--- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/MethodAccessorGenerator.java Thu Apr 14 19:55:39 2016 -0700
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package sun.reflect;
-import java.security.AccessController;
-import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
-/** Generator for sun.reflect.MethodAccessor and
- sun.reflect.ConstructorAccessor objects using bytecodes to
- implement reflection. A java.lang.reflect.Method or
- java.lang.reflect.Constructor object can delegate its invoke or
- newInstance method to an accessor using native code or to one
- generated by this class. (Methods and Constructors were merged
- together in this class to ensure maximum code sharing.) */
-class MethodAccessorGenerator extends AccessorGenerator {
- private static final short NUM_BASE_CPOOL_ENTRIES = (short) 12;
- // One for invoke() plus one for constructor
- private static final short NUM_METHODS = (short) 2;
- // Only used if forSerialization is true
- private static final short NUM_SERIALIZATION_CPOOL_ENTRIES = (short) 2;
- private static volatile int methodSymnum;
- private static volatile int constructorSymnum;
- private static volatile int serializationConstructorSymnum;
- private Class<?> declaringClass;
- private Class<?>[] parameterTypes;
- private Class<?> returnType;
- private boolean isConstructor;
- private boolean forSerialization;
- private short targetMethodRef;
- private short invokeIdx;
- private short invokeDescriptorIdx;
- // Constant pool index of CONSTANT_Class_info for first
- // non-primitive parameter type. Should be incremented by 2.
- private short nonPrimitiveParametersBaseIdx;
- MethodAccessorGenerator() {
- }
- /** This routine is not thread-safe */
- public MethodAccessor generateMethod(Class<?> declaringClass,
- String name,
- Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
- Class<?> returnType,
- Class<?>[] checkedExceptions,
- int modifiers)
- {
- return (MethodAccessor) generate(declaringClass,
- name,
- parameterTypes,
- returnType,
- checkedExceptions,
- modifiers,
- false,
- false,
- null);
- }
- /** This routine is not thread-safe */
- public ConstructorAccessor generateConstructor(Class<?> declaringClass,
- Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
- Class<?>[] checkedExceptions,
- int modifiers)
- {
- return (ConstructorAccessor) generate(declaringClass,
- "<init>",
- parameterTypes,
- Void.TYPE,
- checkedExceptions,
- modifiers,
- true,
- false,
- null);
- }
- /** This routine is not thread-safe */
- public SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl
- generateSerializationConstructor(Class<?> declaringClass,
- Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
- Class<?>[] checkedExceptions,
- int modifiers,
- Class<?> targetConstructorClass)
- {
- return (SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl)
- generate(declaringClass,
- "<init>",
- parameterTypes,
- Void.TYPE,
- checkedExceptions,
- modifiers,
- true,
- true,
- targetConstructorClass);
- }
- /** This routine is not thread-safe */
- private MagicAccessorImpl generate(final Class<?> declaringClass,
- String name,
- Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
- Class<?> returnType,
- Class<?>[] checkedExceptions,
- int modifiers,
- boolean isConstructor,
- boolean forSerialization,
- Class<?> serializationTargetClass)
- {
- ByteVector vec = ByteVectorFactory.create();
- asm = new ClassFileAssembler(vec);
- this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
- this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
- this.returnType = returnType;
- this.modifiers = modifiers;
- this.isConstructor = isConstructor;
- this.forSerialization = forSerialization;
- asm.emitMagicAndVersion();
- // Constant pool entries:
- // ( * = Boxing information: optional)
- // (+ = Shared entries provided by AccessorGenerator)
- // (^ = Only present if generating SerializationConstructorAccessor)
- // [UTF-8] [This class's name]
- // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // [UTF-8] "sun/reflect/{MethodAccessorImpl,ConstructorAccessorImpl,SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl}"
- // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // [UTF-8] [Target class's name]
- // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // ^ [UTF-8] [Serialization: Class's name in which to invoke constructor]
- // ^ [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // [UTF-8] target method or constructor name
- // [UTF-8] target method or constructor signature
- // [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // [CONSTANT_Methodref_info or CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info] for target method
- // [UTF-8] "invoke" or "newInstance"
- // [UTF-8] invoke or newInstance descriptor
- // [UTF-8] descriptor for type of non-primitive parameter 1
- // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for type of non-primitive parameter 1
- // ...
