--- a/src/jdk.packager/share/classes/jdk/packager/internal/resources/Bundle.properties Thu Aug 02 17:37:59 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.packager/share/classes/jdk/packager/internal/resources/Bundle.properties Thu Aug 02 17:40:34 2018 -0400
@@ -1,190 +1,8 @@
MSG_Version=jpackager version
-MSG_Help_1=Usage: javapackager -command [-options]\n\
- \n\
-where command is one of: \n\
-\ -createjar\n\
-\ The packager produces jar archive according to other parameters. \n\
-\ -deploy \n\
-\ The packager generates the jnlp and html files according to other\n\
-\ parameters.\n\
-\ -createbss\n\
-\ Converts css file into binary form \n\
-\ -signJar\n\
-\ Signs jar file(s) with a provided certificate.\n\
-\ -makeall\n\
-\ Performs compilation, createjar and deploy steps as one call with \n\
-\ most arguments predefined. The sources must be located in "src"\n\
-\ folder, the resulting files (jar, jnlp, html) are put in "dist"\n\
-\ folder. This command may be configured only in a minimal way and is\n\
-\ as automated as possible.\n\
-MSG_Help_2=Options for createjar command include: \n\
-\ -appclass <application class>\n\
-\ qualified name of the application class to be executed.\n\
-\ -preloader <preloader class>\n\
-\ qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.\n\
-\ -paramfile <file>\n\
-\ properties file with default named application parameters.\n\
-\ -argument arg\n\
-\ An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP\n\
-\ file.\n\
-\ -classpath <files>\n\
-\ list of dependent jar file names.\n\
-\ -manifestAttrs <manifest attributes>\n\
-\ List of additional manifest attributes. Syntax: "name1=value1,\n\
-\ name2=value2,name3=value3.\n\
-\ -noembedlauncher \n\
-\ If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes\n\
-\ to the jarfile.\n\
-\ -nocss2bin\n\
-\ The packager won't convert CSS files to binary form before copying\n\
-\ to jar. \n\
-\ -runtimeversion <version> \n\
-\ version of the required JavaFX Runtime.\n\
-\ -outdir <dir>\n\
-\ name of the directory to generate output file to.\n\
-\ -outfile <filename>\n\
-\ The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.\n\
-\ -srcdir <dir>\n\
-\ Base dir of the files to pack.\n\
-\ -srcfiles <files>\n\
-\ List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which\n\
-\ is a mandatory argument in this case) will be packed.\n\
-MSG_Help_3=Options for deploy command include:\n\
-\ -native <type>\n\
-\ generate self-contained application bundles (if possible).\n\
-\ If type is specified then only bundle of this type is created.\n\
-\ List of supported types includes: installer, image, exe, msi, dmg, pkg, rpm, deb.\n\
-\ -name <name>\n\
-\ name of the application.\n\
-\ -appclass <application class>\n\
-\ qualified name of the application class to be executed.\n\
-\ -outdir <dir>\n\
-\ name of the directory to generate output file to.\n\
-\ -outfile <filename>\n\
-\ The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.\n\
-\ -srcdir <dir>\n\
-\ Base dir of the files to pack.\n\
-\ -srcfiles <files>\n\
-\ List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which\n\
-\ is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used.\n\
-\ -m <modulename>[/<mainclass>]\n\
-\ --module <modulename>[/<mainclass>]\n\
-\ the initial module to resolve, and the name of the main class\n\
-\ to execute if not specified by the module\n\
-\ -p <module path>\n\
-\ --module-path <module path>...\n\
-\ A {0} separated list of directories, each directory\n\
-\ is a directory of modules.\n\
-\ --add-modules <modulename>[,<modulename>...]\n\
-\ root modules to resolve in addition to the initial module\n\
-\ --limit-modules <modulename>[,<modulename>...]\n\
-\ limit the universe of observable modules\n\
-\ --strip-native-commands <true/false>\n\
-\ include or exclude the native commands\n\
-\ -singleton\n\
-\ prevents multiple instances of the application from launching.\n\
-\ -title <title>\n\
-\ title of the application.\n\
-\ -vendor <vendor>\n\
-\ vendor of the application.\n\
-\ -description <description>\n\
-\ description of the application.\n\
-\ -embedjnlp\n\
-\ If present, the jnlp file will be embedded in the html document.\n\
-\ -embedCertificates\n\
