changeset 2 90ce3da70b43
child 5506 202f599c92aa
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/native/sun/java2d/loops/AlphaMath.h	Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+ * Copyright 2000-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
+ * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
+ * have any questions.
+ */
+#ifndef AlphaMath_h_Included
+#define AlphaMath_h_Included
+extern unsigned char mul8table[256][256];
+extern unsigned char div8table[256][256];
+extern void initAlphaTables();
+ * Multiply and Divide macros for single byte (8-bit) quantities representing
+ * the values 0.0 to 1.0 as 0x00 to 0xff.
+ * MUL8 multiplies its operands together
+ * DIV8 divides the first operand by the second, clipping to 0xff
+ *    (Note that since the divisor for DIV8 is likely to be
+ *     the alpha quantity which is likely to be the same for
+ *     multiple adjacent invocations, the table is designed
+ *     with the first index being the divisor to hopefully
+ *     improve memory cache hits...)
+ */
+#define MUL8(a,b) mul8table[a][b]
+#define DIV8(a,b) div8table[b][a]
+ * Multiply and Divide macros for operations involving a single short (16-bit)
+ * quantity and a single byte (8-bit) quantity.  Typically, promoting the
+ * 8-bit value to 16 bits would lead to overflow when the operation occurs.
+ * These macros have been modified somewhat so that overflow will not occur.
+ * MUL8_16 multiplies an 8-bit value by a 16-bit value (the order of operands
+ *         is unimportant since multiplication is a commutative operation)
+ * DIV16_8 divides the first (16-bit) operand by the second (8-bit) value
+ */
+#define MUL8_16(a,b) (((a) * (b)) / 255)
+#define DIV16_8(a,b) (((a) * 255) / (b))
+ * Multiply and Divide macros for single short (16-bit) quantities
+ * representing the values 0.0 to 1.0 as 0x0000 to 0xffff.
+ * MUL16 multiplies its operands using the standard multiplication operator
+ *       and normalizes the result to the appropriate range
+ * DIV16 divides the first operand by the second and normalizes the result
+ *       to a 16-bit value
+ */
+#define MUL16(a,b) (((a) * (b)) / 65535)
+#define DIV16(a,b) (((a) * 65535) / (b))
+ * Macro for the sum of two normalized (16-bit) products.  Refer to the
+ * following equation and note that the right side reduces the number of
+ * divide operations in the left side and increases the precision of the
+ * result:
+ *   a*f1 + b*f2     a*f1 + b*f2
+ *   ----   ----  =  -----------     (where n in this case will be 65535)
+ *     n      n           n
+ */
+#define AddNormalizedProducts16(a, f1, b, f2) \
+    ((((a) * (f1)) + ((b) * (f2))) / 65535)
+ * The following macros help to generalize the MaskBlit and MaskFill loops
+ * found in AlphaMacros.h.  The appropriate macros will be used based on the
+ * strategy of the given loop.  The strategy types take the form:
+ *   <number of components per pixel><component data type><colorspace>
+ * For example, these are the current strategy types:
+ *   3ByteRgb    (currently only used as a glyph list blending strategy where
+ *                the alpha value itself is neither blended nor stored)
+ *   4ByteArgb   (eg. IntArgb, ThreeByteBgr, Ushort555Rgb, ByteIndexed, etc.)
+ *   4ShortArgb  (not used currently; could be used when surface types using
+ *                16 bits per component are implemented)
+ *   1ByteGray   (eg. ByteGray)
+ *   1ShortGray  (eg. UshortGray)
+ * Note that the macros which operate on alpha values have the word "Alpha"
+ * somewhere in their name.  Those macros that only operate on the color/gray
+ * components of a given strategy will have the word "Components" or "Comps"
+ * in their name.
