changeset 57314 23da9e6f446f
parent 57307 4948a1944cf9
child 57330 a30edd277572
--- a/src/jdk.jpackage/share/classes/jdk/jpackage/internal/resources/	Fri Apr 05 11:24:44 2019 -0400
+++ b/src/jdk.jpackage/share/classes/jdk/jpackage/internal/resources/	Tue Apr 09 10:57:04 2019 -0400
@@ -30,44 +30,42 @@
-message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize) default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize)
-message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1})
-message.using-custom-resource=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1})
-message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle\: {0} in {1}
-message.detected.modules="Automatically adding detected modules: {0}."
-message.modules="Adding modules: {0} to runtime image." application image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists that the value for {0} exists
-message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified runtime image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists
-message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists
-message.debug-working-directory=Kept working directory for debug\: {0}
-message.bundle-created=Succeeded in building {0} bundle
+message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize). default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize).
+message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1}).
+message.using-custom-resource=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1}).
+message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle: {0} in {1}.
+message.detected.modules=Automatically adding detected modules: {0}.
+message.modules=Adding modules: {0} to runtime image. application image directory {0}: {1} does not exists. that the value for {0} exists.
+message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified runtime image directory {0}: {1} does not exists.
+message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists.
+message.debug-working-directory=Kept working directory for debug: {0}.
+message.bundle-created=Succeeded in building {0} bundle.
 error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
 error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
-error.root-exists=Error: Application output directory {0} already exists
+error.root-exists=Error: Application output directory {0} already exists. application class is missing. specify main application class. application module is missing. sure to use fx\:module task to create modular application. application class was not specified nor was one found in the jar {0} specify a application class or ensure that the jar {0} specifies one in the manifest. application class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied application resources main class was not specified nor was one found in the jar {0}. a main class or ensure that the jar {0} specifies one in the manifest. main class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied application resources. specify a application class or ensure that the appResources has a jar containing one in the manifest.
-error.main-jar-does-not-exist=The configured main jar does not exist {0}
-error.main-jar-does-not-exist.advice=The main jar must be specified relative to the app resources (not an absolute path), and must exist within those resources.
+error.main-jar-does-not-exist=The configured main jar does not exist {0} in the input directory.
+error.main-jar-does-not-exist.advice=The main jar must be specified relative to the input directory (not an absolute path), and must exist within that directory.
 warning.module.does.not.exist=Module [{0}] does not exist. No JDK Modules found.
-warning.missing.arg.file=Warning: Missing argument file: {0}
+warning.missing.arg.file=Warning: Missing argument file: {0}.
 MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
 MSG_BundlerPlatformException=Bundler {0} skipped because the bundler does not support bundling on this platform.
-MSG_BundlerConfigException=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}  \n\
-Advice to fix\: {2}
-MSG_BundlerConfigExceptionNoAdvice=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}
-MSG_BundlerRuntimeException=Bundler {0} failed because of {1}
+MSG_BundlerConfigException=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem: {1}. \n\
+Advice to fix: {2}
+MSG_BundlerConfigExceptionNoAdvice=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem: {1}.
+MSG_BundlerRuntimeException=Bundler {0} failed because of {1}.
 MSG_Version=jpackage version
 MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
@@ -75,14 +73,14 @@
 ERR_UnsupportedOption=Error: Option [{0}] is not valid on this platform.
 ERR_NotImageOption=Error: Option [{0}] is not valid in create-app-image mode.
-ERR_NotInstallerOption=Error: Option [{0}] is not valid with --app-image option
+ERR_NotInstallerOption=Error: Option [{0}] is not valid with --app-image option.
 ERR_NoInstallerEntryPoint=Error: Option [{0}] is not valid without --module or --main-jar entry point option.
-ERR_MissingMode=Error: Mode is not specified
-ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}
-ERR_MissingAppResources=Error: No application jars found
-ERR_AppImageNotExist=Error: App image directory "{0}" does not exist
-ERR_AppImageInvalid=Error: App image directory "{0}" does not contain "app" sub-directory
+ERR_MissingMode=Error: Mode is not specified.
+ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}.
+ERR_MissingAppResources=Error: No application jars found.
+ERR_AppImageNotExist=Error: App image directory "{0}" does not exist.
+ERR_AppImageInvalid=Error: App image directory "{0}" does not contain "app" sub-directory.
 ERR_NoAddLauncherName=Error: Add Launchers require a name parameter.
 ERR_NoUniqueName=Error: Add Launchers require a unique name parameter.
 ERR_NoJreInstallerName=Error: Jre Installers require a name parameter.
@@ -90,8 +88,10 @@
 ERR_InvalidSLName=Error: Invalid Add Launcher name: {0}.
 ERR_LicenseFileNotExit=Error: Specified license file does not exist.
 ERR_BuildRootInvalid=Error: temp-root ({0}) must be non-existant directory.
-ERR_InvalidOption=Error: Invalid Option: [{0}]
+ERR_InvalidOption=Error: Invalid Option: [{0}].
 ERR_VersionComparison=Error: Failed to compare version {0} with {1}.
 ERR_InvalidInstallerType=Error: Invalid or Unsupported Installer type: [{0}].
-ERR_BothMainJarAndModule="Error: Cannot have both --main-jar and --module Options"
-ERR_NoEntryPoint="Error: create-app-image requires --main-jar or --module Option"
+ERR_BothMainJarAndModule=Error: Cannot have both --main-jar and --module Options.
+ERR_NoEntryPoint=Error: create-app-image requires --main-jar or --module Option.
+ERR_InputNotDirectory=Error: Input directory specified is not a directory: {0}.
+ERR_CannotReadInputDir=Error: No permission to read from input directory: {0}.