- // [UTF-8] descriptor for type of non-primitive parameter n
- // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for type of non-primitive parameter n
- // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/Exception"
- // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/ClassCastException"
- // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/NullPointerException"
- // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException"
- // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/InvocationTargetException"
- // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // + [UTF-8] "<init>"
- // + [UTF-8] "()V"
- // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for NullPointerException's constructor
- // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for IllegalArgumentException's constructor
- // + [UTF-8] "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
- // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
- // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for IllegalArgumentException's constructor taking a String
- // + [UTF-8] "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"
- // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "<init>(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"
- // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for InvocationTargetException's constructor
- // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for "super()"
- // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/Object"
- // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // + [UTF-8] "toString"
- // + [UTF-8] "()Ljava/lang/String;"
- // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "toString()Ljava/lang/String;"
- // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for Object's toString method
- // + [UTF-8] "Code"
- // + [UTF-8] "Exceptions"
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Boolean"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(Z)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "booleanValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()Z"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Byte"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(B)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "byteValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()B"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Character"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(C)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "charValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()C"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Double"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(D)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "doubleValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()D"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Float"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(F)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "floatValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()F"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Integer"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(I)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "intValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()I"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Long"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(J)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "longValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()J"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Short"
- // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "(S)V"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- // * [UTF-8] "shortValue"
- // * [UTF-8] "()S"
- // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above
- // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above
- boolean usesPrimitives = usesPrimitiveTypes();
- if (usesPrimitives) {
- }
- if (forSerialization) {
- }
- // Add in variable-length number of entries to be able to describe
- // non-primitive parameter types and checked exceptions.
- numCPEntries += (short) (2 * numNonPrimitiveParameterTypes());
- asm.emitShort(add(numCPEntries, S1));
- final String generatedName = generateName(isConstructor, forSerialization);
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(generatedName);
- asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
- thisClass = asm.cpi();
- if (isConstructor) {
- if (forSerialization) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8
- ("sun/reflect/SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl");
- } else {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("sun/reflect/ConstructorAccessorImpl");
- }
- } else {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("sun/reflect/MethodAccessorImpl");
- }
- asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
- superClass = asm.cpi();
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(getClassName(declaringClass, false));
- asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
- targetClass = asm.cpi();
- short serializationTargetClassIdx = (short) 0;
- if (forSerialization) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(getClassName(serializationTargetClass, false));
- asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
- serializationTargetClassIdx = asm.cpi();
- }
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(name);
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(buildInternalSignature());
- asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi());
- if (isInterface()) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolInterfaceMethodref(targetClass, asm.cpi());
- } else {
- if (forSerialization) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(serializationTargetClassIdx, asm.cpi());
- } else {
- asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(targetClass, asm.cpi());
- }
- }
- targetMethodRef = asm.cpi();
- if (isConstructor) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("newInstance");
- } else {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("invoke");
- }
- invokeIdx = asm.cpi();
- if (isConstructor) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
- } else {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8
- ("(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
- }
- invokeDescriptorIdx = asm.cpi();
- // Output class information for non-primitive parameter types
- nonPrimitiveParametersBaseIdx = add(asm.cpi(), S2);
- for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
- Class<?> c = parameterTypes[i];
- if (!isPrimitive(c)) {
- asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(getClassName(c, false));
- asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi());
- }
- }
- // Entries common to FieldAccessor, MethodAccessor and ConstructorAccessor
- emitCommonConstantPoolEntries();
- // Boxing entries
- if (usesPrimitives) {
- emitBoxingContantPoolEntries();
- }
- if (asm.cpi() != numCPEntries) {
- throw new InternalError("Adjust this code (cpi = " + asm.cpi() +
- ", numCPEntries = " + numCPEntries + ")");
- }
- // Access flags
- asm.emitShort(ACC_PUBLIC);
- // This class
- asm.emitShort(thisClass);
- // Superclass
- asm.emitShort(superClass);
- // Interfaces count and interfaces
- asm.emitShort(S0);
- // Fields count and fields
- asm.emitShort(S0);
- // Methods count and methods
- asm.emitShort(NUM_METHODS);
- emitConstructor();
- emitInvoke();
- // Additional attributes (none)
- asm.emitShort(S0);
- // Load class
- vec.trim();
- final byte[] bytes = vec.getData();
- // Note: the class loader is the only thing that really matters
- // here -- it's important to get the generated code into the
- // same namespace as the target class. Since the generated code
- // is privileged anyway, the protection domain probably doesn't
- // matter.
