--- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/concurrentG1Refine.cpp Thu Nov 16 10:29:18 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- *
- */
-#include "precompiled.hpp"
-#include "gc/g1/concurrentG1Refine.hpp"
-#include "gc/g1/concurrentG1RefineThread.hpp"
-#include "gc/g1/g1YoungRemSetSamplingThread.hpp"
-#include "logging/log.hpp"
-#include "runtime/java.hpp"
-#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
-#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
-#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
-#include "utilities/pair.hpp"
-#include <math.h>
-// Arbitrary but large limits, to simplify some of the zone calculations.
-// The general idea is to allow expressions like
-// MIN2(x OP y, max_XXX_zone)
-// without needing to check for overflow in "x OP y", because the
-// ranges for x and y have been restricted.
-STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(LP64_ONLY(jint) NOT_LP64(jshort)) <= (sizeof(size_t)/2));
-const size_t max_yellow_zone = LP64_ONLY(max_jint) NOT_LP64(max_jshort);
-const size_t max_green_zone = max_yellow_zone / 2;
-const size_t max_red_zone = INT_MAX; // For dcqs.set_max_completed_queue.
-STATIC_ASSERT(max_yellow_zone <= max_red_zone);
-// Range check assertions for green zone values.
-#define assert_zone_constraints_g(green) \
- do { \
- size_t azc_g_green = (green); \
- assert(azc_g_green <= max_green_zone, \
- "green exceeds max: " SIZE_FORMAT, azc_g_green); \
- } while (0)
-// Range check assertions for green and yellow zone values.
-#define assert_zone_constraints_gy(green, yellow) \
- do { \
- size_t azc_gy_green = (green); \
- size_t azc_gy_yellow = (yellow); \
- assert_zone_constraints_g(azc_gy_green); \
- assert(azc_gy_yellow <= max_yellow_zone, \
- "yellow exceeds max: " SIZE_FORMAT, azc_gy_yellow); \
- assert(azc_gy_green <= azc_gy_yellow, \
- "green (" SIZE_FORMAT ") exceeds yellow (" SIZE_FORMAT ")", \
- azc_gy_green, azc_gy_yellow); \
- } while (0)
-// Range check assertions for green, yellow, and red zone values.
-#define assert_zone_constraints_gyr(green, yellow, red) \
- do { \
- size_t azc_gyr_green = (green); \
- size_t azc_gyr_yellow = (yellow); \
- size_t azc_gyr_red = (red); \
- assert_zone_constraints_gy(azc_gyr_green, azc_gyr_yellow); \
- assert(azc_gyr_red <= max_red_zone, \
- "red exceeds max: " SIZE_FORMAT, azc_gyr_red); \
- assert(azc_gyr_yellow <= azc_gyr_red, \
- "yellow (" SIZE_FORMAT ") exceeds red (" SIZE_FORMAT ")", \
- azc_gyr_yellow, azc_gyr_red); \
- } while (0)
-// Logging tag sequence for refinement control updates.
-#define CTRL_TAGS gc, ergo, refine
-// For logging zone values, ensuring consistency of level and tags.
-#define LOG_ZONES(...) log_debug( CTRL_TAGS )(__VA_ARGS__)
-// Package for pair of refinement thread activation and deactivation
-// thresholds. The activation and deactivation levels are resp. the first
-// and second values of the pair.
-typedef Pair<size_t, size_t> Thresholds;
-inline size_t activation_level(const Thresholds& t) { return t.first; }
-inline size_t deactivation_level(const Thresholds& t) { return t.second; }
-static Thresholds calc_thresholds(size_t green_zone,
- size_t yellow_zone,
- uint worker_i) {
- double yellow_size = yellow_zone - green_zone;
- double step = yellow_size / ConcurrentG1Refine::thread_num();
- if (worker_i == 0) {
- // Potentially activate worker 0 more aggressively, to keep
- // available buffers near green_zone value. When yellow_size is
- // large we don't want to allow a full step to accumulate before
- // doing any processing, as that might lead to significantly more
- // than green_zone buffers to be processed by update_rs.
