author mcimadamore
Thu, 24 Jul 2008 11:12:41 +0100
changeset 938 13aae74ca013
parent 735 372aa565a221
child 1260 a772ba9ba43d
permissions -rw-r--r--
6594284: NPE thrown when calling a method on an intersection type Summary: javac should report an error when the capture of an actual type parameter does not exist Reviewed-by: jjg

 * Copyright 1999-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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 * have any questions.


import java.util.*;


import static*;
import static*;
import static*;

/** This pass translates Generic Java to conventional Java.
 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems.  If
 *  you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>
public class TransTypes extends TreeTranslator {
    /** The context key for the TransTypes phase. */
    protected static final Context.Key<TransTypes> transTypesKey =
        new Context.Key<TransTypes>();

    /** Get the instance for this context. */
    public static TransTypes instance(Context context) {
        TransTypes instance = context.get(transTypesKey);
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new TransTypes(context);
        return instance;

    private Name.Table names;
    private Log log;
    private Symtab syms;
    private TreeMaker make;
    private Enter enter;
    private boolean allowEnums;
    private Types types;
    private final Resolve resolve;

     * Flag to indicate whether or not to generate bridge methods.
     * For pre-Tiger source there is no need for bridge methods, so it
     * can be skipped to get better performance for -source 1.4 etc.
    private final boolean addBridges;

    protected TransTypes(Context context) {
        context.put(transTypesKey, this);
        names = Name.Table.instance(context);
        log = Log.instance(context);
        syms = Symtab.instance(context);
        enter = Enter.instance(context);
        overridden = new HashMap<MethodSymbol,MethodSymbol>();
        Source source = Source.instance(context);
        allowEnums = source.allowEnums();
        addBridges = source.addBridges();
        types = Types.instance(context);
        make = TreeMaker.instance(context);
        resolve = Resolve.instance(context);

    /** A hashtable mapping bridge methods to the methods they override after
     *  type erasure.
    Map<MethodSymbol,MethodSymbol> overridden;

    /** Construct an attributed tree for a cast of expression to target type,
     *  unless it already has precisely that type.
     *  @param tree    The expression tree.
     *  @param target  The target type.
    JCExpression cast(JCExpression tree, Type target) {
        int oldpos = make.pos;;
        if (!types.isSameType(tree.type, target)) {
            if (!resolve.isAccessible(env, target.tsym))
                resolve.logAccessError(env, tree, target);
            tree = make.TypeCast(make.Type(target), tree).setType(target);
        make.pos = oldpos;
        return tree;

    /** Construct an attributed tree to coerce an expression to some erased
     *  target type, unless the expression is already assignable to that type.
     *  If target type is a constant type, use its base type instead.
     *  @param tree    The expression tree.
     *  @param target  The target type.
    JCExpression coerce(JCExpression tree, Type target) {
        Type btarget = target.baseType();
        if (tree.type.isPrimitive() == target.isPrimitive()) {
            return types.isAssignable(tree.type, btarget, Warner.noWarnings)
                ? tree
                : cast(tree, btarget);
        return tree;

    /** Given an erased reference type, assume this type as the tree's type.
     *  Then, coerce to some given target type unless target type is null.
     *  This operation is used in situations like the following:
     *  class Cell<A> { A value; }
     *  ...
     *  Cell<Integer> cell;
     *  Integer x = cell.value;
     *  Since the erasure of Cell.value is Object, but the type
     *  of cell.value in the assignment is Integer, we need to
     *  adjust the original type of cell.value to Object, and insert
     *  a cast to Integer. That is, the last assignment becomes:
     *  Integer x = (Integer)cell.value;
     *  @param tree       The expression tree whose type might need adjustment.
     *  @param erasedType The expression's type after erasure.
     *  @param target     The target type, which is usually the erasure of the
     *                    expression's original type.
    JCExpression retype(JCExpression tree, Type erasedType, Type target) {
//      System.err.println("retype " + tree + " to " + erasedType);//DEBUG
        if (erasedType.tag > lastBaseTag) {
            if (target != null && target.isPrimitive())
                target = erasure(tree.type);
            tree.type = erasedType;
            if (target != null) return coerce(tree, target);
        return tree;

