changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 31876 91b22707521a
child 49424 4269e701448e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/bsd/doc/man/jdb.1	Tue Sep 12 19:03:39 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+'\" t
+.\" Copyright (c) 1995, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+.\" This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+.\" under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+.\" published by the Free Software Foundation.
+.\" This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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+.\"     Arch: generic
+.\"     Software: JDK 8
+.\"     Date: 21 November 2013
+.\"     SectDesc: Basic Tools
+.\"     Title: jdb.1
+.if n .pl 99999
+.TH jdb 1 "21 November 2013" "JDK 8" "Basic Tools"
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+.\" * Define some portability stuff
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+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq '
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+.\" * set default formatting
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+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH NAME    
+jdb \- Finds and fixes bugs in Java platform programs\&.
+\fBjdb\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIclassname\fR]  [\fIarguments\fR]     
+Command-line options\&. See Options\&.
+Name of the main class to debug\&.
+Arguments passed to the \f3main()\fR method of the class\&.
+The Java Debugger (JDB) is a simple command-line debugger for Java classes\&. The \f3jdb\fR command and its options call the JDB\&. The \f3jdb\fR command demonstrates the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JDBA) and provides inspection and debugging of a local or remote Java Virtual Machine (JVM)\&. See Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JDBA) at http://docs\&.oracle\&.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/index\&.html
+There are many ways to start a JDB session\&. The most frequently used way is to have JDB launch a new JVM with the main class of the application to be debugged\&. Do this by substituting the \f3jdb\fR command for the \f3java\fR command in the command line\&. For example, if your application\&'s main class is \f3MyClass\fR, then use the following command to debug it under JDB:
+\f3jdb MyClass\fP     
+When started this way, the \f3jdb\fR command calls a second JVM with the specified parameters, loads the specified class, and stops the JVM before executing that class\&'s first instruction\&.
+Another way to use the \f3jdb\fR command is by attaching it to a JVM that is already running\&. Syntax for starting a JVM to which the \f3jdb\fR command attaches when the JVM is running is as follows\&. This loads in-process debugging libraries and specifies the kind of connection to be made\&.
+\f3java \-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n MyClass\fP     
+You can then attach the \f3jdb\fR command to the JVM with the following command:
+\f3jdb \-attach 8000\fP     
+The \f3MyClass\fR argument is not specified in the \f3jdb\fR command line in this case because the \f3jdb\fR command is connecting to an existing JVM instead of launching a new JVM\&.
+There are many other ways to connect the debugger to a JVM, and all of them are supported by the \f3jdb\fR command\&. The Java Platform Debugger Architecture has additional documentation on these connection options\&.
+The following is a list of the basic \f3jdb\fR commands\&. The JDB supports other commands that you can list with the \f3-help\fR option\&.
+help or ?
+The \f3help\fR or \f3?\fR commands display the list of recognized commands with a brief description\&.
+After you start JDB and set breakpoints, you can use the \f3run\fR command to execute the debugged application\&. The \f3run\fR command is available only when the \f3jdb\fR command starts the debugged application as opposed to attaching to an existing JVM\&.
+Continues execution of the debugged application after a breakpoint, exception, or step\&.
+Displays Java objects and primitive values\&. For variables or fields of primitive types, the actual value is printed\&. For objects, a short description is printed\&. See the dump command to find out how to get more information about an object\&.
+\fINote:\fR To display local variables, the containing class must have been compiled with the \f3javac -g\fR option\&.
+The \f3print\fR command supports many simple Java expressions including those with method invocations, for example:
+\f3print MyClass\&.myStaticField\fP     
+\f3print myObj\&.myInstanceField\fP     
+\f3print i + j + k (i, j, k are primities and either fields or local variables)\fP     
+\f3print myObj\&.myMethod() (if myMethod returns a non\-null)\fP     
+\f3print new java\&.lang\&.String("Hello")\&.length()\fP     
+For primitive values, the \f3dump\fR command is identical to the \f3print\fR command\&. For objects, the \f3dump\fR command prints the current value of each field defined in the object\&. Static and instance fields are included\&. The \f3dump\fR command supports the same set of expressions as the \f3print\fR command\&.
+List the threads that are currently running\&. For each thread, its name and current status are printed and an index that can be used in other commands\&. In this example, the thread index is 4, the thread is an instance of \f3java\&.lang\&.Thread\fR, the thread name is \f3main\fR, and it is currently running\&.
+\f34\&. (java\&.lang\&.Thread)0x1 main      running\fP     
+Select a thread to be the current thread\&. Many \f3jdb\fR commands are based on the setting of the current thread\&. The thread is specified with the thread index described in the threads command\&.