- step = MIN2(step, ParallelGCThreads / 2.0);
- }
- size_t activate_offset = static_cast<size_t>(ceil(step * (worker_i + 1)));
- size_t deactivate_offset = static_cast<size_t>(floor(step * worker_i));
- return Thresholds(green_zone + activate_offset,
- green_zone + deactivate_offset);
-ConcurrentG1Refine::ConcurrentG1Refine(size_t green_zone,
- size_t yellow_zone,
- size_t red_zone,
- size_t min_yellow_zone_size) :
- _threads(NULL),
- _sample_thread(NULL),
- _n_worker_threads(thread_num()),
- _green_zone(green_zone),
- _yellow_zone(yellow_zone),
- _red_zone(red_zone),
- _min_yellow_zone_size(min_yellow_zone_size)
- assert_zone_constraints_gyr(green_zone, yellow_zone, red_zone);
-static size_t calc_min_yellow_zone_size() {
- size_t step = G1ConcRefinementThresholdStep;
- uint n_workers = ConcurrentG1Refine::thread_num();
- if ((max_yellow_zone / step) < n_workers) {
- return max_yellow_zone;
- } else {
- return step * n_workers;
- }
-static size_t calc_init_green_zone() {
- size_t green = G1ConcRefinementGreenZone;
- if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(G1ConcRefinementGreenZone)) {
- green = ParallelGCThreads;
- }
- return MIN2(green, max_green_zone);
-static size_t calc_init_yellow_zone(size_t green, size_t min_size) {
- size_t config = G1ConcRefinementYellowZone;
- size_t size = 0;
- if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(G1ConcRefinementYellowZone)) {
- size = green * 2;
- } else if (green < config) {
- size = config - green;
- }
- size = MAX2(size, min_size);
- size = MIN2(size, max_yellow_zone);
- return MIN2(green + size, max_yellow_zone);
-static size_t calc_init_red_zone(size_t green, size_t yellow) {
- size_t size = yellow - green;
- if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(G1ConcRefinementRedZone)) {
- size_t config = G1ConcRefinementRedZone;
- if (yellow < config) {
- size = MAX2(size, config - yellow);
- }
- }
- return MIN2(yellow + size, max_red_zone);
-ConcurrentG1Refine* ConcurrentG1Refine::create(jint* ecode) {
- size_t min_yellow_zone_size = calc_min_yellow_zone_size();
- size_t green_zone = calc_init_green_zone();
- size_t yellow_zone = calc_init_yellow_zone(green_zone, min_yellow_zone_size);
- size_t red_zone = calc_init_red_zone(green_zone, yellow_zone);
- LOG_ZONES("Initial Refinement Zones: "
- "green: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
- "yellow: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
- "red: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
- "min yellow size: " SIZE_FORMAT,
- green_zone, yellow_zone, red_zone, min_yellow_zone_size);
- ConcurrentG1Refine* cg1r = new ConcurrentG1Refine(green_zone,
- yellow_zone,
- red_zone,
- min_yellow_zone_size);
- if (cg1r == NULL) {
- *ecode = JNI_ENOMEM;
- vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not create ConcurrentG1Refine");
- return NULL;
- }
- cg1r->_threads = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(ConcurrentG1RefineThread*, cg1r->_n_worker_threads, mtGC);
- if (cg1r->_threads == NULL) {
- *ecode = JNI_ENOMEM;
- vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not allocate an array for ConcurrentG1RefineThread");
- return NULL;
- }
- uint worker_id_offset = DirtyCardQueueSet::num_par_ids();
- ConcurrentG1RefineThread *next = NULL;
- for (uint i = cg1r->_n_worker_threads - 1; i != UINT_MAX; i--) {
- Thresholds thresholds = calc_thresholds(green_zone, yellow_zone, i);
- ConcurrentG1RefineThread* t =
- new ConcurrentG1RefineThread(cg1r,
- next,
- worker_id_offset,
- i,
- activation_level(thresholds),
- deactivation_level(thresholds));
- assert(t != NULL, "Conc refine should have been created");
- if (t->osthread() == NULL) {
- *ecode = JNI_ENOMEM;
- vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not create ConcurrentG1RefineThread");
- return NULL;
- }
- assert(t->cg1r() == cg1r, "Conc refine thread should refer to this");
- cg1r->_threads[i] = t;
- next = t;
- }
- cg1r->_sample_thread = new G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread();
- if (cg1r->_sample_thread->osthread() == NULL) {
- *ecode = JNI_ENOMEM;
- vm_shutdown_during_initialization("Could not create G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread");
- return NULL;
- }
- *ecode = JNI_OK;
- return cg1r;
