changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 43308 cff6230190e5
child 52242 7bd9745e8e15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import javax.swing.border.Border;
+import javax.swing.plaf.*;
+import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicBorders;
+import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel;
+import static javax.swing.UIDefaults.LazyValue;
+import sun.swing.*;
+import apple.laf.*;
+@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not serializable across versions
+public class AquaLookAndFeel extends BasicLookAndFeel {
+    static final String sOldPropertyPrefix = ""; // old prefix for things like 'useScreenMenuBar'
+    static final String sPropertyPrefix = "apple.laf."; // new prefix for things like 'useScreenMenuBar'
+    // for lazy initalizers. Following the pattern from metal.
+    private static final String PKG_PREFIX = "";
+    /**
+     * Return a short string that identifies this look and feel, e.g.
+     * "CDE/Motif".  This string should be appropriate for a menu item.
+     * Distinct look and feels should have different names, e.g.
+     * a subclass of MotifLookAndFeel that changes the way a few components
+     * are rendered should be called "CDE/Motif My Way"; something
+     * that would be useful to a user trying to select a L&F from a list
+     * of names.
+     */
+    public String getName() {
+        return "Mac OS X";
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a string that identifies this look and feel.  This string
+     * will be used by applications/services that want to recognize
+     * well known look and feel implementations.  Presently
+     * the well known names are "Motif", "Windows", "Mac", "Metal".  Note
+     * that a LookAndFeel derived from a well known superclass
+     * that doesn't make any fundamental changes to the look or feel
+     * shouldn't override this method.
+     */
+    public String getID() {
+        return "Aqua";
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a one line description of this look and feel implementation,
+     * e.g. "The CDE/Motif Look and Feel".   This string is intended for
+     * the user, e.g. in the title of a window or in a ToolTip message.
+     */
+    public String getDescription() {
+        return "Aqua Look and Feel for Mac OS X";
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the {@code LookAndFeel} returned
+     * {@code RootPaneUI} instances support providing Window decorations
+     * in a {@code JRootPane}.
+     * <p>
+     * The default implementation returns false, subclasses that support
+     * Window decorations should override this and return true.
+     *
+     * @return True if the RootPaneUI instances created support client side
+     *             decorations
+     * @see JDialog#setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated
+     * @see JFrame#setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated
+     * @see JRootPane#setWindowDecorationStyle
+     * @since 1.4
+     */
+    public boolean getSupportsWindowDecorations() {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this
+     * is an implementation of it, return true.
+     */
+    public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel() {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits
+     * this look and feel.  This method returns false if the look
+     * and feel depends on special resources or legal agreements that
+     * aren't defined for the current platform.
+     *
+     * @see UIManager#setLookAndFeel
+     */
+    public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel() {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * UIManager.setLookAndFeel calls this method before the first
+     * call (and typically the only call) to getDefaults().  Subclasses
+     * should do any one-time setup they need here, rather than
+     * in a static initializer, because look and feel class objects
+     * may be loaded just to discover that isSupportedLookAndFeel()
+     * returns false.
+     *
+     * @see #uninitialize
+     * @see UIManager#setLookAndFeel
+     */
+    public void initialize() {
+ PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
+                public Void run() {
+                    System.loadLibrary("osxui");
+                    return null;
+                }
+            });
+ PrivilegedAction<Void>(){
+            @Override
+            public Void run() {
+                JRSUIControl.initJRSUI();
+                return null;
+            }
+        });
+        super.initialize();
+        final ScreenPopupFactory spf = new ScreenPopupFactory();
+        spf.setActive(true);
+        PopupFactory.setSharedInstance(spf);
+        KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventPostProcessor(AquaMnemonicHandler.getInstance());
+    }
+    /**
+     * UIManager.setLookAndFeel calls this method just before we're
+     * replaced by a new default look and feel.   Subclasses may
+     * choose to free up some resources here.
+     *
+     * @see #initialize
+     */
+    public void uninitialize() {
+        KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().removeKeyEventPostProcessor(AquaMnemonicHandler.getInstance());
+        final PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
+        if (popupFactory != null && popupFactory instanceof ScreenPopupFactory) {
+            ((ScreenPopupFactory)popupFactory).setActive(false);
+        }
+        super.uninitialize();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns an {@code ActionMap}.
+     * <P>
+     * This {@code ActionMap} contains {@code Actions} that
+     * embody the ability to render an auditory cue. These auditory
+     * cues map onto user and system activities that may be useful
+     * for an end user to know about (such as a dialog box appearing).
+     * <P>
+     * At the appropriate time in a {@code JComponent} UI's lifecycle,
+     * the ComponentUI is responsible for getting the appropriate
+     * {@code Action} out of the {@code ActionMap} and passing
+     * it on to {@code playSound}.
+     * <P>
+     * The {@code Actions} in this {@code ActionMap} are
+     * created by the {@code createAudioAction} method.
+     *
+     * @return      an ActionMap containing Actions
+     *              responsible for rendering auditory cues
+     * @see #createAudioAction
+     * @see #playSound(Action)
+     * @since 1.4
+     */
+    protected ActionMap getAudioActionMap() {
+        ActionMap audioActionMap = (ActionMap)UIManager.get("AuditoryCues.actionMap");
+        if (audioActionMap != null) return audioActionMap;
+        final Object[] acList = (Object[])UIManager.get("AuditoryCues.cueList");
+        if (acList != null) {
+            audioActionMap = new ActionMapUIResource();
+            for (int counter = acList.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) {
+                audioActionMap.put(acList[counter], createAudioAction(acList[counter]));
+            }
+        }
+        UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().put("AuditoryCues.actionMap", audioActionMap);
+        return audioActionMap;
+    }
+    /**
+     * We override getDefaults() so we can install our own debug defaults
+     * if needed for testing
+     */
+    public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
+        final UIDefaults table = new UIDefaults();
+        // use debug defaults if you want to see every query into the defaults object.
+        //UIDefaults table = new DebugDefaults();
+        try {
+            // PopupFactory.getSharedInstance().setPopupType(2);
+            initClassDefaults(table);
+            // Here we install all the Basic defaults in case we missed some in our System color
+            // or component defaults that follow. Eventually we will take this out.
+            // This is a big negative to performance so we want to get it out as soon
+            // as we are comfortable with the Aqua defaults.
+            super.initSystemColorDefaults(table);
+            super.initComponentDefaults(table);
+            // Because the last elements added win in precedence we add all of our aqua elements here.
