changeset 12578 cf47ce2b7787
parent 12577 8bf61a6c4a22
parent 12576 92faacdd6db2
child 12579 4cc5610a6dd6
equal deleted inserted replaced
12577:8bf61a6c4a22 12578:cf47ce2b7787
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    25 package xmlkit; // -*- mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
    27 import xmlkit.XMLKit.Element;
    28 import java.util.HashMap;
    29 /*
    30  * @author jrose
    31  */
    32 abstract class InstructionAssembler extends InstructionSyntax {
    34     InstructionAssembler() {
    35     }
    37     public static String assemble(Element instructions, String pcAttrName,
    38             ClassSyntax.GetCPIndex getCPI) {
    39         int insCount = instructions.size();
    40         Element[] insElems = new Element[insCount];
    41         int[] elemToIndexMap;
    42         int[] insLocs;
    43         byte[] ops = new byte[insCount];
    44         int[] operands = new int[insCount];
    45         boolean[] isWide = new boolean[insCount];
    46         int[] branches;
    47         int[] branchInsLocs;
    48         HashMap<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>();
    50         final int WIDE = 0xc4;
    51         final int GOTO = 0xa7;
    52         final int GOTO_W = 0xc8;
    53         final int GOTO_LEN = 3;
    54         final int GOTO_W_LEN = 5;
    55         assert ("wide".equals(bcNames[WIDE]));
    56         assert ("goto".equals(bcNames[GOTO]));
    57         assert ("goto_w".equals(bcNames[GOTO_W]));
    58         assert (bcFormats[GOTO].length() == GOTO_LEN);
    59         assert (bcFormats[GOTO_W].length() == GOTO_W_LEN);
    61         // Unpack instructions into temp. arrays, and find branches and labels.
    62         {
    63             elemToIndexMap = (pcAttrName != null) ? new int[insCount] : null;
    64             int[] buffer = operands;
    65             int id = 0;
    66             int branchCount = 0;
    67             for (int i = 0; i < insCount; i++) {
    68                 Element ins = (Element) instructions.get(i);
    69                 if (elemToIndexMap != null) {
    70                     elemToIndexMap[i] = (ins.getAttr(pcAttrName) != null ? id : -1);
    71                 }
    72                 String lab = ins.getAttr("pc");
    73                 if (lab != null) {
    74                     labels.put(lab, String.valueOf(id));
    75                 }
    76                 int op = opCode(ins.getName());
    77                 if (op < 0) {
    78                     assert (ins.getAttr(pcAttrName) != null
    79                             || ins.getName().equals("label"));
    80                     continue;  // delete PC holder element
    81                 }
    82                 if (op == WIDE) { //0xc4
    83                     isWide[id] = true;  // force wide format
    84                     continue;
    85                 }
    86                 if (bcFormats[op].indexOf('o') >= 0) {
    87                     buffer[branchCount++] = id;
    88                 }
    89                 if (bcFormats[op] == bcWideFormats[op]) {
    90                     isWide[id] = false;
    91                 }
    92                 insElems[id] = ins;
    93                 ops[id] = (byte) op;
    94                 id++;
    95             }
    96             insCount = id;  // maybe we deleted some wide prefixes, etc.
    97             branches = new int[branchCount + 1];
    98             System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, branches, 0, branchCount);
    99             branches[branchCount] = -1;  // sentinel
   100         }
   102         // Compute instruction sizes.  These sizes are final,
   103         // except for branch instructions, which may need lengthening.
   104         // Some instructions (ldc, bipush, iload, iinc) are automagically widened.
   105         insLocs = new int[insCount + 1];
   106         int loc = 0;
   107         for (int bn = 0, id = 0; id < insCount; id++) {
   108             insLocs[id] = loc;
   109             Element ins = insElems[id];
   110             int op = ops[id] & 0xFF;
   111             String format = opFormat(op, isWide[id]);
   112             // Make sure operands fit within the given format.
