--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/safepoint.cpp Mon Jun 23 14:20:20 2014 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/safepoint.cpp Wed Jun 25 20:41:16 2014 -0700
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
// Further complicating matters is that yield() does not work as naively expected
// on many platforms -- yield() does not guarantee that any other ready threads
- // will run. As such we revert yield_all() after some number of iterations.
- // Yield_all() is implemented as a short unconditional sleep on some platforms.
+ // will run. As such we revert to naked_short_sleep() after some number of iterations.
+ // nakes_short_sleep() is implemented as a short unconditional sleep.
// Typical operating systems round a "short" sleep period up to 10 msecs, so sleeping
// can actually increase the time it takes the VM thread to detect that a system-wide
// stop-the-world safepoint has been reached. In a pathological scenario such as that
@@ -324,9 +324,7 @@
if (steps < DeferThrSuspendLoopCount) {
os::NakedYield() ;
} else {
- os::yield_all() ;
- // Alternately, the VM thread could transiently depress its scheduling priority or
- // transiently increase the priority of the tardy mutator(s).
+ os::naked_short_sleep(1);
iterations ++ ;
@@ -746,80 +744,12 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exception handlers
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-#ifdef SPARC
-#ifdef _LP64
-#define PTR_PAD ""
-#define PTR_PAD " "
-static void print_ptrs(intptr_t oldptr, intptr_t newptr, bool wasoop) {
- bool is_oop = newptr ? (cast_to_oop(newptr))->is_oop() : false;
- tty->print_cr(PTR_FORMAT PTR_PAD " %s %c " PTR_FORMAT PTR_PAD " %s %s",
- oldptr, wasoop?"oop":" ", oldptr == newptr ? ' ' : '!',
- newptr, is_oop?"oop":" ", (wasoop && !is_oop) ? "STALE" : ((wasoop==false&&is_oop==false&&oldptr !=newptr)?"STOMP":" "));
-static void print_longs(jlong oldptr, jlong newptr, bool wasoop) {
- bool is_oop = newptr ? (cast_to_oop(newptr))->is_oop() : false;
- tty->print_cr(PTR64_FORMAT " %s %c " PTR64_FORMAT " %s %s",
- oldptr, wasoop?"oop":" ", oldptr == newptr ? ' ' : '!',
- newptr, is_oop?"oop":" ", (wasoop && !is_oop) ? "STALE" : ((wasoop==false&&is_oop==false&&oldptr !=newptr)?"STOMP":" "));
-static void print_me(intptr_t *new_sp, intptr_t *old_sp, bool *was_oops) {
-#ifdef _LP64
- tty->print_cr("--------+------address-----+------before-----------+-------after----------+");
- const int incr = 1; // Increment to skip a long, in units of intptr_t
- tty->print_cr("--------+--address-+------before-----------+-------after----------+");
- const int incr = 2; // Increment to skip a long, in units of intptr_t
- tty->print_cr("---SP---|");
- for( int i=0; i<16; i++ ) {
- tty->print("blob %c%d |"PTR_FORMAT" ","LO"[i>>3],i&7,new_sp); print_ptrs(*old_sp++,*new_sp++,*was_oops++); }
- tty->print_cr("--------|");
- for( int i1=0; i1<frame::memory_parameter_word_sp_offset-16; i1++ ) {
- tty->print("argv pad|"PTR_FORMAT" ",new_sp); print_ptrs(*old_sp++,*new_sp++,*was_oops++); }
- tty->print(" pad|"PTR_FORMAT" ",new_sp); print_ptrs(*old_sp++,*new_sp++,*was_oops++);
- tty->print_cr("--------|");
- tty->print(" G1 |"PTR_FORMAT" ",new_sp); print_longs(*(jlong*)old_sp,*(jlong*)new_sp,was_oops[incr-1]); old_sp += incr; new_sp += incr; was_oops += incr;
- tty->print(" G3 |"PTR_FORMAT" ",new_sp); print_longs(*(jlong*)old_sp,*(jlong*)new_sp,was_oops[incr-1]); old_sp += incr; new_sp += incr; was_oops += incr;
- tty->print(" G4 |"PTR_FORMAT" ",new_sp); print_longs(*(jlong*)old_sp,*(jlong*)new_sp,was_oops[incr-1]); old_sp += incr; new_sp += incr; was_oops += incr;
- tty->print(" G5 |"PTR_FORMAT" ",new_sp); print_longs(*(jlong*)old_sp,*(jlong*)new_sp,was_oops[incr-1]); old_sp += incr; new_sp += incr; was_oops += incr;
- tty->print_cr(" FSR |"PTR_FORMAT" "PTR64_FORMAT" "PTR64_FORMAT,new_sp,*(jlong*)old_sp,*(jlong*)new_sp);
- old_sp += incr; new_sp += incr; was_oops += incr;
- // Skip the floats
- tty->print_cr("--Float-|"PTR_FORMAT,new_sp);
- tty->print_cr("---FP---|");
- old_sp += incr*32; new_sp += incr*32; was_oops += incr*32;
- for( int i2=0; i2<16; i2++ ) {
- tty->print("call %c%d |"PTR_FORMAT" ","LI"[i2>>3],i2&7,new_sp); print_ptrs(*old_sp++,*new_sp++,*was_oops++); }
- tty->cr();
-#endif // SPARC
-#endif // PRODUCT
void SafepointSynchronize::handle_polling_page_exception(JavaThread *thread) {
assert(thread->is_Java_thread(), "polling reference encountered by VM thread");
assert(thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_Java, "should come from Java code");
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing(), "polling encountered outside safepoint synchronization");
- // Uncomment this to get some serious before/after printing of the
- // Sparc safepoint-blob frame structure.
- /*
- intptr_t* sp = thread->last_Java_sp();
- intptr_t stack_copy[150];
- for( int i=0; i<150; i++ ) stack_copy[i] = sp[i];
- bool was_oops[150];
- for( int i=0; i<150; i++ )
- was_oops[i] = stack_copy[i] ? ((oop)stack_copy[i])->is_oop() : false;
- */
if (ShowSafepointMsgs) {
tty->print("handle_polling_page_exception: ");
@@ -831,7 +761,6 @@
ThreadSafepointState* state = thread->safepoint_state();
- // print_me(sp,stack_copy,was_oops);