-\ If present, the certificates will be embedded in the jnlp file.\n\
-\ -allpermissions\n\
-\ If present, the application will require all security permissions \n\
-\ in the jnlp file.\n\
-\ -updatemode <updatemode>\n\
-\ sets the update mode for the jnlp file.\n\
-\ -isExtension\n\
-\ if present, the srcfiles are treated as extensions.\n\
-\ -callbacks\n\
-\ specifies user callback methods in generated HTML. The format is\n\
-\ "name1:value1,name2:value2,..."\n\
-\ -templateInFilename\n\
-\ name of the html template file. Placeholders are in form of\n\
-\ -templateOutFilename\n\
-\ name of the html file to write the filled-in template to.\n\
-\ -templateId\n\
-\ Application ID of the application for template processing.\n\
-\ -argument arg\n\
-\ An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP\n\
-\ file.\n\
-\ -preloader <preloader class>\n\
-\ qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.\n\
-\ -paramfile <file>\n\
-\ properties file with default named application parameters.\n\
-\ -htmlparamfile <file>\n\
-\ properties file with parameters for the resulting applet.\n\
-\ -width <width>\n\
-\ width of the application.\n\
-\ -height <height>\n\
-\ height of the application.\n\
-MSG_Help_4=Options for createbss command include:\n\
-\ -outdir <dir>\n\
-\ name of the directory to generate output file to.\n\
-\ -srcdir <dir>\n\
-\ Base dir of the files to pack.\n\
-\ -srcfiles <files>\n\
-\ List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which\n\
-\ is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used.\n\
-MSG_Help_5=Options for signJar command include:\n\
-\ -keyStore <file>\n\
-\ Keystore filename.\n\
-\ -alias \n\
-\ Alias for the key.\n\
-\ -storePass\n\
-\ Password to check integrity of the keystore or unlock the keystore.\n\
-\ -keyPass\n\
-\ Password for recovering the key.\n\
-\ -storeType\n\
-\ Keystore type, the default value is "jks".\n\
-\ -outdir <dir>\n\
-\ name of the directory to generate output file(s) to.\n\
-\ -srcdir <dir>\n\
-\ Base dir of the files to signed.\n\
-\ -srcfiles <files>\n\
-\ List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which\n\
-\ is a mandatory argument in this case) will be signed.\n\
-MSG_Help_6=Options for makeAll command include:\n\
-\ -appclass <application class>\n\
-\ qualified name of the application class to be executed.\n\
-\ -preloader <preloader class>\n\
-\ qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.\n\
-\ -classpath <files>\n\
-\ list of dependent jar file names.\n\
-\ -name <name>\n\
-\ name of the application.\n\
-\ -width <width>\n\
-\ width of the application.\n\
-\ -height <height>\n\
-\ height of the application.\n\
-\ -v enable verbose output.\n\
-MSG_Help_7=Sample usages:\n\
-javapackager -deploy -native jnlp -outdir outdir -outfile outfile -width 34 -height 43 \n\
-\ -name AppName -appclass package.ClassName -v -srcdir compiled\n\
-\ Generates outfile.jnlp and corresponding outfile.html files in \n\
-\ outdir for application AppName that is started by package.ClassName\n\
-\ class and has dimensions of 34x43.\n\
-javapackager -deploy -native native -outdir outdir -name AppName -m modulename/mainclass\n\
-\ Generates a native image and all native installers.
ERR_UnknownArgument=Error: Unknown argument: {0}
ERR_UnknownCommand=Error: Unknown command: {0}
-ERR_BSSConversionFailed=Error: Conversion of CSS file to binary form failed for file: {0}, reason: {1}
ERR_UnknownReason=Unknown reason
ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}
-ERR_IllegalCSSFile=Error: -cssfile argument must be a readable file
ERR_EmbedingLauncher=Error: Missing embedded resource [{0}]
ERR_ContradictorySetting=Error: Ant script manifest argument ''{0}'' contradicts Ant script data type settings.
ERR_CreatingDirFailed=Error: Failed to create directory {0}
@@ -193,7 +11,6 @@
ERR_CreatingJarFailed=Error: Failed to create jar file {0}
ERR_FileCopyFailed=Error: Failed copy file to directory {0}
ERR_FileReadFailed=Error: Failed reading file {0}
-ERR_CantFindRuntime=Error: jfxrt.jar needs to be on classpath for -createbss and for -createJar without -nocss2bin
ERR_CantDeleteFile=Error: File {0} could not be deleted.
ERR_MissingDirectory=Missing directory {0}
ERR_InvalidDirectory=Invalid directory {0}