   113             for (int j = 1, jlimit = format.length(); j < jlimit; j++) {
   114                 char fc = format.charAt(j);
   115                 int x = 0;
   116                 switch (fc) {
   117                     case 'l':
   118                         x = (int) ins.getAttrLong("loc");
   119                         assert (x >= 0);
   120                         if (x > 0xFF && !isWide[id]) {
   121                             isWide[id] = true;
   122                             format = opFormat(op, isWide[id]);
   123                         }
   124                         assert (x <= 0xFFFF);
   125                         break;
   126                     case 'k':
   127                         char fc2 = format.charAt(Math.min(j + 1, format.length() - 1));
   128                         x = getCPIndex(ins, fc2, getCPI);
   129                         if (x > 0xFF && j == jlimit - 1) {
   130                             assert (op == 0x12); //ldc
   131                             ops[id] = (byte) (op = 0x13); //ldc_w
   132                             format = opFormat(op);
   133                         }
   134                         assert (x <= 0xFFFF);
   135                         j++;  // skip type-of-constant marker
   136                         break;
   137                     case 'x':
   138                         x = (int) ins.getAttrLong("num");
   139                         assert (x >= 0 && x <= ((j == jlimit - 1) ? 0xFF : 0xFFFF));
   140                         break;
   141                     case 's':
   142                         x = (int) ins.getAttrLong("num");
   143                         if (x != (byte) x && j == jlimit - 1) {
   144                             switch (op) {
   145                                 case 0x10: //bipush
   146                                     ops[id] = (byte) (op = 0x11); //sipush
   147                                     break;
   148                                 case 0x84: //iinc
   149                                     isWide[id] = true;
   150                                     format = opFormat(op, isWide[id]);
   151                                     break;
   152                                 default:
   153                                     assert (false);  // cannot lengthen
   154                             }
   155                         }
   156                         // unsign the value now, to make later steps clearer
   157                         if (j == jlimit - 1) {
   158                             assert (x == (byte) x);
   159                             x = x & 0xFF;
   160                         } else {
   161                             assert (x == (short) x);
   162                             x = x & 0xFFFF;
   163                         }
   164                         break;
   165                     case 'o':
   166                         assert (branches[bn] == id);
   167                         bn++;
   168                         // make local copies of the branches, and fix up labels
   169                         insElems[id] = ins = new Element(ins);
   170                         String newLab = labels.get(ins.getAttr("lab"));
   171                         assert (newLab != null);
   172                         ins.setAttr("lab", newLab);
   173                         int prevCas = 0;
   174                         int k = 0;
   175                         for (Element cas : ins.elements()) {
   176                             assert (cas.getName().equals("Case"));
   177                             ins.set(k++, cas = new Element(cas));
   178                             newLab = labels.get(cas.getAttr("lab"));
   179                             assert (newLab != null);
   180                             cas.setAttr("lab", newLab);
   181                             int thisCas = (int) cas.getAttrLong("num");
   182                             assert (op == 0xab
   183                                     || op == 0xaa && (k == 0 || thisCas == prevCas + 1));
   184                             prevCas = thisCas;
   185                         }
   186                         break;
   187                     case 't':
   188                         // switch table is represented as Switch.Case sub-elements
   189                         break;
   190                     default:
   191                         assert (false);
   192                 }
   193                 operands[id] = x;  // record operand (last if there are 2)
   194                 // skip redundant chars
   195                 while (j + 1 < jlimit && format.charAt(j + 1) == fc) {
   196                     ++j;
   197                 }
   198             }
   200             switch (op) {
   201                 case 0xaa: //tableswitch
   202                     loc = switchBase(loc);
   203                     loc += 4 * (3 + ins.size());
   204                     break;
   205                 case 0xab: //lookupswitch
   206                     loc = switchBase(loc);
   207                     loc += 4 * (2 + 2 * ins.size());
   208                     break;
   209                 default:
   210                     if (isWide[id]) {
   211                         loc++;  // 'wide' opcode prefix
   212                     }
   213                     loc += format.length();
   214                     break;
   215             }
   216         }
   217         insLocs[insCount] = loc;
   219         // compute branch offsets, and see if any branches need expansion
   220         for (int maxTries = 9, tries = 0;; ++tries) {
   221             boolean overflowing = false;
   222             boolean[] branchExpansions = null;
   223             for (int bn = 0; bn < branches.length - 1; bn++) {
   224                 int id = branches[bn];
   225                 Element ins = insElems[id];
   226                 int insSize = insLocs[id + 1] - insLocs[id];
   227                 int origin = insLocs[id];
   228                 int target = insLocs[(int) ins.getAttrLong("lab")];
   229                 int offset = target - origin;
   230                 operands[id] = offset;
   231                 //System.out.println("branch id="+id+" len="+insSize+" to="+target+" offset="+offset);
   232                 assert (insSize == GOTO_LEN || insSize == GOTO_W_LEN || ins.getName().indexOf("switch") > 0);
   233                 boolean thisOverflow = (insSize == GOTO_LEN && (offset != (short) offset));
   234                 if (thisOverflow && !overflowing) {
   235                     overflowing = true;
   236                     branchExpansions = new boolean[branches.length];
   237                 }
   238                 if (thisOverflow || tries == maxTries - 1) {
   239                     // lengthen the branch
   240                     assert (!(thisOverflow && isWide[id]));
   241                     isWide[id] = true;
   242                     branchExpansions[bn] = true;
   243                 }
   244             }
   245             if (!overflowing) {
   246                 break;  // done, usually on first try
   247             }
   248             assert (tries <= maxTries);
   250             // Walk over all instructions, expanding branches and updating locations.