    /** Translate method argument list, casting each argument
     *  to its corresponding type in a list of target types.
     *  @param _args            The method argument list.
     *  @param parameters       The list of target types.
     *  @param varargsElement   The erasure of the varargs element type,
     *  or null if translating a non-varargs invocation
    <T extends JCTree> List<T> translateArgs(List<T> _args,
                                           List<Type> parameters,
                                           Type varargsElement) {
        if (parameters.isEmpty()) return _args;
        List<T> args = _args;
        while (parameters.tail.nonEmpty()) {
            args.head = translate(args.head, parameters.head);
            args = args.tail;
            parameters = parameters.tail;
        Type parameter = parameters.head;
        assert varargsElement != null || args.length() == 1;
        if (varargsElement != null) {
            while (args.nonEmpty()) {
                args.head = translate(args.head, varargsElement);
                args = args.tail;
        } else {
            args.head = translate(args.head, parameter);
        return _args;

    /** Add a bridge definition and enter corresponding method symbol in
     *  local scope of origin.
     *  @param pos     The source code position to be used for the definition.
     *  @param meth    The method for which a bridge needs to be added
     *  @param impl    That method's implementation (possibly the method itself)
     *  @param origin  The class to which the bridge will be added
     *  @param hypothetical
     *                 True if the bridge method is not strictly necessary in the
     *                 binary, but is represented in the symbol table to detect
     *                 erasure clashes.
     *  @param bridges The list buffer to which the bridge will be added
    void addBridge(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                   MethodSymbol meth,
                   MethodSymbol impl,
                   ClassSymbol origin,
                   boolean hypothetical,
                   ListBuffer<JCTree> bridges) {;
        Type origType = types.memberType(origin.type, meth);
        Type origErasure = erasure(origType);

        // Create a bridge method symbol and a bridge definition without a body.
        Type bridgeType = meth.erasure(types);
        long flags = impl.flags() & AccessFlags | SYNTHETIC | BRIDGE;
        if (hypothetical) flags |= HYPOTHETICAL;
        MethodSymbol bridge = new MethodSymbol(flags,
        if (!hypothetical) {
            JCMethodDecl md = make.MethodDef(bridge, null);

            // The bridge calls this.impl(..), if we have an implementation
            // in the current class, super.impl(...) otherwise.
            JCExpression receiver = (impl.owner == origin)
                ? make.This(origin.erasure(types))
                : make.Super(types.supertype(origin.type).tsym.erasure(types), origin);

            // The type returned from the original method.
            Type calltype = erasure(impl.type.getReturnType());

            // Construct a call of  this.impl(params), or super.impl(params),
            // casting params and possibly results as needed.
            JCExpression call =
                           make.Select(receiver, impl).setType(calltype),
                           translateArgs(make.Idents(md.params), origErasure.getParameterTypes(), null))
            JCStatement stat = (origErasure.getReturnType().tag == VOID)
                ? make.Exec(call)
                : make.Return(coerce(call, bridgeType.getReturnType()));
            md.body = make.Block(0, List.of(stat));

            // Add bridge to `bridges' buffer

        // Add bridge to scope of enclosing class and `overridden' table.
        overridden.put(bridge, meth);

