changeset 17567 56e83a873757
parent 17566 7e1a338e1085
child 19253 b97b3e18547f
--- a/langtools/test/com/sun/javadoc/testSerializedFormDeprecationInfo/	Tue May 14 10:14:54 2013 -0700
+++ b/langtools/test/com/sun/javadoc/testSerializedFormDeprecationInfo/	Tue May 14 10:14:54 2013 -0700
@@ -41,29 +41,29 @@
     // Test for normal run of javadoc. The serialized-form.html should
     // display the inline comments, tags and deprecation information if any.
     private static final String[][] TEST_CMNT_DEPR = {
-        {BUG_ID + FS + "serialized-form.html", "<dl>" +
+        {BUG_ID + FS + "serialized-form.html", "<dl>" + NL +
                  "<dt><span class=\"strong\">Throws:</span></dt>" + NL + "<dd><code>" +
                  "</code></dd>"+ NL + "<dt><span class=\"strong\">See Also:</span>" +
                  "</dt>" + NL + "<dd><a href=\"pkg1/C1.html#setUndecorated(boolean)\">" +
-                 "<code>C1.setUndecorated(boolean)</code></a></dd></dl>"},
+                 "<code>C1.setUndecorated(boolean)</code></a></dd>" + NL + "</dl>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "serialized-form.html", "<span class=\"strong\">Deprecated.</span>" +
                  "&nbsp;<i>As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by" + NL +
                  " <a href=\"pkg1/C1.html#setUndecorated(boolean)\">" +
                  "<code>setUndecorated(boolean)</code></a>.</i></div>" + NL +
                  "<div class=\"block\">This field indicates whether the C1 " +
                  "is undecorated.</div>" + NL + "&nbsp;" + NL +
-                 "<dl><dt><span class=\"strong\">Since:</span></dt>" + NL +
+                 "<dl>" + NL + "<dt><span class=\"strong\">Since:</span></dt>" + NL +
                  "<dd>1.4</dd>" + NL + "<dt><span class=\"strong\">See Also:</span>" +
                  "</dt>" + NL + "<dd><a href=\"pkg1/C1.html#setUndecorated(boolean)\">" +
-                 "<code>C1.setUndecorated(boolean)</code></a></dd></dl>"},
+                 "<code>C1.setUndecorated(boolean)</code></a></dd>" + NL + "</dl>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "serialized-form.html", "<span class=\"strong\">Deprecated.</span>" +
                  "&nbsp;<i>As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by" + NL +
                  " <a href=\"pkg1/C1.html#setUndecorated(boolean)\">" +
                  "<code>setUndecorated(boolean)</code></a>.</i></div>" + NL +
                  "<div class=\"block\">Reads the object stream.</div>" + NL +
-                 "<dl><dt><span class=\"strong\">Throws:</span></dt>" + NL + "<dd><code><code>" +
+                 "<dl>" + NL + "<dt><span class=\"strong\">Throws:</span></dt>" + NL + "<dd><code><code>" +
                  "IOException</code></code></dd>" + NL +
-                 "<dd><code></code></dd></dl>"},
+                 "<dd><code></code></dd>" + NL + "</dl>"},
         {BUG_ID + FS + "serialized-form.html", "<span class=\"strong\">Deprecated.</span>" +
                  "&nbsp;</div>" + NL + "<div class=\"block\">" +
                  "The name for this class.</div>"}};