+            initSystemColorDefaults(table);
+            initComponentDefaults(table);
+        } catch(final Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        return table;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize the defaults table with the name of the ResourceBundle
+     * used for getting localized defaults.  Also initialize the default
+     * locale used when no locale is passed into UIDefaults.get().  The
+     * default locale should generally not be relied upon. It is here for
+     * compatibility with releases prior to 1.4.
+     */
+    private void initResourceBundle(final UIDefaults table) {
+        table.setDefaultLocale(Locale.getDefault());
+        SwingAccessor.getUIDefaultsAccessor().addInternalBundle(table,
+                PKG_PREFIX + "resources.aqua");
+        try {
+            final ResourceBundle aquaProperties = ResourceBundle.getBundle(PKG_PREFIX + "resources.aqua");
+            final Enumeration<String> propertyKeys = aquaProperties.getKeys();
+            while (propertyKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
+                final String key = propertyKeys.nextElement();
+                table.put(key, aquaProperties.getString(key));
+            }
+        } catch (final Exception e) {
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * This is the last step in the getDefaults routine usually called from our superclass
+     */
+    protected void initComponentDefaults(final UIDefaults table) {
+        initResourceBundle(table);
+        final InsetsUIResource zeroInsets = new InsetsUIResource(0, 0, 0, 0);
+        final InsetsUIResource menuItemMargin = zeroInsets;
+        // <rdar://problem/5189013> Entire Java application window refreshes when moving off Shortcut menu item
+        final Boolean useOpaqueComponents = Boolean.TRUE;
+        final Boolean buttonShouldBeOpaque = AquaUtils.shouldUseOpaqueButtons() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
+        // *** List value objects
+        final Object listCellRendererActiveValue = new UIDefaults.ActiveValue(){
+            public Object createValue(UIDefaults defaultsTable) {
+                return new DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource();
+            }
+        };
+        // SJA - I'm basing this on what is in the MetalLookAndFeel class, but
+        // without being based on BasicLookAndFeel. We want more flexibility.
+        // The key to doing this well is to use Lazy initializing classes as
+        // much as possible.
+        // Here I want to go to native and get all the values we'd need for colors etc.
+        final Border toolTipBorder = new BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource(2, 0, 2, 0);
+        final ColorUIResource toolTipBackground = new ColorUIResource(255, 255, (int)(255.0 * 0.80));
+        final ColorUIResource black = new ColorUIResource(;
+        final ColorUIResource white = new ColorUIResource(Color.white);
+        final ColorUIResource smokyGlass = new ColorUIResource(new Color(0, 0, 0, 152));
+        final ColorUIResource dockIconRim = new ColorUIResource(new Color(192, 192, 192, 192));
+        final ColorUIResource mediumTranslucentBlack = new ColorUIResource(new Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
+        final ColorUIResource translucentWhite = new ColorUIResource(new Color(255, 255, 255, 254));
+    //    final ColorUIResource lightGray = new ColorUIResource(232, 232, 232);
+        final ColorUIResource disabled = new ColorUIResource(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
+        final ColorUIResource disabledShadow = new ColorUIResource(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
+        final ColorUIResource selected = new ColorUIResource(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
+        // Contrast tab UI colors
+        final ColorUIResource selectedTabTitlePressedColor = new ColorUIResource(240, 240, 240);
+        final ColorUIResource selectedTabTitleDisabledColor = new ColorUIResource(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.55f));
+        final ColorUIResource selectedTabTitleNormalColor = white;
+        final ColorUIResource selectedTabTitleShadowDisabledColor = new ColorUIResource(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.25f));
+        final ColorUIResource selectedTabTitleShadowNormalColor = mediumTranslucentBlack;
+        final ColorUIResource nonSelectedTabTitleNormalColor = black;
+        final ColorUIResource toolbarDragHandleColor = new ColorUIResource(140, 140, 140);
+        // sja todo Make these lazy values so we only get them when required - if we deem it necessary
+        // it may be the case that we think the overhead of a proxy lazy value is not worth delaying
+        // creating the object if we think that most swing apps will use this.
+        // the lazy value is useful for delaying initialization until this default value is actually
+        // accessed by the LAF instead of at init time, so making it lazy should speed up
+        // our launch times of Swing apps.
+        // *** Text value objects
+        final LazyValue marginBorder = t -> new BasicBorders.MarginBorder();
+        final int zero = 0;
+        final Object editorMargin = zeroInsets; // this is not correct - look at TextEdit to determine the right margin
+        final int textCaretBlinkRate = 500;
+        final LazyValue textFieldBorder = t ->
+            AquaTextFieldBorder.getTextFieldBorder();
+        final Object textAreaBorder = marginBorder; // text areas have no real border - radar 311073
+        final LazyValue scollListBorder = t ->
+            AquaScrollRegionBorder.getScrollRegionBorder();
+        final LazyValue aquaTitledBorder = t ->
+            AquaGroupBorder.getBorderForTitledBorder();
+        final LazyValue aquaInsetBorder = t ->
+            AquaGroupBorder.getTitlelessBorder();
+        final Border listHeaderBorder = AquaTableHeaderBorder.getListHeaderBorder();
+        final Border zeroBorder = new BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource(0, 0, 0, 0);
+        // we can't seem to proxy Colors
+        final Color selectionBackground = AquaImageFactory.getSelectionBackgroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color selectionForeground = AquaImageFactory.getSelectionForegroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color selectionInactiveBackground = AquaImageFactory.getSelectionInactiveBackgroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color selectionInactiveForeground = AquaImageFactory.getSelectionInactiveForegroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color textHighlightText = AquaImageFactory.getTextSelectionForegroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color textHighlight = AquaImageFactory.getTextSelectionBackgroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color textHighlightInactive = new ColorUIResource(212, 212, 212);
+        final Color textInactiveText = disabled;
+        final Color textForeground = black;
+        final Color textBackground = white;
+        final Color textInactiveBackground = white;
+        final Color textPasswordFieldCapsLockIconColor = mediumTranslucentBlack;
+        final LazyValue internalFrameBorder = t ->
+            BasicBorders.getInternalFrameBorder();
+        final Color desktopBackgroundColor = new ColorUIResource(new Color(65, 105, 170));//SystemColor.desktop
+        final Color focusRingColor = AquaImageFactory.getFocusRingColorUIResource();
+        final Border focusCellHighlightBorder = new BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource(focusRingColor);
+        final Color windowBackgroundColor = AquaImageFactory.getWindowBackgroundColorUIResource();
+        final Color panelBackgroundColor = windowBackgroundColor;
+        final Color tabBackgroundColor = windowBackgroundColor;
+        final Color controlBackgroundColor = windowBackgroundColor;
