--- a/jdk/src/jdk.pack200/share/native/common-unpack/coding.h Wed Dec 14 20:23:24 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-struct unpacker;
-#define INT_MAX_VALUE ((int)0x7FFFFFFF)
-#define INT_MIN_VALUE ((int)0x80000000)
-#define CODING_SPEC(B, H, S, D) ((B)<<20|(H)<<8|(S)<<4|(D)<<0)
-#define CODING_B(x) ((x)>>20 & 0xF)
-#define CODING_H(x) ((x)>>8 & 0xFFF)
-#define CODING_S(x) ((x)>>4 & 0xF)
-#define CODING_D(x) ((x)>>0 & 0xF)
-#define CODING_INIT(B, H, S, D) \
- { CODING_SPEC(B, H, S, D) , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-// For debugging purposes, some compilers do not like this and will complain.
-// #define long do_not_use_C_long_types_use_jlong_or_int
-// Use of the type "long" is problematic, do not use it.
-struct coding {
- int spec; // B,H,S,D
- // Handy values derived from the spec:
- int B() { return CODING_B(spec); }
- int H() { return CODING_H(spec); }
- int S() { return CODING_S(spec); }
- int D() { return CODING_D(spec); }
- int L() { return 256-CODING_H(spec); }
- int min, max;
- int umin, umax;
- char isSigned, isSubrange, isFullRange, isMalloc;
- coding* init(); // returns self or null if error
- coding* initFrom(int spec_) {
- assert(this->spec == 0);
- this->spec = spec_;
- return init();
- }
- static coding* findBySpec(int spec);
- static coding* findBySpec(int B, int H, int S=0, int D=0);
- static coding* findByIndex(int irregularCodingIndex);
- static uint parse(byte* &rp, int B, int H);
- static uint parse_lgH(byte* &rp, int B, int H, int lgH);
- static void parseMultiple(byte* &rp, int N, byte* limit, int B, int H);
- uint parse(byte* &rp) {
- return parse(rp, CODING_B(spec), CODING_H(spec));
- }
- void parseMultiple(byte* &rp, int N, byte* limit) {
- parseMultiple(rp, N, limit, CODING_B(spec), CODING_H(spec));
- }
- bool canRepresent(int x) { return (x >= min && x <= max); }
- bool canRepresentUnsigned(int x) { return (x >= umin && x <= umax); }
- int sumInUnsignedRange(int x, int y);
- int readFrom(byte* &rpVar, int* dbase);
- void readArrayFrom(byte* &rpVar, int* dbase, int length, int* values);
- void skipArrayFrom(byte* &rpVar, int length) {
- readArrayFrom(rpVar, (int*)NULL, length, (int*)NULL);
- }
-#ifndef PRODUCT
- const char* string();
- void free(); // free self if isMalloc
- // error handling
- static void abort(const char* msg = null) { unpack_abort(msg); }
-enum coding_method_kind {
- cmk_ERROR,
- cmk_BHS,
- cmk_BHS0,
- cmk_BHS1,
- cmk_BHSD1,
- cmk_BHS1D1full, // isFullRange
- cmk_BHS1D1sub, // isSubRange
- // special cases hand-optimized (~50% of all decoded values)
- cmk_BYTE1, //(1,256) 6%
- cmk_CHAR3, //(3,128) 7%
- cmk_UNSIGNED5, //(5,64) 13%
- cmk_DELTA5, //(5,64,1,1) 5%
- cmk_BCI5, //(5,4) 18%
- cmk_BRANCH5, //(5,4,2) 4%
-//cmk_UNSIGNED5H16, //(5,16) 5%
-//cmk_UNSIGNED2H4, //(2,4) 6%
-//cmk_DELTA4H8, //(4,8,1,1) 10%
-//cmk_DELTA3H16, //(3,16,1,1) 9%
- cmk_BHS_LIMIT,
- cmk_pop,
- cmk_pop_BHS0,
- cmk_pop_BYTE1,
- cmk_pop_LIMIT,
- cmk_LIMIT
-enum {
- BYTE1_spec = CODING_SPEC(1, 256, 0, 0),
- CHAR3_spec = CODING_SPEC(3, 128, 0, 0),
- UNSIGNED4_spec = CODING_SPEC(4, 256, 0, 0),
- UNSIGNED5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 64, 0, 0),
- SIGNED5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 64, 1, 0),
- DELTA5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 64, 1, 1),
- UDELTA5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 64, 0, 1),
- MDELTA5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 64, 2, 1),
- BCI5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 4, 0, 0),
- BRANCH5_spec = CODING_SPEC(5, 4, 2, 0)
-enum {
- B_MAX = 5,
- C_SLOP = B_MAX*10
-struct coding_method;
-// iterator under the control of a meta-coding
-struct value_stream {
- // current coding of values or values
- coding c; // B,H,S,D,etc.
- coding_method_kind cmk; // type of decoding needed
- byte* rp; // read pointer
- byte* rplimit; // final value of read pointer
- int sum; // partial sum of all values so far (D=1 only)
- coding_method* cm; // coding method that defines this stream
- void init(byte* band_rp, byte* band_limit, coding* defc);
- void init(byte* band_rp, byte* band_limit, int spec)
- { init(band_rp, band_limit, coding::findBySpec(spec)); }
- void setCoding(coding* c);
- void setCoding(int spec) { setCoding(coding::findBySpec(spec)); }
- // Parse and decode a single value.
- int getInt();
- // Parse and decode a single byte, with no error checks.
- int getByte() {
- assert(cmk == cmk_BYTE1);
- assert(rp < rplimit);
- return *rp++ & 0xFF;
- }
- // Used only for asserts.
- bool hasValue();
- void done() { assert(!hasValue()); }
- // Sometimes a value stream has an auxiliary (but there are never two).
- value_stream* helper() {
- assert(hasHelper());
- return this+1;
- }
- bool hasHelper();
- // error handling
- // inline void abort(const char* msg);
- // inline void aborting();
-struct coding_method {
- value_stream vs0; // initial state snapshot (vs.meta==this)
- coding_method* next; // what to do when we run out of bytes
- // these fields are used for pop codes only:
- int* fValues; // favored value array
- int fVlength; // maximum favored value token
- coding_method* uValues; // unfavored value stream
- // pointer to outer unpacker, for error checks etc.
- unpacker* u;
- // Initialize a value stream.
- void reset(value_stream* state);
- // Parse a band header, size a band, and initialize for further action.
- // band_rp advances (but not past band_limit), and meta_rp advances.
- // The mode gives context, such as "inside a pop".
- // The defc and N are the incoming parameters to a meta-coding.
- // The value sink is used to collect output values, when desired.
- void init(byte* &band_rp, byte* band_limit,
- byte* &meta_rp, int mode,
- coding* defc, int N,
- intlist* valueSink);
- // error handling
- void abort(const char* msg) { unpack_abort(msg, u); }
- bool aborting() { return unpack_aborting(u); }
-//inline void value_stream::abort(const char* msg) { cm->abort(msg); }
-//inline void value_stream::aborting() { cm->aborting(); }