changeset 49495 f46bfa7a2956
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/demo/share/jfc/SwingSet2/resources/bug.html	Fri Mar 23 13:43:39 2018 -0700
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+<title>Untitled Document</title>
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+<h1 align="center">Observ. LIV. Of a Louse.<br>
+<p align="center"><img src="images/Octavo/bug.jpg" width="516" height="445"></p>
+<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
+  <blockquote> 
+    <p><font size="4">This is a Creature so officious, that 'twill be known to 
+      every one at one time or other, so busie, and so impudent, that it will 
+      be intruding it self in every ones company, and so proud and aspiring withall, 
+      that it fears not to trample on the best, and affects nothing so much as 
+      a Crown; feeds and lives very high, and that makes it so saucy, as to pull 
+      any one by the ears that comes in its way, and will never be quiet till 
+      it has drawn blood: it is troubled at nothing so much as at a man that scratches 
+      his head, as knowing that man is plotting and contriving some mischief against 
+      it, and that makes it oftentime sculk into some meaner and lower place, and 
+      run behind a mans back, though it go very much against the hair; which ill 
+      conditions of it having made it better known then trusted, would exempt me 
+      from making any further description of it, did not my faithful Mercury, my 
+      Microscope, bring me other information of it. </font></p>
+    <p><font size="4">For this has discovered to me, by means of a very bright light 
+      cast on it, that it is a Creature of a very odd shape ; it has a head shap'd 
+      like that exprest in 35. Scheme marked with A, which seems almost Conical, 
+      but is a little flatted on the upper and under sides, at the biggest part 
+      of which, on either side behind the head (as it were, being the place where 
+      other Creatures ears stand) are placed its two black shining goggle eyes 
+      B B, looking backwards, and fenced round with several small cilia or hairs 
+      that incompass it, so that it seems this Creature has no very good foresight: 
+      It does not seem to have any eyelids, and therefore perhaps its eyes were 
+      so placed, that it might the better cleanse them with its forelegs; and perhaps 
+      this may be the reason, why they so much avoid and run from the light behind 
+      them, for being made to live in the shady and dark recesses of the hair, 
+      and thence probably their eye having a great aperture, the open and clear 
+      light, especially that of the Sun, must needs very much offend them; to secure 
+      these eyes from receiving any injury from the hairs through which it passes, 
+      it has two horns that grow before it, in the place where one would have thought 
+      the eyes should be; each of these C C have four joynts, which are fringed, 
+      as 'twere, with small brisles, from which to the tip of its snout D, the 
+      head seems very round and tapering, ending in a very sharp nose D, which 
+      seems to have a small hole, and to be the passage through which he sucks 
+      the blood. </font></p>
+    <p>&nbsp;</p>
+    <p><img src="images/Octavo/bug2.jpg" width="537" height="348"></p>
+    <p><font size="4">Now whereas it if be plac'd on its back, with its belly 
+      upwards, as it is in the 35. Scheme, it seems in several Positions to have 
+      a resemblance of chaps, or jaws, as is represented in the Figure by E E, 
+      yet in other postures those dark strokes disappear; and having kept several 
+      of them in a box for two or three dayes, so that for all that time they had 
+      nothing to feed on, I found, upon letting onecreep on my hand, that it immediately 
+      fell to sucking, and did neither seem to thrust its nose very deep into the 
+      skin, nor to open any kind of mouth, but I could plainly perceive a small 
+      current of blood, which came directly from its snout, and past into its belly; 
+      and about A there seem'd a contrivance, somewhat resembling a Pump, pair 
+      of Bellows, or Heart, for by a very swift systole and diastole the blood 
+      seem'd drawn from the nose, and forced into the body. </font></p>
+    <p><font size="4">It did not seem at all, though I viewed it a good while as 
+      it was sucking, to thrust more of its nose into the skin then the very snout 
+      D, nor did it cause the least discernable pain, and yet the blood seem'd 
