changeset 6314 8ab691ddb904
child 12544 5768f2e096de
equal deleted inserted replaced
6313:470912c9e214 6314:8ab691ddb904
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    25 package xmlkit; // -*- mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
    27 import java.util.*;
    28 import java.util.jar.*;
    29 import java.lang.reflect.*;
    30 import java.io.*;
    31 import xmlkit.XMLKit.Element;
    33 /*
    34  * @author jrose
    35  */
    36 public class ClassReader extends ClassSyntax {
    38     private static final CommandLineParser CLP = new CommandLineParser(""
    39             + "-source:     +> = \n"
    40             + "-dest:       +> = \n"
    41             + "-encoding:   +> = \n"
    42             + "-jcov           $ \n   -nojcov         !-jcov        \n"
    43             + "-verbose        $ \n   -noverbose      !-verbose     \n"
    44             + "-pretty         $ \n   -nopretty       !-pretty      \n"
    45             + "-keepPath       $ \n   -nokeepPath     !-keepPath    \n"
    46             + "-keepCP         $ \n   -nokeepCP       !-keepCP      \n"
    47             + "-keepBytes      $ \n   -nokeepBytes    !-keepBytes   \n"
    48             + "-parseBytes     $ \n   -noparseBytes   !-parseBytes  \n"
    49             + "-resolveRefs    $ \n   -noresolveRefs  !-resolveRefs \n"
    50             + "-keepOrder      $ \n   -nokeepOrder    !-keepOrder   \n"
    51             + "-keepSizes      $ \n   -nokeepSizes    !-keepSizes   \n"
    52             + "-continue       $ \n   -nocontinue     !-continue    \n"
    53             + "-attrDef        & \n"
    54             + "-@         >-@  . \n"
    55             + "-              +? \n"
    56             + "\n");
    58     public static void main(String[] ava) throws IOException {
    59         ArrayList<String> av = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(ava));
    60         HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
    61         props.put("-encoding:", "UTF8");  // default
    62         props.put("-keepOrder", null);    // CLI default
    63         props.put("-pretty", "1");     // CLI default
    64         props.put("-continue", "1");     // CLI default
    65         CLP.parse(av, props);
    66         //System.out.println(props+" ++ "+av);
    67         File source = asFile(props.get("-source:"));
    68         File dest = asFile(props.get("-dest:"));
    69         String encoding = props.get("-encoding:");
    70         boolean contError = props.containsKey("-continue");
    71         ClassReader options = new ClassReader();
    72         options.copyOptionsFrom(props);
    73         /*
    74         if (dest == null && av.size() > 1) {
    75         dest = File.createTempFile("TestOut", ".dir", new File("."));
    76         dest.delete();
    77         if (!dest.mkdir())
    78         throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create "+dest);
    79         System.out.println("Writing results to "+dest);
    80         }
    81          */
    82         if (av.isEmpty()) {
    83             av.add("doit");  //to enter this loop
    84         }
    85         boolean readList = false;
    86         for (String a : av) {
    87             if (readList) {
    88                 readList = false;
    89                 InputStream fin;
    90                 if (a.equals("-")) {
    91                     fin = System.in;
    92                 } else {
    93                     fin = new FileInputStream(a);
    94                 }
    96                 BufferedReader files = makeReader(fin, encoding);
    97                 for (String file; (file = files.readLine()) != null;) {
    98                     doFile(file, source, dest, options, encoding, contError);
    99                 }
   100                 if (fin != System.in) {
   101                     fin.close();
   102                 }
   103             } else if (a.equals("-@")) {
   104                 readList = true;
   105             } else if (a.startsWith("-")) {
   106                 throw new RuntimeException("Bad flag argument: " + a);
   107             } else if (source.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
   108                 doJar(a, source, dest, options, encoding, contError);
   109             } else {
   110                 doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding, contError);
   111             }
   112         }
   113     }
   115     private static File asFile(String str) {
   116         return (str == null) ? null : new File(str);
   117     }
   119     private static void doFile(String a,
   120             File source, File dest,
   121             ClassReader options, String encoding,
   122             boolean contError) throws IOException {
   123         if (!contError) {
   124             doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding);
   125         } else {
   126             try {
   127                 doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding);
   128             } catch (Exception ee) {
   129                 System.out.println("Error processing " + source + ": " + ee);
   130             }
   131         }
   132     }
   134     private static void doJar(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options,
   135             String encoding, Boolean contError) throws IOException {
   136         try {
   137             JarFile jf = new JarFile(source);
   138             for (JarEntry je : Collections.list((Enumeration<JarEntry>) jf.entries())) {
