--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_32.ad Mon Sep 14 09:49:54 2009 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_32.ad Mon Sep 14 12:14:20 2009 -0700
@@ -3701,458 +3701,6 @@
- enc_class enc_String_Compare(eDIRegP str1, eSIRegP str2, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2,
- eAXRegI tmp3, eBXRegI tmp4, eCXRegI result) %{
- MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
- XMMRegister tmp1Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp1$$reg);
- XMMRegister tmp2Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp2$$reg);
- // Get the first character position in both strings
- // [8] char array, [12] offset, [16] count
- int value_offset = java_lang_String::value_offset_in_bytes();
- int offset_offset = java_lang_String::offset_offset_in_bytes();
- int count_offset = java_lang_String::count_offset_in_bytes();
- int base_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_CHAR);
- masm.movptr(rax, Address(rsi, value_offset));
- masm.movl(rcx, Address(rsi, offset_offset));
- masm.lea(rax, Address(rax, rcx, Address::times_2, base_offset));
- masm.movptr(rbx, Address(rdi, value_offset));
- masm.movl(rcx, Address(rdi, offset_offset));
- masm.lea(rbx, Address(rbx, rcx, Address::times_2, base_offset));
- // Compute the minimum of the string lengths(rsi) and the
- // difference of the string lengths (stack)
- if (VM_Version::supports_cmov()) {
- masm.movl(rdi, Address(rdi, count_offset));
- masm.movl(rsi, Address(rsi, count_offset));
- masm.movl(rcx, rdi);
- masm.subl(rdi, rsi);
- masm.push(rdi);
- masm.cmovl(Assembler::lessEqual, rsi, rcx);
- } else {
- masm.movl(rdi, Address(rdi, count_offset));
- masm.movl(rcx, Address(rsi, count_offset));
- masm.movl(rsi, rdi);
- masm.subl(rdi, rcx);
- masm.push(rdi);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::lessEqual, ECX_GOOD_LABEL);
- masm.movl(rsi, rcx);
- // rsi holds min, rcx is unused
- }
- // Is the minimum length zero?
- masm.bind(ECX_GOOD_LABEL);
- masm.testl(rsi, rsi);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::zero, LENGTH_DIFF_LABEL);
- // Load first characters
- masm.load_unsigned_short(rcx, Address(rbx, 0));
- masm.load_unsigned_short(rdi, Address(rax, 0));
- // Compare first characters
- masm.subl(rcx, rdi);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, POP_LABEL);
- masm.decrementl(rsi);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::zero, LENGTH_DIFF_LABEL);
- {
- // Check after comparing first character to see if strings are equivalent
- Label LSkip2;
- // Check if the strings start at same location
- masm.cmpptr(rbx,rax);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notEqual, LSkip2);
- // Check if the length difference is zero (from stack)
- masm.cmpl(Address(rsp, 0), 0x0);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::equal, LENGTH_DIFF_LABEL);
- // Strings might not be equivalent
- masm.bind(LSkip2);
- }
- // Advance to next character
- masm.addptr(rax, 2);
- masm.addptr(rbx, 2);
- if (UseSSE42Intrinsics) {
- // With SSE4.2, use double quad vector compare
- // Setup to compare 16-byte vectors
- masm.movl(rdi, rsi);
- masm.andl(rsi, 0xfffffff8); // rsi holds the vector count
- masm.andl(rdi, 0x00000007); // rdi holds the tail count
- masm.testl(rsi, rsi);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, COMPARE_TAIL);
- masm.lea(rax, Address(rax, rsi, Address::times_2));
- masm.lea(rbx, Address(rbx, rsi, Address::times_2));
- masm.negl(rsi);
- masm.bind(COMPARE_VECTORS);
- masm.movdqu(tmp1Reg, Address(rax, rsi, Address::times_2));
- masm.movdqu(tmp2Reg, Address(rbx, rsi, Address::times_2));
- masm.pxor(tmp1Reg, tmp2Reg);
- masm.ptest(tmp1Reg, tmp1Reg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notZero, VECTOR_NOT_EQUAL);
- masm.addl(rsi, 8);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, COMPARE_VECTORS);
- masm.jmpb(COMPARE_TAIL);
- // Mismatched characters in the vectors
- masm.bind(VECTOR_NOT_EQUAL);
- masm.lea(rax, Address(rax, rsi, Address::times_2));
- masm.lea(rbx, Address(rbx, rsi, Address::times_2));
- masm.movl(rdi, 8);
- // Compare tail (< 8 chars), or rescan last vectors to
- // find 1st mismatched characters
- masm.bind(COMPARE_TAIL);
- masm.testl(rdi, rdi);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, LENGTH_DIFF_LABEL);
- masm.movl(rsi, rdi);
- // Fallthru to tail compare
- }
- //Shift rax, and rbx, to the end of the arrays, negate min
- masm.lea(rax, Address(rax, rsi, Address::times_2, 0));
- masm.lea(rbx, Address(rbx, rsi, Address::times_2, 0));
- masm.negl(rsi);
- // Compare the rest of the characters
- masm.bind(WHILE_HEAD_LABEL);
- masm.load_unsigned_short(rcx, Address(rbx, rsi, Address::times_2, 0));
- masm.load_unsigned_short(rdi, Address(rax, rsi, Address::times_2, 0));
- masm.subl(rcx, rdi);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notZero, POP_LABEL);
- masm.incrementl(rsi);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, WHILE_HEAD_LABEL);
- // Strings are equal up to min length. Return the length difference.
