8196485: FromCardCache default card index can cause crashes
Summary: The default value of -1 for 32 bit card indices is a regular card value at the border of 2TB heap addresses in the from card cache, so G1 may loose remembered set entries. Extend from card cache entries to 64 bits.
Reviewed-by: shade, sjohanss
Contributed-by: Thomas Schatzl <thomas.schatzl@oracle.com>, Jarkko Miettinen <jarkko.miettinen@relex.fi>
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* Testing JavaFX canvas run by Nashorn.
* @test/nocompare
* @run
* @fork
TESTNAME = "spread";
var WIDTH = 800;
var HEIGHT = 600;
var canvas = new Canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
var context = canvas.graphicsContext2D;
/* "Spread" tech demo of canvas by Tom Theisen
* This will animate a sequence of branch structures in a canvas element.
* Each frame, a new direction is calculated, similar to the last frame.
var start_width = 20; // starting width of each branch
var frame_time = 30; // milliseconds per frame
var straighten_factor = 0.95; // value from 0 to 1, factor applied to direction_offset every frame
var curviness = 0.2; // amount of random direction change each frame
var color_speed = 0.03; // speed at which colors change when cycling is enabled
var branch_shrink = 0.95; // factor by which branches shrink every frame
var min_width = 1; // minimum WIDTH for branch, after which they are discontinued
var branch_opacity = 0.4; // opacity of lines drawn
var branch_count = 3; // branch count per tree
var branch_bud_size = 0.5; // ratio of original branch size at which branch will split
var branch_bud_angle = 1; // angle offset for split branch;
var paper; // reference to graphics context
var branches = Object(); // linked list of active branches
var color_styles = []; // pre-computed list of colors as styles. format: (r,g,b,a)
var direction_offset = 0; // current direction offset in radians. this is applied to all branches.
var frame = 0; // frame counter
var timespent = 0; // total time spent so far, used to calculate average frame render duration
var frameratespan; // html span element for updating performance number
// preferences object, contains an attribute for each user setting
var prefs = {
wrap: true, // causes branches reaching edge of viewable area to appear on opposite side
fade: false, // fade existing graphics on each frame
cycle: true, // gradually change colors each frame
new_branch_frames: 20 // number of frames elapsed between each auto-generated tree
// create tree at the specified position with number of branches
function create_tree(branches, start_width, position, branch_count) {
var angle_offset = Math.PI * 2 / branch_count;
for (var i = 0; i < branch_count; ++i) {
branch_add(branches, new Branch(position, angle_offset * i, start_width));
// add branch to collection
function branch_add(branches, branch) {
branch.next = branches.next;
branches.next = branch;
// get the coordinates for the position of a new tree
// use the center of the canvas
function get_new_tree_center(width, height) {
return {
x: 0.5 * width,
y: 0.5 * height
// Branch constructor
// position has x and y properties
// direction is in radians
function Branch(position, direction, width) {
this.x = position.x;
this.y = position.y;
this.width = width;
this.original_width = width;
this.direction = direction;
// update position, direction and width of a particular branch
function branch_update(branches, branch, paper) {
paper.lineWidth = branch.width;
paper.moveTo(branch.x, branch.y);
branch.width *= branch_shrink;
branch.direction += direction_offset;
branch.x += Math.cos(branch.direction) * branch.width;
branch.y += Math.sin(branch.direction) * branch.width;
paper.lineTo(branch.x, branch.y);
if (prefs.wrap) wrap_branch(branch, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
if (branch.width < branch.original_width * branch_bud_size) {
branch.original_width *= branch_bud_size;
branch_add(branches, new Branch(branch, branch.direction + 1, branch.original_width));
function draw_frame() {
if (prefs.fade) {
paper.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
if (prefs.cycle) {
paper.setStroke(Paint.valueOf(color_styles[frame % color_styles.length]));
if (frame++ % prefs.new_branch_frames == 0) {
create_tree(branches, start_width, get_new_tree_center(WIDTH, HEIGHT), branch_count);
direction_offset += (0.35 + (frame % 200) * 0.0015) * curviness - curviness / 2;
direction_offset *= straighten_factor;
var branch = branches;
var prev_branch = branches;
while (branch = branch.next) {
branch_update(branches, branch, paper);
if (branch.width < min_width) {
// remove branch from list
prev_branch.next = branch.next;
prev_branch = branch;
// constrain branch position to visible area by "wrapping" from edge to edge
function wrap_branch(branch, WIDTH, HEIGHT) {
branch.x = positive_mod(branch.x, WIDTH);
branch.y = positive_mod(branch.y, HEIGHT);
// for a < 0, b > 0, javascript returns a negative number for a % b
// this is a variant of the % operator that adds b to the result in this case
function positive_mod(a, b) {
// ECMA 262 11.5.3: Applying the % Operator
// remainder operator does not convert operands to integers,
// although negative results are possible
return ((a % b) + b) % b;
// pre-compute color styles that will be used for color cycling
function populate_colors(color_speed, color_styles, branch_opacity) {
// used in calculation of RGB values
var two_thirds_pi = Math.PI * 2 / 3;
var four_thirds_pi = Math.PI * 4 / 3;
var two_pi = Math.PI * 2;
// hue does represent hue, but not in the conventional HSL scheme
for(var hue = 0; hue < two_pi; hue += color_speed) {
var r = Math.floor(Math.sin(hue) * 128 + 128);
var g = Math.floor(Math.sin(hue + two_thirds_pi) * 128 + 128);
var b = Math.floor(Math.sin(hue + four_thirds_pi) * 128 + 128);
color = "rgba(" + [r, g, b, branch_opacity].join() + ")";
// apply initial settings to canvas object
function setup_canvas() {
paper = canvas.graphicsContext2D;
paper.setFill(Paint.valueOf('rgb(0, 0, 0)'));
paper.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
paper.setFill(Paint.valueOf("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.005)"));
paper.setStroke(Paint.valueOf("rgba(128, 128, 64, " + String(branch_opacity) + ")"));
populate_colors(color_speed, color_styles, branch_opacity);
var stack = new StackPane();
var pane = new BorderPane();
$STAGE.scene = new Scene(stack);
var timer = new AnimationTimerExtend() {
handle: function handle(now) {
if (frame < 200) {
} else {