   139                 String name = je.getName();
   140                 if (!name.endsWith(".class")) {
   141                     continue;
   142                 }
   143                 doStream(name, jf.getInputStream(je), dest, options, encoding);
   144             }
   145         } catch (IOException ioe) {
   146             if (contError) {
   147                 System.out.println("Error processing " + source + ": " + ioe);
   148             } else {
   149                 throw ioe;
   150             }
   151         }
   152     }
   154     private static void doStream(String a, InputStream in, File dest,
   155             ClassReader options, String encoding) throws IOException {
   157         File f = new File(a);
   158         ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(options);
   159         Element e = cr.readFrom(in);
   161         OutputStream out;
   162         if (dest == null) {
   163             //System.out.println(e.prettyString());
   164             out = System.out;
   165         } else {
   166             File outf = new File(dest, f.isAbsolute() ? f.getName() : f.getPath());
   167             String outName = outf.getName();
   168             File outSubdir = outf.getParentFile();
   169             outSubdir.mkdirs();
   170             int extPos = outName.lastIndexOf('.');
   171             if (extPos > 0) {
   172                 outf = new File(outSubdir, outName.substring(0, extPos) + ".xml");
   173             }
   174             out = new FileOutputStream(outf);
   175         }
   177         Writer outw = makeWriter(out, encoding);
   178         if (options.pretty || !options.keepOrder) {
   179             e.writePrettyTo(outw);
   180         } else {
   181             e.writeTo(outw);
   182         }
   183         if (out == System.out) {
   184             outw.write("\n");
   185             outw.flush();
   186         } else {
   187             outw.close();
   188         }
   189     }
   191     private static void doFile(String a,
   192             File source, File dest,
   193             ClassReader options, String encoding) throws IOException {
   194         File inf = new File(source, a);
   195         if (dest != null && options.verbose) {
   196             System.out.println("Reading " + inf);
   197         }
   199         BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inf));
   201         doStream(a, in, dest, options, encoding);
   203     }
   205     public static BufferedReader makeReader(InputStream in, String encoding) throws IOException {
   206         // encoding in DEFAULT, '', UTF8, 8BIT, , or any valid encoding name
   207         if (encoding.equals("8BIT")) {
   208             encoding = EIGHT_BIT_CHAR_ENCODING;
   209         }
   210         if (encoding.equals("UTF8")) {
   211             encoding = UTF8_ENCODING;
   212         }
   213         if (encoding.equals("DEFAULT")) {
   214             encoding = null;
   215         }
   216         if (encoding.equals("-")) {
   217             encoding = null;
   218         }
   219         Reader inw;
   220         in = new BufferedInputStream(in);  // add buffering
   221         if (encoding == null) {
   222             inw = new InputStreamReader(in);
   223         } else {
   224             inw = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding);
   225         }
   226         return new BufferedReader(inw);  // add buffering
   227     }
   229     public static Writer makeWriter(OutputStream out, String encoding) throws IOException {
   230         // encoding in DEFAULT, '', UTF8, 8BIT, , or any valid encoding name
   231         if (encoding.equals("8BIT")) {
   232             encoding = EIGHT_BIT_CHAR_ENCODING;
   233         }
   234         if (encoding.equals("UTF8")) {
   235             encoding = UTF8_ENCODING;
   236         }
   237         if (encoding.equals("DEFAULT")) {
   238             encoding = null;
   239         }
   240         if (encoding.equals("-")) {
   241             encoding = null;
   242         }
   243         Writer outw;
   244         if (encoding == null) {
   245             outw = new OutputStreamWriter(out);
   246         } else {
   247             outw = new OutputStreamWriter(out, encoding);
   248         }
   249         return new BufferedWriter(outw);  // add buffering
   250     }
   252     public Element result() {
   253         return cfile;
   254     }
   255     protected InputStream in;
   256     protected ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
   257     protected byte cpTag[];
   258     protected String cpName[];
   259     protected String[] callables;     // varies
   260     public static final String REF_PREFIX = "#";
   261     // input options
   262     public boolean pretty = false;
   263     public boolean verbose = false;
   264     public boolean keepPath = false;
   265     public boolean keepCP = false;
   266     public boolean keepBytes = false;
   267     public boolean parseBytes = true;
   268     public boolean resolveRefs = true;
   269     public boolean keepOrder = true;
   270     public boolean keepSizes = false;
   272     public ClassReader() {
   273         super.cfile = new Element("ClassFile");
   274     }
   276     public ClassReader(ClassReader options) {
   277         this();
   278         copyOptionsFrom(options);
   279     }
   281     public void copyOptionsFrom(ClassReader options) {
   282         pretty = options.pretty;
   283         verbose = options.verbose;
   284         keepPath = options.keepPath;