- masm.bind(LENGTH_DIFF_LABEL);
- masm.pop(rcx);
- masm.jmpb(DONE_LABEL);
- // Discard the stored length difference
- masm.bind(POP_LABEL);
- masm.addptr(rsp, 4);
- // That's it
- masm.bind(DONE_LABEL);
- %}
- enc_class enc_String_Equals(eDIRegP str1, eSIRegP str2, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2,
- eBXRegI tmp3, eCXRegI tmp4, eAXRegI result) %{
- MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
- XMMRegister tmp1Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp1$$reg);
- XMMRegister tmp2Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp2$$reg);
- int value_offset = java_lang_String::value_offset_in_bytes();
- int offset_offset = java_lang_String::offset_offset_in_bytes();
- int count_offset = java_lang_String::count_offset_in_bytes();
- int base_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_CHAR);
- // does source == target string?
- masm.cmpptr(rdi, rsi);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::equal, RET_TRUE);
- // get and compare counts
- masm.movl(rcx, Address(rdi, count_offset));
- masm.movl(rax, Address(rsi, count_offset));
- masm.cmpl(rcx, rax);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notEqual, RET_FALSE);
- masm.testl(rax, rax);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::zero, RET_TRUE);
- // get source string offset and value
- masm.movptr(rbx, Address(rsi, value_offset));
- masm.movl(rax, Address(rsi, offset_offset));
- masm.leal(rsi, Address(rbx, rax, Address::times_2, base_offset));
- // get compare string offset and value
- masm.movptr(rbx, Address(rdi, value_offset));
- masm.movl(rax, Address(rdi, offset_offset));
- masm.leal(rdi, Address(rbx, rax, Address::times_2, base_offset));
- // Set byte count
- masm.shll(rcx, 1);
- masm.movl(rax, rcx);
- if (UseSSE42Intrinsics) {
- // With SSE4.2, use double quad vector compare
- // Compare 16-byte vectors
- masm.andl(rcx, 0xfffffff0); // vector count (in bytes)
- masm.andl(rax, 0x0000000e); // tail count (in bytes)
- masm.testl(rcx, rcx);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, COMPARE_TAIL);
- masm.lea(rdi, Address(rdi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.lea(rsi, Address(rsi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.negl(rcx);
- masm.movdqu(tmp1Reg, Address(rdi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.movdqu(tmp2Reg, Address(rsi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.pxor(tmp1Reg, tmp2Reg);
- masm.ptest(tmp1Reg, tmp1Reg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notZero, RET_FALSE);
- masm.addl(rcx, 16);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, COMPARE_WIDE_VECTORS);
- masm.bind(COMPARE_TAIL);
- masm.movl(rcx, rax);
- // Fallthru to tail compare
- }
- // Compare 4-byte vectors
- masm.andl(rcx, 0xfffffffc); // vector count (in bytes)
- masm.andl(rax, 0x00000002); // tail char (in bytes)
- masm.testl(rcx, rcx);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, COMPARE_CHAR);
- masm.lea(rdi, Address(rdi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.lea(rsi, Address(rsi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.negl(rcx);
- masm.bind(COMPARE_VECTORS);
- masm.movl(rbx, Address(rdi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.cmpl(rbx, Address(rsi, rcx, Address::times_1));
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notEqual, RET_FALSE);
- masm.addl(rcx, 4);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, COMPARE_VECTORS);
- // Compare trailing char (final 2 bytes), if any
- masm.bind(COMPARE_CHAR);
- masm.testl(rax, rax);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, RET_TRUE);
- masm.load_unsigned_short(rbx, Address(rdi, 0));
- masm.load_unsigned_short(rcx, Address(rsi, 0));
- masm.cmpl(rbx, rcx);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notEqual, RET_FALSE);
- masm.bind(RET_TRUE);
- masm.movl(rax, 1); // return true
- masm.jmpb(DONE);
- masm.bind(RET_FALSE);
- masm.xorl(rax, rax); // return false
- masm.bind(DONE);
- %}