- return AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new PrivilegedAction<MagicAccessorImpl>() {
- public MagicAccessorImpl run() {
- try {
- return (MagicAccessorImpl)
- ClassDefiner.defineClass
- (generatedName,
- bytes,
- 0,
- bytes.length,
- declaringClass.getClassLoader()).newInstance();
- } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new InternalError(e);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /** This emits the code for either invoke() or newInstance() */
- private void emitInvoke() {
- // NOTE that this code will only handle 65535 parameters since we
- // use the sipush instruction to get the array index on the
- // operand stack.
- if (parameterTypes.length > 65535) {
- throw new InternalError("Can't handle more than 65535 parameters");
- }
- // Generate code into fresh code buffer
- ClassFileAssembler cb = new ClassFileAssembler();
- if (isConstructor) {
- // 1 incoming argument
- cb.setMaxLocals(2);
- } else {
- // 2 incoming arguments
- cb.setMaxLocals(3);
- }
- short illegalArgStartPC = 0;
- if (isConstructor) {
- // Instantiate target class before continuing
- // new <target class type>
- // dup
- cb.opc_new(targetClass);
- cb.opc_dup();
- } else {
- // Setup before iterating down argument list
- if (isPrimitive(returnType)) {
- // new <boxing type for primitive type>
- // dup
- // ... (see below:)
- // invokespecial <constructor for boxing type for primitive type>
- // areturn
- cb.opc_new(indexForPrimitiveType(returnType));
- cb.opc_dup();
- }
- // Get target object on operand stack if necessary.
- // We need to do an explicit null check here; we won't see
- // NullPointerExceptions from the invoke bytecode, since it's
- // covered by an exception handler.
- if (!isStatic()) {
- // aload_1
- // ifnonnull <checkcast label>
- // new <NullPointerException>
- // dup
- // invokespecial <NullPointerException ctor>
- // athrow
- // <checkcast label:>
- // aload_1
- // checkcast <target class's type>
- cb.opc_aload_1();
- Label l = new Label();
- cb.opc_ifnonnull(l);
- cb.opc_new(nullPointerClass);
- cb.opc_dup();
- cb.opc_invokespecial(nullPointerCtorIdx, 0, 0);
- cb.opc_athrow();
- l.bind();
- illegalArgStartPC = cb.getLength();
- cb.opc_aload_1();
- cb.opc_checkcast(targetClass);
- }
- }
- // Have to check length of incoming array and throw
- // IllegalArgumentException if not correct. A concession to the
- // JCK (isn't clearly specified in the spec): we allow null in the
- // case where the argument list is zero length.
- // if no-arg:
- // aload_2 | aload_1 (Method | Constructor)
- // ifnull <success label>
- // aload_2 | aload_1
- // arraylength
- // sipush <num parameter types>
- // if_icmpeq <success label>
- // new <IllegalArgumentException>
- // dup
- // invokespecial <IllegalArgumentException ctor>
- // athrow
- // <success label:>
- Label successLabel = new Label();
- if (parameterTypes.length == 0) {
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_aload_1();
- } else {
- cb.opc_aload_2();
- }
- cb.opc_ifnull(successLabel);
- }
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_aload_1();
- } else {
- cb.opc_aload_2();
- }
- cb.opc_arraylength();
- cb.opc_sipush((short) parameterTypes.length);
- cb.opc_if_icmpeq(successLabel);
- cb.opc_new(illegalArgumentClass);
- cb.opc_dup();
- cb.opc_invokespecial(illegalArgumentCtorIdx, 0, 0);
- cb.opc_athrow();
- successLabel.bind();
- // Iterate through incoming actual parameters, ensuring that each
- // is compatible with the formal parameter type, and pushing the
- // actual on the operand stack (unboxing and widening if necessary).
