8153302: [BACKOUT] STW phases at Concurrent GC should count in PerfCounter
Reviewed-by: jmasa, jwilhelm
/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */option timestamp { column { header "^Timestamp" data (sun.os.hrt.ticks/sun.os.hrt.frequency) scale sec align right width 15 format "0.0" }}option class { column { header "^Loaded^" /* Number of classes loaded */ data (java.cls.loadedClasses + java.cls.sharedLoadedClasses) align right scale raw width 5 format "0" } column { header "^Bytes^" /* Accumulated Size of classes loaded */ data (sun.cls.loadedBytes + sun.cls.sharedLoadedBytes) align right scale K width 7 format "0.0" } column { header "^Unloaded^" /* Number of classes unloaded */ data (java.cls.unloadedClasses + java.cls.sharedUnloadedClasses) align right width 5 scale raw format "0" } column { header "^Bytes^" /* Accumulated size of classes unloaded */ data (sun.cls.unloadedBytes + sun.cls.sharedUnloadedBytes) align right scale K width 7 format "0.0" } column { header "^Time^" /* Accumulated time for class loading */ data sun.cls.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency scale raw align right width 10 format "0.00" }}option compiler { column { header "^Compiled^" /* Number of compilation tasks performed */ data sun.ci.totalCompiles scale raw align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^Failed^" /* Number of failed compilation tasks */ data sun.ci.totalBailouts scale raw align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^Invalid^" /* Number of invalidated compilation tasks */ data sun.ci.totalInvalidates scale raw align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^Time^" /* Time spent in compilation */ data java.ci.totalTime/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.00" } column { header "^FailedType^" /* Type of last failed compilation */ data sun.ci.lastFailedType scale raw align right width 4 } column { header "^FailedMethod" /* Name of class and method for last failed compile */ data sun.ci.lastFailedMethod scale raw align left width 1 }}option gc { column { header "^S0C^" /* Survivor 0 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity scale K align center width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1C^" /* Survivor 1 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity scale K align center width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S0U^" /* Survivor 0 Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.used scale K align center width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1U^" /* Survivor 1 Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.used scale K align center width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^EC^" /* Eden Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity align center scale K width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^EU^" /* Eden Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.used align center scale K width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^OC^" /* Old Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity align center scale K width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^OU^" /* Old Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.used align center width 10 scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^MC^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.metaspace.capacity align center width 6 scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^MU^" /* Metaspae Used */ data sun.gc.metaspace.used align center width 6 scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSC^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity align center width 6 scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSU^" /* Compressed Class Space Used */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.used align center width 6 scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^YGCT^" /* Young Generation Garbage Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.0.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align center width 5 scale raw format "0" } column { header "^FGCT^" /* Full Garbage Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.1.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" } column { header "^GCT^" /* Total Garbage Collection Time */ data (sun.gc.collector.0.time + sun.gc.collector.1.time)/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" }}option gccapacity { column { header "^NGCMN^" /* New Generation Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.minCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^NGCMX^" /* New Generation Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.maxCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^NGC^" /* New Generation Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.capacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^S0C^" /* Survivor 0 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity scale K align right width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1C" /* Survivor 1 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity scale K align right width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^EC^" /* Eden Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^OGCMN^" /* Old Generation Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.generation.1.minCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^OGCMX^" /* Old Generation Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.1.maxCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^OGC^" /* Old Generation Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.1.capacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^OC^" /* Old Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^MCMN^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.metaspace.minCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^MCMX^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.metaspace.maxCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^MC^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.metaspace.capacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSMN^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.minCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSMX^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.maxCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSC^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right width 5 scale raw format "0" }}option gccause { column { header "^S0^" /* Survivor 0 Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity - sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.used)/sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity)) * 100 scale raw align right width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^S1^" /* Survivor 1 Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity - sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.used)/sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity)) * 100 scale raw align right width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^E^" /* Eden Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity - sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.used)/sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity)) * 100 align right scale raw width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^O^" /* Old Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity - sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.used)/sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity)) * 100 align right scale raw width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^M^" /* Metaspace - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.metaspace.capacity - sun.gc.metaspace.used)/sun.gc.metaspace.capacity)) * 100 align right width 6 scale raw format "0.00" } column { header "^CCS^" /* Compressed Class Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity - sun.gc.compressedclassspace.used)/sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity)) * 100 align right width 6 scale raw format "0.00" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^YGCT^" /* Young Generation Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.0.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right width 5 scale raw format "0" } column { header "^FGCT^" /* Full Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.1.