changeset 8823 7cd28219a1e4
parent 8717 f75a1efb1412
parent 8822 8145ab9f5f86
child 8824 0762fa26f813
child 9033 a88f5656f05d
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/dyn/MethodTypeImpl.java	Wed Jul 05 17:38:31 2017 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package sun.dyn;
-import java.dyn.*;
-import sun.dyn.util.Wrapper;
-import static sun.dyn.MemberName.newIllegalArgumentException;
- * Shared information for a group of method types, which differ
- * only by reference types, and therefore share a common erasure
- * and wrapping.
- * <p>
- * For an empirical discussion of the structure of method types,
- * see <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/jvm-languages/browse_thread/thread/ac9308ae74da9b7e/">
- * the thread "Avoiding Boxing" on jvm-languages</a>.
- * There are approximately 2000 distinct erased method types in the JDK.
- * There are a little over 10 times that number of unerased types.
- * No more than half of these are likely to be loaded at once.
- * @author John Rose
- */
-public class MethodTypeImpl {
-    final int[] argToSlotTable, slotToArgTable;
-    final long argCounts;               // packed slot & value counts
-    final long primCounts;              // packed prim & double counts
-    final int vmslots;                  // total number of parameter slots
-    final MethodType erasedType;        // the canonical erasure
-    /*lazy*/ MethodType primsAsBoxes;   // replace prims by wrappers
-    /*lazy*/ MethodType primArgsAsBoxes; // wrap args only; make raw return
-    /*lazy*/ MethodType primsAsInts;    // replace prims by int/long
-    /*lazy*/ MethodType primsAsLongs;   // replace prims by long
-    /*lazy*/ MethodType primsAtEnd;     // reorder primitives to the end
-    // Cached adapter information:
-    /*lazy*/ ToGeneric   toGeneric;     // convert cs. with prims to w/o
-    /*lazy*/ FromGeneric fromGeneric;   // convert cs. w/o prims to with
-    /*lazy*/ SpreadGeneric[] spreadGeneric; // expand one argument to many
-    /*lazy*/ FilterGeneric filterGeneric; // convert argument(s) on the fly
-    /*lazy*/ MethodHandle genericInvoker; // hook for invokeGeneric
-    public MethodType erasedType() {
-        return erasedType;
-    }
-    public static MethodTypeImpl of(MethodType type) {
-        return METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.form(type);
-    }
-    /** Access methods for the internals of MethodType, supplied to
-     *  MethodTypeImpl as a trusted agent.
-     */
-    static public interface MethodTypeFriend {
-        Class<?>[]     ptypes(MethodType mt);
-        MethodTypeImpl form(MethodType mt);
-        void           setForm(MethodType mt, MethodTypeImpl form);
-        MethodType     makeImpl(Class<?> rtype, Class<?>[] ptypes, boolean trusted);
-        MethodTypeImpl newMethodTypeForm(MethodType mt);
-        Invokers       getInvokers(MethodType mt);
-        void           setInvokers(MethodType mt, Invokers inv);
-    }
-    public static void setMethodTypeFriend(Access token, MethodTypeFriend am) {
-        Access.check(token);
-        if (METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND != null)
-            throw new InternalError();  // just once
-        METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND = am;
-    }
-    static private MethodTypeFriend METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND;
-    static MethodType makeImpl(Access token, Class<?> rtype, Class<?>[] ptypes, boolean trusted) {
-        Access.check(token);
-        return METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.makeImpl(rtype, ptypes, trusted);
-    }
-    protected MethodTypeImpl(MethodType erasedType) {
-        this.erasedType = erasedType;
-        Class<?>[] ptypes = METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.ptypes(erasedType);
-        int ptypeCount = ptypes.length;
-        int pslotCount = ptypeCount;            // temp. estimate
-        int rtypeCount = 1;                     // temp. estimate
-        int rslotCount = 1;                     // temp. estimate
-        int[] argToSlotTab = null, slotToArgTab = null;
-        // Walk the argument types, looking for primitives.