+        final LazyValue controlFont = t -> AquaFonts.getControlTextFont();
+        final LazyValue controlSmallFont = t ->
+            AquaFonts.getControlTextSmallFont();
+        final LazyValue alertHeaderFont = t -> AquaFonts.getAlertHeaderFont();
+        final LazyValue menuFont = t -> AquaFonts.getMenuFont();
+        final LazyValue viewFont = t -> AquaFonts.getViewFont();
+        final Color menuBackgroundColor = new ColorUIResource(Color.white);
+        final Color menuForegroundColor = black;
+        final Color menuSelectedForegroundColor = white;
+        final Color menuSelectedBackgroundColor = focusRingColor;
+        final Color menuDisabledBackgroundColor = menuBackgroundColor;
+        final Color menuDisabledForegroundColor = disabled;
+        final Color menuAccelForegroundColor = black;
+        final Color menuAccelSelectionForegroundColor = black;
+        final Border menuBorder = new AquaMenuBorder();
+        final UIDefaults.LazyInputMap controlFocusInputMap = new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap(new Object[]{
+            "SPACE", "pressed",
+            "released SPACE", "released"
+        });
+        // sja testing
+        final LazyValue confirmIcon = t ->
+            AquaImageFactory.getConfirmImageIcon();
+        final LazyValue cautionIcon = t ->
+            AquaImageFactory.getCautionImageIcon();
+        final LazyValue stopIcon = t ->
+            AquaImageFactory.getStopImageIcon();
+        final LazyValue securityIcon = t ->
+            AquaImageFactory.getLockImageIcon();
+        final AquaKeyBindings aquaKeyBindings = AquaKeyBindings.instance();
+        final Object[] defaults = {
+            "control", windowBackgroundColor, /* Default color for controls (buttons, sliders, etc) */
+            // Buttons
+            "Button.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "Button.foreground", black,
+            "Button.disabledText", disabled,
+            "", selected,
+            "Button.border",(LazyValue) t -> AquaButtonBorder.getDynamicButtonBorder(),
+            "Button.font", controlFont,
+            "Button.textIconGap", Integer.valueOf(4),
+            "Button.textShiftOffset", zero, // radar 3308129 - aqua doesn't move images when pressed.
+            "Button.focusInputMap", controlFocusInputMap,
+            "Button.margin", new InsetsUIResource(0, 2, 0, 2),
+            "Button.opaque", buttonShouldBeOpaque,
+            "CheckBox.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "CheckBox.foreground", black,
+            "CheckBox.disabledText", disabled,
+            "", selected,
+            "CheckBox.icon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaButtonCheckBoxUI.getSizingCheckBoxIcon(),
+            "CheckBox.font", controlFont,
+            "CheckBox.border", AquaButtonBorder.getBevelButtonBorder(),
+            "CheckBox.margin", new InsetsUIResource(1, 1, 0, 1),
+            // radar 3583849. This property never gets
+            // used. The border for the Checkbox gets overridden
+            // by AquaRadiButtonUI.setThemeBorder(). Needs refactoring. (vm)
+            // why is button focus commented out?
+            //"CheckBox.focus", getFocusColor(),
+            "CheckBox.focusInputMap", controlFocusInputMap,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.font", menuFont,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.acceleratorFont", menuFont,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.background", menuBackgroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.disabledBackground", menuDisabledBackgroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.disabledForeground", menuDisabledForegroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.acceleratorForeground", menuAccelForegroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.acceleratorSelectionForeground", menuAccelSelectionForegroundColor,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.acceleratorDelimiter", "",
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.border", menuBorder, // for inset calculation
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.margin", menuItemMargin,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.borderPainted", Boolean.TRUE,
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.checkIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getMenuItemCheckIcon(),
+            "CheckBoxMenuItem.dashIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getMenuItemDashIcon(),
+            //"CheckBoxMenuItem.arrowIcon", null,
+            "ColorChooser.background", panelBackgroundColor,
+            // *** ComboBox
+            "ComboBox.font", controlFont,
+            "ComboBox.background", controlBackgroundColor, //menuBackgroundColor, // "menu" when it has no scrollbar, "listView" when it does
+            "ComboBox.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "ComboBox.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor,
+            "ComboBox.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "ComboBox.disabledBackground", menuDisabledBackgroundColor,
+            "ComboBox.disabledForeground", menuDisabledForegroundColor,
+            "ComboBox.ancestorInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getComboBoxInputMap(),
+            "DesktopIcon.border", internalFrameBorder,
+            "DesktopIcon.borderColor", smokyGlass,
+            "DesktopIcon.borderRimColor", dockIconRim,
+            "DesktopIcon.labelBackground", mediumTranslucentBlack,
+            "Desktop.background", desktopBackgroundColor,
+            "EditorPane.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getMultiLineTextInputMap(),
+            "EditorPane.font", controlFont,
+            "EditorPane.background", textBackground,
+            "EditorPane.foreground", textForeground,
+            "EditorPane.selectionBackground", textHighlight,
+            "EditorPane.selectionForeground", textHighlightText,
+            "EditorPane.caretForeground", textForeground,
+            "EditorPane.caretBlinkRate", textCaretBlinkRate,
+            "EditorPane.inactiveForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "EditorPane.inactiveBackground", textInactiveBackground,
+            "EditorPane.border", textAreaBorder,
+            "EditorPane.margin", editorMargin,
+            "FileChooser.newFolderIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getFolderIconUIResource(),
+            "FileChooser.upFolderIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getFolderIconUIResource(),
+            "FileChooser.homeFolderIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getDesktopIconUIResource(),
+            "FileChooser.detailsViewIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getComputerIconUIResource(),
+            "FileChooser.listViewIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getComputerIconUIResource(),
+            "FileView.directoryIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getFolderIconUIResource(),
+            "FileView.fileIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getDocumentIconUIResource(),
+            "FileView.computerIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getDesktopIconUIResource(),
+            "FileView.hardDriveIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getHardDriveIconUIResource(),
+            "FileView.floppyDriveIcon", AquaIcon.SystemIcon.getFloppyIconUIResource(),
+            // File View
+            "FileChooser.cancelButtonMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.saveButtonMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.openButtonMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.updateButtonMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.helpButtonMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.lookInLabelMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.fileNameLabelMnemonic", zero,
+            "FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabelMnemonic", zero,
