changeset 7614 cfadc977ca75
parent 5520 86e4b9a9da40
child 7681 1f0819a3341f
--- a/langtools/test/com/sun/javadoc/testClassCrossReferences/	Tue Nov 30 09:38:48 2010 -0800
+++ b/langtools/test/com/sun/javadoc/testClassCrossReferences/	Wed Dec 01 11:02:38 2010 -0800
@@ -37,18 +37,20 @@
     private static final String BUG_ID = "4652655-4857717";
     private static final String[][] TEST = {
         {BUG_ID + FS + "C.html",
-            "<A HREF=\"\"><CODE>Link to math package</CODE></A>"},
+            "<a href=\"\"><code>Link to math package</code></a>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "C.html",
-            "<A HREF=\"\" " +
-            "title=\"class or interface in javax.swing.text\"><CODE>Link to AttributeContext innerclass</CODE></A>"},
+            "<a href=\"\" " +
+            "title=\"class or interface in javax.swing.text\"><code>Link to AttributeContext innerclass</code></a>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "C.html",
-            "<A HREF=\"\" " +
-                "title=\"class or interface in java.math\"><CODE>Link to external class BigDecimal</CODE></A>"},
+            "<a href=\"\" " +
+                "title=\"class or interface in java.math\"><code>Link to external class BigDecimal</code></a>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "C.html",
-            "<A HREF=\"\" " +
-                "title=\"class or interface in java.math\"><CODE>Link to external member gcd</CODE></A>"},
+            "<a href=\"\" " +
+                "title=\"class or interface in java.math\"><code>Link to external member gcd</code></a>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "C.html",
-            "<STRONG>Overrides:</STRONG></DT><DD><CODE>toString</CODE> in class <CODE>java.lang.Object</CODE>"}
+            "<dl>" + NL + "<dt><strong>Overrides:</strong></dt>" + NL +
+            "<dd><code>toString</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Object</code></dd>" + NL +
+            "</dl>"}
     private static final String[][] NEGATED_TEST = NO_TEST;
     private static final String[] ARGS =