-        int pac = 0, lac = 0, prc = 0, lrc = 0;
-        Class<?> epts[] = ptypes;
-        for (int i = 0; i < epts.length; i++) {
-            Class<?> pt = epts[i];
-            if (pt != Object.class) {
-                assert(pt.isPrimitive());
-                ++pac;
-                if (hasTwoArgSlots(pt))  ++lac;
-            }
-        }
-        pslotCount += lac;                  // #slots = #args + #longs
-        Class<?> rt = erasedType.returnType();
-        if (rt != Object.class) {
-            ++prc;          // even void.class counts as a prim here
-            if (hasTwoArgSlots(rt))  ++lrc;
-            // adjust #slots, #args
-            if (rt == void.class)
-                rtypeCount = rslotCount = 0;
-            else
-                rslotCount += lrc;
-        }
-        if (lac != 0) {
-            int slot = ptypeCount + lac;
-            slotToArgTab = new int[slot+1];
-            argToSlotTab = new int[1+ptypeCount];
-            argToSlotTab[0] = slot;  // argument "-1" is past end of slots
-            for (int i = 0; i < epts.length; i++) {
-                Class<?> pt = epts[i];
-                if (hasTwoArgSlots(pt))  --slot;
-                --slot;
-                slotToArgTab[slot] = i+1; // "+1" see argSlotToParameter note
-                argToSlotTab[1+i]  = slot;
-            }
-            assert(slot == 0);  // filled the table
-        }
-        this.primCounts = pack(lrc, prc, lac, pac);
-        this.argCounts = pack(rslotCount, rtypeCount, pslotCount, ptypeCount);
-        if (slotToArgTab == null) {
-            int slot = ptypeCount; // first arg is deepest in stack
-            slotToArgTab = new int[slot+1];
-            argToSlotTab = new int[1+ptypeCount];
-            argToSlotTab[0] = slot;  // argument "-1" is past end of slots
-            for (int i = 0; i < ptypeCount; i++) {
-                --slot;
-                slotToArgTab[slot] = i+1; // "+1" see argSlotToParameter note
-                argToSlotTab[1+i]  = slot;
-            }
-        }
-        this.argToSlotTable = argToSlotTab;
-        this.slotToArgTable = slotToArgTab;
-        if (pslotCount >= 256)  throw newIllegalArgumentException("too many arguments");
-        // send a few bits down to the JVM:
-        this.vmslots = parameterSlotCount();
-        // short circuit some no-op canonicalizations:
-        if (!hasPrimitives()) {
-            primsAsBoxes = erasedType;
-            primArgsAsBoxes = erasedType;
-            primsAsInts  = erasedType;
-            primsAsLongs = erasedType;
-            primsAtEnd   = erasedType;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Turn all primitive types to corresponding wrapper types.
-     */
-    public MethodType primsAsBoxes() {
-        MethodType ct = primsAsBoxes;
-        if (ct != null)  return ct;
-        MethodType t = erasedType;
-        ct = canonicalize(erasedType, WRAP, WRAP);
-        if (ct == null)  ct = t;  // no prims to box
-        return primsAsBoxes = ct;
-    }
-    /** Turn all primitive argument types to corresponding wrapper types.
-     *  Subword and void return types are promoted to int.
-     */
-    public MethodType primArgsAsBoxes() {
-        MethodType ct = primArgsAsBoxes;
-        if (ct != null)  return ct;
-        MethodType t = erasedType;
-        ct = canonicalize(erasedType, RAW_RETURN, WRAP);
-        if (ct == null)  ct = t;  // no prims to box
-        return primArgsAsBoxes = ct;
-    }
-    /** Turn all primitive types to either int or long.
-     *  Floating point return types are not changed, because
-     *  they may require special calling sequences.
-     *  A void return value is turned to int.