+            "Focus.color", focusRingColor,
+            "FormattedTextField.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getFormattedTextFieldInputMap(),
+            "FormattedTextField.font", controlFont,
+            "FormattedTextField.background", textBackground,
+            "FormattedTextField.foreground", textForeground,
+            "FormattedTextField.inactiveForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "FormattedTextField.inactiveBackground", textInactiveBackground,
+            "FormattedTextField.selectionBackground", textHighlight,
+            "FormattedTextField.selectionForeground", textHighlightText,
+            "FormattedTextField.caretForeground", textForeground,
+            "FormattedTextField.caretBlinkRate", textCaretBlinkRate,
+            "FormattedTextField.border", textFieldBorder,
+            "FormattedTextField.margin", zeroInsets,
+            "IconButton.font", controlSmallFont,
+            "InternalFrame.titleFont", menuFont,
+            "InternalFrame.background", windowBackgroundColor,
+            "InternalFrame.borderColor", windowBackgroundColor,
+            "InternalFrame.borderShadow",,
+            "InternalFrame.borderDarkShadow",,
+            "InternalFrame.borderHighlight",,
+            "InternalFrame.borderLight", Color.yellow,
+            "InternalFrame.opaque", Boolean.FALSE,
+            "InternalFrame.border", null, //internalFrameBorder,
+            "InternalFrame.icon", null,
+            "InternalFrame.paletteBorder", null,//internalFrameBorder,
+            "InternalFrame.paletteTitleFont", menuFont,
+            "InternalFrame.paletteBackground", windowBackgroundColor,
+            "InternalFrame.optionDialogBorder", null,//internalFrameBorder,
+            "InternalFrame.optionDialogTitleFont", menuFont,
+            "InternalFrame.optionDialogBackground", windowBackgroundColor,
+            /* Default frame icons are undefined for Basic. */
+            "InternalFrame.closeIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaInternalFrameUI.exportCloseIcon(),
+            "InternalFrame.maximizeIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaInternalFrameUI.exportZoomIcon(),
+            "InternalFrame.iconifyIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaInternalFrameUI.exportMinimizeIcon(),
+            "InternalFrame.minimizeIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaInternalFrameUI.exportMinimizeIcon(),
+            // this could be either grow or icon
+            // we decided to make it icon so that anyone who uses
+            // these for ui will have different icons for max and min
+            // these icons are pretty crappy to use in Mac OS X since
+            // they really are interactive but we have to return a static
+            // icon for now.
+            // InternalFrame Auditory Cue Mappings
+            "InternalFrame.closeSound", null,
+            "InternalFrame.maximizeSound", null,
+            "InternalFrame.minimizeSound", null,
+            "InternalFrame.restoreDownSound", null,
+            "InternalFrame.restoreUpSound", null,
+            "InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground", windowBackgroundColor,
+            "InternalFrame.activeTitleForeground", textForeground,
+            "InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground", windowBackgroundColor,
+            "InternalFrame.inactiveTitleForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "InternalFrame.windowBindings", new Object[]{
+                "shift ESCAPE", "showSystemMenu",
+                "ctrl SPACE", "showSystemMenu",
+                "ESCAPE", "hideSystemMenu"
+            },
+            // Radar [3543438]. We now define the TitledBorder properties for font and color.
+            // Aqua HIG doesn't define TitledBorders as Swing does. Eventually, we might want to
+            // re-think TitledBorder to behave more like a Box (NSBox). (vm)
+            "TitledBorder.font", controlFont,
+            "TitledBorder.titleColor", black,
+        //    "TitledBorder.border", -- we inherit this property from BasicLookAndFeel (etched border)
+            "TitledBorder.aquaVariant", aquaTitledBorder, // this is the border that matches what aqua really looks like
+            "InsetBorder.aquaVariant", aquaInsetBorder, // this is the title-less variant
+            // *** Label
+            "Label.font", controlFont, // themeLabelFont is for small things like ToolbarButtons
+            "Label.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "Label.foreground", black,
+            "Label.disabledForeground", disabled,
+            "Label.disabledShadow", disabledShadow,
+            "Label.opaque", useOpaqueComponents,
+            "Label.border", null,
+            "List.font", viewFont, // [3577901] Aqua HIG says "default font of text in lists and tables" should be 12 point (vm).
+            "List.background", white,
+            "List.foreground", black,
+            "List.selectionBackground", selectionBackground,
+            "List.selectionForeground", selectionForeground,
+            "List.selectionInactiveBackground", selectionInactiveBackground,
+            "List.selectionInactiveForeground", selectionInactiveForeground,
+            "List.focusCellHighlightBorder", focusCellHighlightBorder,
+            "List.border", null,
+            "List.cellRenderer", listCellRendererActiveValue,
+            "List.sourceListBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaListUI.getSourceListBackgroundPainter(),
+            "List.sourceListSelectionBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaListUI.getSourceListSelectionBackgroundPainter(),
+            "List.sourceListFocusedSelectionBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaListUI.getSourceListFocusedSelectionBackgroundPainter(),
+            "List.evenRowBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaListUI.getListEvenBackgroundPainter(),
+            "List.oddRowBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaListUI.getListOddBackgroundPainter(),
+            // <rdar://Problem/3743210> The modifier for the Mac is meta, not control.
+            "List.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getListInputMap(),
+            //"List.scrollPaneBorder", listBoxBorder, // Not used in Swing1.1
+            //"ListItem.border", ThemeMenu.listItemBorder(), // for inset calculation
+            // *** Menus
+            "Menu.font", menuFont,
+            "Menu.acceleratorFont", menuFont,
+            "Menu.background", menuBackgroundColor,
+            "Menu.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "Menu.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor,
+            "Menu.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "Menu.disabledBackground", menuDisabledBackgroundColor,
+            "Menu.disabledForeground", menuDisabledForegroundColor,
+            "Menu.acceleratorForeground", menuAccelForegroundColor,
+            "Menu.acceleratorSelectionForeground", menuAccelSelectionForegroundColor,
+            //"Menu.border", ThemeMenu.menuItemBorder(), // for inset calculation
+            "Menu.border", menuBorder,
+            "Menu.borderPainted", Boolean.FALSE,
+            "Menu.margin", menuItemMargin,
+            //"Menu.checkIcon", emptyCheckIcon, // A non-drawing GlyphIcon to make the spacing consistent
+            "Menu.arrowIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getMenuArrowIcon(),
+            "Menu.consumesTabs", Boolean.TRUE,
+            "Menu.menuPopupOffsetY", Integer.valueOf(1),
+            "Menu.submenuPopupOffsetY", Integer.valueOf(-4),
+            "MenuBar.font", menuFont,
+            "MenuBar.background", menuBackgroundColor, // not a menu item, not selected
+            "MenuBar.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "MenuBar.border", new AquaMenuBarBorder(), // sja make lazy!
