changeset 4422 ade55a65b0f2
parent 4421 fcbbd4d49581
parent 4408 80dcc8ac5696
child 4423 4061c66ba1af
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/x509/X509Cert.java	Wed Dec 16 23:39:39 2009 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,892 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
- * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
- * have any questions.
- */
-package sun.security.x509;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
-import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
-import java.io.Serializable;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.security.*;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import sun.security.util.*;     // DER
- * @author David Brownell
- *
- * @see CertAndKeyGen
- * @deprecated  Use the new X509Certificate class.
- *              This class is only restored for backwards compatibility.
- */
-public class X509Cert implements Certificate, Serializable {
-    static final long serialVersionUID = -52595524744692374L;
-    /*
-     * NOTE: All fields are marked transient, because we do not want them to
-     * be included in the class description when we serialize an object of
-     * this class. We override "writeObject" and "readObject" to use the
-     * ASN.1 encoding of a certificate as the serialized form, instead of
-     * calling the default routines which would operate on the field values.
-     *
-     */
-    /* The algorithm id */
-    transient protected AlgorithmId algid;
-    /*
-     * Certificate data, and its envelope
-     */
-    transient private byte rawCert [];
-    transient private byte signature [];
-    transient private byte signedCert [];
-    /*
-     * X509.v1 data (parsed)
-     */
-    transient private X500Name subject; // from subject
-    transient private PublicKey pubkey;
-    transient private Date notafter;    // from CA (constructor)
-    transient private Date notbefore;
-    transient private int version;      // from CA (signAndEncode)
-    transient private BigInteger serialnum;
-    transient private X500Name issuer;
-    transient private AlgorithmId issuerSigAlg;
-    /*
-     * flag to indicate whether or not this certificate has already been parsed
-     * (through a call to one of the constructors or the "decode" or
-     * "readObject" methods). This is to ensure that certificates are
-     * immutable.
-     */
-    transient private boolean parsed=false;
-    /*
-     * X509.v2 extensions
-     */
-    /*
-     * X509.v3 extensions
-     */
-    /*
-     * Other extensions ... Netscape, Verisign, SET, etc
-     */
-    /**
-     * Construct a uninitialized X509 Cert on which <a href="#decode">
-     * decode</a> must later be called (or which may be deserialized).
-     */
-    // XXX deprecated, delete this
-    public X509Cert() { }
-    /**
-     * Unmarshals a certificate from its encoded form, parsing the
-     * encoded bytes.  This form of constructor is used by agents which
-     * need to examine and use certificate contents.  That is, this is
-     * one of the more commonly used constructors.  Note that the buffer
-     * must include only a certificate, and no "garbage" may be left at
-     * the end.  If you need to ignore data at the end of a certificate,
-     * use another constructor.
-     *
-     * @param cert the encoded bytes, with no terminatu (CONSUMED)
-     * @exception IOException when the certificate is improperly encoded.
-     */
-    public X509Cert(byte cert []) throws IOException
-    {
-        DerValue in = new DerValue (cert);
-        parse (in);
-        if (in.data.available () != 0)
-            throw new CertParseError ("garbage at end");
-        signedCert = cert;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Unmarshals a certificate from its encoded form, parsing the
-     * encoded bytes.  This form of constructor is used by agents which
-     * need to examine and use certificate contents.  That is, this is
-     * one of the most commonly used constructors.
-     *
-     * @param buf the buffer holding the encoded bytes
-     * @param offset the offset in the buffer where the bytes begin
-     * @param len how many bytes of certificate exist
-     *
-     * @exception IOException when the certificate is improperly encoded.
-     */
-    public X509Cert(byte buf [], int offset, int len) throws IOException
-    {
-        DerValue in = new DerValue (buf, offset, len);
-        parse (in);
-        if (in.data.available () != 0)
-            throw new CertParseError ("garbage at end");
-        signedCert = new byte [len];
-        System.arraycopy (buf, offset, signedCert, 0, len);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Unmarshal a certificate from its encoded form, parsing a DER value.
-     * This form of constructor is used by agents which need to examine
-     * and use certificate contents.
-     *
-     * @param derVal the der value containing the encoded cert.
-     * @exception IOException when the certificate is improperly encoded.