+The \f3where\fR command with no arguments dumps the stack of the current thread\&. The \f3where\fR\f3all\fR command dumps the stack of all threads in the current thread group\&. The \f3where\fR\f3threadindex\fR command dumps the stack of the specified thread\&.
+If the current thread is suspended either through an event such as a breakpoint or through the \f3suspend\fR command, then local variables and fields can be displayed with the \f3print\fR and \f3dump\fR commands\&. The \f3up\fR and \f3down\fR commands select which stack frame is the current stack frame\&.
+Breakpoints can be set in JDB at line numbers or at the first instruction of a method, for example:
+.TP 0.2i    
+The command \f3stop at MyClass:22\fR sets a breakpoint at the first instruction for line 22 of the source file containing \f3MyClass\fR\&.
+.TP 0.2i    
+The command \f3stop in java\&.lang\&.String\&.length\fR sets a breakpoint at the beginning of the method \f3java\&.lang\&.String\&.length\fR\&.
+.TP 0.2i    
+The command \f3stop in MyClass\&.<clinit>\fR uses \f3<clinit>\fR to identify the static initialization code for \f3MyClass\fR\&.
+When a method is overloaded, you must also specify its argument types so that the proper method can be selected for a breakpoint\&. For example, \f3MyClass\&.myMethod(int,java\&.lang\&.String)\fR or \f3MyClass\&.myMethod()\fR\&.
+The \f3clear\fR command removes breakpoints using the following syntax: \f3clear MyClass:45\fR\&. Using the \f3clear\fR or \f3stop\fR command with no argument displays a list of all breakpoints currently set\&. The \f3cont\fR command continues execution\&.
+The \f3step\fR command advances execution to the next line whether it is in the current stack frame or a called method\&. The \f3next\fR command advances execution to the next line in the current stack frame\&.
+When an exception occurs for which there is not a \f3catch\fR statement anywhere in the throwing thread\&'s call stack, the JVM typically prints an exception trace and exits\&. When running under JDB, however, control returns to JDB at the offending throw\&. You can then use the \f3jdb\fR command to diagnose the cause of the exception\&.
+Use the \f3catch\fR command to cause the debugged application to stop at other thrown exceptions, for example: \f3catch java\&.io\&.FileNotFoundException\fR or \f3catch\fR\f3mypackage\&.BigTroubleException\fR\&. Any exception that is an instance of the specified class or subclass stops the application at the point where it is thrown\&.
+The \f3ignore\fR command negates the effect of an earlier \f3catch\fR command\&. The \f3ignore\fR command does not cause the debugged JVM to ignore specific exceptions, but only to ignore the debugger\&.
+When you use the \f3jdb\fR command instead of the \f3java\fR command on the command line, the \f3jdb\fR command accepts many of the same options as the \f3java\fR command, including \f3-D\fR, \f3-classpath\fR, and \f3-X\fR options\&. The following list contains additional options that are accepted by the \f3jdb\fR command\&.
+Other options are supported to provide alternate mechanisms for connecting the debugger to the JVM it is to debug\&. For additional documentation about these connection alternatives, see Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) at http://docs\&.oracle\&.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/index\&.html
+Displays a help message\&.
+-sourcepath \fIdir1:dir2: \&. \&. \&.\fR
+Uses the specified path to search for source files in the specified path\&. If this option is not specified, then use the default path of dot (\&.)\&.
+-attach \fIaddress\fR
+Attaches the debugger to a running JVM with the default connection mechanism\&.
+-listen \fIaddress\fR
+Waits for a running JVM to connect to the specified address with a standard connector\&.
+Starts the debugged application immediately upon startup of JDB\&. The \f3-launch\fR option removes the need for the \f3run\fR command\&. The debugged application is launched and then stopped just before the initial application class is loaded\&. At that point, you can set any necessary breakpoints and use the \f3cont\fR command to continue execution\&.
+List the connectors available in this JVM\&.
+-connect connector-name:\fIname1=value1\fR
+Connects to the target JVM with the named connector and listed argument values\&.
+-dbgtrace [\fIflags\fR]
+Prints information for debugging the \f3jdb\fR command\&.
+Runs the application in the Java HotSpot VM client\&.
+Runs the application in the Java HotSpot VM server\&.
+Passes \f3option\fR to the JVM, where option is one of the options described on the reference page for the Java application launcher\&. For example, \f3-J-Xms48m\fR sets the startup memory to 48 MB\&. See java(1)\&.
+-v -verbose[:\fIclass\fR|gc|jni]
+Turns on verbose mode\&.
+Sets a system property\&.
+-classpath \fIdir\fR
+Lists directories separated by colons in which to look for classes\&.
+Nonstandard target JVM option\&.
+.SH SEE\ ALSO    
+.TP 0.2i    
+.TP 0.2i    
+.TP 0.2i    
+.TP 0.2i    
+'pl 8.5i