-     */
-    public MethodType primsAsInts() {
-        MethodType ct = primsAsInts;
-        if (ct != null)  return ct;
-        MethodType t = erasedType;
-        ct = canonicalize(t, RAW_RETURN, INTS);
-        if (ct == null)  ct = t;  // no prims to int-ify
-        return primsAsInts = ct;
-    }
-    /** Turn all primitive types to either int or long.
-     *  Floating point return types are not changed, because
-     *  they may require special calling sequences.
-     *  A void return value is turned to int.
-     */
-    public MethodType primsAsLongs() {
-        MethodType ct = primsAsLongs;
-        if (ct != null)  return ct;
-        MethodType t = erasedType;
-        ct = canonicalize(t, RAW_RETURN, LONGS);
-        if (ct == null)  ct = t;  // no prims to int-ify
-        return primsAsLongs = ct;
-    }
-    /** Stably sort parameters into 3 buckets: ref, int, long. */
-    public MethodType primsAtEnd() {
-        MethodType ct = primsAtEnd;
-        if (ct != null)  return ct;
-        MethodType t = erasedType;
-        int pac = primitiveParameterCount();
-        if (pac == 0)
-            return primsAtEnd = t;
-        int argc = parameterCount();
-        int lac = longPrimitiveParameterCount();
-        if (pac == argc && (lac == 0 || lac == argc))
-            return primsAtEnd = t;
-        // known to have a mix of 2 or 3 of ref, int, long
-        int[] reorder = primsAtEndOrder(t);
-        ct = reorderParameters(t, reorder, null);
-        //System.out.println("t="+t+" / reorder="+java.util.Arrays.toString(reorder)+" => "+ct);
-        return primsAtEnd = ct;
-    }
-    /** Compute a new ordering of parameters so that all references
-     *  are before all ints or longs, and all ints are before all longs.
-     *  For this ordering, doubles count as longs, and all other primitive
-     *  values count as ints.
-     *  As a special case, if the parameters are already in the specified
-     *  order, this method returns a null reference, rather than an array
-     *  specifying a null permutation.
-     *  <p>
-     *  For example, the type {@code (int,boolean,int,Object,String)void}
-     *  produces the order {@code {3,4,0,1,2}}, the type
-     *  {@code (long,int,String)void} produces {@code {2,1,2}}, and
-     *  the type {@code (Object,int)Object} produces {@code null}.
-     */
-    public static int[] primsAtEndOrder(MethodType mt) {
-        MethodTypeImpl form = METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.form(mt);
-        if (form.primsAtEnd == form.erasedType)
-            // quick check shows no reordering is necessary
-            return null;
-        int argc = form.parameterCount();
-        int[] paramOrder = new int[argc];
-        // 3-way bucket sort:
-        int pac = form.primitiveParameterCount();
-        int lac = form.longPrimitiveParameterCount();
-        int rfill = 0, ifill = argc - pac, lfill = argc - lac;
-        Class<?>[] ptypes = METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.ptypes(mt);
-        boolean changed = false;
-        for (int i = 0; i < ptypes.length; i++) {
-            Class<?> pt = ptypes[i];
-            int ord;
-            if (!pt.isPrimitive())             ord = rfill++;
-            else if (!hasTwoArgSlots(pt))      ord = ifill++;
-            else                               ord = lfill++;
-            if (ord != i)  changed = true;
-            assert(paramOrder[ord] == 0);
-            paramOrder[ord] = i;
-        }
-        assert(rfill == argc - pac && ifill == argc - lac && lfill == argc);
-        if (!changed) {
-            form.primsAtEnd = form.erasedType;
-            return null;
-        }
-        return paramOrder;
-    }
-    /** Put the existing parameters of mt into a new order, given by newParamOrder.
-     *  The third argument is logically appended to mt.parameterArray,
-     *  so that elements of newParamOrder can index either pre-existing or
-     *  new parameter types.