- enc_class enc_String_IndexOf(eSIRegP str1, eDIRegP str2, regXD tmp1, eAXRegI tmp2,
- eCXRegI tmp3, eDXRegI tmp4, eBXRegI result) %{
- // SSE4.2 version
- MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
- XMMRegister tmp1Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp1$$reg);
- // Get the first character position in both strings
- // [8] char array, [12] offset, [16] count
- int value_offset = java_lang_String::value_offset_in_bytes();
- int offset_offset = java_lang_String::offset_offset_in_bytes();
- int count_offset = java_lang_String::count_offset_in_bytes();
- int base_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_CHAR);
- // Get counts for string and substr
- masm.movl(rdx, Address(rsi, count_offset));
- masm.movl(rax, Address(rdi, count_offset));
- // Check for substr count > string count
- masm.cmpl(rax, rdx);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::greater, RET_NEG_ONE);
- // Start the indexOf operation
- // Get start addr of string
- masm.movptr(rbx, Address(rsi, value_offset));
- masm.movl(rcx, Address(rsi, offset_offset));
- masm.lea(rsi, Address(rbx, rcx, Address::times_2, base_offset));
- masm.push(rsi);
- // Get start addr of substr
- masm.movptr(rbx, Address(rdi, value_offset));
- masm.movl(rcx, Address(rdi, offset_offset));
- masm.lea(rdi, Address(rbx, rcx, Address::times_2, base_offset));
- masm.push(rdi);
- masm.push(rax);
- masm.jmpb(PREP_FOR_SCAN);
- // Substr count saved at sp
- // Substr saved at sp+4
- // String saved at sp+8
- // Prep to load substr for scan
- masm.bind(LOAD_SUBSTR);
- masm.movptr(rdi, Address(rsp, 4));
- masm.movl(rax, Address(rsp, 0));
- // Load substr
- masm.bind(PREP_FOR_SCAN);
- masm.movdqu(tmp1Reg, Address(rdi, 0));
- masm.addl(rdx, 8); // prime the loop
- masm.subptr(rsi, 16);
- // Scan string for substr in 16-byte vectors
- masm.bind(SCAN_TO_SUBSTR);
- masm.subl(rdx, 8);
- masm.addptr(rsi, 16);
- masm.pcmpestri(tmp1Reg, Address(rsi, 0), 0x0d);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::above, SCAN_TO_SUBSTR); // CF == 0 && ZF == 0
- masm.jccb(Assembler::aboveEqual, RET_NOT_FOUND); // CF == 0
- // Fallthru: found a potential substr
- // Make sure string is still long enough
- masm.subl(rdx, rcx);
- masm.cmpl(rdx, rax);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::negative, RET_NOT_FOUND);
- // Compute start addr of substr
- masm.lea(rsi, Address(rsi, rcx, Address::times_2));
- masm.movptr(rbx, rsi);
- // Compare potential substr
- masm.addl(rdx, 8); // prime the loop
- masm.addl(rax, 8);
- masm.subptr(rsi, 16);
- masm.subptr(rdi, 16);
- // Scan 16-byte vectors of string and substr
- masm.bind(SCAN_SUBSTR);
- masm.subl(rax, 8);
- masm.subl(rdx, 8);
- masm.addptr(rsi, 16);
- masm.addptr(rdi, 16);
- masm.movdqu(tmp1Reg, Address(rdi, 0));
- masm.pcmpestri(tmp1Reg, Address(rsi, 0), 0x0d);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::noOverflow, LOAD_SUBSTR); // OF == 0
- masm.jcc(Assembler::positive, SCAN_SUBSTR); // SF == 0
- // Compute substr offset
- masm.movptr(rsi, Address(rsp, 8));
- masm.subptr(rbx, rsi);
- masm.shrl(rbx, 1);
- masm.jmpb(CLEANUP);
- masm.bind(RET_NEG_ONE);
- masm.movl(rbx, -1);
- masm.jmpb(DONE);
- masm.bind(RET_NOT_FOUND);
- masm.movl(rbx, -1);
- masm.bind(CLEANUP);
- masm.addptr(rsp, 12);
- masm.bind(DONE);
- %}
- enc_class enc_Array_Equals(eDIRegP ary1, eSIRegP ary2, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2,
- eBXRegI tmp3, eDXRegI tmp4, eAXRegI result) %{
- MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
- XMMRegister tmp1Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp1$$reg);
- XMMRegister tmp2Reg = as_XMMRegister($tmp2$$reg);
- Register ary1Reg = as_Register($ary1$$reg);
- Register ary2Reg = as_Register($ary2$$reg);
- Register tmp3Reg = as_Register($tmp3$$reg);
- Register tmp4Reg = as_Register($tmp4$$reg);
- Register resultReg = as_Register($result$$reg);
- int length_offset = arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes();