   285         keepCP = options.keepCP;
   286         keepBytes = options.keepBytes;
   287         parseBytes = options.parseBytes;
   288         resolveRefs = options.resolveRefs;
   289         keepSizes = options.keepSizes;
   290         keepOrder = options.keepOrder;
   291         attrTypes = options.attrTypes;
   292     }
   294     public void copyOptionsFrom(Map<String, String> options) {
   295         if (options.containsKey("-pretty")) {
   296             pretty = (options.get("-pretty") != null);
   297         }
   298         if (options.containsKey("-verbose")) {
   299             verbose = (options.get("-verbose") != null);
   300         }
   301         if (options.containsKey("-keepPath")) {
   302             keepPath = (options.get("-keepPath") != null);
   303         }
   304         if (options.containsKey("-keepCP")) {
   305             keepCP = (options.get("-keepCP") != null);
   306         }
   307         if (options.containsKey("-keepBytes")) {
   308             keepBytes = (options.get("-keepBytes") != null);
   309         }
   310         if (options.containsKey("-parseBytes")) {
   311             parseBytes = (options.get("-parseBytes") != null);
   312         }
   313         if (options.containsKey("-resolveRefs")) {
   314             resolveRefs = (options.get("-resolveRefs") != null);
   315         }
   316         if (options.containsKey("-keepSizes")) {
   317             keepSizes = (options.get("-keepSizes") != null);
   318         }
   319         if (options.containsKey("-keepOrder")) {
   320             keepOrder = (options.get("-keepOrder") != null);
   321         }
   322         if (options.containsKey("-attrDef")) {
   323             addAttrTypes(options.get("-attrDef").split(" "));
   324         }
   325         if (options.get("-jcov") != null) {
   326             addJcovAttrTypes();
   327         }
   328     }
   330     public Element readFrom(InputStream in) throws IOException {
   331         this.in = in;
   332         // read the file header
   333         int magic = u4();
   334         if (magic != 0xCAFEBABE) {
   335             throw new RuntimeException("bad magic number " + Integer.toHexString(magic));
   336         }
   337         cfile.setAttr("magic", "" + magic);
   338         int minver = u2();
   339         int majver = u2();
   340         cfile.setAttr("minver", "" + minver);
   341         cfile.setAttr("majver", "" + majver);
   342         readCP();
   343         readClass();
   344         return result();
   345     }
   347     public Element readFrom(File file) throws IOException {
   348         InputStream in = null;
   349         try {
   350             in = new FileInputStream(file);
   351             Element e = readFrom(new BufferedInputStream(in));
   352             if (keepPath) {
   353                 e.setAttr("path", file.toString());
   354             }
   355             return e;
   356         } finally {
   357             if (in != null) {
   358                 in.close();
   359             }
   360         }
   361     }
   363     private void readClass() throws IOException {
   364         klass = new Element("Class");
   365         cfile.add(klass);
   366         int flags = u2();
   367         String thisk = cpRef();
   368         String superk = cpRef();
   369         klass.setAttr("name", thisk);
   370         boolean flagsSync = ((flags & Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED) != 0);
   371         flags &= ~Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
   372         String flagString = flagString(flags, klass);
   373         if (!flagsSync) {
   374             if (flagString.length() > 0) {
   375                 flagString += " ";
   376             }
   377             flagString += "!synchronized";
   378         }
   379         klass.setAttr("flags", flagString);
   380         klass.setAttr("super", superk);
   381         for (int len = u2(), i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   382             String interk = cpRef();
   383             klass.add(new Element("Interface", "name", interk));
   384         }
   385         Element fields = readMembers("Field");
   386         klass.addAll(fields);
   387         Element methods = readMembers("Method");
   388         if (!keepOrder) {
   389             methods.sort();
   390         }
   391         klass.addAll(methods);
   392         readAttributesFor(klass);
   393         klass.trimToSize();
   394         if (keepSizes) {
   395             attachTo(cfile, formatAttrSizes());
   396         }
   397         if (paddingSize != 0) {
   398             cfile.setAttr("padding", "" + paddingSize);
   399         }
   400     }
   402     private Element readMembers(String kind) throws IOException {
   403         int len = u2();
   404         Element members = new Element(len);
   405         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   406             Element member = new Element(kind);
   407             int flags = u2();
   408             String name = cpRef();
   409             String type = cpRef();
   410             member.setAttr("name", name);
   411             member.setAttr("type", type);
   412             member.setAttr("flags", flagString(flags, member));
   413             readAttributesFor(member);
   414             member.trimToSize();
   415             members.add(member);
   416         }
   417         return members;
   418     }
   420     protected String flagString(int flags, Element holder) {
   421         // Superset of Modifier.toString.