   251             int fixup = 0;
   252             for (int bn = 0, id = 0; id < insCount; id++) {
   253                 insLocs[id] += fixup;
   254                 if (branches[bn] == id) {
   255                     int op = ops[id] & 0xFF;
   256                     int wop;
   257                     boolean invert;
   258                     if (branchExpansions[bn]) {
   259                         switch (op) {
   260                             case GOTO: //0xa7
   261                                 wop = GOTO_W; //0xc8
   262                                 invert = false;
   263                                 break;
   264                             case 0xa8: //jsr
   265                                 wop = 0xc9; //jsr_w
   266                                 invert = false;
   267                                 break;
   268                             default:
   269                                 wop = invertBranchOp(op);
   270                                 invert = true;
   271                                 break;
   272                         }
   273                         assert (op != wop);
   274                         ops[id] = (byte) wop;
   275                         isWide[id] = invert;
   276                         if (invert) {
   277                             fixup += GOTO_W_LEN;  //branch around a wide goto
   278                         } else {
   279                             fixup += (GOTO_W_LEN - GOTO_LEN);
   280                         }
   281                         // done expanding:  ops and isWide reflect the decision
   282                     }
   283                     bn++;
   284                 }
   285             }
   286             insLocs[insCount] += fixup;
   287         }
   288         // we know the layout now
   290         // notify the caller of offsets, if requested
   291         if (elemToIndexMap != null) {
   292             for (int i = 0; i < elemToIndexMap.length; i++) {
   293                 int id = elemToIndexMap[i];
   294                 if (id >= 0) {
   295                     Element ins = (Element) instructions.get(i);
   296                     ins.setAttr(pcAttrName, "" + insLocs[id]);
   297                 }
   298             }
   299             elemToIndexMap = null;  // release the pointer
   300         }
   302         // output the bytes
   303         StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(insLocs[insCount]);
   304         for (int bn = 0, id = 0; id < insCount; id++) {
   305             //System.out.println("output id="+id+" loc="+insLocs[id]+" len="+(insLocs[id+1]-insLocs[id])+" #sbuf="+sbuf.length());
   306             assert (sbuf.length() == insLocs[id]);
   307             Element ins;
   308             int pc = insLocs[id];
   309             int nextpc = insLocs[id + 1];
   310             int op = ops[id] & 0xFF;
   311             int opnd = operands[id];
   312             String format;
   313             if (branches[bn] == id) {
   314                 bn++;
   315                 sbuf.append((char) op);
   316                 if (isWide[id]) {
   317                     // emit <ifop lab=1f> <goto_w target> <label pc=1f>
   318                     int target = pc + opnd;
   319                     putInt(sbuf, nextpc - pc, -2);
   320                     assert (sbuf.length() == pc + GOTO_LEN);
   321                     sbuf.append((char) GOTO_W);
   322                     putInt(sbuf, target - (pc + GOTO_LEN), 4);
   323                 } else if (op == 0xaa || //tableswitch
   324                         op == 0xab) {  //lookupswitch
   325                     ins = insElems[id];
   326                     for (int pad = switchBase(pc) - (pc + 1); pad > 0; pad--) {
   327                         sbuf.append((char) 0);
   328                     }
   329                     assert (pc + opnd == insLocs[(int) ins.getAttrLong("lab")]);
   330                     putInt(sbuf, opnd, 4); // default label
   331                     if (op == 0xaa) {  //tableswitch
   332                         Element cas0 = (Element) ins.get(0);
   333                         int lowCase = (int) cas0.getAttrLong("num");
   334                         Element casN = (Element) ins.get(ins.size() - 1);
   335                         int highCase = (int) casN.getAttrLong("num");
   336                         assert (highCase - lowCase + 1 == ins.size());
   337                         putInt(sbuf, lowCase, 4);
   338                         putInt(sbuf, highCase, 4);
   339                         int caseForAssert = lowCase;
   340                         for (Element cas : ins.elements()) {
   341                             int target = insLocs[(int) cas.getAttrLong("lab")];
   342                             assert (cas.getAttrLong("num") == caseForAssert++);
   343                             putInt(sbuf, target - pc, 4);
   344                         }
   345                     } else {  //lookupswitch
   346                         int caseCount = ins.size();
   347                         putInt(sbuf, caseCount, 4);
   348                         for (Element cas : ins.elements()) {