+            "MenuBar.margin", new InsetsUIResource(0, 8, 0, 8), // sja make lazy!
+            "MenuBar.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor, // not a menu item, is selected
+            "MenuBar.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "MenuBar.disabledBackground", menuDisabledBackgroundColor, //ThemeBrush.GetThemeBrushForMenu(false, false), // not a menu item, not selected
+            "MenuBar.disabledForeground", menuDisabledForegroundColor,
+            "MenuBar.backgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaMenuPainter.getMenuBarPainter(),
+            "MenuBar.selectedBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaMenuPainter.getSelectedMenuBarItemPainter(),
+            "MenuItem.font", menuFont,
+            "MenuItem.acceleratorFont", menuFont,
+            "MenuItem.background", menuBackgroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.disabledBackground", menuDisabledBackgroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.disabledForeground", menuDisabledForegroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.acceleratorForeground", menuAccelForegroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.acceleratorSelectionForeground", menuAccelSelectionForegroundColor,
+            "MenuItem.acceleratorDelimiter", "",
+            "MenuItem.border", menuBorder,
+            "MenuItem.margin", menuItemMargin,
+            "MenuItem.borderPainted", Boolean.TRUE,
+            //"MenuItem.checkIcon", emptyCheckIcon, // A non-drawing GlyphIcon to make the spacing consistent
+            //"MenuItem.arrowIcon", null,
+            "MenuItem.selectedBackgroundPainter",(LazyValue) t -> AquaMenuPainter.getSelectedMenuItemPainter(),
+            // *** OptionPane
+            // You can additionaly define OptionPane.messageFont which will
+            // dictate the fonts used for the message, and
+            // OptionPane.buttonFont, which defines the font for the buttons.
+            "OptionPane.font", alertHeaderFont,
+            "OptionPane.messageFont", controlFont,
+            "OptionPane.buttonFont", controlFont,
+            "OptionPane.background", windowBackgroundColor,
+            "OptionPane.foreground", black,
+            "OptionPane.messageForeground", black,
+            "OptionPane.border", new BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource(12, 21, 17, 21),
+            "OptionPane.messageAreaBorder", zeroBorder,
+            "OptionPane.buttonAreaBorder", new BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource(13, 0, 0, 0),
+            "OptionPane.minimumSize", new DimensionUIResource(262, 90),
+            "OptionPane.errorIcon", stopIcon,
+            "OptionPane.informationIcon", confirmIcon,
+            "OptionPane.warningIcon", cautionIcon,
+            "OptionPane.questionIcon", confirmIcon,
+            "_SecurityDecisionIcon", securityIcon,
+            "OptionPane.windowBindings", new Object[]{"ESCAPE", "close"},
+            // OptionPane Auditory Cue Mappings
+            "OptionPane.errorSound", null,
+            "OptionPane.informationSound", null, // Info and Plain
+            "OptionPane.questionSound", null,
+            "OptionPane.warningSound", null,
+            "OptionPane.buttonClickThreshhold", Integer.valueOf(500),
+            "OptionPane.yesButtonMnemonic", "",
+            "OptionPane.noButtonMnemonic", "",
+            "OptionPane.okButtonMnemonic", "",
+            "OptionPane.cancelButtonMnemonic", "",
+            "Panel.font", controlFont,
+            "Panel.background", panelBackgroundColor, //new ColorUIResource(0.5647f, 0.9957f, 0.5059f),
+            "Panel.foreground", black,
+            "Panel.opaque", useOpaqueComponents,
+            "PasswordField.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getPasswordFieldInputMap(),
+            "PasswordField.font", controlFont,
+            "PasswordField.background", textBackground,
+            "PasswordField.foreground", textForeground,
+            "PasswordField.inactiveForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "PasswordField.inactiveBackground", textInactiveBackground,
+            "PasswordField.selectionBackground", textHighlight,
+            "PasswordField.selectionForeground", textHighlightText,
+            "PasswordField.caretForeground", textForeground,
+            "PasswordField.caretBlinkRate", textCaretBlinkRate,
+            "PasswordField.border", textFieldBorder,
+            "PasswordField.margin", zeroInsets,
+            "PasswordField.echoChar", Character.valueOf((char)0x25CF),
+            "PasswordField.capsLockIconColor", textPasswordFieldCapsLockIconColor,
+            "PopupMenu.font", menuFont,
+            "PopupMenu.background", menuBackgroundColor,
+            // Fix for 7154516: make popups opaque
+            "PopupMenu.translucentBackground", white,
+            "PopupMenu.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "PopupMenu.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor,
+            "PopupMenu.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "PopupMenu.border", menuBorder,
+//            "PopupMenu.margin",
+            "ProgressBar.font", controlFont,
+            "ProgressBar.foreground", black,
+            "ProgressBar.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "ProgressBar.selectionForeground", black,
+            "ProgressBar.selectionBackground", white,
+            "ProgressBar.border", new BorderUIResource(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()),
+            "ProgressBar.repaintInterval", Integer.valueOf(20),
+            "RadioButton.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "RadioButton.foreground", black,
+            "RadioButton.disabledText", disabled,
+            "", selected,
+            "RadioButton.icon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaButtonRadioUI.getSizingRadioButtonIcon(),
+            "RadioButton.font", controlFont,
+            "RadioButton.border", AquaButtonBorder.getBevelButtonBorder(),
+            "RadioButton.margin", new InsetsUIResource(1, 1, 0, 1),
+            "RadioButton.focusInputMap", controlFocusInputMap,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.font", menuFont,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.acceleratorFont", menuFont,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.background", menuBackgroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.foreground", menuForegroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.selectionBackground", menuSelectedBackgroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.selectionForeground", menuSelectedForegroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.disabledBackground", menuDisabledBackgroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.disabledForeground", menuDisabledForegroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.acceleratorForeground", menuAccelForegroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.acceleratorSelectionForeground", menuAccelSelectionForegroundColor,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.acceleratorDelimiter", "",