   422         int kind = 0;
   423         if (holder.getName() == "Field") {
   424             kind = 1;
   425         }
   426         if (holder.getName() == "Method") {
   427             kind = 2;
   428         }
   429         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   430         for (int i = 0; flags != 0; i++, flags >>>= 1) {
   431             if ((flags & 1) != 0) {
   432                 if (sb.length() > 0) {
   433                     sb.append(' ');
   434                 }
   435                 if (i < modifierNames.length) {
   436                     String[] names = modifierNames[i];
   437                     String name = (kind < names.length) ? names[kind] : null;
   438                     for (String name2 : names) {
   439                         if (name != null) {
   440                             break;
   441                         }
   442                         name = name2;
   443                     }
   444                     sb.append(name);
   445                 } else {
   446                     sb.append("#").append(1 << i);
   447                 }
   448             }
   449         }
   450         return sb.toString();
   451     }
   453     private void readAttributesFor(Element x) throws IOException {
   454         Element prevCurrent;
   455         Element y = new Element();
   456         if (x.getName() == "Code") {
   457             prevCurrent = currentCode;
   458             currentCode = x;
   459         } else {
   460             prevCurrent = currentMember;
   461             currentMember = x;
   462         }
   463         for (int len = u2(), i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   464             int ref = u2();
   465             String uname = cpName(ref).intern();
   466             String refName = uname;
   467             if (!resolveRefs) {
   468                 refName = (REF_PREFIX + ref).intern();
   469             }
   470             String qname = (x.getName() + "." + uname).intern();
   471             String wname = ("*." + uname).intern();
   472             String type = attrTypes.get(qname);
   473             if (type == null || "".equals(type)) {
   474                 type = attrTypes.get(wname);
   475             }
   476             if ("".equals(type)) {
   477                 type = null;
   478             }
   479             int size = u4();
   480             int[] countVar = attrSizes.get(qname);
   481             if (countVar == null) {
   482                 attrSizes.put(qname, countVar = new int[2]);
   483             }
   484             countVar[0] += 1;
   485             countVar[1] += size;
   486             buf.reset();
   487             for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
   488                 buf.write(u1());
   489             }
   490             if (type == null && size == 0) {
   491                 y.add(new Element(uname)); // <Bridge>, etc.
   492             } else if (type == null) {
   493                 //System.out.println("Warning:  No attribute type description: "+qname);
   494                 // write cdata attribute
   495                 Element a = new Element("Attribute",
   496                         new String[]{"Name", refName},
   497                         buf.toString(EIGHT_BIT_CHAR_ENCODING));
   498                 a.addContent(getCPDigest());
   499                 y.add(a);
   500             } else if (type.equals("")) {
   501                 // ignore this attribute...
   502             } else {
   503                 InputStream in0 = in;
   504                 int fileSize0 = fileSize;
   505                 ByteArrayInputStream in1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toByteArray());
   506                 boolean ok = false;
   507                 try {
   508                     in = in1;
   509                     // parse according to type desc.
