1 '\" t |
2 .\" Copyright (c) 1994, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
4 .\" |
5 .\" This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
6 .\" under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as |
7 .\" published by the Free Software Foundation. |
8 .\" |
9 .\" This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT |
10 .\" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or |
11 .\" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License |
12 .\" version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that |
13 .\" accompanied this code). |
14 .\" |
15 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version |
16 .\" 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
17 .\" Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. |
18 .\" |
19 .\" Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA |
20 .\" or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any |
21 .\" questions. |
22 .\" |
23 .\" Title: javap |
24 .\" Language: English |
25 .\" Date: 8 August 2014 |
26 .\" SectDesc: Basic Tools |
27 .\" Software: JDK 8 |
28 .\" Arch: generic |
29 .\" Part Number: E38207-03 |
30 .\" |
31 .if n .pl 99999 |
32 .TH "javap" "1" "8 August 2014" "JDK 8" "Basic Tools" |
33 .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
34 .\" * Define some portability stuff |
35 .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
36 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
37 .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 |
38 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html |
39 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
40 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq |
41 .el .ds Aq ' |
42 .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
43 .\" * set default formatting |
44 .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 .\" disable hyphenation |
46 .nh |
47 .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) |
48 .ad l |
49 .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
51 .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
52 .SH "NAME" |
53 javap \- Disassembles one or more class files\&. |
55 .sp |
56 .if n \{\ |
57 .RS 4 |
58 .\} |
59 .nf |
60 \fBjavap\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fIclassfile\fR\&.\&.\&. |
61 .fi |
62 .if n \{\ |
63 .RE |
64 .\} |
65 .PP |
66 \fIoptions\fR |
67 .RS 4 |
68 The command\-line options\&. See Options\&. |
69 .RE |
70 .PP |
71 \fIclassfile\fR |
72 .RS 4 |
73 One or more classes separated by spaces to be processed for annotations such as DocFooter\&.class\&. You can specify a class that can be found in the class path, by its file name or with a URL such as |
74 \fBfile:///home/user/myproject/src/DocFooter\&.class\fR\&. |
75 .RE |
77 .PP |
78 The |
79 \fBjavap\fR |
80 command disassembles one or more class files\&. The output depends on the options used\&. When no options are used, then the |
81 \fBjavap\fR |
82 command prints the package, protected and public fields, and methods of the classes passed to it\&. The |
83 \fBjavap\fR |
84 command prints its output to |
85 \fBstdout\fR\&. |
86 .SH "OPTIONS" |
87 .PP |
88 \-help |
89 .br |
90 \-\-help |
91 .br |
92 \-? |
93 .RS 4 |
94 Prints a help message for the |
95 \fBjavap\fR |
96 command\&. |
97 .RE |
98 .PP |
99 \-version |
100 .RS 4 |
101 Prints release information\&. |
102 .RE |
103 .PP |
104 \-l |
105 .RS 4 |
106 Prints line and local variable tables\&. |
107 .RE |
108 .PP |
109 \-public |
110 .RS 4 |
111 Shows only public classes and members\&. |
