changeset 4159 9e3aae7675f1
parent 4158 0b4d21bc8b5c
parent 4156 acaa49a2768a
child 4160 bda0a85afcb7
equal deleted inserted replaced
4158:0b4d21bc8b5c 4159:9e3aae7675f1
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
    22  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
    23  * have any questions.
    24  */
    26 package javax.management.namespace;
    28 import com.sun.jmx.defaults.JmxProperties;
    29 import com.sun.jmx.namespace.ObjectNameRouter;
    30 import com.sun.jmx.namespace.serial.RewritingProcessor;
    31 import com.sun.jmx.namespace.RoutingConnectionProxy;
    32 import com.sun.jmx.namespace.RoutingServerProxy;
    34 import java.util.logging.Level;
    35 import java.util.logging.Logger;
    37 import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
    38 import javax.management.MBeanServer;
    39 import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
    40 import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
    41 import javax.management.ObjectName;
    43 /**
    44  * Static constants and utility methods to help work with
    45  * JMX name spaces.  There are no instances of this class.
    46  * @since 1.7
    47  */
    48 public class JMXNamespaces {
    50     /**
    51      * A logger for this class.
    52      **/
    53     private static final Logger LOG = JmxProperties.NAMESPACE_LOGGER;
    55     /** Creates a new instance of JMXNamespaces */
    56     private JMXNamespaces() {
    57     }
    59     /**
    60      * The name space separator. This is an alias for {@link
    61      * ObjectName#NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR}.
    62      **/
    63     public static final String NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR =
    64             ObjectName.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR;
    65     private static final int NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH =
    66             NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length();
    69     /**
    70      * Creates a new {@code MBeanServerConnection} proxy on a
    71      * {@linkplain javax.management.namespace sub name space}
    72      * of the given parent.
    73      *
    74      * @param parent The parent {@code MBeanServerConnection} that contains
    75      *               the name space.
    76      * @param namespace  The {@linkplain javax.management.namespace
    77      *               name space} in which to narrow.
    78      * @return A new {@code MBeanServerConnection} proxy that shows the content
    79      *         of that name space.
    80      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is null,
    81      * or the name space does not exist, or if a proxy for that name space
    82      * cannot be created.  The {@linkplain Throwable#getCause() cause} of
    83      * this exception will be an {@link InstanceNotFoundException} if and only
    84      * if the name space is found not to exist.
    85      */
    86     public static MBeanServerConnection narrowToNamespace(
    87                         MBeanServerConnection parent,
    88                         String namespace) {
    89         if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
    90             LOG.finer("Making MBeanServerConnection for: " +namespace);
    91         return RoutingConnectionProxy.cd(parent, namespace, true);
    92     }
    94     /**
    95      * Creates a new {@code MBeanServer} proxy on a
    96      * {@linkplain javax.management.namespace sub name space}
    97      * of the given parent.
    98      *
    99      * @param parent The parent {@code MBeanServer} that contains
   100      *               the name space.
   101      * @param namespace  The {@linkplain javax.management.namespace
   102      *               name space} in which to narrow.
   103      * @return A new {@code MBeanServer} proxy that shows the content
   104      *         of that name space.
   105      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is null,
   106      * or the name space does not exist, or if a proxy for that name space
   107      * cannot be created.  The {@linkplain Throwable#getCause() cause} of
   108      * this exception will be an {@link InstanceNotFoundException} if and only
   109      * if the name space is found not to exist.
   110      */
   111     public static MBeanServer narrowToNamespace(MBeanServer parent,
   112             String namespace) {
   113         if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
   114             LOG.finer("Making MBeanServer for: " +namespace);
   115         return RoutingServerProxy.cd(parent, namespace, true);
   116     }
   118     /**
   119      * Returns an object that is the same as the given object except that
   120      * any {@link ObjectName} it might contain has its domain modified.
   121      * The returned object might be identical to the given object if it
   122      * does not contain any {@code ObjectName} values or if none of them
   123      * were modified.
   124      * This method will replace a prefix ({@code toRemove}) from the path of
   125      * the ObjectNames contained in {@code obj} by another prefix
   126      * ({@code toAdd}).
