changeset 49197 cc2673fa8c20
parent 47216 71c04702a3d5
--- a/test/langtools/tools/javac/processing/6430209/T6430209.java	Fri Mar 09 11:36:12 2018 +0800
+++ b/test/langtools/tools/javac/processing/6430209/T6430209.java	Fri Mar 09 09:42:10 2018 +0100
@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@
 import java.io.*;
 import java.util.*;
-import javax.annotation.processing.*;
-import javax.lang.model.*;
-import javax.lang.model.element.*;
 import javax.tools.*;
 import com.sun.source.util.*;
 import com.sun.tools.javac.api.*;
@@ -59,32 +56,25 @@
         String testSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
         String testClassPath = System.getProperty("test.class.path");
         JavacTool tool = JavacTool.create();
-        MyDiagListener dl = new MyDiagListener();
-        try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(dl, null, null)) {
+        try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) {
             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, Arrays.asList(new File(".")));
             Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files = fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(Arrays.asList(
                 new File(testSrc, "test0.java"), new File(testSrc, "test1.java")));
-            Iterable<String> opts = Arrays.asList("-proc:only",
+            Iterable<String> opts = Arrays.asList("-XDrawDiagnostics",
+                                                  "-proc:only",
                                                   "-processor", "b6341534",
                                                   "-processorpath", testClassPath);
             StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
-            JavacTask task = tool.getTask(out, fm, dl, opts, null, files);
+            JavacTask task = tool.getTask(out, fm, null, opts, null, files);
             String s = out.toString();
-            // Expect the following 2 diagnostics, and no output to log
-            System.err.println(dl.count + " diagnostics; " + s.length() + " characters");
-            if (dl.count != 2 || s.length() != 0)
-                throw new AssertionError("unexpected output from compiler");
+            s = s.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "\n");
+            String expected = "test0.java:1:8: compiler.err.duplicate.class: test0\n" +
+                              "1 error\n";
+            if (!expected.equals(s))
+                throw new AssertionError("unexpected text in output");
-    static class MyDiagListener implements DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> {
-        public void report(Diagnostic d) {
-            System.err.println(d);
-            count++;
-        }
-        public int count;
-    }