+ */
+ * MaxValFor ## STRATEGY
+ */
+#define MaxValFor4ByteArgb     0xff
+#define MaxValFor1ByteGray     0xff
+#define MaxValFor1ShortGray    0xffff
+ * AlphaType ## STRATEGY
+ */
+#define AlphaType3ByteRgb      jint
+#define AlphaType4ByteArgb     jint
+#define AlphaType1ByteGray     jint
+#define AlphaType1ShortGray    juint
+ * ComponentType ## STRATEGY
+ */
+#define ComponentType3ByteRgb      jint
+#define ComponentType4ByteArgb     jint
+#define ComponentType1ByteGray     jint
+#define ComponentType1ShortGray    juint
+ * DeclareAlphaVarFor ## STRATEGY(VAR)
+ *
+ * jint a;
+ */
+#define DeclareAlphaVarFor3ByteRgb(VAR) \
+    AlphaType3ByteRgb VAR;
+#define DeclareAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR) \
+    AlphaType4ByteArgb VAR;
+#define DeclareAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR) \
+    AlphaType1ByteGray VAR;
+#define DeclareAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR) \
+    AlphaType1ShortGray VAR;
+ * DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor ## STRATEGY(VAR, initval)
+ *
+ * jint a = initval;
+ */
+#define DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR, initval) \
+    AlphaType4ByteArgb VAR = initval;
+#define DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR, initval) \
+    AlphaType1ByteGray VAR = initval;
+#define DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR, initval) \
+    AlphaType1ShortGray VAR = initval;
+ * DeclareAndClearAlphaVarFor ## STRATEGY(VAR)
+ *
+ * jint a = 0;
+ */
+#define DeclareAndClearAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR, 0)
+#define DeclareAndClearAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR, 0)
+#define DeclareAndClearAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR, 0)
+ * DeclareAndSetOpaqueAlphaVarFor ## STRATEGY(VAR)
+ *
+ * jint a = 0xff;
+ */
+#define DeclareAndSetOpaqueAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR, MaxValFor4ByteArgb)
+#define DeclareAndSetOpaqueAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR, MaxValFor1ByteGray)
+#define DeclareAndSetOpaqueAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR, MaxValFor1ShortGray)
+ * DeclareAndInvertAlphaVarFor ## STRATEGY(VAR, invalpha)
+ *
+ * jint a = 0xff - resA;
+ */
+#define DeclareAndInvertAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR, invalpha) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(VAR, MaxValFor4ByteArgb - invalpha)
+#define DeclareAndInvertAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR, invalpha) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ByteGray(VAR, MaxValFor1ByteGray - invalpha)
+#define DeclareAndInvertAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR, invalpha) \
+    DeclareAndInitAlphaVarFor1ShortGray(VAR, MaxValFor1ShortGray - invalpha)
+ * DeclareCompVarsFor ## STRATEGY(PREFIX)
+ *
+ * jint c;
+ */
+#define DeclareCompVarsFor3ByteRgb(PREFIX) \
+    ComponentType3ByteRgb PREFIX ## R, PREFIX ## G, PREFIX ## B;
+#define DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(PREFIX) \
+    ComponentType4ByteArgb PREFIX ## R, PREFIX ## G, PREFIX ## B;
+#define DeclareCompVarsFor1ByteGray(PREFIX) \
+    ComponentType1ByteGray PREFIX ## G;
+#define DeclareCompVarsFor1ShortGray(PREFIX) \
+    ComponentType1ShortGray PREFIX ## G;
+ * DeclareAndInitExtraAlphaFor ## STRATEGY(VAR)
+ *
+ * jint extraA = (int)(pCompInfo->details.extraAlpha * 255.0 + 0.5);
+ */
+#define DeclareAndInitExtraAlphaFor4ByteArgb(VAR) \
+    AlphaType4ByteArgb VAR = \
+        (AlphaType4ByteArgb)(pCompInfo->details.extraAlpha * 255.0 + 0.5);
+#define DeclareAndInitExtraAlphaFor1ByteGray(VAR) \
+    AlphaType1ByteGray VAR = \
+        (AlphaType1ByteGray)(pCompInfo->details.extraAlpha * 255.0 + 0.5);
+#define DeclareAndInitExtraAlphaFor1ShortGray(VAR) \
+    AlphaType1ShortGray VAR = \
+        (AlphaType1ShortGray)(pCompInfo->details.extraAlpha * 65535.0 + 0.5);
+ * PromoteByteAlphaFor ## STRATEGY(a)
+ */
+#define PromoteByteAlphaFor4ByteArgb(a)
+#define PromoteByteAlphaFor1ByteGray(a)
+#define PromoteByteAlphaFor1ShortGray(a) \
+    (a) = (((a) << 8) + (a))
+ * DeclareAndInitPathAlphaFor ## STRATEGY(VAR)
+ *
+ * jint pathA = *pMask++;
+ */
+#define DeclareAndInitPathAlphaFor4ByteArgb(VAR) \
+    AlphaType4ByteArgb VAR = *pMask++;
+#define DeclareAndInitPathAlphaFor1ByteGray(VAR) \
+    AlphaType1ByteGray VAR = *pMask++;
+#define DeclareAndInitPathAlphaFor1ShortGray(VAR) \