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.border", menuBorder, // for inset calculation
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.margin", menuItemMargin,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.borderPainted", Boolean.TRUE,
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.checkIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getMenuItemCheckIcon(),
+            "RadioButtonMenuItem.dashIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getMenuItemDashIcon(),
+            //"RadioButtonMenuItem.arrowIcon", null,
+            "Separator.background", null,
+            "Separator.foreground", new ColorUIResource(0xD4, 0xD4, 0xD4),
+            "ScrollBar.border", null,
+            "ScrollBar.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getScrollBarInputMap(),
+            "ScrollBar.focusInputMap.RightToLeft", aquaKeyBindings.getScrollBarRightToLeftInputMap(),
+            "ScrollBar.width", Integer.valueOf(16),
+            "ScrollBar.background", white,
+            "ScrollBar.foreground", black,
+            "ScrollPane.font", controlFont,
+            "ScrollPane.background", white,
+            "ScrollPane.foreground", black, //$
+            "ScrollPane.border", scollListBorder,
+            "ScrollPane.viewportBorder", null,
+            "ScrollPane.ancestorInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getScrollPaneInputMap(),
+            "ScrollPane.ancestorInputMap.RightToLeft", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap(new Object[]{}),
+            "Viewport.font", controlFont,
+            "Viewport.background", white, // The background for tables, lists, etc
+            "Viewport.foreground", black,
+            // *** Slider
+            "Slider.foreground", black, "Slider.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "Slider.font", controlSmallFont,
+            //"Slider.highlight", table.get("controlLtHighlight"),
+            //"Slider.shadow", table.get("controlShadow"),
+            //"Slider.focus", table.get("controlDkShadow"),
+            "Slider.tickColor", new ColorUIResource(Color.GRAY),
+            "Slider.border", null,
+            "Slider.focusInsets", new InsetsUIResource(2, 2, 2, 2),
+            "Slider.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getSliderInputMap(),
+            "Slider.focusInputMap.RightToLeft", aquaKeyBindings.getSliderRightToLeftInputMap(),
+            // *** Spinner
+            "Spinner.font", controlFont,
+            "Spinner.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "Spinner.foreground", black,
+            "Spinner.border", null,
+            "Spinner.arrowButtonSize", new Dimension(16, 5),
+            "Spinner.ancestorInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getSpinnerInputMap(),
+            "Spinner.editorBorderPainted", Boolean.TRUE,
+            "Spinner.editorAlignment", SwingConstants.TRAILING,
+            // *** SplitPane
+            //"SplitPane.highlight", table.get("controlLtHighlight"),
+            //"SplitPane.shadow", table.get("controlShadow"),
+            "SplitPane.background", panelBackgroundColor,
+            "SplitPane.border", scollListBorder,
+            "SplitPane.dividerSize", Integer.valueOf(9), //$
+            "SplitPaneDivider.border", null, // AquaSplitPaneDividerUI draws it
+            "SplitPaneDivider.horizontalGradientVariant",(LazyValue) t -> AquaSplitPaneDividerUI.getHorizontalSplitDividerGradientVariant(),
+            // *** TabbedPane
+            "TabbedPane.font", controlFont,
+            "TabbedPane.smallFont", controlSmallFont,
+            "TabbedPane.useSmallLayout", Boolean.FALSE,//sSmallTabs ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE,
+            "TabbedPane.background", tabBackgroundColor, // for bug [3398277] use a background color so that
+            // tabs on a custom pane get erased when they are removed.
+            "TabbedPane.foreground", black, //ThemeTextColor.GetThemeTextColor(AppearanceConstants.kThemeTextColorTabFrontActive),
+            //"TabbedPane.lightHighlight", table.get("controlLtHighlight"),
+            //"TabbedPane.highlight", table.get("controlHighlight"),
+            //"TabbedPane.shadow", table.get("controlShadow"),
+            //"TabbedPane.darkShadow", table.get("controlDkShadow"),
+            //"TabbedPane.focus", table.get("controlText"),
+            "TabbedPane.opaque", useOpaqueComponents,
+            "TabbedPane.textIconGap", Integer.valueOf(4),
+            "TabbedPane.tabInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 10, 3, 10), // Label within tab (top, left, bottom, right)
+            //"TabbedPane.rightTabInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 10, 3, 10), // Label within tab (top, left, bottom, right)
+            "TabbedPane.leftTabInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 10, 3, 10), // Label within tab
+            "TabbedPane.rightTabInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 10, 3, 10), // Label within tab
+            //"TabbedPane.tabAreaInsets", new InsetsUIResource(3, 9, -1, 9), // Tabs relative to edge of pane (negative value for overlapping)
+            "TabbedPane.tabAreaInsets", new InsetsUIResource(3, 9, -1, 9), // Tabs relative to edge of pane (negative value for overlapping)
+            // (top = side opposite pane, left = edge || to pane, bottom = side adjacent to pane, right = left) - see rotateInsets
+            "TabbedPane.contentBorderInsets", new InsetsUIResource(8, 0, 0, 0), // width of border
+            //"TabbedPane.selectedTabPadInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 0, 1, 0), // Really outsets, this is where we allow for overlap
+            "TabbedPane.selectedTabPadInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 0, 0, 0), // Really outsets, this is where we allow for overlap
+            "TabbedPane.tabsOverlapBorder", Boolean.TRUE,
+            "TabbedPane.selectedTabTitlePressedColor", selectedTabTitlePressedColor,
+            "TabbedPane.selectedTabTitleDisabledColor", selectedTabTitleDisabledColor,
+            "TabbedPane.selectedTabTitleNormalColor", selectedTabTitleNormalColor,
+            "TabbedPane.selectedTabTitleShadowDisabledColor", selectedTabTitleShadowDisabledColor,
+            "TabbedPane.selectedTabTitleShadowNormalColor", selectedTabTitleShadowNormalColor,
+            "TabbedPane.nonSelectedTabTitleNormalColor", nonSelectedTabTitleNormalColor,
+            // *** Table
+            "Table.font", viewFont, // [3577901] Aqua HIG says "default font of text in lists and tables" should be 12 point (vm).