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^GCT^" /* Total Garbage Collection Time */ data (sun.gc.collector.0.time + sun.gc.collector.1.time)/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" } column { header "^LGCC" /* Last GC Cause */ data sun.gc.lastCause align left width 20 scale raw } column { header "^GCC" /* Current GC Cause */ data sun.gc.cause align left width 20 scale raw }}option gcnew { column { header "^S0C^" /* Survivor 0 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity scale K align right width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1C^" /* Survivor 1 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity scale K align right width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S0U^" /* Survivor 0 Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.used scale K align right width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1U^" /* Survivor 1 Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.used scale K align right width 6 format "0.0" } column { header "^TT^" /* Tenuring Threshold */ data sun.gc.policy.tenuringThreshold width 2 align right format "0" } column { header "^MTT^" /* Maximum Tenuring Threshold */ data sun.gc.policy.maxTenuringThreshold width 2 align right format "0" } column { header "^DSS^" /* Desired Survivor Size */ data sun.gc.policy.desiredSurvivorSize scale K width 6 align right format "0.0" } column { header "^EC^" /* Eden Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity scale K width 8 align right format "0.0" } column { header "^EU^" /* Eden Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.used scale K width 8 align right format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^YGCT^" /* Young Generation Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.0.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" }}option gcnewcapacity { column { header "^NGCMN^" /* New Generation Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.minCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^NGCMX^" /* New Generation Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.maxCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^NGC^" /* New Generation Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.capacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^S0CMX^" /* Survivor 0 Space Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.maxCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^S0C^" /* Survivor 0 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1CMX^" /* Survivor 1 Space Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.maxCapacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^S1C^" /* Survivor 1 Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity scale K align right width 8 format "0.0" } column { header "^ECMX^" /* Eden Space Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.maxCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^EC^" /* Eden Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 5 format "0" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right width 5 scale raw format "0" }}option gcold { column { header "^MC^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.metaspace.capacity width 8 align right scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^MU^" /* Metaspace Space Used */ data sun.gc.metaspace.used width 8 align right scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSC^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity width 8 align right scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSU^" /* Compressed Class Space Used */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.used width 8 align right scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^OC^" /* Old Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity width 11 align right scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^OU^" /* Old Space Used */ data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.used width 11 align right scale K format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right scale raw width 5 format "0" } column { header "^FGCT^" /* Full Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.1.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^GCT^" /* Total Garbage Collection Time */ data (sun.gc.collector.0.time + sun.gc.collector.1.time)/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" }}option gcoldcapacity { column { header "^OGCMN^" /* Old Generation Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.generation.1.minCapacity scale K align right width 11 format "0.0" } column { header "^OGCMX^" /* Old Generation Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.generation.1.maxCapacity scale K align right width 11 format "0.0" } column { header "^OGC^" /* Old Generation Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.1.capacity scale K align right width 11 format "0.0" } column { header "^OC^" /* Old Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity scale K align right width 11 format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 5 format "0" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right width 5 scale raw format "0" } column { header "^FGCT^" /* Full Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.1.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^GCT^" /* Total Garbage Collection Time */ data (sun.gc.collector.0.time + sun.gc.collector.1.time)/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" }}option gcmetacapacity { column { header "^MCMN^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.metaspace.minCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^MCMX^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.metaspace.maxCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^MC^" /* Metaspace Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.metaspace.capacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSMN^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Minimum */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.minCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSMX^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Maximum */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.maxCapacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^CCSC^" /* Compressed Class Space Capacity - Current */ data sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity scale K align right width 10 format "0.0" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 5 format "0" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right width 5 scale raw format "0" } column { header "^FGCT^" /* Full Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.1.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^GCT^" /* Total Garbage Collection Time */ data (sun.gc.collector.0.time + sun.gc.collector.1.time)/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" }}option gcutil { column { header "^S0^" /* Survivor 0 Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity - sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.used)/sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.capacity)) * 100 scale raw align right width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^S1^" /* Survivor 1 Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity - sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.used)/sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.capacity)) * 100 scale raw align right width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^E^" /* Eden Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity - sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.used)/sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.capacity)) * 100 align right scale raw width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^O^" /* Old Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity - sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.used)/sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity)) * 100 align right scale raw width 6 format "0.00" } column { header "^M^" /* Metaspace Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.metaspace.capacity - sun.gc.metaspace.used)/sun.gc.metaspace.capacity)) * 100 align right width 6 scale raw format "0.00" } column { header "^CCS^" /* Compressed Class Space Space - Percent Used */ data (1-((sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity - sun.gc.compressedclassspace.used)/sun.gc.compressedclassspace.capacity)) * 100 align right width 6 scale raw format "0.00" } column { header "^YGC^" /* Young Generation Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.0.invocations align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^YGCT^" /* Young Generation Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.0.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^FGC^" /* Full Collections */ data sun.gc.collector.1.invocations align right width 5 scale raw format "0" } column { header "^FGCT^" /* Full Collection Time */ data sun.gc.collector.1.time/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right scale sec width 8 format "0.000" } column { header "^GCT^" /* Total Garbage Collection Time */ data (sun.gc.collector.0.time + sun.gc.collector.1.time)/sun.os.hrt.frequency align right width 8 scale sec format "0.000" }}option printcompilation { column { header "^Compiled^" /* Number of compilation tasks performed */ data sun.ci.totalCompiles scale raw align right width 6 format "0" } column { header "^Size^" /* Code Size in bytes of last compilation */ data sun.ci.lastSize scale raw align right width 6 } column { header "^Type^" /* Type of last compilation */ data sun.ci.lastType scale raw align right width 4 } column { header "^Method" /* Name of class and method for last compile */ data sun.ci.lastMethod scale raw align left width 1 }}