author bpb
Tue, 17 May 2016 16:04:53 -0700
changeset 38373 21f4f5eee7cc
parent 0 fd16c54261b3
child 41274 e31e26d0f9bf
permissions -rw-r--r--
8130679: Writer/StringWriter.write methods do not specify index out bounds Summary: Add throws tag indicating IndexOutOfBoundsExcepion to write() methods which have an index parameter. Reviewed-by: chegar, prappo, rriggs


The OpenJDK source code made available by Sun at and ("OpenJDK Code") is distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License <> version 2
only ("GPL2"), with the following clarification and special exception.

    Linking this OpenJDK Code statically or dynamically with other code
    is making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms
    and conditions of GPL2 cover the whole combination.

    As a special exception, Sun gives you permission to link this
    OpenJDK Code with certain code licensed by Sun as indicated at
    ("Designated Exception Modules") to produce an executable,
    regardless of the license terms of the Designated Exception Modules,
    and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under GPL2,
    provided that the Designated Exception Modules continue to be
    governed by the licenses under which they were offered by Sun.

As such, it allows licensees and sublicensees of Sun's GPL2 OpenJDK Code to
build an executable that includes those portions of necessary code that Sun
could not provide under GPL2 (or that Sun has provided under GPL2 with the
Classpath exception).  If you modify or add to the OpenJDK code, that new
GPL2 code may still be combined with Designated Exception Modules if the
new code is made subject to this exception by its copyright holder.