## Copyright 2001-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,# CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or# have any questions.################################################################## SANITY################################################################sanity:: pre-sanity settings insane environmentifeq ($(BUILD_HOTSPOT), true) sanity:: hotspot-sanityendififeq ($(BUILD_DEPLOY), true) sanity:: deploy-sanityendififeq ($(BUILD_JDK), true) sanity:: jdk-sanity endif# Only need these sanity rules when not doing a debug buildifeq ($(DEBUG_NAME),) ifeq ($(BUILD_INSTALL), true) sanity:: install-sanity endif ifeq ($(BUILD_SPONSORS), true) sanity:: sponsors-sanity endifendifsanity:: post-sanitysource-sanity : pre-sanity alt_bootdir bootdir post-sanity$(ERROR_FILE) $(WARNING_FILE) $(MESSAGE_FILE): @$(prep-target)purge-sanity: $(ERROR_FILE) $(WARNING_FILE) $(MESSAGE_FILE) -@$(RM) $(ERROR_FILE) $(WARNING_FILE) $(MESSAGE_FILE)pre-sanity: purge-sanity # this should be the last rule in any target's sanity rule.post-sanity post-sanity-hotspot post-sanity-jdk post-sanity-install post-sanity-deploy: @if [ -r $(MESSAGE_FILE) ]; then \ $(ECHO) "" ; \ $(CAT) $(MESSAGE_FILE) ; \ fi @if [ -r $(WARNING_FILE) ]; then \ $(CAT) $(WARNING_FILE) ; \ fi @if [ "x$(INSANE)" != x ]; then \ $(ECHO) "INSANE mode requested. \n" \ "Sanity will not force a build termination, even with errors.\n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE); \ fi @if [ -r $(ERROR_FILE) ]; then \ if [ "x$(INSANE)" = x ]; then \ $(ECHO) "Exiting because of the above error(s). \n" \ "">> $(ERROR_FILE); \ fi ; \ $(CAT) $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ if [ "x$(INSANE)" = x ]; then \ exit 1 ; \ fi ; \ fiifdef PEDANTIC @if [ -r $(WARNING_FILE) ]; then \ $(ECHO) "PEDANTIC mode requested. \n" \ "Exiting because of the above warning(s). \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE); \ $(CAT) $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ exit 1 ; \ fiendif @if [ ! -r $(ERROR_FILE) ]; then \ $(ECHO) "Sanity check passed." ; \ fiinsane:ifdef INSANE @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are building in 'INSANE' mode. You \n" \ " should not use this mode, and in fact, \n" \ " it may be removed at any time. If you \n" \ " have build problems as a result of using \n" \ " INSANE mode, then you should not expect \n" \ " assistance from anyone with the problems \n" \ " or consequences you experience. \n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE)endif# Get list of environment variables set that we do not want setifdef ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH DO_NOT_SET_LIST += ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATHendififdef ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH DO_NOT_SET_LIST += ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATHendififdef ALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH DO_NOT_SET_LIST += ALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATHendif# Error message for environment variable set that should not be%.do_not_set: @$(ECHO) "ERROR: Your build environment has the variable\n" \ " $* defined. Please unset it and restart your build. \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE)# Check the environment variables environment: $(DO_NOT_SET_LIST:%=%.do_not_set)ifeq ($(LANGTOOLS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_LANGTOOLS), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the LANGTOOLS sources.\n" \ " Lang tools (javac) will be obtained from \n" \ " the location set in ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH. \n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(JAXP_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_JAXP), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the JAXP sources.\n" \ " The jaxp files will be obtained from \n" \ " the location set in ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH. \n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(JAXWS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_JAXWS), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the JAXWS sources.\n" \ " The jaxws files will be obtained from \n" \ " the location set in ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH. \n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(CORBA_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_CORBA), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the CORBA sources.\n" \ " The corba files will be obtained from \n" \ " the location set in ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH. \n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(HOTSPOT_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_HOTSPOT), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the HOTSPOT sources.\n" \ " Hotspot libs will be obtained from \n" \ " the location set in ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH. \n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(JDK_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_JDK), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the JDK sources.\n" \ " This will result in a development-only\n" \ " build of the JDK , lacking the jdk binaries.\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(DEPLOY_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_DEPLOY), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the DEPLOY sources.\n" \ " This will result in a development-only\n" \ " build of the JDK, lacking the plugin and javaws binaries.\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(INSTALL_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_INSTALL), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the INSTALL sources.\n" \ " This will result in a development-only\n" \ " build of the JDK, lacking the installation bundles\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(SPONSORS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) ifneq ($(BUILD_SPONSORS), true) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: You are not building the SPONSORS sources.\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE) endifendififeq ($(GENERATE_DOCS),false) @$(ECHO) "WARNING: This build does not include running javadoc.\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE)endififdef NO_IMAGES @$(ECHO) "WARNING: Your build environment has the variable NO_IMAGES\n" \ " defined. This will result in a development-only\n" \ " build of the JDK, lacking the install images\n" \ " and bundles.