changeset 57588 dac8f245de8e
parent 57587 16c4975e9e09
parent 57586 f459f98aa30d
child 57591 6805e0ef7453
--- a/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/appcds/TraceLongClasspath.java	Mon Jul 29 18:31:18 2019 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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- * questions.
- *
- */
- * @test
- * @summary ensure -XX:+TraceClassPaths showing entire expecting app classpath
- * @requires vm.cds
- * @library /test/lib
- * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
- *          java.management
- *          jdk.jartool/sun.tools.jar
- * @compile test-classes/Hello.java
- * @compile test-classes/Super.java
- * @run driver TraceLongClasspath
- */
-import java.io.File;
-import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
-public class TraceLongClasspath {
-    final static String ps = File.pathSeparator;
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        String appJar = JarBuilder.getOrCreateHelloJar();
-        String dummyJar = JarBuilder.build("dummy", "Super");
-        String longClassPath =
-            dummyJar + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/user-patch.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/abc-startup.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/modules/features/com.foobar.db.jdbc7-dms.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/jdk/lib/tools.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/aaserver/server/lib/someapps.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/aaserver/../foobar_common/modules/net.xy.batcontrib_1.1.0.0_1-0b3/lib/bat-contrib.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/aaserver/modules/features/foobar.aas.common.kkkkkkkkkkk.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.common.adapters_11.1.1/foobar.abc.common.adapters.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.plane.adapter_12.1.3/foobar.plane.adapter.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/lib/ccccccccar-common.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/communications/modules/config.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/communications/modules/userprefs-config.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/XXXXXX/aaaaaaaa/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx.us.foobar.com/CommonDomain/config/abc-infra" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/qqqqqq-all-1.6.5.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.thread_11.1.1/foobar.abc.thread.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.thread_11.1.1/thread-rrrrrrr-ext-aas.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.adapter_11.1.1/foobar.abc.adapter.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.ccc_11.1.1/foobar.abc.ccc.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/bbb/lib/commons-configuration.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/bbb/lib/commons-lang.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/bbb/lib/commons-logging.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/modules/foobar.wccore/foobar-ppppppp-api.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/modules/foobar.ooo_12.1.3/ooo-manifest.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/modules/internal/features/rrr_aaxyxx_foobar.rrr.aas.classpath.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.thread_11.1.1/rrrrrrrr-api.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/commons-xxx-1.1.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/abc/abc/modules/foobar.abc.mgmt_11.1.1/abc-infra-mgmt.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/eee/archives/eee-eee.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/aaserver/common/march/lib/marchnet.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/aaserver/common/march/lib/marchclient.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/aaserver/common/march/lib/march.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/wwcontent/cde/iii/jlib/iiiloader.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/wwcontent/cde/iii/components/xxxxxxyyzzzzz/classes-xxxxxxyyzzzzz.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/wwcontent/cde/iii/components/mmmmmmm/lib/abc_core.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/wwcontent/cde/iii/components/mmmmmmm/lib/abc_codec.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/wwcontent/cde/iii/components/mmmmmmm/lib/abc_imageio.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/jdk/lib/tools.jar" + ps +
-            "/scratch/xxxx/yyyy/ZZZZZZ/aaaaaaaaaa/xx/foobar_common/modules/foobar.ooo_12.1.3/ooo-manifest.jar";
-        String myCP = longClassPath + ps + appJar;
-        // Dump an archive with a specified JAR file in -classpath
-        TestCommon.testDump(myCP, TestCommon.list("Hello"));
-        // Then try to execute the archive with a different classpath and with -XX:+TraceClassPaths.
-        // The diagnosis "expecting" app classpath trace should show the entire classpath.
-        TestCommon.run(
-            "-XX:+TraceClassPaths", "-Xlog:cds",
-            "-cp", appJar,
-            "Hello")
-            .assertAbnormalExit(output -> {
-                output.shouldContain("Unable to use shared archive");
-                output.shouldContain("shared class paths mismatch");
-                // the "expecting" app classpath from -XX:+TraceClassPaths should not
-                // be truncated
-                output.shouldContain(myCP);
-              });
-    }