   127      * Therefore, all contained ObjectNames must have a path that start with
   128      * the given {@code toRemove} prefix. If one of them doesn't, an {@link
   129      * IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
   130      * <p>
   131      * For instance, if {@code obj} contains the ObjectName
   132      * {@code x//y//z//d:k=x}, and {@code toAdd} is {@code v//w}, and
   133      * {@code toRemove}
   134      *  is {@code x//y} this method will return a copy of {@code obj} that
   135      * contains {@code v//w//z//d:k=x}.<br>
   136      * On the other hand, if {@code obj} contains the ObjectName
   137      * {@code x//y//z//d:k=x}, and {@code toAdd} is {@code v//w}, and
   138      * {@code toRemove} is {@code v} this method
   139      * will raise an exception, because {@code x//y//z//d:k=x} doesn't start
   140      * with {@code v}
   141      * </p>
   142      * <p>Note: the default implementation of this method can use the
   143      *   Java serialization framework to clone and replace ObjectNames in the
   144      *   provided {@code obj}. It will usually fail if {@code obj} is not
   145      *   Java serializable, or contains objects which are not Java
   146      *   serializable.
   147      * </p>
   148      * @param obj    The object to deep-rewrite
   149      * @param toRemove a prefix already present in contained ObjectNames.
   150      *        If {@code toRemove} is the empty string {@code ""}, nothing
   151      *        will be removed from the contained ObjectNames.
   152      * @param toAdd the prefix that will replace (@code toRemove} in contained
   153      *  ObjectNames.
   154      *        If {@code toAdd} is the empty string {@code ""}, nothing
   155      *        will be added to the contained ObjectNames.
   156      * @return the rewritten object, or possibly {@code obj} if nothing needed
   157      * to be changed.
   158      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code obj} couldn't be rewritten or
   159      * if {@code toRemove} or {@code toAdd} is null.
   160      **/
   161     public static <T> T deepReplaceHeadNamespace(T obj, String toRemove, String toAdd) {
   162         final RewritingProcessor processor =
   163                 RewritingProcessor.newRewritingProcessor(toAdd,toRemove);
   164         return processor.rewriteOutput(obj);
   165     }
   167     /**
   168      * Appends {@code namespace} to {@code path}.
   169      * This methods appends {@code namespace} to {@code path} to obtain a
   170      * a <i>full path</i>, and normalizes the result thus obtained:
   171      * <ul>
   172      * <li>If {@code path} is empty, the full path is
   173      *     {@code namespace}.</li>
   174      * <li>Otherwise, if {@code namespace} is empty,
   175      *     the full path is {@code path}</li>
   176      * <li>Otherwise, and this is the regular case, the full path is the
   177      *     result of the concatenation of
   178      *     {@code path}+{@value #NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR}+{@code namespace}</li>
   179      * <li>finally, the full path is normalized: multiple consecutive
   180      *     occurrences of {@value #NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR} are replaced by a
   181      *     single {@value #NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR} in the result, and trailing
   182      *     occurences of {@value #NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR} are removed.
   183      * </li>
   184      * </ul>
   185      * @param path a name space path prefix
   186      * @param namespace a name space name to append to the path
   187      * @return a syntactically valid name space path, or "" if both parameters
   188      * are null or empty.
   189      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is null or ends with
   190      * an odd number of {@code /} characters.
   191      **/
   192     public static String concat(String path, String namespace) {
   193         if (path == null || namespace == null)
   194             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");
   195         checkTrailingSlashes(path);
   196         checkTrailingSlashes(namespace);
   197         final String result;
   198         if (path.equals("")) result=namespace;
   199         else if (namespace.equals("")) result=path;
   200         else result=path+NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR+namespace;
   201         return ObjectNameRouter.normalizeNamespacePath(result,false,true,false);
   202     }
   204     /**
   205      * Returns a syntactically valid name space path.
   206      * If the provided {@code namespace} ends with {@code "//"},
   207      * recursively strips trailing {@code "//"}.  Each sequence of an
   208      * even number of {@code "/"} characters is also replaced by {@code "//"},
   209      * for example {@code "foo//bar////baz/////buh"} will become
   210      * {@code "foo//bar//baz///buh"}.
   211      *
   212      * @param namespace A name space path
   213      * @return {@code ""} - if the provided {@code namespace} resolves to
   214      * the empty string; otherwise a syntactically valid name space string
   215      * stripped of trailing and redundant {@code "//"}.
   216      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code namespace} is null or
   217      * is not syntactically valid (e.g. it contains
   218      * invalid characters like ':', or it ends with an odd
   219      * number of '/').
   220      */
   221     public static String normalizeNamespaceName(String namespace) {
   222         if (namespace == null)
   223             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null namespace");
   224         final String sourcePath =
   225                 ObjectNameRouter.normalizeNamespacePath(namespace,false,true,false);
   226         if (sourcePath.equals("")) return sourcePath;
   228         // Will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the namespace name
   229         // is not syntactically valid...
   230         //
   231         getNamespaceObjectName(sourcePath);
   232         return sourcePath;
   233     }
   236     /**
   237      * Return a canonical handler name for the provided {@code namespace},
   238      * The handler name returned will be
   239      * {@link #normalizeNamespaceName normalizeNamespaceName}{@code (namespace) +
   240      * "//:type=JMXNamespace"}.