    /** Add bridge if given symbol is a non-private, non-static member
     *  of the given class, which is either defined in the class or non-final
     *  inherited, and one of the two following conditions holds:
     *  1. The method's type changes in the given class, as compared to the
     *     class where the symbol was defined, (in this case
     *     we have extended a parameterized class with non-trivial parameters).
     *  2. The method has an implementation with a different erased return type.
     *     (in this case we have used co-variant returns).
     *  If a bridge already exists in some other class, no new bridge is added.
     *  Instead, it is checked that the bridge symbol overrides the method symbol.
     *  (Spec ???).
     *  todo: what about bridges for privates???
     *  @param pos     The source code position to be used for the definition.
     *  @param sym     The symbol for which a bridge might have to be added.
     *  @param origin  The class in which the bridge would go.
     *  @param bridges The list buffer to which the bridge would be added.
    void addBridgeIfNeeded(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                           Symbol sym,
                           ClassSymbol origin,
                           ListBuffer<JCTree> bridges) {
        if (sym.kind == MTH &&
   != names.init &&
            (sym.flags() & (PRIVATE | SYNTHETIC | STATIC)) == 0 &&
            sym.isMemberOf(origin, types))
            MethodSymbol meth = (MethodSymbol)sym;
            MethodSymbol bridge = meth.binaryImplementation(origin, types);
            MethodSymbol impl = meth.implementation(origin, types, true);
            if (bridge == null ||
                bridge == meth ||
                (impl != null && !bridge.owner.isSubClass(impl.owner, types))) {
                // No bridge was added yet.
                if (impl != null && isBridgeNeeded(meth, impl, origin.type)) {
                    addBridge(pos, meth, impl, origin, bridge==impl, bridges);
                } else if (impl == meth
                           && impl.owner != origin
                           && (impl.flags() & FINAL) == 0
                           && (meth.flags() & (ABSTRACT|PUBLIC)) == PUBLIC
                           && (origin.flags() & PUBLIC) > (impl.owner.flags() & PUBLIC)) {
                    // this is to work around a horrible but permanent
                    // reflection design error.
                    addBridge(pos, meth, impl, origin, false, bridges);
            } else if ((bridge.flags() & SYNTHETIC) != 0) {
                MethodSymbol other = overridden.get(bridge);
                if (other != null && other != meth) {
                    if (impl == null || !impl.overrides(other, origin, types, true)) {
                        // Bridge for other symbol pair was added
                        log.error(pos, "",
                                  other, other.location(origin.type, types),
                                  meth,  meth.location(origin.type, types));
            } else if (!bridge.overrides(meth, origin, types, true)) {
                // Accidental binary override without source override.
                if (bridge.owner == origin ||
                    types.asSuper(bridge.owner.type, meth.owner) == null)
                    // Don't diagnose the problem if it would already
                    // have been reported in the superclass
                    log.error(pos, "",
                              bridge, bridge.location(origin.type, types),
                              meth,  meth.location(origin.type, types));
    // where
         * @param method The symbol for which a bridge might have to be added
         * @param impl The implementation of method
         * @param dest The type in which the bridge would go
        private boolean isBridgeNeeded(MethodSymbol method,
                                       MethodSymbol impl,
                                       Type dest) {
            if (impl != method) {
                // If either method or impl have different erasures as
                // members of dest, a bridge is needed.
                Type method_erasure = method.erasure(types);
                if (!isSameMemberWhenErased(dest, method, method_erasure))
                    return true;
                Type impl_erasure = impl.erasure(types);
                if (!isSameMemberWhenErased(dest, impl, impl_erasure))
                    return true;

                // If the erasure of the return type is different, a
                // bridge is needed.
                return !types.isSameType(impl_erasure.getReturnType(),
            } else {
               // method and impl are the same...
                if ((method.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0) {
                    // ...and abstract so a bridge is not needed.
                    // Concrete subclasses will bridge as needed.
                    return false;