- int base_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_CHAR);
- // Check the input args
- masm.cmpptr(ary1Reg, ary2Reg);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::equal, TRUE_LABEL);
- masm.testptr(ary1Reg, ary1Reg);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::zero, FALSE_LABEL);
- masm.testptr(ary2Reg, ary2Reg);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::zero, FALSE_LABEL);
- // Check the lengths
- masm.movl(tmp4Reg, Address(ary1Reg, length_offset));
- masm.movl(resultReg, Address(ary2Reg, length_offset));
- masm.cmpl(tmp4Reg, resultReg);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notEqual, FALSE_LABEL);
- masm.testl(resultReg, resultReg);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::zero, TRUE_LABEL);
- // Load array addrs
- masm.lea(ary1Reg, Address(ary1Reg, base_offset));
- masm.lea(ary2Reg, Address(ary2Reg, base_offset));
- // Set byte count
- masm.shll(tmp4Reg, 1);
- masm.movl(resultReg, tmp4Reg);
- if (UseSSE42Intrinsics) {
- // With SSE4.2, use double quad vector compare
- // Compare 16-byte vectors
- masm.andl(tmp4Reg, 0xfffffff0); // vector count (in bytes)
- masm.andl(resultReg, 0x0000000e); // tail count (in bytes)
- masm.testl(tmp4Reg, tmp4Reg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, COMPARE_TAIL);
- masm.lea(ary1Reg, Address(ary1Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.lea(ary2Reg, Address(ary2Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.negl(tmp4Reg);
- masm.movdqu(tmp1Reg, Address(ary1Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.movdqu(tmp2Reg, Address(ary2Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.pxor(tmp1Reg, tmp2Reg);
- masm.ptest(tmp1Reg, tmp1Reg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notZero, FALSE_LABEL);
- masm.addl(tmp4Reg, 16);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, COMPARE_WIDE_VECTORS);
- masm.bind(COMPARE_TAIL);
- masm.movl(tmp4Reg, resultReg);
- // Fallthru to tail compare
- }
- // Compare 4-byte vectors
- masm.andl(tmp4Reg, 0xfffffffc); // vector count (in bytes)
- masm.andl(resultReg, 0x00000002); // tail char (in bytes)
- masm.testl(tmp4Reg, tmp4Reg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, COMPARE_CHAR);
- masm.lea(ary1Reg, Address(ary1Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.lea(ary2Reg, Address(ary2Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.negl(tmp4Reg);
- masm.bind(COMPARE_VECTORS);
- masm.movl(tmp3Reg, Address(ary1Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.cmpl(tmp3Reg, Address(ary2Reg, tmp4Reg, Address::times_1));
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notEqual, FALSE_LABEL);
- masm.addl(tmp4Reg, 4);
- masm.jcc(Assembler::notZero, COMPARE_VECTORS);
- // Compare trailing char (final 2 bytes), if any
- masm.bind(COMPARE_CHAR);
- masm.testl(resultReg, resultReg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::zero, TRUE_LABEL);
- masm.load_unsigned_short(tmp3Reg, Address(ary1Reg, 0));
- masm.load_unsigned_short(tmp4Reg, Address(ary2Reg, 0));
- masm.cmpl(tmp3Reg, tmp4Reg);
- masm.jccb(Assembler::notEqual, FALSE_LABEL);
- masm.bind(TRUE_LABEL);
- masm.movl(resultReg, 1); // return true
- masm.jmpb(DONE);
- masm.bind(FALSE_LABEL);
- masm.xorl(resultReg, resultReg); // return false
- // That's it
- masm.bind(DONE);
- %}
enc_class enc_pop_rdx() %{
@@ -12718,48 +12266,64 @@
ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
-instruct string_compare(eDIRegP str1, eSIRegP str2, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2,
- eAXRegI tmp3, eBXRegI tmp4, eCXRegI result, eFlagsReg cr) %{
- match(Set result (StrComp str1 str2));
- effect(TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, KILL tmp3, KILL tmp4, KILL cr);
- //ins_cost(300);
- format %{ "String Compare $str1,$str2 -> $result // KILL EAX, EBX" %}
- ins_encode( enc_String_Compare(str1, str2, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, result) );
+instruct string_compare(eDIRegP str1, eCXRegI cnt1, eSIRegP str2, eBXRegI cnt2,
