changeset 50807 57d1175e2c7b
parent 50702 2c9e2ec54a11
child 50908 7c51db95ccb6
--- a/make/conf/jib-profiles.js	Tue Jun 26 16:01:37 2018 -0700
+++ b/make/conf/jib-profiles.js	Tue Jun 26 17:41:42 2018 -0700
@@ -523,17 +523,6 @@
             profiles[maketestName] = concatObjects(profiles[name], testmakeBase);
             profiles[maketestName].default_make_targets = [ "test-make" ];
-    // Generate cmp-baseline profiles for each main profile. This profile does
-    // a compare build run with no changes to verify that the compare script
-    // has a clean baseline
-    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
-        var cmpBaselineName = name + "-cmp-baseline";
-        profiles[cmpBaselineName] = clone(profiles[name]);
-        // Only compare the images target. This should pressumably be expanded
-        // to include more build targets when possible.
-        profiles[cmpBaselineName].default_make_targets = [ "images" ];
-        profiles[cmpBaselineName].make_args = [ "COMPARE_BUILD=CONF=" ];
-    });
     // Profiles for building the zero jvm variant. These are used for verification
     // in JPRT.
@@ -727,6 +716,22 @@
         profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[debugName], configureArgs);
+    // Generate cmp-baseline profiles for each main profile and their
+    // corresponding debug profile. This profile does a compare build run with no
+    // changes to verify that the compare script has a clean baseline
+    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
+        [ "", common.open_suffix ].forEach(function (suffix) {
+            var cmpBaselineName = name + suffix + "-cmp-baseline";
+            profiles[cmpBaselineName] = clone(profiles[name + suffix]);
+            // Only compare the images target. This should pressumably be expanded
+            // to include more build targets when possible.
+            profiles[cmpBaselineName].default_make_targets = [ "images" ];
+            profiles[cmpBaselineName].make_args = [ "COMPARE_BUILD=CONF=" ];
+            // Do not inherit artifact definitions from base profile
+            delete profiles[cmpBaselineName].artifacts;
+        });
+    });
     // Profiles used to run tests. Used in JPRT and Mach 5.
     var testOnlyProfiles = {
         "run-test-jprt": {