8166417: Integrate Graal-core into JDK for AOT compiler
Reviewed-by: iveresov, kvn, erikj, ihse, mchung
Contributed-by: Doug Simon <>, Lukas Stadler <>, Tom Rodriguez <>, Roland Schatz <>, Josef Eisl <>, Christian Wimmer <>, Chris Thalinger <>, Gilles Duboscq <>, David Leopoldseder <>, Stefan Anzinger <>, Christian Humer <>, Michael Berg <>, Bernhard Urban <>, Miguel Garcia <>, Yudi Zheng <>, Christos Kotselidis <>, Andreas Woess <>, Stefan Rumzucker <>, Aleksandar Prokopec <>, Christian Haeubl <>, Morris Meyer <>, Matthias Grimmer <>, Erik Eckstein <>, Josef Haider <>, Manuel Rigger <>, Michael Haupt <>, Niclas Adlertz <>, Jaroslav Tulach <>, Chris Seaton <>, Peter Kessler <>, Christian Wirth <>, Benoit Daloze <>
This file should be located at the top of the OpenJDK Mercurial root
repository. A full OpenJDK repository set (forest) should also include
the following 7 nested repositories:
"jdk", "hotspot", "langtools", "nashorn", "corba", "jaxws" and "jaxp".
The root repository can be obtained with something like:
hg clone openjdk9
You can run the script located in the root repository to get
the other needed repositories:
cd openjdk9 && sh ./
People unfamiliar with Mercurial should read the first few chapters of
the Mercurial book:
See for more information about OpenJDK.
Simple Build Instructions:
0. Get the necessary system software/packages installed on your system, see
1. If you don't have a jdk8 or newer jdk, download and install it from
Add the /bin directory of this installation to your PATH environment
2. Configure the build:
bash ./configure
3. Build the OpenJDK:
make all
The resulting JDK image should be found in build/*/images/jdk
where make is GNU make 3.81 or newer, /usr/bin/make on Linux usually
is 3.81 or newer. Note that on Solaris, GNU make is called "gmake".
Complete details are available in the file: