## Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.################################################################################# Check which variant of the JDK that we want to build.# Currently we have:# normal: standard edition# but the custom make system may add other variants## Effectively the JDK variant gives a name to a specific set of# modules to compile into the JDK.AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_JDK_VARIANT],[ AC_MSG_CHECKING([which variant of the JDK to build]) AC_ARG_WITH([jdk-variant], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-jdk-variant], [JDK variant to build (normal) @<:@normal@:>@])]) if test "x$with_jdk_variant" = xnormal || test "x$with_jdk_variant" = x; then JDK_VARIANT="normal" else AC_MSG_ERROR([The available JDK variants are: normal]) fi AC_SUBST(JDK_VARIANT) AC_MSG_RESULT([$JDK_VARIANT])])################################################################################ Set the debug level# release: no debug information, all optimizations, no asserts.# optimized: no debug information, all optimizations, no asserts, HotSpot target is 'optimized'.# fastdebug: debug information (-g), all optimizations, all asserts# slowdebug: debug information (-g), no optimizations, all assertsAC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_DEBUG_LEVEL],[ DEBUG_LEVEL="release" AC_MSG_CHECKING([which debug level to use]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [set the debug level to fastdebug (shorthand for --with-debug-level=fastdebug) @<:@disabled@:>@])], [ ENABLE_DEBUG="${enableval}" DEBUG_LEVEL="fastdebug" ], [ENABLE_DEBUG="no"]) AC_ARG_WITH([debug-level], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-debug-level], [set the debug level (release, fastdebug, slowdebug, optimized (HotSpot build only)) @<:@release@:>@])], [ DEBUG_LEVEL="${withval}" if test "x$ENABLE_DEBUG" = xyes; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You cannot use both --enable-debug and --with-debug-level at the same time.]) fi ]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$DEBUG_LEVEL]) if test "x$DEBUG_LEVEL" != xrelease && \ test "x$DEBUG_LEVEL" != xoptimized && \ test "x$DEBUG_LEVEL" != xfastdebug && \ test "x$DEBUG_LEVEL" != xslowdebug; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Allowed debug levels are: release, fastdebug and slowdebug]) fi])################################################################################# Should we build only OpenJDK even if closed sources are present?#AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_OPEN_OR_CUSTOM],[ AC_ARG_ENABLE([openjdk-only], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-openjdk-only], [suppress building custom source even if present @<:@disabled@:>@])],,[enable_openjdk_only="no"]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for presence of closed sources]) if test -d "$SRC_ROOT/jdk/src/closed"; then CLOSED_SOURCE_PRESENT=yes else CLOSED_SOURCE_PRESENT=no fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$CLOSED_SOURCE_PRESENT]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([if closed source is suppressed (openjdk-only)]) SUPPRESS_CLOSED_SOURCE="$enable_openjdk_only" AC_MSG_RESULT([$SUPPRESS_CLOSED_SOURCE]) if test "x$CLOSED_SOURCE_PRESENT" = xno; then OPENJDK=true if test "x$SUPPRESS_CLOSED_SOURCE" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([No closed source present, --enable-openjdk-only makes no sense]) fi else if test "x$SUPPRESS_CLOSED_SOURCE" = "xyes"; then OPENJDK=true else OPENJDK=false fi fi if test "x$OPENJDK" = "xtrue"; then SET_OPENJDK="OPENJDK=true" fi AC_SUBST(SET_OPENJDK) # custom-make-dir is deprecated. Please use your custom-hook.m4 to override # the IncludeCustomExtension macro. BASIC_DEPRECATED_ARG_WITH(custom-make-dir)])AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_JDK_OPTIONS],[ # Should we build a JDK/JVM with headful support (ie a graphical ui)? # We always build headless support. AC_MSG_CHECKING([headful support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([headful], [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-headful], [disable building headful support (graphical UI support) @<:@enabled@:>@])], [SUPPORT_HEADFUL=${enable_headful}], [SUPPORT_HEADFUL=yes]) SUPPORT_HEADLESS=yes BUILD_HEADLESS="BUILD_HEADLESS:=true" if test "x$SUPPORT_HEADFUL" = xyes; then # We are building both headful and headless. headful_msg="include support for both headful and headless" fi if test "x$SUPPORT_HEADFUL" = xno; then # Thus we are building headless only. BUILD_HEADLESS="BUILD_HEADLESS:=true" headful_msg="headless only" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$headful_msg]) AC_SUBST(SUPPORT_HEADLESS) AC_SUBST(SUPPORT_HEADFUL) AC_SUBST(BUILD_HEADLESS) # Choose cacerts source file AC_ARG_WITH(cacerts-file, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-cacerts-file], [specify alternative cacerts file])]) if test "x$with_cacerts_file" != x; then CACERTS_FILE=$with_cacerts_file fi AC_SUBST(CACERTS_FILE) # Enable or disable unlimited crypto AC_ARG_ENABLE(unlimited-crypto, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-unlimited-crypto], [Enable unlimited crypto policy @<:@disabled@:>@])],, [enable_unlimited_crypto=no]) if test "x$enable_unlimited_crypto" = "xyes"; then UNLIMITED_CRYPTO=true else UNLIMITED_CRYPTO=false fi AC_SUBST(UNLIMITED_CRYPTO) # Compress jars COMPRESS_JARS=false AC_SUBST(COMPRESS_JARS) # Setup default copyright year. Mostly overridden when building close to a new year. AC_ARG_WITH(copyright-year, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-copyright-year], [Set copyright year value for build @<:@current year@:>@])]) if test "x$with_copyright_year" = xyes; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Copyright year must have a value]) elif test "x$with_copyright_year" != x; then COPYRIGHT_YEAR="$with_copyright_year" else COPYRIGHT_YEAR=`date +'%Y'` fi AC_SUBST(COPYRIGHT_YEAR)])################################################################################# Enable or disable the elliptic curve crypto implementation#AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_DETECT_INTREE_EC],[ AC_MSG_CHECKING([if elliptic curve crypto implementation is present]) if test -d "${SRC_ROOT}/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ec/share/native/libsunec/impl"; then ENABLE_INTREE_EC=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else ENABLE_INTREE_EC=no AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_SUBST(ENABLE_INTREE_EC)])AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS],[ # # NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS # This must be done after the toolchain is setup, since we're looking at objcopy. # AC_MSG_CHECKING([what type of native debug symbols to use]) AC_ARG_WITH([native-debug-symbols], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-native-debug-symbols], [set the native debug symbol configuration (none, internal, external, zipped) @<:@zipped@:>@])], [ if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xaix; then if test "x$withval" = xexternal || test "x$withval" = xzipped; then AC_MSG_ERROR([AIX only supports the parameters 'none' and 'internal' for --with-native-debug-symbols]) fi fi ], [ if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xaix; then # AIX doesn't support 'zipped' so use 'internal' as default with_native_debug_symbols="internal" else with_native_debug_symbols="zipped" fi ]) NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=$with_native_debug_symbols AC_MSG_RESULT([$NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS]) if test "x$NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS" = xzipped; then if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xsolaris || test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xlinux; then if test "x$OBJCOPY" = x; then # enabling of enable-debug-symbols and can't find objcopy # this is an error AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find objcopy, cannot enable native debug symbols]) fi fi ENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=true ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=true DEBUG_BINARIES=true STRIP_POLICY=min_strip elif test "x$NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS" = xnone; then ENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=false ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=false DEBUG_BINARIES=false STRIP_POLICY=no_strip elif test "x$NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS" = xinternal; then ENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=false # -g option only ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=false DEBUG_BINARIES=true STRIP_POLICY=no_strip STRIP="" elif test "x$NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS" = xexternal; then if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xsolaris || test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xlinux; then if test "x$OBJCOPY" = x; then # enabling of