-     */
-    public X509Cert(DerValue derVal) throws IOException
-    {
-        parse (derVal);
-        if (derVal.data.available () != 0)
-            throw new CertParseError ("garbage at end");
-        signedCert = derVal.toByteArray ();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Partially constructs a certificate from descriptive parameters.
-     * This constructor may be used by Certificate Authority (CA) code,
-     * which later <a href="#signAndEncode">signs and encodes</a> the
-     * certificate.  Also, self-signed certificates serve as CA certificates,
-     * and are sometimes used as certificate requests.
-     *
-     * <P>Until the certificate has been signed and encoded, some of
-     * the mandatory fields in the certificate will not be available
-     * via accessor functions:  the serial number, issuer name and signing
-     * algorithm, and of course the signed certificate.  The fields passed
-     * to this constructor are available, and must be non-null.
-     *
-     * <P>Note that the public key being signed is generally independent of
-     * the signature algorithm being used.  So for example Diffie-Hellman
-     * keys (which do not support signatures) can be placed in X.509
-     * certificates when some other signature algorithm (e.g. DSS/DSA,
-     * or one of the RSA based algorithms) is used.
-     *
-     * @see CertAndKeyGen
-     *
-     * @param subjectName the X.500 distinguished name being certified
-     * @param subjectPublicKey the public key being certified.  This
-     *  must be an "X509Key" implementing the "PublicKey" interface.
-     * @param notBefore the first time the certificate is valid
-     * @param notAfter the last time the certificate is valid
-     *
-     * @exception CertException if the public key is inappropriate
-     */
-    public X509Cert(X500Name subjectName, X509Key subjectPublicKey,
-                    Date notBefore, Date notAfter) throws CertException
-    {
-        subject = subjectName;
-        if (!(subjectPublicKey instanceof PublicKey))
-            throw new CertException (CertException.err_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY,
-                "Doesn't implement PublicKey interface");
-        // The X509 cert API requires X509 keys, else things break.
-        pubkey = subjectPublicKey;
-        notbefore = notBefore;
-        notafter = notAfter;
-        version = 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Decode an X.509 certificate from an input stream.
-     *
-     * @param in an input stream holding at least one certificate
-     * @exception IOException when the certificate is improperly encoded, or
-     * if it has already been parsed.
-     */
-    public void decode(InputStream in) throws IOException
-    {
-        DerValue val = new DerValue(in);
-        parse(val);
-        signedCert = val.toByteArray();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Appends the certificate to an output stream.
-     *
-     * @param out an input stream to which the certificate is appended.
-     * @exception IOException when appending fails.
-     */
-    public void encode (OutputStream out) throws IOException
-        { out.write (getSignedCert ()); }
-    /**
-     * Compares two certificates.  This is false if the
-     * certificates are not both X.509 certs, otherwise it
-     * compares them as binary data.
-     *
-     * @param other the object being compared with this one
-     * @return true iff the certificates are equivalent
-     */
-    public boolean      equals (Object other)
-    {
-        if (other instanceof X509Cert)
-            return equals ((X509Cert) other);
-        else
-            return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compares two certificates, returning false if any data
-     * differs between the two.
-     *
-     * @param other the object being compared with this one
-     * @return true iff the certificates are equivalent
-     */
-    public boolean      equals (X509Cert src)
-    {
-        if (this == src)
-            return true;
-        if (signedCert == null || src.signedCert == null)
-            return false;
-        if (signedCert.length != src.signedCert.length)
-            return false;
-        for (int i = 0; i < signedCert.length; i++)
-            if (signedCert [i] != src.signedCert [i])
-                return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /** Returns the "X.509" format identifier. */
-    public String getFormat () // for Certificate
-        { return "X.509"; }
-    /** Returns <a href="#getIssuerName">getIssuerName</a> */
-    public Principal getGuarantor () // for Certificate
-        { return getIssuerName (); }
-    /** Returns <a href="#getSubjectName">getSubjectName</a> */
-    public Principal getPrincipal ()
-        { return getSubjectName (); }
-    /**
-     * Throws an exception if the certificate is invalid because it is
-     * now outside of the certificate's validity period, or because it
-     * was not signed using the verification key provided.  Successfully
-     * verifying a certificate does <em>not</em> indicate that one should
-     * trust the entity which it represents.