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::stop() {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _n_worker_threads; i++) {
- _threads[i]->stop();
- }
- _sample_thread->stop();
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::update_thread_thresholds() {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _n_worker_threads; i++) {
- Thresholds thresholds = calc_thresholds(_green_zone, _yellow_zone, i);
- _threads[i]->update_thresholds(activation_level(thresholds),
- deactivation_level(thresholds));
- }
-ConcurrentG1Refine::~ConcurrentG1Refine() {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _n_worker_threads; i++) {
- delete _threads[i];
- }
- FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ConcurrentG1RefineThread*, _threads);
- delete _sample_thread;
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::threads_do(ThreadClosure *tc) {
- worker_threads_do(tc);
- tc->do_thread(_sample_thread);
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::worker_threads_do(ThreadClosure * tc) {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _n_worker_threads; i++) {
- tc->do_thread(_threads[i]);
- }
-uint ConcurrentG1Refine::thread_num() {
- return G1ConcRefinementThreads;
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::print_worker_threads_on(outputStream* st) const {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _n_worker_threads; ++i) {
- _threads[i]->print_on(st);
- st->cr();
- }
- _sample_thread->print_on(st);
- st->cr();
-static size_t calc_new_green_zone(size_t green,
- double update_rs_time,
- size_t update_rs_processed_buffers,
- double goal_ms) {
- // Adjust green zone based on whether we're meeting the time goal.
- // Limit to max_green_zone.
- const double inc_k = 1.1, dec_k = 0.9;
- if (update_rs_time > goal_ms) {
- if (green > 0) {
- green = static_cast<size_t>(green * dec_k);
- }
- } else if (update_rs_time < goal_ms &&
- update_rs_processed_buffers > green) {
- green = static_cast<size_t>(MAX2(green * inc_k, green + 1.0));
- green = MIN2(green, max_green_zone);
- }
- return green;
-static size_t calc_new_yellow_zone(size_t green, size_t min_yellow_size) {
- size_t size = green * 2;
- size = MAX2(size, min_yellow_size);
- return MIN2(green + size, max_yellow_zone);
-static size_t calc_new_red_zone(size_t green, size_t yellow) {
- return MIN2(yellow + (yellow - green), max_red_zone);
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::update_zones(double update_rs_time,
- size_t update_rs_processed_buffers,
- double goal_ms) {
- log_trace( CTRL_TAGS )("Updating Refinement Zones: "
- "update_rs time: %.3fms, "
- "update_rs buffers: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
- "update_rs goal time: %.3fms",
- update_rs_time,
- update_rs_processed_buffers,
- goal_ms);
- _green_zone = calc_new_green_zone(_green_zone,
- update_rs_time,
- update_rs_processed_buffers,
- goal_ms);
- _yellow_zone = calc_new_yellow_zone(_green_zone, _min_yellow_zone_size);
- _red_zone = calc_new_red_zone(_green_zone, _yellow_zone);
- assert_zone_constraints_gyr(_green_zone, _yellow_zone, _red_zone);
- LOG_ZONES("Updated Refinement Zones: "
- "green: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
- "yellow: " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
- "red: " SIZE_FORMAT,
- _green_zone, _yellow_zone, _red_zone);
-void ConcurrentG1Refine::adjust(double update_rs_time,
- size_t update_rs_processed_buffers,
- double goal_ms) {
- DirtyCardQueueSet& dcqs = JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_set();
- if (G1UseAdaptiveConcRefinement) {
- update_zones(update_rs_time, update_rs_processed_buffers, goal_ms);
- update_thread_thresholds();
- // Change the barrier params
- if (_n_worker_threads == 0) {
- // Disable dcqs notification when there are no threads to notify.
- dcqs.set_process_completed_threshold(INT_MAX);
- } else {
- // Worker 0 is the primary; wakeup is via dcqs notification.
- STATIC_ASSERT(max_yellow_zone <= INT_MAX);
- size_t activate = _threads[0]->activation_threshold();
- dcqs.set_process_completed_threshold((int)activate);
- }
- dcqs.set_max_completed_queue((int)red_zone());
- }
- size_t curr_queue_size = dcqs.completed_buffers_num();
- if (curr_queue_size >= yellow_zone()) {
- dcqs.set_completed_queue_padding(curr_queue_size);
- } else {
- dcqs.set_completed_queue_padding(0);
- }
- dcqs.notify_if_necessary();