   510                     Element aval;
   511                     if (type.equals("<Code>...")) {
   512                         // delve into Code attribute
   513                         aval = readCode();
   514                     } else if (type.equals("<Frame>...")) {
   515                         // delve into StackMap attribute
   516                         aval = readStackMap(false);
   517                     } else if (type.equals("<FrameX>...")) {
   518                         // delve into StackMap attribute
   519                         aval = readStackMap(true);
   520                     } else if (type.startsWith("[")) {
   521                         aval = readAttributeCallables(type);
   522                     } else {
   523                         aval = readAttribute(type);
   524                     }
   525                     //System.out.println("attachTo 1 "+y+" <- "+aval);
   526                     attachTo(y, aval);
   527                     if (false
   528                             && in1.available() != 0) {
   529                         throw new RuntimeException("extra bytes in " + qname + " :" + in1.available());
   530                     }
   531                     ok = true;
   532                 } finally {
   533                     in = in0;
   534                     fileSize = fileSize0;
   535                     if (!ok) {
   536                         System.out.println("*** Failed to read " + type);
   537                     }
   538                 }
   539             }
   540         }
   541         if (x.getName() == "Code") {
   542             currentCode = prevCurrent;
   543         } else {
   544             currentMember = prevCurrent;
   545         }
   546         if (!keepOrder) {
   547             y.sort();
   548             y.sortAttrs();
   549         }
   550         //System.out.println("attachTo 2 "+x+" <- "+y);
   551         attachTo(x, y);
   552     }
   553     private int fileSize = 0;
   554     private int paddingSize = 0;
   555     private HashMap<String, int[]> attrSizes = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
   557     private Element formatAttrSizes() {
   558         Element e = new Element("Sizes");
   559         e.setAttr("fileSize", "" + fileSize);
   560         for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> ie : attrSizes.entrySet()) {
   561             int[] countVar = ie.getValue();
   562             e.add(new Element("AttrSize",
   563                     "name", ie.getKey().toString(),
   564                     "count", "" + countVar[0],
   565                     "size", "" + countVar[1]));
   566         }
   567         return e;
   568     }
   570     private void attachTo(Element x, Object aval0) {
   571         if (aval0 == null) {
   572             return;
   573         }
   574         //System.out.println("attachTo "+x+" : "+aval0);
   575         if (!(aval0 instanceof Element)) {
   576             x.add(aval0);
   577             return;
   578         }
   579         Element aval = (Element) aval0;
   580         if (!aval.isAnonymous()) {
   581             x.add(aval);
   582             return;
   583         }
   584         for (int imax = aval.attrSize(), i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
   585             //%%
   586             attachAttrTo(x, aval.getAttrName(i), aval.getAttr(i));
   587         }
   588         x.addAll(aval);
   589     }
   591     private void attachAttrTo(Element x, String aname, String aval) {
   592         //System.out.println("attachAttrTo "+x+" : "+aname+"="+aval);
   593         String aval0 = x.getAttr(aname);
   594         if (aval0 != null) {
   595             aval = aval0 + " " + aval;
   596         }
   597         x.setAttr(aname, aval);
   598     }
   600     private Element readAttributeCallables(String type) throws IOException {
   601         assert (callables == null);
   602         callables = getBodies(type);
   603         Element res = readAttribute(callables[0]);
   604         callables = null;
   605         return res;
   606     }
   608     private Element readAttribute(String type) throws IOException {
   609         //System.out.println("readAttribute "+type);
   610         Element aval = new Element();
   611         String nextAttrName = null;
   612         for (int len = type.length(), next, i = 0; i < len; i = next) {
   613             String value;
   614             switch (type.charAt(i)) {
   615                 case '<':
   616                     assert (nextAttrName == null);
   617                     next = type.indexOf('>', ++i);
   618                     String form = type.substring(i, next++);
   619                     if (form.indexOf('=') < 0) {
   620                         //  elem_placement = '<' elemname '>'
   621                         assert (aval.attrSize() == 0);
   622                         assert (aval.isAnonymous());
   623                         aval.setName(form.intern());
   624                     } else {
   625                         //  attr_placement = '<' attrname '=' (value)? '>'
   626                         int eqPos = form.indexOf('=');
   627                         nextAttrName = form.substring(0, eqPos).intern();
   628                         if (eqPos != form.length() - 1) {
   629                             value = form.substring(eqPos + 1);
   630                             attachAttrTo(aval, nextAttrName, value);
   631                             nextAttrName = null;
   632                         }
   633                         // ...else subsequent type parsing will find the attr value
   634                         // and add it as "nextAttrName".