\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE)endififdef DEV_ONLY @$(ECHO) "WARNING: Your build environment has the variable DEV_ONLY\n" \ " defined. This will result in a development-only\n" \ " build of the JDK, lacking the documentation\n" \ " build and installation bundles.\n" \ "" >> $(WARNING_FILE)endif####################################################### if specified, ALT_BOOTDIR must point to non-relative path if set######################################################alt_bootdir:ifdef ALT_BOOTDIR @if [ `$(ECHO) $(subst \,/,$(ALT_BOOTDIR)) | $(EGREP) -ci '^([a-z]:)?/'` -ne 1 ]; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: ALT_BOOTDIR must be an Absolute Path Name, \n" \ " not a Relative Path Name. \n" \ " The current value of ALT_BOOTDIR is \n" \ " $(ALT_BOOTDIR) \n" \ " Please fix this and continue your build. \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ fiendif####################################################### BOOTDIR must point to a valid JDK.######################################################JAVA_VERSION := $(shell $(BOOTDIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX) -version 2>&1 | $(NAWK) -F'"' '{ print $$2 }')JAVA_VERSION_OK := $(shell $(ECHO) $(JAVA_VERSION) | $(EGREP) -c '^1.[5-6].[0-9]')bootdir: @if [ -x $(BOOTDIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX) ]; then \ if [ $(JAVA_VERSION_OK) -ne 1 ]; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: Your BOOTDIR environment variable does not point \n" \ " to a valid JDK for bootstrapping this build. \n" \ " A JDK $(JDK_MKTG_VERSION) source generation process must be \n" \ " bootstrapped using JDK $(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) fcs (or later). \n" \ " Apparently, your bootstrap JDK is version $(JAVA_VERSION) \n" \ " Please update your ALT_BOOTDIR setting and start your build again. \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ fi \ else \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: BOOTDIR does not point to a valid Java 2 SDK \n" \ " Check that you have access to \n" \ " $(BOOTDIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX) \n" \ " and/or check your value of ALT_BOOTDIR. \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ fi####################################################### dump out the variable settings...######################################################ifneq ($(PLATFORM), windows) ifndef HOSTNAME HOSTNAME := $(shell hostname) endifendifsettings:: @$(ECHO) "Build Machine Information:" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) @$(ECHO) " build machine = $(COMPUTERNAME)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)else @$(ECHO) " build machine = $(HOSTNAME)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endif @$(ECHO) "" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) "Build Directory Structure:" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) " CWD = `$(PWD)`" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) " TOPDIR = $(TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) " CONTROL_TOPDIR = $(CONTROL_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)ifeq ($(LANGTOOLS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR = $(LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(JAXP_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " JAXP_TOPDIR = $(JAXP_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(JAXWS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " JAXWS_TOPDIR = $(JAXWS_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(CORBA_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " CORBA_TOPDIR = $(CORBA_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(HOTSPOT_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " HOTSPOT_TOPDIR = $(HOTSPOT_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(JDK_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " JDK_TOPDIR = $(JDK_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(DEPLOY_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " DEPLOY_TOPDIR = $(DEPLOY_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(INSTALL_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " INSTALL_TOPDIR = $(INSTALL_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(SPONSORS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " SPONSORS_TOPDIR = $(SPONSORS_TOPDIR)" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endif @$(ECHO) "" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)ifneq ($(SKIP_COMPARE_IMAGES), true) @$(ECHO) "External File/Binary Locations:" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) " PREVIOUS_JRE_BUNDLE = $(PREVIOUS_JRE_BUNDLE) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) " PREVIOUS_JDK_BUNDLE = $(PREVIOUS_JDK_BUNDLE) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) "" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endif @$(ECHO) "Build Directives:" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)ifeq ($(LANGTOOLS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_LANGTOOLS = $(BUILD_LANGTOOLS) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(JAXP_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_JAXP = $(BUILD_JAXP) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(JAXWS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_JAXWS = $(BUILD_JAXWS) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(CORBA_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_CORBA = $(BUILD_CORBA) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(HOTSPOT_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_HOTSPOT = $(BUILD_HOTSPOT) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(JDK_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_JDK = $(BUILD_JDK) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(DEPLOY_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_DEPLOY = $(BUILD_DEPLOY) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(INSTALL_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_INSTALL = $(BUILD_INSTALL) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endififeq ($(SPONSORS_SRC_AVAILABLE), true) @$(ECHO) " BUILD_SPONSORS = $(BUILD_SPONSORS) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE)endif @$(ECHO) " DEBUG_CLASSFILES = $(DEBUG_CLASSFILES) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) " DEBUG_BINARIES = $(DEBUG_BINARIES) " >> $(MESSAGE_FILE) @$(ECHO) "" >> $(MESSAGE_FILE).PHONY: sanity settings pre-sanity insane \ post-sanity post-sanity-hotspot post-sanity-jdk \ post-sanity-install post-sanity-deploy \ alt_bootdir bootdir environment