-     *
-     * <P><em>Note that since this class represents only a single X.509
-     * certificate, it cannot know anything about the certificate chain
-     * which is used to provide the verification key and to establish trust.
-     * Other code must manage and use those cert chains.
-     *
-     * <P>For now, you must walk the cert chain being used to verify any
-     * given cert.  Start at the root, which is a self-signed certificate;
-     * verify it using the key inside the certificate.  Then use that to
-     * verify the next certificate in the chain, issued by that CA.  In
-     * this manner, verify each certificate until you reach the particular
-     * certificate you wish to verify.  You should not use a certificate
-     * if any of the verification operations for its certificate chain
-     * were unsuccessful.
-     * </em>
-     *
-     * @param issuerPublicKey the public key of the issuing CA
-     * @exception CertException when the certificate is not valid.
-     */
-    public void verify (PublicKey issuerPublicKey)
-    throws CertException
-    {
-        Date    now = new Date ();
-        if (now.before (notbefore))
-            throw new CertException (CertException.verf_INVALID_NOTBEFORE);
-        if (now.after (notafter))
-            throw new CertException (CertException.verf_INVALID_EXPIRED);
-        if (signedCert == null)
-            throw new CertException (CertException.verf_INVALID_SIG,
-                "?? certificate is not signed yet ??");
-        //
-        // Verify the signature ...
-        //
-        String          algName = null;
-        try {
-            Signature   sigVerf = null;
-            algName = issuerSigAlg.getName();
-            sigVerf = Signature.getInstance(algName);
-            sigVerf.initVerify (issuerPublicKey);
-            sigVerf.update (rawCert, 0, rawCert.length);
-            if (!sigVerf.verify (signature)) {
-                throw new CertException (CertException.verf_INVALID_SIG,
-                    "Signature ... by <" + issuer + "> for <" + subject + ">");
-            }
-        // Gag -- too many catch clauses, let most through.
-        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
-            throw new CertException (CertException.verf_INVALID_SIG,
-                "Unsupported signature algorithm (" + algName + ")");
-        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
-            // e.printStackTrace();
-            throw new CertException (CertException.err_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY,
-                "Algorithm (" + algName + ") rejected public key");
-        } catch (SignatureException e) {
-            throw new CertException (CertException.verf_INVALID_SIG,
-                "Signature by <" + issuer + "> for <" + subject + ">");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates an X.509 certificate, and signs it using the issuer
-     * passed (associating a signature algorithm and an X.500 name).
-     * This operation is used to implement the certificate generation
-     * functionality of a certificate authority.
-     *
-     * @see #getSignedCert
-     * @see #getSigner
-     * @see CertAndKeyGen
-     *
-     * @param serial the serial number of the certificate (non-null)
-     * @param issuer the certificate issuer (CA) (non-null)
-     * @return the signed certificate, as returned by getSignedCert
-     *
-     * @exception IOException if any of the data could not be encoded,
-     *  or when any mandatory data was omitted
-     * @exception SignatureException on signing failures
-     */
-    public byte []
-    encodeAndSign (
-        BigInteger      serial,
-        X500Signer      issuer
-    ) throws IOException, SignatureException
-    {
-        rawCert = null;
-        /*
-         * Get the remaining cert parameters, and make sure we have enough.
-         *
-         * We deduce version based on what attribute data are available
-         * For now, we have no attributes, so we always deduce X.509v1 !
-         */
-        version = 0;
-        serialnum = serial;
-        this.issuer = issuer.getSigner ();
-        issuerSigAlg = issuer.getAlgorithmId ();
-        if (subject == null || pubkey == null
-                || notbefore == null || notafter == null)
-            throw new IOException ("not enough cert parameters");
-        /*
-         * Encode the raw cert, create its signature and put it
-         * into the envelope.
-         */
-        rawCert = DERencode ();
-        signedCert = sign (issuer, rawCert);
-        return signedCert;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns an X500Signer that may be used to create signatures.  Those
-     * signature may in turn be verified using this certificate (or a
-     * copy of it).
-     *
-     * <P><em><b>NOTE:</b>  If the private key is by itself capable of
-     * creating signatures, this fact may not be recognized at this time.