   635                     }
   636                     continue;
   637                 case '(':
   638                     next = type.indexOf(')', ++i);
   639                     int callee = Integer.parseInt(type.substring(i, next++));
   640                     attachTo(aval, readAttribute(callables[callee]));
   641                     continue;
   642                 case 'N': // replication = 'N' int '[' type ... ']'
   643                 {
   644                     int count = getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), false);
   645                     assert (count >= 0);
   646                     next = i + 2;
   647                     String type1 = getBody(type, next);
   648                     next += type1.length() + 2;  // skip body and brackets
   649                     for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
   650                         attachTo(aval, readAttribute(type1));
   651                     }
   652                 }
   653                 continue;
   654                 case 'T': // union = 'T' any_int union_case* '(' ')' '[' body ']'
   655                     int tagValue;
   656                     if (type.charAt(++i) == 'S') {
   657                         tagValue = getInt(type.charAt(++i), true);
   658                     } else {
   659                         tagValue = getInt(type.charAt(i), false);
   660                     }
   661                     attachAttrTo(aval, "tag", "" + tagValue);  // always named "tag"
   662                     ++i;  // skip the int type char
   663                     // union_case = '(' uc_tag (',' uc_tag)* ')' '[' body ']'
   664                     // uc_tag = ('-')? digit+
   665                     for (boolean foundCase = false;; i = next) {
   666                         assert (type.charAt(i) == '(');
   667                         next = type.indexOf(')', ++i);
   668                         assert (next >= i);
   669                         if (type.charAt(next - 1) == '\\'
   670                                 && type.charAt(next - 2) != '\\') // Skip an escaped paren.
   671                         {
   672                             next = type.indexOf(')', next + 1);
   673                         }
   674                         String caseStr = type.substring(i, next++);
   675                         String type1 = getBody(type, next);
   676                         next += type1.length() + 2;  // skip body and brackets
   677                         boolean lastCase = (caseStr.length() == 0);
   678                         if (!foundCase
   679                                 && (lastCase || matchTag(tagValue, caseStr))) {
   680                             foundCase = true;
   681                             // Execute this body.
   682                             attachTo(aval, readAttribute(type1));
   683                         }
   684                         if (lastCase) {
   685                             break;
   686                         }
   687                     }
   688                     continue;
   689                 case 'B':
   690                 case 'H':
   691                 case 'I': // int = oneof "BHI"
   692                     next = i + 1;
   693                     value = "" + getInt(type.charAt(i), false);
   694                     break;
   695                 case 'K':
   696                     assert ("IJFDLQ".indexOf(type.charAt(i + 1)) >= 0);
   697                     assert (type.charAt(i + 2) == 'H');  // only H works for now
   698                     next = i + 3;
   699                     value = cpRef();
   700                     break;
   701                 case 'R':
   702                     assert ("CSDFMIU?".indexOf(type.charAt(i + 1)) >= 0);
   703                     assert (type.charAt(i + 2) == 'H');  // only H works for now
   704                     next = i + 3;
   705                     value = cpRef();
   706                     break;
   707                 case 'P':  // bci = 'P' int
   708                     next = i + 2;
   709                     value = "" + getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), false);
   710                     break;
   711                 case 'S':  // signed_int = 'S' int
   712                     next = i + 2;
   713                     value = "" + getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), true);
   714                     break;
   715                 case 'F':
   716                     next = i + 2;
   717                     value = flagString(getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), false), currentMember);
   718                     break;
   719                 default:
   720                     throw new RuntimeException("bad attr format '" + type.charAt(i) + "': " + type);
   721             }
   722             // store the value
   723             if (nextAttrName != null) {
   724                 attachAttrTo(aval, nextAttrName, value);
   725                 nextAttrName = null;
   726             } else {
   727                 attachTo(aval, value);
   728             }
   729         }
   730         //System.out.println("readAttribute => "+aval);
   731         assert (nextAttrName == null);
   732         return aval;
   733     }
   735     private int getInt(char ch, boolean signed) throws IOException {
   736         if (signed) {
   737             switch (ch) {
   738                 case 'B':
   739                     return (byte) u1();
   740                 case 'H':
   741                     return (short) u2();
   742                 case 'I':
   743                     return (int) u4();
   744             }
   745         } else {
   746             switch (ch) {
   747                 case 'B':
   748                     return u1();
   749                 case 'H':
   750                     return u2();
   751                 case 'I':
   752                     return u4();
   753             }
   754         }
   755         assert ("BHIJ".indexOf(ch) >= 0);
   756         return 0;
   757     }
   759     private Element readCode() throws IOException {
   760         int stack = u2();
   761         int local = u2();
   762         int length = u4();
   763         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
   764         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   765             sb.append((char) u1());
   766         }
   767         String bytecodes = sb.toString();
   768         Element e = new Element("Code",
   769                 "stack", "" + stack,
   770                 "local", "" + local);
   771         Element bytes = new Element("Bytes", (String[]) null, bytecodes);
   772         if (keepBytes) {
   773             e.add(bytes);
   774         }
   775         if (parseBytes) {
   776             e.add(parseByteCodes(bytecodes));
   777         }
   778         for (int len = u2(), i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   779             int start = u2();
   780             int end = u2();
   781             int catsh = u2();
   782             String clasz = cpRef();
   783             e.add(new Element("Handler",
   784                     "start", "" + start,
   785                     "end", "" + end,
   786                     "catch", "" + catsh,
   787                     "class", clasz));
   788         }
   789         readAttributesFor(e);
   790         e.trimToSize();
   791         return e;
   792     }
   794     private Element parseByteCodes(String bytecodes) {
   795         Element e = InstructionSyntax.parse(bytecodes);
   796         for (Element ins : e.elements()) {
   797             Number ref = ins.getAttrNumber("ref");
   798             if (ref != null && resolveRefs) {
   799                 int id = ref.intValue();
   800                 String val = cpName(id);
   801                 if (ins.getName().startsWith("ldc")) {
   802                     // Yuck:  Arb. string cannot be an XML attribute.
