--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvmti.xml Thu Dec 09 17:53:22 2010 +0300
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvmti.xml Thu Dec 09 15:04:26 2010 -0500
@@ -5649,6 +5649,45 @@
+ <function id="GetLocalInstance" num="155" since="1.2">
+ <synopsis>Get Local Instance</synopsis>
+ <description>
+ This function can be used to retrieve the value of the local object
+ variable at slot 0 (the "<code>this</code>" object) from non-static
+ frames. This function can retrieve the "<code>this</code>" object from
+ native method frames, whereas <code>GetLocalObject()</code> would
+ return <code>JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME</code> in those cases.
+ </description>
+ <origin>new</origin>
+ <capabilities>
+ <required id="can_access_local_variables"></required>
+ </capabilities>
+ <parameters>
+ <param id="thread">
+ <jthread null="current" frame="frame"/>
+ <description>
+ The thread of the frame containing the variable's value.
+ </description>
+ </param>
+ <param id="depth">
+ <jframeID thread="thread"/>
+ <description>
+ The depth of the frame containing the variable's value.
+ </description>
+ </param>
+ <param id="value_ptr">
+ <outptr><jobject/></outptr>
+ <description>
+ On return, points to the variable's value.
+ </description>
+ </param>
+ </parameters>
+ <errors>
+ If the specified frame is a static method frame.
+ </error>
+ </errors>
+ </function>
<function id="GetLocalInt" num="22">
<synopsis>Get Local Variable - Int</synopsis>