-     * Specifically, the case of DSS/DSA keys which get their algorithm
-     * parameters from higher in the certificate chain is not supportable
-     * without using an X509CertChain API, and there is no current support
-     * for other sources of algorithm parameters.</em>
-     *
-     * @param algorithm the signature algorithm to be used.  Note that a
-     *  given public/private key pair may support several such algorithms.
-     * @param privateKey the private key used to create the signature,
-     *  which must correspond to the public key in this certificate
-     * @return the Signer object
-     *
-     * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the signature
-     *  algorithm is not supported
-     * @exception InvalidKeyException if either the key in the certificate,
-     *  or the private key parameter, does not support the requested
-     *  signature algorithm
-     */
-    public X500Signer   getSigner (AlgorithmId algorithmId,
-                                   PrivateKey privateKey)
-    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException
-    {
-        String algorithm;
-        Signature       sig;
-        if (privateKey instanceof Key) {
-            Key key = (Key)privateKey;
-            algorithm = key.getAlgorithm();
-        } else {
-            throw new InvalidKeyException("private key not a key!");
-        }
-        sig = Signature.getInstance(algorithmId.getName());
-        if (!pubkey.getAlgorithm ().equals (algorithm)) {
-          throw new InvalidKeyException( "Private key algorithm " +
-                                         algorithm +
-                                         " incompatible with certificate " +
-                                         pubkey.getAlgorithm());
-        }
-        sig.initSign (privateKey);
-        return new X500Signer (sig, subject);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a signature object that may be used to verify signatures
-     * created using a specified signature algorithm and the public key
-     * contained in this certificate.
-     *
-     * <P><em><b>NOTE:</b>  If the public key in this certificate is not by
-     * itself capable of verifying signatures, this may not be recognized
-     * at this time.  Specifically, the case of DSS/DSA keys which get
-     * their algorithm parameters from higher in the certificate chain
-     * is not supportable without using an X509CertChain API, and there
-     * is no current support for other sources of algorithm parameters.</em>
-     *
-     * @param algorithm the algorithm of the signature to be verified
-     * @return the Signature object
-     * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the signature
-     *  algorithm is not supported
-     * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key in the certificate
-     *  does not support the requested signature algorithm
-     */
-    public Signature getVerifier(String algorithm)
-    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException
-    {
-        String          algName;
-        Signature       sig;
-        sig = Signature.getInstance(algorithm);
-        sig.initVerify (pubkey);
-        return sig;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the signed X.509 certificate as a byte array.
-     * The bytes are in standard DER marshaled form.
-     * Null is returned in the case of a partially constructed cert.
-     */
-    public byte []      getSignedCert ()
-        { return signedCert.clone(); }
-    /**
-     * Returns the certificate's serial number.
-     * Null is returned in the case of a partially constructed cert.
-     */
-    public BigInteger   getSerialNumber ()
-        { return serialnum; }
-    /**
-     * Returns the subject's X.500 distinguished name.
-     */
-    public X500Name     getSubjectName ()
-        { return subject; }
-    /**
-     * Returns the certificate issuer's X.500 distinguished name.
-     * Null is returned in the case of a partially constructed cert.
-     */
-    public X500Name     getIssuerName ()
-        { return issuer; }
-    /**
-     * Returns the algorithm used by the issuer to sign the certificate.
-     * Null is returned in the case of a partially constructed cert.
-     */
-    public AlgorithmId  getIssuerAlgorithmId ()
-        { return issuerSigAlg; }
-    /**
-     * Returns the first time the certificate is valid.
-     */
-    public Date getNotBefore ()
-        { return new Date(notbefore.getTime()); }
-    /**
-     * Returns the last time the certificate is valid.
-     */
-    public Date getNotAfter ()
-        { return new Date(notafter.getTime()); }
-    /**
-     * Returns the subject's public key.  Note that some public key
-     * algorithms support an optional certificate generation policy
-     * where the keys in the certificates are not in themselves sufficient
-     * to perform a public key operation.  Those keys need to be augmented
-     * by algorithm parameters, which the certificate generation policy
-     * chose not to place in the certificate.
-     *
-     * <P>Two such public key algorithms are:  DSS/DSA, where algorithm
-     * parameters could be acquired from a CA certificate in the chain
-     * of issuers; and Diffie-Hellman, with a similar solution although
-     * the CA then needs both a Diffie-Hellman certificate and a signature
-     * capable certificate.