   803                     ins.add(val);
   804                     val = "";
   805                     byte tag = (id >= 0 && id < cpTag.length) ? cpTag[id] : 0;
   806                     if (tag != 0) {
   807                         ins.setAttrLong("tag", tag);
   808                     }
   809                 }
   810                 if (ins.getName() == "invokeinterface"
   811                         && computeInterfaceNum(val) == ins.getAttrLong("num")) {
   812                     ins.setAttr("num", null);  // garbage bytes
   813                 }
   814                 ins.setAttr("ref", null);
   815                 ins.setAttr("val", val);
   816             }
   817         }
   818         return e;
   819     }
   821     private Element readStackMap(boolean hasXOption) throws IOException {
   822         Element result = new Element();
   823         Element bytes = currentCode.findElement("Bytes");
   824         assert (bytes != null && bytes.size() == 1);
   825         int byteLength = ((String) bytes.get(0)).length();
   826         boolean uoffsetIsU4 = (byteLength >= (1 << 16));
   827         boolean ulocalvarIsU4 = currentCode.getAttrLong("local") >= (1 << 16);
   828         boolean ustackIsU4 = currentCode.getAttrLong("stack") >= (1 << 16);
   829         if (hasXOption || uoffsetIsU4 || ulocalvarIsU4 || ustackIsU4) {
   830             Element flags = new Element("StackMapFlags");
   831             if (hasXOption) {
   832                 flags.setAttr("hasXOption", "true");
   833             }
   834             if (uoffsetIsU4) {
   835                 flags.setAttr("uoffsetIsU4", "true");
   836             }
   837             if (ulocalvarIsU4) {
   838                 flags.setAttr("ulocalvarIsU4", "true");
   839             }
   840             if (ustackIsU4) {
   841                 flags.setAttr("ustackIsU4", "true");
   842             }
   843             currentCode.add(flags);
   844         }
   845         int frame_count = (uoffsetIsU4 ? u4() : u2());
   846         for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) {
   847             int bci = (uoffsetIsU4 ? u4() : u2());
   848             int flags = (hasXOption ? u1() : 0);
   849             Element frame = new Element("Frame");
   850             result.add(frame);
   851             if (flags != 0) {
   852                 frame.setAttr("flags", "" + flags);
   853             }
   854             frame.setAttr("bci", "" + bci);
   855             // Scan local and stack types in this frame:
   856             final int LOCALS = 0, STACK = 1;
   857             for (int j = LOCALS; j <= STACK; j++) {
   858                 int typeSize;
   859                 if (j == LOCALS) {
   860                     typeSize = (ulocalvarIsU4 ? u4() : u2());
   861                 } else { // STACK
   862                     typeSize = (ustackIsU4 ? u4() : u2());
   863                 }
   864                 Element types = new Element(j == LOCALS ? "Local" : "Stack");
   865                 for (int k = 0; k < typeSize; k++) {
   866                     int tag = u1();
   867                     Element type = new Element(itemTagName(tag));
   868                     types.add(type);
   869                     switch (tag) {
   870                         case ITEM_Object:
   871                             type.setAttr("class", cpRef());
   872                             break;
   873                         case ITEM_Uninitialized:
   874                         case ITEM_ReturnAddress:
   875                             type.setAttr("bci", "" + (uoffsetIsU4 ? u4() : u2()));
   876                             break;
   877                     }
   878                 }
   879                 if (types.size() > 0) {
   880                     frame.add(types);
   881                 }
   882             }
   883         }
   884         return result;
   885     }
   887     private void readCP() throws IOException {
   888         int cpLen = u2();
   889         cpTag = new byte[cpLen];
   890         cpName = new String[cpLen];
   891         int cpTem[][] = new int[cpLen][];
   892         for (int i = 1; i < cpLen; i++) {
   893             cpTag[i] = (byte) u1();