+            "Table.foreground", black, // cell text color
+            "Table.background", white, // cell background color
+            "Table.selectionForeground", selectionForeground,
+            "Table.selectionBackground", selectionBackground,
+            "Table.selectionInactiveBackground", selectionInactiveBackground,
+            "Table.selectionInactiveForeground", selectionInactiveForeground,
+            "Table.gridColor", white, // grid line color
+            "Table.focusCellBackground", textHighlightText,
+            "Table.focusCellForeground", textHighlight,
+            "Table.focusCellHighlightBorder", focusCellHighlightBorder,
+            "Table.scrollPaneBorder", scollListBorder,
+            "Table.ancestorInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getTableInputMap(),
+            "Table.ancestorInputMap.RightToLeft", aquaKeyBindings.getTableRightToLeftInputMap(),
+            "TableHeader.font", controlSmallFont,
+            "TableHeader.foreground", black,
+            "TableHeader.background", white, // header background
+            "TableHeader.cellBorder", listHeaderBorder,
+            // *** Text
+            "TextArea.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getMultiLineTextInputMap(),
+            "TextArea.font", controlFont,
+            "TextArea.background", textBackground,
+            "TextArea.foreground", textForeground,
+            "TextArea.inactiveForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "TextArea.inactiveBackground", textInactiveBackground,
+            "TextArea.selectionBackground", textHighlight,
+            "TextArea.selectionForeground", textHighlightText,
+            "TextArea.caretForeground", textForeground,
+            "TextArea.caretBlinkRate", textCaretBlinkRate,
+            "TextArea.border", textAreaBorder,
+            "TextArea.margin", zeroInsets,
+            "TextComponent.selectionBackgroundInactive", textHighlightInactive,
+            "TextField.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getTextFieldInputMap(),
+            "TextField.font", controlFont,
+            "TextField.background", textBackground,
+            "TextField.foreground", textForeground,
+            "TextField.inactiveForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "TextField.inactiveBackground", textInactiveBackground,
+            "TextField.selectionBackground", textHighlight,
+            "TextField.selectionForeground", textHighlightText,
+            "TextField.caretForeground", textForeground,
+            "TextField.caretBlinkRate", textCaretBlinkRate,
+            "TextField.border", textFieldBorder,
+            "TextField.margin", zeroInsets,
+            "TextPane.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getMultiLineTextInputMap(),
+            "TextPane.font", controlFont,
+            "TextPane.background", textBackground,
+            "TextPane.foreground", textForeground,
+            "TextPane.selectionBackground", textHighlight,
+            "TextPane.selectionForeground", textHighlightText,
+            "TextPane.caretForeground", textForeground,
+            "TextPane.caretBlinkRate", textCaretBlinkRate,
+            "TextPane.inactiveForeground", textInactiveText,
+            "TextPane.inactiveBackground", textInactiveBackground,
+            "TextPane.border", textAreaBorder,
+            "TextPane.margin", editorMargin,
+            // *** ToggleButton
+            "ToggleButton.background", controlBackgroundColor,
+            "ToggleButton.foreground", black,
+            "ToggleButton.disabledText", disabled,
+            // we need to go through and find out if these are used, and if not what to set
+            // so that subclasses will get good aqua like colors.
+            //    "", getControlShadow(),
+            //    "ToggleButton.text", getControl(),
+            //    "ToggleButton.disabledSelectedText", getControlDarkShadow(),
+            //    "ToggleButton.disabledBackground", getControl(),
+            //    "ToggleButton.disabledSelectedBackground", getControlShadow(),
+            //"ToggleButton.focus", getFocusColor(),
+            "ToggleButton.border",(LazyValue) t -> AquaButtonBorder.getDynamicButtonBorder(), // sja make this lazy!
+            "ToggleButton.font", controlFont,
+            "ToggleButton.focusInputMap", controlFocusInputMap,
+            "ToggleButton.margin", new InsetsUIResource(2, 2, 2, 2),
+            // *** ToolBar
+            "ToolBar.font", controlFont,
+            "ToolBar.background", panelBackgroundColor,
+            "ToolBar.foreground", new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
+            "ToolBar.dockingBackground", panelBackgroundColor,
+            "ToolBar.dockingForeground", selectionBackground,
+            "ToolBar.floatingBackground", panelBackgroundColor,
+            "ToolBar.floatingForeground", new ColorUIResource(Color.darkGray),
+            "ToolBar.border",(LazyValue) t -> AquaToolBarUI.getToolBarBorder(),
+            "ToolBar.borderHandleColor", toolbarDragHandleColor,
+            //"ToolBar.separatorSize", new DimensionUIResource( 10, 10 ),
+            "ToolBar.separatorSize", null,
+            // *** ToolBarButton
+            "ToolBarButton.margin", new InsetsUIResource(3, 3, 3, 3),
+            "ToolBarButton.insets", new InsetsUIResource(1, 1, 1, 1),
+            // *** ToolTips
+            "ToolTip.font", controlSmallFont,
+            //$ Tooltips - Same color as help balloons?
+            "ToolTip.background", toolTipBackground,
+            "ToolTip.foreground", black,
+            "ToolTip.border", toolTipBorder,
+            // *** Tree
+            "Tree.font", viewFont, // [3577901] Aqua HIG says "default font of text in lists and tables" should be 12 point (vm).