-     */
-    public PublicKey            getPublicKey ()
-        { return pubkey; }
-    /**
-     * Returns the X.509 version number of this certificate, zero based.
-     * That is, "2" indicates an X.509 version 3 (1993) certificate,
-     * and "0" indicates X.509v1 (1988).
-     * Zero is returned in the case of a partially constructed cert.
-     */
-    public int          getVersion ()
-        { return version; }
-    /**
-     * Calculates a hash code value for the object.  Objects
-     * which are equal will also have the same hashcode.
-     */
-    public int          hashCode ()
-    {
-        int     retval = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < signedCert.length; i++)
-            retval += signedCert [i] * i;
-        return retval;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a printable representation of the certificate.  This does not
-     * contain all the information available to distinguish this from any
-     * other certificate.  The certificate must be fully constructed
-     * before this function may be called; in particular, if you are
-     * creating certificates you must call encodeAndSign() before calling
-     * this function.
-     */
-    public String       toString ()
-    {
-        String          s;
-        if (subject == null || pubkey == null
-                || notbefore == null || notafter == null
-                || issuer == null || issuerSigAlg == null
-                || serialnum == null)
-            throw new NullPointerException ("X.509 cert is incomplete");
-        s = "  X.509v" + (version + 1) + " certificate,\n";
-        s += "  Subject is " + subject + "\n";
-        s += "  Key:  " + pubkey;
-        s += "  Validity <" + notbefore + "> until <" + notafter + ">\n";
-        s += "  Issuer is " + issuer + "\n";
-        s += "  Issuer signature used " + issuerSigAlg.toString () + "\n";
-        s += "  Serial number = " + Debug.toHexString(serialnum) + "\n";
-        // optional v2, v3 extras
-        return "[\n" + s + "]";
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a printable representation of the certificate.
-     *
-     * @param detailed true iff lots of detail is requested
-     */
-    public String       toString (boolean detailed)
-        { return toString (); }
-    /************************************************************/
-    /*
-     * Cert is a SIGNED ASN.1 macro, a three elment sequence:
-     *
-     *  - Data to be signed (ToBeSigned) -- the "raw" cert
-     *  - Signature algorithm (SigAlgId)
-     *  - The signature bits
-     *
-     * This routine unmarshals the certificate, saving the signature
-     * parts away for later verification.
-     */
-    private void parse (DerValue val) throws IOException
-    {
-        if (parsed == true) {
-            throw new IOException("Certificate already parsed");
-        }
-        DerValue seq [] = new DerValue [3];
-        seq [0] = val.data.getDerValue ();
-        seq [1] = val.data.getDerValue ();
-        seq [2] = val.data.getDerValue ();
-        if (val.data.available () != 0)
-            throw new CertParseError ("signed overrun, bytes = "
-                    + val.data.available ());
-        if (seq [0].tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence)
-            throw new CertParseError ("signed fields invalid");
-        rawCert = seq [0].toByteArray ();       // XXX slow; fixme!
-        issuerSigAlg = AlgorithmId.parse (seq [1]);
-        signature = seq [2].getBitString ();
-        if (seq [1].data.available () != 0) {
-            // XXX why was this error check commented out?
-            // It was originally part of the next check.
-            throw new CertParseError ("algid field overrun");
-        }
-        if (seq [2].data.available () != 0)
-            throw new CertParseError ("signed fields overrun");
-        /*
-         * Let's have fun parsing the cert itself.
-         */
-        DerInputStream  in;
-        DerValue        tmp;
-        in = seq [0].data;
-        /*
-         * Version -- this is optional (default zero). If it's there it's
-         * the first field and is specially tagged.
-         *
-         * Both branches leave "tmp" holding a value for the serial
-         * number that comes next.
-         */
-        version = 0;
-        tmp = in.getDerValue ();
-        if (tmp.isConstructed () && tmp.isContextSpecific ()) {
-            version = tmp.data.getInteger();
-            if (tmp.data.available () != 0)
-                throw new IOException ("X.509 version, bad format");
-            tmp = in.getDerValue ();
-        }
-        /*
-         * serial number ... an integer
-         */
-        serialnum = tmp.getBigInteger ();
-        /*
-         * algorithm type for CA's signature ... needs to match the
-         * one on the envelope, and that's about it!  different IDs
-         * may represent a signature attack.  In general we want to
-         * inherit parameters.