112 .RE |
113 .PP |
114 \-protected |
115 .RS 4 |
116 Shows only protected and public classes and members\&. |
117 .RE |
118 .PP |
119 \-private |
120 .br |
121 \-p |
122 .RS 4 |
123 Shows all classes and members\&. |
124 .RE |
125 .PP |
126 \-J\fIoption\fR |
127 .RS 4 |
128 Passes the specified option to the JVM\&. For example: |
129 .sp |
130 .if n \{\ |
131 .RS 4 |
132 .\} |
133 .nf |
134 \fBjavap \-J\-version\fR |
135 \fBjavap \-J\-Djava\&.security\&.manager \-J\-Djava\&.security\&.policy=MyPolicy MyClassName\fR |
136 |
137 .fi |
138 .if n \{\ |
139 .RE |
140 .\} |
141 For more information about JVM options, see the command documentation\&. |
142 .RE |
143 .PP |
144 \-s |
145 .RS 4 |
146 Prints internal type signatures\&. |
147 .RE |
148 .PP |
149 \-sysinfo |
150 .RS 4 |
151 Shows system information (path, size, date, MD5 hash) of the class being processed\&. |
152 .RE |
153 .PP |
154 \-constants |
155 .RS 4 |
156 Shows |
157 \fBstatic final\fR |
158 constants\&. |
159 .RE |
160 .PP |
161 \-c |
162 .RS 4 |
163 Prints disassembled code, for example, the instructions that comprise the Java bytecodes, for each of the methods in the class\&. |
164 .RE |
165 .PP |
166 \-verbose |
167 .RS 4 |
168 Prints stack size, number of locals and arguments for methods\&. |
169 .RE |
170 .PP |
171 \-classpath \fIpath\fR |
172 .RS 4 |
173 Specifies the path the |
174 \fBjavap\fR |
175 command uses to look up classes\&. Overrides the default or the |
177 environment variable when it is set\&. |
178 .RE |
179 .PP |
180 \-bootclasspath \fIpath\fR |
181 .RS 4 |
182 Specifies the path from which to load bootstrap classes\&. By default, the bootstrap classes are the classes that implement the core Java platform located in |
183 \fBjre/lib/rt\&.jar\fR |
184 and several other JAR files\&. |
185 .RE |
186 .PP |
187 \-extdir \fIdirs\fR |
188 .RS 4 |
189 Overrides the location at which installed extensions are searched for\&. The default location for extensions is the value of |
190 \fBjava\&.ext\&.dirs\fR\&. |
191 .RE |
192 .SH "EXAMPLE" |
193 .PP |
194 Compile the following |
195 \fBDocFooter\fR |
196 class: |
197 .sp |
198 .if n \{\ |
199 .RS 4 |
200 .\} |
201 .nf |
202 \fBimport java\&.awt\&.*;\fR |
203 \fBimport java\&.applet\&.*;\fR |
204 \fB \fR |
205 \fBpublic class DocFooter extends Applet {\fR |
206 \fB String date;\fR |
207 \fB String email;\fR |
208 \fB \fR |
209 \fB public void init() {\fR |
210 \fB resize(500,100);\fR |
211 \fB date = getParameter("LAST_UPDATED");\fR |
212 \fB email = getParameter("EMAIL");\fR |
213 \fB }\fR |
214 \fB \fR |
215 \fB public void paint(Graphics g) {\fR |
216 \fB g\&.drawString(date + " by ",100, 15);\fR |
217 \fB g\&.drawString(email,290,15);\fR |
218 \fB }\fR |
219 \fB}\fR |
220 |
221 .fi |
222 .if n \{\ |
223 .RE |
224 .\} |
225 .PP |
226 The output from the |
227 \fBjavap DocFooter\&.class\fR |
228 command yields the following: |
229 .sp |
230 .if n \{\ |
231 .RS 4 |
232 .\} |
233 .nf |
234 \fBCompiled from "DocFooter\&.java"\fR |
235 \fBpublic class DocFooter extends java\&.applet\&.Applet {\fR |
236 \fB java\&.lang\&.String date;\fR |
237 \fB java\&.lang\&.String email;\fR |
238 \fB public DocFooter();\fR |
239 \fB public void init();\fR |
240 \fB public void paint(java\&.awt\&.Graphics);\fR |
241 \fB}\fR |
242 |
243 .fi |
244 .if n \{\ |
245 .RE |
246 .\} |
247 .PP |
248 The output from |
249 \fBjavap \-c DocFooter\&.class\fR |
250 command yields the following: |
251 .sp |
252 .if n \{\ |
253 .RS 4 |
254 .\} |
255 .nf |
256 \fBCompiled from "DocFooter\&.java"\fR |