+    AlphaType1ShortGray VAR = *pMask++;
+ * MultiplyAlphaFor ## STRATEGY(a, b)
+ *
+ * a * b
+ */
+#define MultiplyAlphaFor4ByteArgb(a, b) \
+    MUL8(a, b)
+#define MultiplyAlphaFor1ByteGray(a, b) \
+    MUL8(a, b)
+#define MultiplyAlphaFor1ShortGray(a, b) \
+    MUL16(a, b)
+ * MultiplyAndStore ## STRATEGY ## Comps(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX)
+ *
+ * c = m1 * m2;
+ */
+#define MultiplyAndStore3Components(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, PRECISION) \
+    do { \
+        PROD_PREFIX ## R = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## R); \
+        PROD_PREFIX ## G = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## G); \
+        PROD_PREFIX ## B = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## B); \
+    } while (0)
+#define MultiplyAndStore1Component(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, PRECISION) \
+#define MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX) \
+    MultiplyAndStore3Components(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultiplyAndStore1ByteGrayComps(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX) \
+    MultiplyAndStore1Component(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultiplyAndStore1ShortGrayComps(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX) \
+    MultiplyAndStore1Component(PROD_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, 16)
+ * DivideAndStore ## STRATEGY ## Comps(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2)
+ *
+ * c = d1 / d2;
+ */
+#define DivideAndStore3Components(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2, PRECISION) \
+    do { \
+        QUOT_PREFIX ## R = DIV ## PRECISION(D1_PREFIX ## R, D2); \
+        QUOT_PREFIX ## G = DIV ## PRECISION(D1_PREFIX ## G, D2); \
+        QUOT_PREFIX ## B = DIV ## PRECISION(D1_PREFIX ## B, D2); \
+    } while (0)
+#define DivideAndStore1Component(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2, PRECISION) \
+#define DivideAndStore4ByteArgbComps(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2) \
+    DivideAndStore3Components(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2, 8)
+#define DivideAndStore1ByteGrayComps(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2) \
+    DivideAndStore1Component(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2, 8)
+#define DivideAndStore1ShortGrayComps(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2) \
+    DivideAndStore1Component(QUOT_PREFIX, D1_PREFIX, D2, 16)
+ * MultiplyAddAndStore ## STRATEGY ## Comps(RES_PREFIX, M1, \
+ *                                          M2_PREFIX, A_PREFIX)
+ *
+ * c = (m1 * m2) + a;
+ */
+#define MultiplyAddAndStore3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, A_PREFIX, \
+                                       PRECISION) \
+    do { \
+        RES_PREFIX ## R = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## R) + \
+                                                          A_PREFIX ## R; \
+        RES_PREFIX ## G = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## G) + \
+                                                          A_PREFIX ## G; \
+        RES_PREFIX ## B = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## B) + \
+                                                          A_PREFIX ## B; \
+    } while (0)
+#define MultiplyAddAndStore1Component(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, A_PREFIX, \
+                                      PRECISION) \
+#define MultiplyAddAndStore4ByteArgbComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                          A_PREFIX) \
+    MultiplyAddAndStore3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, A_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultiplyAddAndStore1ByteGrayComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                          A_PREFIX) \
+    MultiplyAddAndStore1Component(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, A_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultiplyAddAndStore1ShortGrayComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                           A_PREFIX) \
+    MultiplyAddAndStore1Component(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, A_PREFIX, 16)
+ * MultMultAddAndStore ## STRATEGY ## Comps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+ *                                          M3, M4_PREFIX)
+ *
+ * c = (m1 * m2) + (m3 * m4);
+ */