-         */
-        tmp = in.getDerValue ();
-        {
-            AlgorithmId         algid;
-            algid = AlgorithmId.parse(tmp);
-            if (!algid.equals (issuerSigAlg))
-                throw new CertParseError ("CA Algorithm mismatch!");
-            this.algid = algid;
-        }
-        /*
-         * issuer name
-         */
-        issuer = new X500Name (in);
-        /*
-         * validity:  SEQUENCE { start date, end date }
-         */
-        tmp = in.getDerValue ();
-        if (tmp.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence)
-            throw new CertParseError ("corrupt validity field");
-        notbefore = tmp.data.getUTCTime ();
-        notafter = tmp.data.getUTCTime ();
-        if (tmp.data.available () != 0)
-            throw new CertParseError ("excess validity data");
-        /*
-         * subject name and public key
-         */
-        subject = new X500Name (in);
-        tmp = in.getDerValue ();
-        pubkey = X509Key.parse (tmp);
-        /*
-         * XXX for v2 and later, a bunch of tagged options follow
-         */
-        if (in.available () != 0) {
-            /*
-             * Until we parse V2/V3 data ... ignore it.
-             *
-            // throw new CertParseError ("excess cert data");
-            System.out.println (
-                    "@end'o'cert, optional V2/V3 data unparsed:  "
-                    + in.available ()
-                    + " bytes"
-                    );
-            */
-        }
-        parsed = true;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Encode only the parts that will later be signed.
-     */
-    private byte [] DERencode () throws IOException
-    {
-        DerOutputStream raw = new DerOutputStream ();
-        encode (raw);
-        return raw.toByteArray ();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Marshal the contents of a "raw" certificate into a DER sequence.
-     */
-    private void encode (DerOutputStream out) throws IOException
-    {
-        DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream ();
-        /*
-         * encode serial number, issuer signing algorithm,
-         * and issuer name into the data we'll return
-         */
-        tmp.putInteger (serialnum);
-        issuerSigAlg.encode (tmp);
-        issuer.encode (tmp);
-        /*
-         * Validity is a two element sequence ... encode the
-         * elements, then wrap them into the data we'll return
-         */
-        {
-            DerOutputStream     seq = new DerOutputStream ();
-            seq.putUTCTime (notbefore);
-            seq.putUTCTime (notafter);
-            tmp.write (DerValue.tag_Sequence, seq);
-        }
-        /*
-         * Encode subject (principal) and associated key
-         */
-        subject.encode (tmp);
-        tmp.write(pubkey.getEncoded());
-        /*
-         * Wrap the data; encoding of the "raw" cert is now complete.
-         */
-        out.write (DerValue.tag_Sequence, tmp);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Calculate the signature of the "raw" certificate,
-     * and marshal the cert with the signature and a
-     * description of the signing algorithm.
-     */
-    private byte [] sign (X500Signer issuer, byte data [])
-    throws IOException, SignatureException
-    {
-        /*
-         * Encode the to-be-signed data, then the algorithm used
-         * to create the signature.
-         */
-        DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream ();
-        DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream ();
-        tmp.write (data);
-        issuer.getAlgorithmId ().encode(tmp);
-        /*
-         * Create and encode the signature itself.
-         */
-        issuer.update (data, 0, data.length);
-        signature = issuer.sign ();
-        tmp.putBitString (signature);
-        /*
-         * Wrap the signed data in a SEQUENCE { data, algorithm, sig }
-         */
-        out.write (DerValue.tag_Sequence, tmp);
-        return out.toByteArray ();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serialization write ... X.509 certificates serialize as
-     * themselves, and they're parsed when they get read back.
-     * (Actually they serialize as some type data from the
-     * serialization subsystem, then the cert data.)
-     */
-    private void writeObject (java.io.ObjectOutputStream stream)
-        throws IOException
-        { encode(stream); }
-    /**
-     * Serialization read ... X.509 certificates serialize as
-     * themselves, and they're parsed when they get read back.
-     */
-    private void readObject (ObjectInputStream stream)
-        throws IOException
-        { decode(stream); }