257 \fBpublic class DocFooter extends java\&.applet\&.Applet {\fR |
258 \fB java\&.lang\&.String date;\fR |
259 \fB java\&.lang\&.String email;\fR |
260 |
261 \fB public DocFooter();\fR |
262 \fB Code:\fR |
263 \fB 0: aload_0 \fR |
264 \fB 1: invokespecial #1 // Method\fR |
265 \fBjava/applet/Applet\&."<init>":()V\fR |
266 \fB 4: return \fR |
267 |
268 \fB public void init();\fR |
269 \fB Code:\fR |
270 \fB 0: aload_0 \fR |
271 \fB 1: sipush 500\fR |
272 \fB 4: bipush 100\fR |
273 \fB 6: invokevirtual #2 // Method resize:(II)V\fR |
274 \fB 9: aload_0 \fR |
275 \fB 10: aload_0 \fR |
276 \fB 11: ldc #3 // String LAST_UPDATED\fR |
277 \fB 13: invokevirtual #4 // Method\fR |
278 \fB getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
279 \fB 16: putfield #5 // Field date:Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
280 \fB 19: aload_0 \fR |
281 \fB 20: aload_0 \fR |
282 \fB 21: ldc #6 // String EMAIL\fR |
283 \fB 23: invokevirtual #4 // Method\fR |
284 \fB getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
285 \fB 26: putfield #7 // Field email:Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
286 \fB 29: return \fR |
287 |
288 \fB public void paint(java\&.awt\&.Graphics);\fR |
289 \fB Code:\fR |
290 \fB 0: aload_1 \fR |
291 \fB 1: new #8 // class java/lang/StringBuilder\fR |
292 \fB 4: dup \fR |
293 \fB 5: invokespecial #9 // Method\fR |
294 \fB java/lang/StringBuilder\&."<init>":()V\fR |
295 \fB 8: aload_0 \fR |
296 \fB 9: getfield #5 // Field date:Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
297 \fB 12: invokevirtual #10 // Method\fR |
298 \fB java/lang/StringBuilder\&.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;\fR |
299 \fB 15: ldc #11 // String by \fR |
300 \fB 17: invokevirtual #10 // Method\fR |
301 \fB java/lang/StringBuilder\&.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;\fR |
302 \fB 20: invokevirtual #12 // Method\fR |
303 \fB java/lang/StringBuilder\&.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
304 \fB 23: bipush 100\fR |
305 \fB 25: bipush 15\fR |
306 \fB 27: invokevirtual #13 // Method\fR |
307 \fB java/awt/Graphics\&.drawString:(Ljava/lang/String;II)V\fR |
308 \fB 30: aload_1 \fR |
309 \fB 31: aload_0 \fR |
310 \fB 32: getfield #7 // Field email:Ljava/lang/String;\fR |
311 \fB 35: sipush 290\fR |
312 \fB 38: bipush 15\fR |
313 \fB 40: invokevirtual #13 // Method\fR |
314 \fBjava/awt/Graphics\&.drawString:(Ljava/lang/String;II)V\fR |
315 \fB 43: return \fR |
316 \fB}\fR |
317 |
318 .fi |
319 .if n \{\ |
320 .RE |
321 .\} |
322 .SH "SEE ALSO" |
323 .sp |
324 .RS 4 |
325 .ie n \{\ |
326 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c |
327 .\} |
328 .el \{\ |
329 .sp -1 |
330 .IP \(bu 2.3 |
331 .\} |
332 java(1) |
333 .RE |
334 .sp |
335 .RS 4 |
336 .ie n \{\ |
337 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c |
338 .\} |
339 .el \{\ |
340 .sp -1 |
341 .IP \(bu 2.3 |
342 .\} |
343 javac(1) |
344 .RE |
345 .sp |
346 .RS 4 |
347 .ie n \{\ |
348 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c |
349 .\} |
350 .el \{\ |
351 .sp -1 |
352 .IP \(bu 2.3 |
353 .\} |
354 javadoc(1) |
355 .RE |
356 .sp |
357 .RS 4 |
358 .ie n \{\ |
359 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c |
360 .\} |
361 .el \{\ |
362 .sp -1 |
363 .IP \(bu 2.3 |
364 .\} |
365 jdb(1) |
366 .RE |
367 .sp |
368 .RS 4 |
369 .ie n \{\ |
370 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c |
371 .\} |
372 .el \{\ |
373 .sp -1 |
374 .IP \(bu 2.3 |
375 .\} |
376 jdeps(1) |
377 .RE |
378 .br |
379 'pl 8.5i |
380 'bp |