- short paramTypeCPIdx = nonPrimitiveParametersBaseIdx;
- Label nextParamLabel = null;
- byte count = 1; // both invokeinterface opcode's "count" as well as
- // num args of other invoke bytecodes
- for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
- Class<?> paramType = parameterTypes[i];
- count += (byte) typeSizeInStackSlots(paramType);
- if (nextParamLabel != null) {
- nextParamLabel.bind();
- nextParamLabel = null;
- }
- // aload_2 | aload_1
- // sipush <index>
- // aaload
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_aload_1();
- } else {
- cb.opc_aload_2();
- }
- cb.opc_sipush((short) i);
- cb.opc_aaload();
- if (isPrimitive(paramType)) {
- // Unboxing code.
- // Put parameter into temporary local variable
- // astore_3 | astore_2
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_astore_2();
- } else {
- cb.opc_astore_3();
- }
- // repeat for all possible widening conversions:
- // aload_3 | aload_2
- // instanceof <primitive boxing type>
- // ifeq <next unboxing label>
- // aload_3 | aload_2
- // checkcast <primitive boxing type> // Note: this is "redundant",
- // // but necessary for the verifier
- // invokevirtual <unboxing method>
- // <widening conversion bytecode, if necessary>
- // goto <next parameter label>
- // <next unboxing label:> ...
- // last unboxing label:
- // new <IllegalArgumentException>
- // dup
- // invokespecial <IllegalArgumentException ctor>
- // athrow
- Label l = null; // unboxing label
- nextParamLabel = new Label();
- for (int j = 0; j < primitiveTypes.length; j++) {
- Class<?> c = primitiveTypes[j];
- if (canWidenTo(c, paramType)) {
- if (l != null) {
- l.bind();
- }
- // Emit checking and unboxing code for this type
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_aload_2();
- } else {
- cb.opc_aload_3();
- }
- cb.opc_instanceof(indexForPrimitiveType(c));
- l = new Label();
- cb.opc_ifeq(l);
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_aload_2();
- } else {
- cb.opc_aload_3();
- }
- cb.opc_checkcast(indexForPrimitiveType(c));
- cb.opc_invokevirtual(unboxingMethodForPrimitiveType(c),
- 0,
- typeSizeInStackSlots(c));
- emitWideningBytecodeForPrimitiveConversion(cb,
- c,
- paramType);
- cb.opc_goto(nextParamLabel);
- }
- }
- if (l == null) {
- throw new InternalError
- ("Must have found at least identity conversion");
- }
- // Fell through; given object is null or invalid. According to
- // the spec, we can throw IllegalArgumentException for both of
- // these cases.
- l.bind();
- cb.opc_new(illegalArgumentClass);
- cb.opc_dup();
- cb.opc_invokespecial(illegalArgumentCtorIdx, 0, 0);
- cb.opc_athrow();
- } else {
- // Emit appropriate checkcast
- cb.opc_checkcast(paramTypeCPIdx);
- paramTypeCPIdx = add(paramTypeCPIdx, S2);
- // Fall through to next argument
- }
- }
- // Bind last goto if present
- if (nextParamLabel != null) {
- nextParamLabel.bind();
- }
- short invokeStartPC = cb.getLength();
- // OK, ready to perform the invocation.
