author never
Wed, 03 Feb 2010 15:56:37 -0800
changeset 4757 1fe15ef4fc8a
parent 2 90ce3da70b43
permissions -rw-r--r--
6921969: optimize 64 long multiply for case with high bits zero Reviewed-by: never, twisti, kvn, rasbold Contributed-by: Hiroshi Yamauchi <yamauchi@google.com>

#               Sound Configuration File
# This properties file is used to specify default service
# providers for javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem and
# javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.
# The following keys are recognized by MidiSystem methods:
# javax.sound.midi.Receiver
# javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
# javax.sound.midi.Synthesizer
# javax.sound.midi.Transmitter
# The following keys are recognized by AudioSystem methods:
# javax.sound.sampled.Clip
# javax.sound.sampled.Port
# javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine
# javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine
# The values specify the full class name of the service
# provider, or the device name.
# See the class descriptions for details.
# Example 1:
# Use MyDeviceProvider as default for SourceDataLines:
# javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine=com.xyz.MyDeviceProvider
# Example 2:
# Specify the default Synthesizer by its name "InternalSynth".
# javax.sound.midi.Synthesizer=#InternalSynth
# Example 3:
# Specify the default Receiver by provider and name:
# javax.sound.midi.Receiver=com.sun.media.sound.MidiProvider#SunMIDI1