changeset 48943 e61816fc5276
parent 41261 a74ba4179f11
child 52804 28094715ae71
--- a/make/common/TextFileProcessing.gmk	Fri Feb 23 12:10:56 2018 -0800
+++ b/make/common/TextFileProcessing.gmk	Fri Feb 23 22:09:16 2018 +0100
@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@
     # Convert the REPLACEMENTS syntax ( A => B ; C => D ; ...) to a sed command
-    # line (-e "s/A/B/" -e "s/C/D/" ...), basically by replacing '=>' with '/'
-    # and ';' with '/" -e "s/', and adjusting for edge cases.
-    $1_REPLACEMENTS_COMMAND_LINE := $(SED) -e 's$$($1_SEP)$$(subst $$(SPACE);$$(SPACE),$$($1_SEP)' \
-        -e 's$$($1_SEP),$$(subst $$(SPACE)=>$$(SPACE),$$($1_SEP),$$(subst $$(SPACE)=>$$(SPACE);$$(SPACE),$$($1_SEP)$$($1_SEP)' \
-        -e 's$$($1_SEP),$$(strip $$($1_REPLACEMENTS)))))$$($1_SEP)'
+    # line (-e "s/A/B/g" -e "s/C/D/g" ...), basically by replacing '=>' with '/'
+    # and ';' with '/g" -e "s/', and adjusting for edge cases.
+    $1_REPLACEMENTS_COMMAND_LINE := $(SED) -e 's$$($1_SEP)$$(subst $$(SPACE);$$(SPACE),$$($1_SEP)g' \
+        -e 's$$($1_SEP),$$(subst $$(SPACE)=>$$(SPACE),$$($1_SEP),$$(subst $$(SPACE)=>$$(SPACE);$$(SPACE),$$($1_SEP)$$($1_SEP)g' \
+        -e 's$$($1_SEP),$$(strip $$($1_REPLACEMENTS)))))$$($1_SEP)g'
     # We don't have any replacements, just pipe the file through cat.