   894             switch (cpTag[i]) {
   895                 case CONSTANT_Utf8:
   896                     buf.reset();
   897                     for (int len = u2(), j = 0; j < len; j++) {
   898                         buf.write(u1());
   899                     }
   900                     cpName[i] = buf.toString(UTF8_ENCODING);
   901                     break;
   902                 case CONSTANT_Integer:
   903                     cpName[i] = String.valueOf((int) u4());
   904                     break;
   905                 case CONSTANT_Float:
   906                     cpName[i] = String.valueOf(Float.intBitsToFloat(u4()));
   907                     break;
   908                 case CONSTANT_Long:
   909                     cpName[i] = String.valueOf(u8());
   910                     i += 1;
   911                     break;
   912                 case CONSTANT_Double:
   913                     cpName[i] = String.valueOf(Double.longBitsToDouble(u8()));
   914                     i += 1;
   915                     break;
   916                 case CONSTANT_Class:
   917                 case CONSTANT_String:
   918                     cpTem[i] = new int[]{u2()};
   919                     break;
   920                 case CONSTANT_Fieldref:
   921                 case CONSTANT_Methodref:
   922                 case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
   923                 case CONSTANT_NameAndType:
   924                     cpTem[i] = new int[]{u2(), u2()};
   925                     break;
   926             }
   927         }
   928         for (int i = 1; i < cpLen; i++) {
   929             switch (cpTag[i]) {
   930                 case CONSTANT_Class:
   931                 case CONSTANT_String:
   932                     cpName[i] = cpName[cpTem[i][0]];
   933                     break;
   934                 case CONSTANT_NameAndType:
   935                     cpName[i] = cpName[cpTem[i][0]] + " " + cpName[cpTem[i][1]];
   936                     break;
   937             }
   938         }
   939         // do fieldref et al after nameandtype are all resolved
   940         for (int i = 1; i < cpLen; i++) {
   941             switch (cpTag[i]) {
   942                 case CONSTANT_Fieldref:
   943                 case CONSTANT_Methodref:
   944                 case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
   945                     cpName[i] = cpName[cpTem[i][0]] + " " + cpName[cpTem[i][1]];
   946                     break;
   947             }
   948         }
   949         cpool = new Element("ConstantPool", cpName.length);
   950         for (int i = 0; i < cpName.length; i++) {
   951             if (cpName[i] == null) {
   952                 continue;
   953             }
   954             cpool.add(new Element(cpTagName(cpTag[i]),
   955                     new String[]{"id", "" + i},
   956                     cpName[i]));
   957         }
   958         if (keepCP) {
   959             cfile.add(cpool);
   960         }
   961     }
   963     private String cpRef() throws IOException {
   964         int ref = u2();
   965         if (resolveRefs) {
   966             return cpName(ref);
   967         } else {
   968             return REF_PREFIX + ref;
   969         }
   970     }
   972     private String cpName(int id) {
   973         if (id >= 0 && id < cpName.length) {
   974             return cpName[id];
   975         } else {
   976             return "[CP#" + Integer.toHexString(id) + "]";
   977         }
   978     }
   980     private long u8() throws IOException {
   981         return ((long) u4() << 32) + (((long) u4() << 32) >>> 32);
   982     }
   984     private int u4() throws IOException {
   985         return (u2() << 16) + u2();
   986     }
   988     private int u2() throws IOException {
   989         return (u1() << 8) + u1();
   990     }
   992     private int u1() throws IOException {
   993         int x = in.read();
   994         if (x < 0) {
   995             paddingSize++;
   996             return 0;  // error recovery
   997         }
   998         fileSize++;
   999         assert (x == (x & 0xFF));
  1000         return x;
  1001     }
  1002 }