--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/parNew/parGCAllocBuffer.hpp Thu Aug 23 12:27:41 2012 -0700
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- *
- */
-#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
-#include "memory/blockOffsetTable.hpp"
-#include "memory/threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp"
-#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
-// Forward decl.
-class PLABStats;
-// A per-thread allocation buffer used during GC.
-class ParGCAllocBuffer: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
- char head[32];
- size_t _word_sz; // in HeapWord units
- HeapWord* _bottom;
- HeapWord* _top;
- HeapWord* _end; // last allocatable address + 1
- HeapWord* _hard_end; // _end + AlignmentReserve
- bool _retained; // whether we hold a _retained_filler
- MemRegion _retained_filler;
- // In support of ergonomic sizing of PLAB's
- size_t _allocated; // in HeapWord units
- size_t _wasted; // in HeapWord units
- char tail[32];
- static size_t FillerHeaderSize;
- static size_t AlignmentReserve;
- // Initializes the buffer to be empty, but with the given "word_sz".
- // Must get initialized with "set_buf" for an allocation to succeed.
- ParGCAllocBuffer(size_t word_sz);
- static const size_t min_size() {
- return ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::min_size();
- }
- static const size_t max_size() {
- return ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::max_size();
- }
- // If an allocation of the given "word_sz" can be satisfied within the
- // buffer, do the allocation, returning a pointer to the start of the
- // allocated block. If the allocation request cannot be satisfied,
- // return NULL.
- HeapWord* allocate(size_t word_sz) {
- HeapWord* res = _top;
- if (pointer_delta(_end, _top) >= word_sz) {
- _top = _top + word_sz;
- return res;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- // Undo the last allocation in the buffer, which is required to be of the
- // "obj" of the given "word_sz".
- void undo_allocation(HeapWord* obj, size_t word_sz) {
- assert(pointer_delta(_top, _bottom) >= word_sz, "Bad undo");
- assert(pointer_delta(_top, obj) == word_sz, "Bad undo");
- _top = obj;
- }
- // The total (word) size of the buffer, including both allocated and
- // unallocted space.
- size_t word_sz() { return _word_sz; }
- // Should only be done if we are about to reset with a new buffer of the
- // given size.
- void set_word_size(size_t new_word_sz) {
- assert(new_word_sz > AlignmentReserve, "Too small");
- _word_sz = new_word_sz;
- }
- // The number of words of unallocated space remaining in the buffer.
- size_t words_remaining() {
- assert(_end >= _top, "Negative buffer");
- return pointer_delta(_end, _top, HeapWordSize);
- }
- bool contains(void* addr) {
- return (void*)_bottom <= addr && addr < (void*)_hard_end;
- }
- // Sets the space of the buffer to be [buf, space+word_sz()).
- void set_buf(HeapWord* buf) {
- _bottom = buf;
- _top = _bottom;
- _hard_end = _bottom + word_sz();
- _end = _hard_end - AlignmentReserve;
- assert(_end >= _top, "Negative buffer");
- // In support of ergonomic sizing
- _allocated += word_sz();
- }
- // Flush the stats supporting ergonomic sizing of PLAB's
- void flush_stats(PLABStats* stats);
- void flush_stats_and_retire(PLABStats* stats, bool retain) {
- // We flush the stats first in order to get a reading of
- // unused space in the last buffer.
- if (ResizePLAB) {
- flush_stats(stats);
- }
- // Retire the last allocation buffer.
- retire(true, retain);
- }
- // Force future allocations to fail and queries for contains()
- // to return false
- void invalidate() {
- assert(!_retained, "Shouldn't retain an invalidated buffer.");
- _end = _hard_end;
- _wasted += pointer_delta(_end, _top); // unused space
- _top = _end; // force future allocations to fail
- _bottom = _end; // force future contains() queries to return false
- }
- // Fills in the unallocated portion of the buffer with a garbage object.
- // If "end_of_gc" is TRUE, is after the last use in the GC. IF "retain"
- // is true, attempt to re-use the unused portion in the next GC.
- void retire(bool end_of_gc, bool retain);
- void print() PRODUCT_RETURN;
-// PLAB stats book-keeping
- size_t _allocated; // total allocated
- size_t _wasted; // of which wasted (internal fragmentation)
- size_t _unused; // Unused in last buffer
- size_t _used; // derived = allocated - wasted - unused
- size_t _desired_plab_sz;// output of filter (below), suitably trimmed and quantized
- AdaptiveWeightedAverage
- _filter; // integrator with decay
- public:
- PLABStats(size_t desired_plab_sz_, unsigned wt) :
- _allocated(0),
- _wasted(0),
- _unused(0),
- _used(0),
- _desired_plab_sz(desired_plab_sz_),
- _filter(wt)
- {
- size_t min_sz = min_size();
- size_t max_sz = max_size();
- size_t aligned_min_sz = align_object_size(min_sz);
- size_t aligned_max_sz = align_object_size(max_sz);
- assert(min_sz <= aligned_min_sz && max_sz >= aligned_max_sz &&
- min_sz <= max_sz,
- "PLAB clipping computation in adjust_desired_plab_sz()"
- " may be incorrect");
- }
- static const size_t min_size() {
- return ParGCAllocBuffer::min_size();
- }
- static const size_t max_size() {
- return ParGCAllocBuffer::max_size();
- }
- size_t desired_plab_sz() {
- return _desired_plab_sz;
- }
- void adjust_desired_plab_sz(); // filter computation, latches output to
- // _desired_plab_sz, clears sensor accumulators
- void add_allocated(size_t v) {
- Atomic::add_ptr(v, &_allocated);
- }
- void add_unused(size_t v) {
- Atomic::add_ptr(v, &_unused);
- }
- void add_wasted(size_t v) {
- Atomic::add_ptr(v, &_wasted);
- }
-class ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT: public ParGCAllocBuffer {
- BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace _bt;
- BlockOffsetSharedArray* _bsa;
- HeapWord* _true_end; // end of the whole ParGCAllocBuffer
- static const size_t ChunkSizeInWords;
- static const size_t ChunkSizeInBytes;
- HeapWord* allocate_slow(size_t word_sz);
- void fill_region_with_block(MemRegion mr, bool contig);
- ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT(size_t word_sz, BlockOffsetSharedArray* bsa);
- HeapWord* allocate(size_t word_sz) {
- HeapWord* res = ParGCAllocBuffer::allocate(word_sz);
- if (res != NULL) {
- _bt.alloc_block(res, word_sz);
- } else {
- res = allocate_slow(word_sz);
- }
- return res;
- }
- void undo_allocation(HeapWord* obj, size_t word_sz);
- void set_buf(HeapWord* buf_start) {
- ParGCAllocBuffer::set_buf(buf_start);
- _true_end = _hard_end;
- _bt.set_region(MemRegion(buf_start, word_sz()));
- _bt.initialize_threshold();
- }
- void retire(bool end_of_gc, bool retain);
- MemRegion range() {
- return MemRegion(_top, _true_end);
- }