   349                             int target = insLocs[(int) cas.getAttrLong("lab")];
   350                             putInt(sbuf, (int) cas.getAttrLong("num"), 4);
   351                             putInt(sbuf, target - pc, 4);
   352                         }
   353                     }
   354                     assert (nextpc == sbuf.length());
   355                 } else {
   356                     putInt(sbuf, opnd, -(nextpc - (pc + 1)));
   357                 }
   358             } else if (nextpc == pc + 1) {
   359                 // a single-byte instruction
   360                 sbuf.append((char) op);
   361             } else {
   362                 // picky stuff
   363                 boolean wide = isWide[id];
   364                 if (wide) {
   365                     sbuf.append((char) WIDE);
   366                     pc++;
   367                 }
   368                 sbuf.append((char) op);
   369                 int opnd1;
   370                 int opnd2 = opnd;
   371                 switch (op) {
   372                     case 0x84:  //iinc
   373                         ins = insElems[id];
   374                         opnd1 = (int) ins.getAttrLong("loc");
   375                         if (isWide[id]) {
   376                             putInt(sbuf, opnd1, 2);
   377                             putInt(sbuf, opnd2, 2);
   378                         } else {
   379                             putInt(sbuf, opnd1, 1);
   380                             putInt(sbuf, opnd2, 1);
   381                         }
   382                         break;
   383                     case 0xc5: //multianewarray
   384                         ins = insElems[id];
   385                         opnd1 = getCPIndex(ins, 'c', getCPI);
   386                         putInt(sbuf, opnd1, 2);
   387                         putInt(sbuf, opnd2, 1);
   388                         break;
   389                     case 0xb9: //invokeinterface
   390                         ins = insElems[id];
   391                         opnd1 = getCPIndex(ins, 'n', getCPI);
   392                         putInt(sbuf, opnd1, 2);
   393                         opnd2 = (int) ins.getAttrLong("num");
   394                         if (opnd2 == 0) {
   395                             opnd2 = ClassSyntax.computeInterfaceNum(ins.getAttr("val"));
   396                         }
   397                         putInt(sbuf, opnd2, 2);
   398                         break;
   399                     default:
   400                         // put the single operand and be done
   401                         putInt(sbuf, opnd, nextpc - (pc + 1));
   402                         break;
   403                 }
   404             }
   405         }
   406         assert (sbuf.length() == insLocs[insCount]);
   408         return sbuf.toString();
   409     }
   411     static int getCPIndex(Element ins, char ctype,
   412             ClassSyntax.GetCPIndex getCPI) {
   413         int x = (int) ins.getAttrLong("ref");
   414         if (x == 0 && getCPI != null) {
   415             String val = ins.getAttr("val");
   416             if (val == null || val.equals("")) {
   417                 val = ins.getText().toString();
   418             }
   419             byte tag;
   420             switch (ctype) {
   421                 case 'k':
   422                     tag = (byte) ins.getAttrLong("tag");
   423                     break;
   424                 case 'c':
   425                     tag = ClassSyntax.CONSTANT_Class;
   426                     break;
   427                 case 'f':
   428                     tag = ClassSyntax.CONSTANT_Fieldref;
   429                     break;
   430                 case 'm':
   431                     tag = ClassSyntax.CONSTANT_Methodref;
   432                     break;
   433                 case 'n':
   434                     tag = ClassSyntax.CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
   435                     break;
   436                 default:
   437                     throw new Error("bad ctype " + ctype + " in " + ins);
   438             }
   439             x = getCPI.getCPIndex(tag, val);
   440             //System.out.println("getCPIndex "+ins+" => "+tag+"/"+val+" => "+x);
   441         } else {
   442             assert (x > 0);
   443         }
   444         return x;
   445     }
   447     static void putInt(StringBuffer sbuf, int x, int len) {
   448         //System.out.println("putInt x="+x+" len="+len);
   449         boolean isSigned = false;
   450         if (len < 0) {
   451             len = -len;
   452             isSigned = true;
   453         }
   454         assert (len == 1 || len == 2 || len == 4);
   455         int insig = ((4 - len) * 8);  // how many insignificant bits?
   456         int sx = x << insig;
   457         ;
   458         assert (x == (isSigned ? (sx >> insig) : (sx >>> insig)));
   459         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   460             sbuf.append((char) (sx >>> 24));
   461             sx <<= 8;
   462         }
   463     }
   464 }