5 or later NetBeans: version 5.0 or later (optional) JDK: currently version 1.5.0, although 1.6.0 is recommended OS: any system supporting the above toolsFor more information: Ant: http://ant.apache.org/ GNU Make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/ NetBeans: http://www.netbeans.org/Testing the "langtools" workspace.The primary set of tests for the compiler is the compiler TCK. Thistests that the compiler performs according to the specifications inJLS and JVMS.In addition, there is a substantial collection of regression and unittests for all the tools in the maain langtools test/ directory.Finally, there is a small set of tests to do basic validation of a buildof the langtools workspace for use by JDK. These tests check the contentsof the dist/ directory generated by the build, and verify that the varioustools can do basic "Hello World"-style processing. These tests should berun by jtreg, with the -jdk option set a version of JDK capable of runningthe default output of the javac compiler in this workspace. Currently, this means JDK 6 or better.