-     */
-    public static MethodType reorderParameters(MethodType mt, int[] newParamOrder, Class<?>[] moreParams) {
-        if (newParamOrder == null)  return mt;  // no-op reordering
-        Class<?>[] ptypes = METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.ptypes(mt);
-        Class<?>[] ntypes = new Class<?>[newParamOrder.length];
-        int maxParam = ptypes.length + (moreParams == null ? 0 : moreParams.length);
-        boolean changed = (ntypes.length != ptypes.length);
-        for (int i = 0; i < newParamOrder.length; i++) {
-            int param = newParamOrder[i];
-            if (param != i)  changed = true;
-            Class<?> nt;
-            if (param < ptypes.length)   nt = ptypes[param];
-            else if (param == maxParam)  nt = mt.returnType();
-            else                         nt = moreParams[param - ptypes.length];
-            ntypes[i] = nt;
-        }
-        if (!changed)  return mt;
-        return METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.makeImpl(mt.returnType(), ntypes, true);
-    }
-    private static boolean hasTwoArgSlots(Class<?> type) {
-        return type == long.class || type == double.class;
-    }
-    private static long pack(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
-        assert(((a|b|c|d) & ~0xFFFF) == 0);
-        long hw = ((a << 16) | b), lw = ((c << 16) | d);
-        return (hw << 32) | lw;
-    }
-    private static char unpack(long packed, int word) { // word==0 => return a, ==3 => return d
-        assert(word <= 3);
-        return (char)(packed >> ((3-word) * 16));
-    }
-    public int parameterCount() {                      // # outgoing values
-        return unpack(argCounts, 3);
-    }
-    public int parameterSlotCount() {                  // # outgoing interpreter slots
-        return unpack(argCounts, 2);
-    }
-    public int returnCount() {                         // = 0 (V), or 1
-        return unpack(argCounts, 1);
-    }
-    public int returnSlotCount() {                     // = 0 (V), 2 (J/D), or 1
-        return unpack(argCounts, 0);
-    }
-    public int primitiveParameterCount() {
-        return unpack(primCounts, 3);
-    }
-    public int longPrimitiveParameterCount() {
-        return unpack(primCounts, 2);
-    }
-    public int primitiveReturnCount() {                // = 0 (obj), or 1
-        return unpack(primCounts, 1);
-    }
-    public int longPrimitiveReturnCount() {            // = 1 (J/D), or 0
-        return unpack(primCounts, 0);
-    }
-    public boolean hasPrimitives() {
-        return primCounts != 0;
-    }
-//    public boolean hasNonVoidPrimitives() {
-//        if (primCounts == 0)  return false;
-//        if (primitiveParameterCount() != 0)  return true;
-//        return (primitiveReturnCount() != 0 && returnCount() != 0);
-//    }
-    public boolean hasLongPrimitives() {
-        return (longPrimitiveParameterCount() | longPrimitiveReturnCount()) != 0;
-    }
-    public int parameterToArgSlot(int i) {
-        return argToSlotTable[1+i];
-    }
-    public int argSlotToParameter(int argSlot) {
-        // Note:  Empty slots are represented by zero in this table.
-        // Valid arguments slots contain incremented entries, so as to be non-zero.
-        // We return -1 the caller to mean an empty slot.
-        return slotToArgTable[argSlot] - 1;
-    }
-    public static void initForm(Access token, MethodType mt) {
-        Access.check(token);
-        MethodTypeImpl form = findForm(mt);
-        METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.setForm(mt, form);
-        if (form.erasedType == mt) {
-            // This is a principal (erased) type; show it to the JVM.
-            MethodHandleImpl.init(token, mt);
-        }
-    }
-    static MethodTypeImpl findForm(MethodType mt) {
-        MethodType erased = canonicalize(mt, ERASE, ERASE);
-        if (erased == null) {
-            // It is already erased.  Make a new MethodTypeImpl.
-            return METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.newMethodTypeForm(mt);
-        } else {
-            // Share the MethodTypeImpl with the erased version.