+#define MultMultAddAndStore3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                       M3, M4_PREFIX, PRECISION) \
+    do { \
+        RES_PREFIX ## R = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## R) + \
+                          MUL ## PRECISION(M3, M4_PREFIX ## R); \
+        RES_PREFIX ## G = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## G) + \
+                          MUL ## PRECISION(M3, M4_PREFIX ## G); \
+        RES_PREFIX ## B = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## B) + \
+                          MUL ## PRECISION(M3, M4_PREFIX ## B); \
+    } while (0)
+#define MultMultAddAndStoreLCD3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                       M3, M4_PREFIX, PRECISION) \
+    do { \
+        RES_PREFIX ## R = MUL ## PRECISION(M1 ## R, M2_PREFIX ## R) + \
+                          MUL ## PRECISION(M3 ## R, M4_PREFIX ## R); \
+        RES_PREFIX ## G = MUL ## PRECISION(M1 ## G, M2_PREFIX ## G) + \
+                          MUL ## PRECISION(M3 ## G, M4_PREFIX ## G); \
+        RES_PREFIX ## B = MUL ## PRECISION(M1 ## B, M2_PREFIX ## B) + \
+                          MUL ## PRECISION(M3 ## B, M4_PREFIX ## B); \
+    } while (0)
+#define MultMultAddAndStore1Component(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                      M3, M4_PREFIX, PRECISION) \
+    RES_PREFIX ## G = MUL ## PRECISION(M1, M2_PREFIX ## G) + \
+                      MUL ## PRECISION(M3, M4_PREFIX ## G)
+#define MultMultAddAndStore3ByteRgbComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                         M3, M4_PREFIX) \
+    MultMultAddAndStore3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                   M3, M4_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultMultAddAndStoreLCD3ByteRgbComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                         M3, M4_PREFIX) \
+    MultMultAddAndStoreLCD3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                   M3, M4_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultMultAddAndStore4ByteArgbComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                          M3, M4_PREFIX) \
+    MultMultAddAndStore3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                   M3, M4_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultMultAddAndStoreLCD4ByteArgbComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                          M3, M4_PREFIX) \
+    MultMultAddAndStoreLCD3Components(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                      M3, M4_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultMultAddAndStore1ByteGrayComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                          M3, M4_PREFIX) \
+    MultMultAddAndStore1Component(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                  M3, M4_PREFIX, 8)
+#define MultMultAddAndStore1ShortGrayComps(RES_PREFIX, M1, M2_PREFIX, \
+                                           M3, M4_PREFIX) \
+    RES_PREFIX ## G = AddNormalizedProducts16(M1, M2_PREFIX ## G, \
+                                              M3, M4_PREFIX ## G)
+ * Store ## STRATEGY ## CompsUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX)
+ *
+ * l op r;  // where op can be something like = or +=
+ */
+#define Store3ComponentsUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX) \
+    do { \
+        L_PREFIX ## R OP R_PREFIX ## R; \
+        L_PREFIX ## G OP R_PREFIX ## G; \
+        L_PREFIX ## B OP R_PREFIX ## B; \
+    } while (0)
+#define Store1ComponentUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX) \
+#define Store4ByteArgbCompsUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX) \
+    Store3ComponentsUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX)
+#define Store1ByteGrayCompsUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX) \
+    Store1ComponentUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX)
+#define Store1ShortGrayCompsUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX) \
+    Store1ComponentUsingOp(L_PREFIX, OP, R_PREFIX)
+ * Set ## STRATEGY ## CompsToZero(PREFIX)
+ *
+ * c = 0;
+ */
+#define Set4ByteArgbCompsToZero(PREFIX) \
+    PREFIX ## R = PREFIX ## G = PREFIX ## B = 0
+#define Set1ByteGrayCompsToZero(PREFIX) \
+    PREFIX ## G = 0
+#define Set1ShortGrayCompsToZero(PREFIX) \
+    PREFIX ## G = 0
+#endif /* AlphaMath_h_Included */