+      to run through its head very quick and freely, so that it seems there is 
+      no part of the skin but the blood is dispers'd into, nay, even into the 
+      cuticula; for had it thrust its whole nose in from D to C C, it would not 
+      have amounted to the supposed thickness of that tegument, the length of 
+      the nose being not more then a three hundredth part of an inch. </font></p>
+    <p><font size="4">It has six legs, covered with a very transparent shell, 
+      and joynted exactly like a Crab's, or Lobster's; each leg is divided into 
+      six parts by these joynts, and those have here and there several small hairs; 
+      and at the end of each leg it has two claws, very properly adapted for its 
+      peculiar use, being thereby inabled to walk very securely both on the skin 
+      and hair; and indeed this contrivance of the feet is very curious, and could 
+      not be made more commodiously and compendiously, for performing both these 
+      requisite motions, of walking and climbing up the hair of a mans head, then 
+      it is : for, by having the lesser claw (a) set so much short of the bigger 
+      (b) when it walks on the skin the shorter touches not, and then the feet 
+      are the same with those of a Mite, and several other small Insects, but by 
+      means of the small joynts of the longer claw it can bend it round, and so 
+      with both claws take hold of a hair, in the manner represented in the Figure, 
+      the long transparent Cylinder F F F, being a Man's hair held by it. </font></p>
+    <p><font size="4">The Thorax seem'd cas'd with another kind of substance then 
+      the belly, namely, with a thin transparent horny substance, which upon the fasting 
+      of the Creature did not grow flaccid; through this I could plainly see the 
+      blood, suck'd from my hand, to be variously distributed, and mov'd to and 
+      fro; and about G there seem'd a pretty big white substance, which seem'd 
+      to be moved within its thorax; besides, there appear'd very many small milk-white 
+      vessels, which crost over the breast between the legs, out of which, on 
+      either side, are many small branchings, these seem'd to be the veins and 
+      arteries, for that which is analogus to blood in all Insects is milk-white. 
+      </font></p>
+    <p><font size="4">The belly is covered with a transparent substance likewise, 
+      but more resembling a skin then a shell, for 'tis grain'd all over the belly 
+      just like the skin in the palms of a man's hand, and when the belly is empty, 
+      grows very flaccid and wrinkled ; at the upper end of this is placed the 
+      stomach H H, and perhaps also the white spot I I may be the liver, or pancreas, 
+      which by the peristaltick motion of the guts, is a little mov'd to and fro, 
+      not with a systole and diastole, but rather with a thronging or justling 
+      motion. </font></p>
+    <p><font size="4">Viewing one of these Creatures, after it had fasted two 
+      dayes, all the hinder part was lank and flaccid, and the white spot I I 
+      hardly mov'd, most of the white branchings disappear'd, and most also of 
+      the redness or sucked blood in the guts, the peristaltick motion of which 
+      was scarce discernable; but upon the suffering it to suck, it presently 
+      fill'd the skin of the belly, and of the six scolop'd embosments on either side, 
+      as full as it could be stuft ; the stomach and guts were as full as they 
+      could hold; the peristaltick motion of the gut grew quick, and the justling 
+      motion of I I accordingly ; multitudes of milk-white vessels seem'd quickly 
+      filled, and turgid, which were perhaps the veins and arteries, and the Creature 
+      was so greedy, that though it could not contain more, yet it continued sucking 
+      as fast as ever, and as fast emptying it self behind : the digestion of this 
+      Creature must needs be very quick, for though I perceiv'd the blood thicker 
+      and blacker when suck'd, yet, when in the guts, it was of a very lovely 
+      ruby colour, and that part of it, which was digested into the veins, seemed 
+      white; whence it appears, that a further digestion of blood may make it 
+      milk, at least of a resembling colour : What is else observable in the figure 
+      of this Creature, maybe seen by the 35. Scheme.</font></p>
+    </blockquote>
+  <p>&nbsp;</p>
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