   241      *
   242      * @param namespace A name space path
   243      * @return a canonical ObjectName for a name space handler.
   244      * @see #normalizeNamespaceName
   245      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided
   246      *          {@code namespace} is null or not valid.
   247      */
   248     public static ObjectName getNamespaceObjectName(String namespace) {
   249         if (namespace == null || namespace.equals(""))
   250             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null or empty namespace");
   251         final String sourcePath =
   252                 ObjectNameRouter.normalizeNamespacePath(namespace,false,
   253                             true,false);
   254         try {
   255             // We could use ObjectName.valueOf here - but throwing an
   256             // IllegalArgumentException that contains just the supplied
   257             // namespace instead of the whole ObjectName seems preferable.
   258             return ObjectName.getInstance(sourcePath+
   259                     NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR+":"+
   260                     JMXNamespace.TYPE_ASSIGNMENT);
   261         } catch (MalformedObjectNameException x) {
   262             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid namespace: " +
   263                                                namespace,x);
   264         }
   265     }
   267     /**
   268      * Returns an ObjectName pattern that can be used to query for all MBeans
   269      * contained in the given name space.
   270      * For instance, if {@code namespace="foo//bar"}, this method will
   271      * return {@code "foo//bar//*:*"}
   272      * @return an ObjectName pattern that selects all MBeans in the given
   273      *         name space.
   274      **/
   275     public static ObjectName getWildcardFor(String namespace) {
   276             return insertPath(namespace,ObjectName.WILDCARD);
   277     }
   280     /**
   281      * Returns an ObjectName that can be used to access an MBean
   282      * contained in the given name space.
   283      * For instance, if {@code path="foo//bar"}, and
   284      * {@code to="domain:type=Thing"} this method will
   285      * return {@code "foo//bar//domain:type=Thing"}
   286      * @return an ObjectName that can be used to invoke an MBean located in a
   287      *         sub name space.
   288      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code path} ends with an
   289      * odd number of {@code /} characters.
   290      **/
   291     public static ObjectName insertPath(String path, ObjectName to) {
   292         if (path == null || to == null)
   293             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");
   294         checkTrailingSlashes(path);
   295         String prefix = path;
   296         if (!prefix.equals(""))
   297             prefix = ObjectNameRouter.normalizeNamespacePath(
   298                         prefix + NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR,false,false,false);
   299          return to.withDomain(
   300                     ObjectNameRouter.normalizeDomain(
   301                         prefix+to.getDomain(),false));
   302     }
   304     /**
   305      * Returns the normalized name space path of the name space expected to
   306      * contain {@code ObjectName}.
   307      * For instance, for {@code "foo//domain:type=Thing"} this will be
   308      * {@code "foo"}. For {@code "//foo//bar//domain:type=Thing"} this will be
   309      * {@code "foo//bar"}. For {@code //foo//bar//baz//domain:type=Thing}
   310      * this will be {@code "foo//bar//baz"}. For
   311      * {@code //foo//bar//baz//:type=JMXNamespace}
   312      * this will be {@code "foo//bar"}.
   313      *
   314      * @param name an {@code ObjectName}
   315      * @return the name space path of the name space that could contain such
   316      *         a name. If {@code name} has no name space, returns {@code ""}.
   317      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code name} is null.
   318      **/
   319     public static String getContainingNamespace(ObjectName name) {
   320         return getNormalizedPath(name,true);
   321     }
   324     static String getNormalizedPath(ObjectName name,
   325             boolean removeLeadingSep) {
   326         if (name == null)
   327             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null name");
   328         String domain =
   329                 ObjectNameRouter.normalizeDomain(name.getDomain(),removeLeadingSep);
   330         int end = domain.length();
   332         // special case of domain part being a single '/'
   333         //
   334         if (domain.endsWith(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR+"/"))
   335             return domain.substring(0,end-NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH-1);
   337         // special case of namespace handler
   338         //
   339         if (domain.endsWith(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR))
   340             domain = domain.substring(0,end-NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH);
   342         int last = domain.lastIndexOf(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR);
   343         if (last < 0) return "";
   344         if (last == 0) return domain;
   346         // special case of domain part starting with '/'
   347         // last=0 is not possible - we took care of this above.
   348         if (domain.charAt(last-1) == '/') last--;
   350         return domain.substring(0,last);
   351     }
   353     private static void checkTrailingSlashes(String path) {
   354         int i;
   355         for (i = path.length() - 1; i >= 0 && path.charAt(i) == '/'; i--)
   356             continue;
   357         if (path.length() - i % 2 == 0)
   358             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path ends with odd number of /");
   359     }
   360 }