                // The erasure of the return type is always the same
                // for the same symbol.  Reducing the three tests in
                // the other branch to just one:
                return !isSameMemberWhenErased(dest, method, method.erasure(types));
         * Lookup the method as a member of the type.  Compare the
         * erasures.
         * @param type the class where to look for the method
         * @param method the method to look for in class
         * @param erasure the erasure of method
        private boolean isSameMemberWhenErased(Type type,
                                               MethodSymbol method,
                                               Type erasure) {
            return types.isSameType(erasure(types.memberType(type, method)),

    void addBridges(DiagnosticPosition pos,
                    TypeSymbol i,
                    ClassSymbol origin,
                    ListBuffer<JCTree> bridges) {
        for (Scope.Entry e = i.members().elems; e != null; e = e.sibling)
            addBridgeIfNeeded(pos, e.sym, origin, bridges);
        for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(i.type); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
            addBridges(pos, l.head.tsym, origin, bridges);

    /** Add all necessary bridges to some class appending them to list buffer.
     *  @param pos     The source code position to be used for the bridges.
     *  @param origin  The class in which the bridges go.
     *  @param bridges The list buffer to which the bridges are added.
    void addBridges(DiagnosticPosition pos, ClassSymbol origin, ListBuffer<JCTree> bridges) {
        Type st = types.supertype(origin.type);
        while (st.tag == CLASS) {
//          if (isSpecialization(st))
            addBridges(pos, st.tsym, origin, bridges);
            st = types.supertype(st);
        for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(origin.type); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
//          if (isSpecialization(l.head))
            addBridges(pos, l.head.tsym, origin, bridges);

/* ************************************************************************
 * Visitor methods

    /** Visitor argument: proto-type.
    private Type pt;

    /** Visitor method: perform a type translation on tree.
    public <T extends JCTree> T translate(T tree, Type pt) {
        Type prevPt =;
        try {
   = pt;
            return translate(tree);
        } finally {
   = prevPt;

    /** Visitor method: perform a type translation on list of trees.
    public <T extends JCTree> List<T> translate(List<T> trees, Type pt) {
        Type prevPt =;
        List<T> res;
        try {
   = pt;
            res = translate(trees);
        } finally {
   = prevPt;
        return res;

    public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) {
        result = tree;

    JCMethodDecl currentMethod = null;
    public void visitMethodDef(JCMethodDecl tree) {
        JCMethodDecl previousMethod = currentMethod;
        try {
            currentMethod = tree;
            tree.restype = translate(tree.restype, null);
            tree.typarams = List.nil();
            tree.params = translateVarDefs(tree.params);
            tree.thrown = translate(tree.thrown, null);
            tree.body = translate(tree.body, tree.sym.erasure(types).getReturnType());
            tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
            result = tree;
        } finally {
            currentMethod = previousMethod;

        // Check that we do not introduce a name clash by erasing types.
        for (Scope.Entry e = tree.sym.owner.members().lookup(;
             e.sym != null;
             e = {
            if (e.sym != tree.sym &&
                types.isSameType(erasure(e.sym.type), tree.type)) {
                          "name.clash.same.erasure", tree.sym,

    public void visitVarDef(JCVariableDecl tree) {
        tree.vartype = translate(tree.vartype, null);
        tree.init = translate(tree.init, tree.sym.erasure(types));
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

    public void visitDoLoop(JCDoWhileLoop tree) {
        tree.body = translate(tree.body);
        tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
        result = tree;

    public void visitWhileLoop(JCWhileLoop tree) {
        tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
        tree.body = translate(tree.body);
        result = tree;

    public void visitForLoop(JCForLoop tree) {
        tree.init = translate(tree.init, null);
        if (tree.cond != null)
            tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
        tree.step = translate(tree.step, null);
        tree.body = translate(tree.body);
        result = tree;

    public void visitForeachLoop(JCEnhancedForLoop tree) {
        tree.var = translate(tree.var, null);
        Type iterableType = tree.expr.type;
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, erasure(tree.expr.type));
        if (types.elemtype(tree.expr.type) == null)
            tree.expr.type = iterableType; // preserve type for Lower
        tree.body = translate(tree.body);
        result = tree;