- if (isConstructor) {
- cb.opc_invokespecial(targetMethodRef, count, 0);
- } else {
- if (isStatic()) {
- cb.opc_invokestatic(targetMethodRef,
- count,
- typeSizeInStackSlots(returnType));
- } else {
- if (isInterface()) {
- if (isPrivate()) {
- cb.opc_invokespecial(targetMethodRef, count, 0);
- } else {
- cb.opc_invokeinterface(targetMethodRef,
- count,
- count,
- typeSizeInStackSlots(returnType));
- }
- } else {
- cb.opc_invokevirtual(targetMethodRef,
- count,
- typeSizeInStackSlots(returnType));
- }
- }
- }
- short invokeEndPC = cb.getLength();
- if (!isConstructor) {
- // Box return value if necessary
- if (isPrimitive(returnType)) {
- cb.opc_invokestatic(boxingMethodForPrimitiveType(returnType),
- typeSizeInStackSlots(returnType),
- 0);
- } else if (returnType == Void.TYPE) {
- cb.opc_aconst_null();
- }
- }
- cb.opc_areturn();
- // We generate two exception handlers; one which is responsible
- // for catching ClassCastException and NullPointerException and
- // throwing IllegalArgumentException, and the other which catches
- // all java/lang/Throwable objects thrown from the target method
- // and wraps them in InvocationTargetExceptions.
- short classCastHandler = cb.getLength();
- // ClassCast, etc. exception handler
- cb.setStack(1);
- cb.opc_invokespecial(toStringIdx, 0, 1);
- cb.opc_new(illegalArgumentClass);
- cb.opc_dup_x1();
- cb.opc_swap();
- cb.opc_invokespecial(illegalArgumentStringCtorIdx, 1, 0);
- cb.opc_athrow();
- short invocationTargetHandler = cb.getLength();
- // InvocationTargetException exception handler
- cb.setStack(1);
- cb.opc_new(invocationTargetClass);
- cb.opc_dup_x1();
- cb.opc_swap();
- cb.opc_invokespecial(invocationTargetCtorIdx, 1, 0);
- cb.opc_athrow();
- // Generate exception table. We cover the entire code sequence
- // with an exception handler which catches ClassCastException and
- // converts it into an IllegalArgumentException.
- ClassFileAssembler exc = new ClassFileAssembler();
- exc.emitShort(illegalArgStartPC); // start PC
- exc.emitShort(invokeStartPC); // end PC
- exc.emitShort(classCastHandler); // handler PC
- exc.emitShort(classCastClass); // catch type
- exc.emitShort(illegalArgStartPC); // start PC
- exc.emitShort(invokeStartPC); // end PC
- exc.emitShort(classCastHandler); // handler PC
- exc.emitShort(nullPointerClass); // catch type
- exc.emitShort(invokeStartPC); // start PC
- exc.emitShort(invokeEndPC); // end PC
- exc.emitShort(invocationTargetHandler); // handler PC
- exc.emitShort(throwableClass); // catch type
- emitMethod(invokeIdx, cb.getMaxLocals(), cb, exc,
- new short[] { invocationTargetClass });
- }
- private boolean usesPrimitiveTypes() {
- // We need to emit boxing/unboxing constant pool information if
- // the method takes a primitive type for any of its parameters or
- // returns a primitive value (except void)
- if (returnType.isPrimitive()) {
- return true;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
- if (parameterTypes[i].isPrimitive()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private int numNonPrimitiveParameterTypes() {
- int num = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
- if (!parameterTypes[i].isPrimitive()) {
- ++num;
- }
- }
- return num;
- }
- private boolean isInterface() {
- return declaringClass.isInterface();
- }
- private String buildInternalSignature() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
- sb.append(getClassName(parameterTypes[i], true));
- }
- sb.append(")");
- sb.append(getClassName(returnType, true));
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private static synchronized String generateName(boolean isConstructor,
- boolean forSerialization)
- {
- if (isConstructor) {
- if (forSerialization) {
- int num = ++serializationConstructorSymnum;
- return "sun/reflect/GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor" + num;
- } else {
- int num = ++constructorSymnum;
- return "sun/reflect/GeneratedConstructorAccessor" + num;
- }
- } else {
- int num = ++methodSymnum;
- return "sun/reflect/GeneratedMethodAccessor" + num;
- }
- }