+ eAXRegI result, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+ match(Set result (StrComp (Binary str1 cnt1) (Binary str2 cnt2)));
+ effect(TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, USE_KILL cnt1, USE_KILL cnt2, KILL cr);
+ format %{ "String Compare $str1,$cnt1,$str2,$cnt2 -> $result // KILL $tmp1, $tmp2" %}
+ ins_encode %{
+ __ string_compare($str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
+ $cnt1$$Register, $cnt2$$Register, $result$$Register,
+ $tmp1$$XMMRegister, $tmp2$$XMMRegister);
+ %}
ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
// fast string equals
-instruct string_equals(eDIRegP str1, eSIRegP str2, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2,
- eBXRegI tmp3, eCXRegI tmp4, eAXRegI result, eFlagsReg cr) %{
- match(Set result (StrEquals str1 str2));
- effect(TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, KILL tmp3, KILL tmp4, KILL cr);
- format %{ "String Equals $str1,$str2 -> $result // KILL EBX, ECX" %}
- ins_encode( enc_String_Equals(tmp1, tmp2, str1, str2, tmp3, tmp4, result) );
- ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
-instruct string_indexof(eSIRegP str1, eDIRegP str2, regXD tmp1, eAXRegI tmp2,
- eCXRegI tmp3, eDXRegI tmp4, eBXRegI result, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+instruct string_equals(eDIRegP str1, eSIRegP str2, eCXRegI cnt, eAXRegI result,
+ regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2, eBXRegI tmp3, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+ match(Set result (StrEquals (Binary str1 str2) cnt));
+ effect(TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, USE_KILL cnt, KILL tmp3, KILL cr);
+ format %{ "String Equals $str1,$str2,$cnt -> $result // KILL $tmp1, $tmp2, $tmp3" %}
+ ins_encode %{
+ __ char_arrays_equals(false, $str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
+ $cnt$$Register, $result$$Register, $tmp3$$Register,
+ $tmp1$$XMMRegister, $tmp2$$XMMRegister);
+ %}
+ ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
+instruct string_indexof(eDIRegP str1, eDXRegI cnt1, eSIRegP str2, eAXRegI cnt2,
+ eBXRegI result, regXD tmp1, eCXRegI tmp2, eFlagsReg cr) %{
- match(Set result (StrIndexOf str1 str2));
- effect(TEMP tmp1, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, KILL tmp2, KILL tmp3, KILL tmp4, KILL cr);
- format %{ "String IndexOf $str1,$str2 -> $result // KILL EAX, ECX, EDX" %}
- ins_encode( enc_String_IndexOf(str1, str2, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, result) );
+ match(Set result (StrIndexOf (Binary str1 cnt1) (Binary str2 cnt2)));
+ effect(TEMP tmp1, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, USE_KILL cnt1, USE_KILL cnt2, KILL tmp2, KILL cr);
+ format %{ "String IndexOf $str1,$cnt1,$str2,$cnt2 -> $result // KILL $tmp2, $tmp1" %}
+ ins_encode %{
+ __ string_indexof($str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
+ $cnt1$$Register, $cnt2$$Register, $result$$Register,
+ $tmp1$$XMMRegister, $tmp2$$Register);
+ %}
ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
// fast array equals
-instruct array_equals(eDIRegP ary1, eSIRegP ary2, regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2, eBXRegI tmp3,
- eDXRegI tmp4, eAXRegI result, eFlagsReg cr) %{
+instruct array_equals(eDIRegP ary1, eSIRegP ary2, eAXRegI result,
+ regXD tmp1, regXD tmp2, eCXRegI tmp3, eBXRegI tmp4, eFlagsReg cr)
match(Set result (AryEq ary1 ary2));
effect(TEMP tmp1, TEMP tmp2, USE_KILL ary1, USE_KILL ary2, KILL tmp3, KILL tmp4, KILL cr);
- format %{ "Array Equals $ary1,$ary2 -> $result // KILL EBX, EDX" %}
- ins_encode( enc_Array_Equals(ary1, ary2, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, result) );
+ format %{ "Array Equals $ary1,$ary2 -> $result // KILL $tmp1, $tmp2, $tmp3, $tmp4" %}
+ ins_encode %{
+ __ char_arrays_equals(true, $ary1$$Register, $ary2$$Register,
+ $tmp3$$Register, $result$$Register, $tmp4$$Register,
+ $tmp1$$XMMRegister, $tmp2$$XMMRegister);
+ %}
ins_pipe( pipe_slow );