    public void visitSwitch(JCSwitch tree) {
        Type selsuper = types.supertype(tree.selector.type);
        boolean enumSwitch = selsuper != null &&
            selsuper.tsym == syms.enumSym;
        Type target = enumSwitch ? erasure(tree.selector.type) : syms.intType;
        tree.selector = translate(tree.selector, target);
        tree.cases = translateCases(tree.cases);
        result = tree;

    public void visitCase(JCCase tree) {
        tree.pat = translate(tree.pat, null);
        tree.stats = translate(tree.stats);
        result = tree;

    public void visitSynchronized(JCSynchronized tree) {
        tree.lock = translate(tree.lock, erasure(tree.lock.type));
        tree.body = translate(tree.body);
        result = tree;

    public void visitConditional(JCConditional tree) {
        tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
        tree.truepart = translate(tree.truepart, erasure(tree.type));
        tree.falsepart = translate(tree.falsepart, erasure(tree.type));
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

   public void visitIf(JCIf tree) {
        tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
        tree.thenpart = translate(tree.thenpart);
        tree.elsepart = translate(tree.elsepart);
        result = tree;

    public void visitExec(JCExpressionStatement tree) {
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, null);
        result = tree;

    public void visitReturn(JCReturn tree) {
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, currentMethod.sym.erasure(types).getReturnType());
        result = tree;

    public void visitThrow(JCThrow tree) {
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, erasure(tree.expr.type));
        result = tree;

    public void visitAssert(JCAssert tree) {
        tree.cond = translate(tree.cond, syms.booleanType);
        if (tree.detail != null)
            tree.detail = translate(tree.detail, erasure(tree.detail.type));
        result = tree;

    public void visitApply(JCMethodInvocation tree) {
        tree.meth = translate(tree.meth, null);
        Symbol meth = TreeInfo.symbol(tree.meth);
        Type mt = meth.erasure(types);
        List<Type> argtypes = mt.getParameterTypes();
        if (allowEnums &&
            meth.owner == syms.enumSym)
            argtypes = argtypes.tail.tail;
        if (tree.varargsElement != null)
            tree.varargsElement = types.erasure(tree.varargsElement);
            assert tree.args.length() == argtypes.length();
        tree.args = translateArgs(tree.args, argtypes, tree.varargsElement);

        // Insert casts of method invocation results as needed.
        result = retype(tree, mt.getReturnType(), pt);

    public void visitNewClass(JCNewClass tree) {
        if (tree.encl != null)
            tree.encl = translate(tree.encl, erasure(tree.encl.type));
        tree.clazz = translate(tree.clazz, null);
        if (tree.varargsElement != null)
            tree.varargsElement = types.erasure(tree.varargsElement);
        tree.args = translateArgs(
            tree.args, tree.constructor.erasure(types).getParameterTypes(), tree.varargsElement);
        tree.def = translate(tree.def, null);
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

    public void visitNewArray(JCNewArray tree) {
        tree.elemtype = translate(tree.elemtype, null);
        translate(tree.dims, syms.intType);
        tree.elems = translate(tree.elems,
                               (tree.type == null) ? null
                               : erasure(types.elemtype(tree.type)));
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);

        result = tree;

    public void visitParens(JCParens tree) {
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, pt);
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

    public void visitAssign(JCAssign tree) {
        tree.lhs = translate(tree.lhs, null);
        tree.rhs = translate(tree.rhs, erasure(tree.lhs.type));
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

    public void visitAssignop(JCAssignOp tree) {
        tree.lhs = translate(tree.lhs, null);
        tree.rhs = translate(tree.rhs, erasure(tree.rhs.type));
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

    public void visitUnary(JCUnary tree) {
        tree.arg = translate(tree.arg, tree.operator.type.getParameterTypes().head);
        result = tree;

    public void visitBinary(JCBinary tree) {
        tree.lhs = translate(tree.lhs, tree.operator.type.getParameterTypes().head);
        tree.rhs = translate(tree.rhs, tree.operator.type.getParameterTypes().tail.head);
        result = tree;

    public void visitTypeCast(JCTypeCast tree) {
        tree.clazz = translate(tree.clazz, null);
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, tree.type);
        result = tree;

    public void visitTypeTest(JCInstanceOf tree) {
        tree.expr = translate(tree.expr, null);
        tree.clazz = translate(tree.clazz, null);
        result = tree;

    public void visitIndexed(JCArrayAccess tree) {
        tree.indexed = translate(tree.indexed, erasure(tree.indexed.type));
        tree.index = translate(tree.index, syms.intType);