-            return METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.form(erased);
-        }
-    }
-    /** Codes for {@link #canonicalize(java.lang.Class, int).
-     * ERASE means change every reference to {@code Object}.
-     * WRAP means convert primitives (including {@code void} to their
-     * corresponding wrapper types.  UNWRAP means the reverse of WRAP.
-     * INTS means convert all non-void primitive types to int or long,
-     * according to size.  LONGS means convert all non-void primitives
-     * to long, regardless of size.  RAW_RETURN means convert a type
-     * (assumed to be a return type) to int if it is smaller than an int,
-     * or if it is void.
-     */
-    public static final int NO_CHANGE = 0, ERASE = 1, WRAP = 2, UNWRAP = 3, INTS = 4, LONGS = 5, RAW_RETURN = 6;
-    /** Canonicalize the types in the given method type.
-     * If any types change, intern the new type, and return it.
-     * Otherwise return null.
-     */
-    public static MethodType canonicalize(MethodType mt, int howRet, int howArgs) {
-        Class<?>[] ptypes = METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.ptypes(mt);
-        Class<?>[] ptc = MethodTypeImpl.canonicalizes(ptypes, howArgs);
-        Class<?> rtype = mt.returnType();
-        Class<?> rtc = MethodTypeImpl.canonicalize(rtype, howRet);
-        if (ptc == null && rtc == null) {
-            // It is already canonical.
-            return null;
-        }
-        // Find the erased version of the method type:
-        if (rtc == null)  rtc = rtype;
-        if (ptc == null)  ptc = ptypes;
-        return METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.makeImpl(rtc, ptc, true);
-    }
-    /** Canonicalize the given return or param type.
-     *  Return null if the type is already canonicalized.
-     */
-    static Class<?> canonicalize(Class<?> t, int how) {
-        Class<?> ct;
-        if (t == Object.class) {
-            // no change, ever
-        } else if (!t.isPrimitive()) {
-            switch (how) {
-                case UNWRAP:
-                    ct = Wrapper.asPrimitiveType(t);
-                    if (ct != t)  return ct;
-                    break;
-                case RAW_RETURN:
-                case ERASE:
-                    return Object.class;
-            }
-        } else if (t == void.class) {
-            // no change, usually
-            switch (how) {
-                case RAW_RETURN:
-                    return int.class;
-                case WRAP:
-                    return Void.class;
-            }
-        } else {
-            // non-void primitive
-            switch (how) {
-                case WRAP:
-                    return Wrapper.asWrapperType(t);
-                case INTS:
-                    if (t == int.class || t == long.class)
-                        return null;  // no change
-                    if (t == double.class)
-                        return long.class;
-                    return int.class;
-                case LONGS:
-                    if (t == long.class)
-                        return null;  // no change
-                    return long.class;
-                case RAW_RETURN:
-                    if (t == int.class || t == long.class ||
-                        t == float.class || t == double.class)
-                        return null;  // no change
-                    // everything else returns as an int
-                    return int.class;
-            }
-        }
-        // no change; return null to signify
-        return null;
-    }
-    /** Canonicalize each param type in the given array.
-     *  Return null if all types are already canonicalized.
-     */
-    static Class<?>[] canonicalizes(Class<?>[] ts, int how) {
-        Class<?>[] cs = null;
-        for (int imax = ts.length, i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
-            Class<?> c = canonicalize(ts[i], how);
-            if (c != null) {
-                if (cs == null)
-                    cs = ts.clone();
-                cs[i] = c;
-            }
-        }
-        return cs;
-    }
-    public static Invokers invokers(Access token, MethodType type) {
-        Access.check(token);
-        return invokers(type);
-    }
-    /*non-public*/ static Invokers invokers(MethodType type) {
-        Invokers inv = METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.getInvokers(type);
-        if (inv != null)  return inv;
-        inv = new Invokers(type);
-        METHOD_TYPE_FRIEND.setInvokers(type, inv);
-        return inv;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-        return "Form"+erasedType;
-    }