+            "Tree.background", white,
+            "Tree.foreground", black,
+            // for now no lines
+            "Tree.hash", white, //disabled, // Line color
+            "Tree.line", white, //disabled, // Line color
+            "Tree.textForeground", black,
+            "Tree.textBackground", white,
+            "Tree.selectionForeground", selectionForeground,
+            "Tree.selectionBackground", selectionBackground,
+            "Tree.selectionInactiveBackground", selectionInactiveBackground,
+            "Tree.selectionInactiveForeground", selectionInactiveForeground,
+            "Tree.selectionBorderColor", selectionBackground, // match the background so it looks like we don't draw anything
+            "Tree.editorBorderSelectionColor", null, // The EditTextFrame provides its own border
+            // "Tree.editorBorder", textFieldBorder, // If you still have Sun bug 4376328 in DefaultTreeCellEditor, it has to have the same insets as TextField.border
+            "Tree.leftChildIndent", Integer.valueOf(7),//$
+            "Tree.rightChildIndent", Integer.valueOf(13),//$
+            "Tree.rowHeight", Integer.valueOf(19),// iconHeight + 3, to match finder - a zero would have the renderer decide, except that leaves the icons touching
+            "Tree.scrollsOnExpand", Boolean.FALSE,
+            "Tree.openIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getTreeOpenFolderIcon(), // Open folder icon
+            "Tree.closedIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getTreeFolderIcon(), // Closed folder icon
+            "Tree.leafIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getTreeDocumentIcon(), // Document icon
+            "Tree.expandedIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getTreeExpandedIcon(),
+            "Tree.collapsedIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getTreeCollapsedIcon(),
+            "Tree.rightToLeftCollapsedIcon",(LazyValue) t -> AquaImageFactory.getTreeRightToLeftCollapsedIcon(),
+            "Tree.changeSelectionWithFocus", Boolean.TRUE,
+            "Tree.drawsFocusBorderAroundIcon", Boolean.FALSE,
+            "Tree.focusInputMap", aquaKeyBindings.getTreeInputMap(),
+            "Tree.focusInputMap.RightToLeft", aquaKeyBindings.getTreeRightToLeftInputMap(),
+            "Tree.ancestorInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap(new Object[]{"ESCAPE", "cancel"}),};
+        table.putDefaults(defaults);
+        SwingUtilities2.putAATextInfo(true, table);
+    }
+    protected void initSystemColorDefaults(final UIDefaults table) {
+//        String[] defaultSystemColors = {
+//                  "desktop", "#005C5C", /* Color of the desktop background */
+//          "activeCaption", "#000080", /* Color for captions (title bars) when they are active. */
+//          "activeCaptionText", "#FFFFFF", /* Text color for text in captions (title bars). */
+//        "activeCaptionBorder", "#C0C0C0", /* Border color for caption (title bar) window borders. */
+//            "inactiveCaption", "#808080", /* Color for captions (title bars) when not active. */
+//        "inactiveCaptionText", "#C0C0C0", /* Text color for text in inactive captions (title bars). */
+//      "inactiveCaptionBorder", "#C0C0C0", /* Border color for inactive caption (title bar) window borders. */
+//                 "window", "#FFFFFF", /* Default color for the interior of windows */
+//           "windowBorder", "#000000", /* ??? */
+//             "windowText", "#000000", /* ??? */
+//               "menu", "#C0C0C0", /* Background color for menus */
+//               "menuText", "#000000", /* Text color for menus  */
+//               "text", "#C0C0C0", /* Text background color */
+//               "textText", "#000000", /* Text foreground color */
+//          "textHighlight", "#000080", /* Text background color when selected */
+//          "textHighlightText", "#FFFFFF", /* Text color when selected */
+//           "textInactiveText", "#808080", /* Text color when disabled */
+//                "control", "#C0C0C0", /* Default color for controls (buttons, sliders, etc) */
+//            "controlText", "#000000", /* Default color for text in controls */
+//           "controlHighlight", "#C0C0C0", /* Specular highlight (opposite of the shadow) */
+//         "controlLtHighlight", "#FFFFFF", /* Highlight color for controls */
+//          "controlShadow", "#808080", /* Shadow color for controls */
+//            "controlDkShadow", "#000000", /* Dark shadow color for controls */
+//              "scrollbar", "#E0E0E0", /* Scrollbar background (usually the "track") */
+//               "info", "#FFFFE1", /* ??? */
+//               "infoText", "#000000"  /* ??? */
+//        };
+//        loadSystemColors(table, defaultSystemColors, isNativeLookAndFeel());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize the uiClassID to AquaComponentUI mapping.
+     * The JComponent classes define their own uiClassID constants
+     * (see AbstractComponent.getUIClassID).  This table must
+     * map those constants to a BasicComponentUI class of the
+     * appropriate type.
+     *
+     * @see #getDefaults
+     */
+    protected void initClassDefaults(final UIDefaults table) {
+        final String basicPackageName = "javax.swing.plaf.basic.";
+        final Object[] uiDefaults = {
+            "ButtonUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaButtonUI",
+            "CheckBoxUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaButtonCheckBoxUI",
+            "CheckBoxMenuItemUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaMenuItemUI",
+            "LabelUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaLabelUI",
+            "ListUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaListUI",
+            "MenuUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaMenuUI",
+            "MenuItemUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaMenuItemUI",
+            "OptionPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaOptionPaneUI",
+            "PanelUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaPanelUI",
+            "RadioButtonMenuItemUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaMenuItemUI",
+            "RadioButtonUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaButtonRadioUI",
+            "ProgressBarUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaProgressBarUI",
+            "RootPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaRootPaneUI",
+            "SliderUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaSliderUI",
+            "ScrollBarUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaScrollBarUI",
+            "TabbedPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + (JRSUIUtils.TabbedPane.shouldUseTabbedPaneContrastUI() ? "AquaTabbedPaneContrastUI" : "AquaTabbedPaneUI"),
+            "TableUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTableUI",
+            "ToggleButtonUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaButtonToggleUI",
+            "ToolBarUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaToolBarUI",
+            "ToolTipUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaToolTipUI",
+            "TreeUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTreeUI",
+            "InternalFrameUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaInternalFrameUI",
+            "DesktopIconUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaInternalFrameDockIconUI",
+            "DesktopPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaInternalFramePaneUI",
+            "EditorPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaEditorPaneUI",
+            "TextFieldUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTextFieldUI",
+            "TextPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTextPaneUI",
+            "ComboBoxUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaComboBoxUI",
+            "PopupMenuUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaPopupMenuUI",
+            "TextAreaUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTextAreaUI",
+            "MenuBarUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaMenuBarUI",
+            "FileChooserUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaFileChooserUI",
+            "PasswordFieldUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTextPasswordFieldUI",
+            "TableHeaderUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTableHeaderUI",
+            "FormattedTextFieldUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaTextFieldFormattedUI",
+            "SpinnerUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaSpinnerUI",
+            "SplitPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaSplitPaneUI",
+            "ScrollPaneUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaScrollPaneUI",
+            "PopupMenuSeparatorUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaPopupMenuSeparatorUI",
+            "SeparatorUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaPopupMenuSeparatorUI",
+            "ToolBarSeparatorUI", PKG_PREFIX + "AquaToolBarSeparatorUI",
+            // as we implement aqua versions of the swing elements
+            // we will aad the classes to this table.
+            "ColorChooserUI", basicPackageName + "BasicColorChooserUI",
+            // text UIs
+            "ViewportUI", basicPackageName + "BasicViewportUI",
+        };
+        table.putDefaults(uiDefaults);
+    }