        // Insert casts of indexed expressions as needed.
        result = retype(tree, types.elemtype(tree.indexed.type), pt);

    // There ought to be nothing to rewrite here;
    // we don't generate code.
    public void visitAnnotation(JCAnnotation tree) {
        result = tree;

    public void visitIdent(JCIdent tree) {
        Type et = tree.sym.erasure(types);

        // Map type variables to their bounds.
        if (tree.sym.kind == TYP && tree.sym.type.tag == TYPEVAR) {
            result =;
        } else
        // Map constants expressions to themselves.
        if (tree.type.constValue() != null) {
            result = tree;
        // Insert casts of variable uses as needed.
        else if (tree.sym.kind == VAR) {
            result = retype(tree, et, pt);
        else {
            tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
            result = tree;

    public void visitSelect(JCFieldAccess tree) {
        Type t = tree.selected.type;
        while (t.tag == TYPEVAR)
            t = t.getUpperBound();
        if (t.isCompound()) {
            if ((tree.sym.flags() & IPROXY) != 0) {
                tree.sym = ((MethodSymbol)tree.sym).
                    implemented((TypeSymbol)tree.sym.owner, types);
            tree.selected = cast(
                translate(tree.selected, erasure(tree.selected.type)),
        } else
            tree.selected = translate(tree.selected, erasure(t));

        // Map constants expressions to themselves.
        if (tree.type.constValue() != null) {
            result = tree;
        // Insert casts of variable uses as needed.
        else if (tree.sym.kind == VAR) {
            result = retype(tree, tree.sym.erasure(types), pt);
        else {
            tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
            result = tree;

    public void visitTypeArray(JCArrayTypeTree tree) {
        tree.elemtype = translate(tree.elemtype, null);
        tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
        result = tree;

    /** Visitor method for parameterized types.
    public void visitTypeApply(JCTypeApply tree) {
        // Delete all type parameters.
        result = translate(tree.clazz, null);

 * utility methods

    private Type erasure(Type t) {
        return types.erasure(t);

 * main method

    private Env<AttrContext> env;

    void translateClass(ClassSymbol c) {
        Type st = types.supertype(c.type);

        // process superclass before derived
        if (st.tag == CLASS)

        Env<AttrContext> myEnv = enter.typeEnvs.remove(c);
        if (myEnv == null)
        Env<AttrContext> oldEnv = env;
        try {
            env = myEnv;
            // class has not been translated yet

            TreeMaker savedMake = make;
            Type savedPt = pt;
            make = make.forToplevel(env.toplevel);
            pt = null;
            try {
                JCClassDecl tree = (JCClassDecl) env.tree;
                tree.typarams = List.nil();
                if (addBridges) {
                    ListBuffer<JCTree> bridges = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
                    if ((tree.sym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0)
                        addBridges(tree.pos(), tree.sym, bridges);
                    tree.defs = bridges.toList().prependList(tree.defs);
                tree.type = erasure(tree.type);
            } finally {
                make = savedMake;
                pt = savedPt;
        } finally {
            env = oldEnv;

    /** Translate a toplevel class definition.
     *  @param cdef    The definition to be translated.
    public JCTree translateTopLevelClass(JCTree cdef, TreeMaker make) {
        // note that this method does NOT support recursion.
        this.make = make;
        pt = null;
        return translate(cdef, null);