enable-debug-symbols and can't find objcopy # this is an error AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find objcopy, cannot enable native debug symbols]) fi fi ENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=true ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=false DEBUG_BINARIES=true STRIP_POLICY=min_strip else AC_MSG_ERROR([Allowed native debug symbols are: none, internal, external, zipped]) fi # --enable-debug-symbols is deprecated. # Please use --with-native-debug-symbols=[internal,external,zipped] . BASIC_DEPRECATED_ARG_ENABLE(debug-symbols, debug_symbols, [Please use --with-native-debug-symbols=[[internal,external,zipped]] .]) # --enable-zip-debug-info is deprecated. # Please use --with-native-debug-symbols=zipped . BASIC_DEPRECATED_ARG_ENABLE(zip-debug-info, zip_debug_info, [Please use --with-native-debug-symbols=zipped .]) AC_SUBST(NATIVE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS) AC_SUBST(DEBUG_BINARIES) AC_SUBST(STRIP_POLICY) AC_SUBST(ENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS) AC_SUBST(ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES)])################################################################################## Gcov coverage data for hotspot#AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_CODE_COVERAGE],[ AC_ARG_ENABLE(native-coverage, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-native-coverage], [enable native compilation with code coverage data@<:@disabled@:>@])]) GCOV_ENABLED="false" if test "x$enable_native_coverage" = "xyes"; then if test "x$TOOLCHAIN_TYPE" = "xgcc"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([if native coverage is enabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) GCOV_CFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -fno-inline" GCOV_LDFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs" LEGACY_EXTRA_CFLAGS="$LEGACY_EXTRA_CFLAGS $GCOV_CFLAGS" LEGACY_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$LEGACY_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS $GCOV_CFLAGS" LEGACY_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="$LEGACY_EXTRA_LDFLAGS $GCOV_LDFLAGS" CFLAGS_JDKLIB="$CFLAGS_JDKLIB $GCOV_CFLAGS" CFLAGS_JDKEXE="$CFLAGS_JDKEXE $GCOV_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS_JDKLIB="$CXXFLAGS_JDKLIB $GCOV_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS_JDKEXE="$CXXFLAGS_JDKEXE $GCOV_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS_JDKLIB="$LDFLAGS_JDKLIB $GCOV_LDFLAGS" LDFLAGS_JDKEXE="$LDFLAGS_JDKEXE $GCOV_LDFLAGS" GCOV_ENABLED="true" else AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-native-coverage only works with toolchain type gcc]) fi elif test "x$enable_native_coverage" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([if native coverage is enabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) elif test "x$enable_native_coverage" != "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-native-coverage can only be assigned "yes" or "no"]) fi AC_SUBST(GCOV_ENABLED)])################################################################################## Static build support. When enabled will generate static # libraries instead of shared libraries for all JDK libs.#AC_DEFUN_ONCE([JDKOPT_SETUP_STATIC_BUILD],[ AC_ARG_ENABLE([static-build], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-static-build], [enable static library build @<:@disabled@:>@])]) STATIC_BUILD=false if test "x$enable_static_build" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([if static build is enabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" != "xmacosx"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-static-build is only supported for macosx builds]) fi STATIC_BUILD_CFLAGS="-DSTATIC_BUILD=1" LEGACY_EXTRA_CFLAGS="$LEGACY_EXTRA_CFLAGS $STATIC_BUILD_CFLAGS" LEGACY_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$LEGACY_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS $STATIC_BUILD_CFLAGS" CFLAGS_JDKLIB_EXTRA="$CFLAGS_JDKLIB_EXTRA $STATIC_BUILD_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS_JDKLIB_EXTRA="$CXXFLAGS_JDKLIB_EXTRA $STATIC_BUILD_CFLAGS" STATIC_BUILD=true elif test "x$enable_static_build" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([if static build is enabled]) AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) elif test "x$enable_static_build" != "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-static-build can only be assigned "yes" or "no"]) fi AC_SUBST(STATIC_BUILD)])