changeset 53179 760293737af0
parent 53178 818b7bf2af49
parent 52974 ddbd9744a3d5
child 53180 2a39d5fc7e58
equal deleted inserted replaced
53178:818b7bf2af49 53179:760293737af0
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2002-2016, the original author or authors.
     3  *
     4  * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
     5  * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
     6  *
     7  *
     8  */
     9 package jdk.internal.jline;
    11 import;
    12 import;
    13 import;
    14 import;
    15 import;
    17 import jdk.internal.jline.extra.AnsiInterpretingOutputStream;
    18 import jdk.internal.jline.extra.AnsiInterpretingOutputStream.BufferState;
    19 import jdk.internal.jline.extra.AnsiInterpretingOutputStream.Performer;
    20 import jdk.internal.jline.internal.Configuration;
    21 import jdk.internal.jline.internal.Log;
    22 //import org.fusesource.jansi.internal.WindowsSupport;
    23 //import org.fusesource.jansi.internal.Kernel32;
    24 //import static org.fusesource.jansi.internal.Kernel32.*;
    26 import static jdk.internal.jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT;
    27 import static jdk.internal.jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode.ENABLE_LINE_INPUT;
    28 import static jdk.internal.jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT;
    29 import static jdk.internal.jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode.ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT;
    31 /**
    32  * Terminal implementation for Microsoft Windows. Terminal initialization in
    33  * {@link #init} is accomplished by extracting the
    34  * <em>jline_<i>version</i>.dll</em>, saving it to the system temporary
    35  * directoy (determined by the setting of the <em></em> System
    36  * property), loading the library, and then calling the Win32 APIs <a
    37  * href="
    38  * url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/setconsolemode.asp">SetConsoleMode</a> and
    39  * <a href="
    40  * url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/getconsolemode.asp">GetConsoleMode</a> to
    41  * disable character echoing.
    42  * <p/>
    43  * <p>
    44  * By default, the {@link #wrapInIfNeeded(} method will attempt
    45  * to test to see if the specified {@link InputStream} is {@link System#in} or a wrapper
    46  * around {@link FileDescriptor#in}, and if so, will bypass the character reading to
    47  * directly invoke the readc() method in the JNI library. This is so the class
    48  * can read special keys (like arrow keys) which are otherwise inaccessible via
    49  * the {@link System#in} stream. Using JNI reading can be bypassed by setting
    50  * the <code>jline.WindowsTerminal.directConsole</code> system property
    51  * to <code>false</code>.
    52  * </p>
    53  *
    54  * @author <a href="">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a>
    55  * @author <a href="">Jason Dillon</a>
    56  * @since 2.0
    57  */
    58 public class WindowsTerminal
    59     extends TerminalSupport
    60 {
    61     public static final String DIRECT_CONSOLE = WindowsTerminal.class.getName() + ".directConsole";
    63     public static final String ANSI = WindowsTerminal.class.getName() + ".ansi";
    65     private boolean directConsole;
    67     private int originalMode;
    69     public WindowsTerminal() throws Exception {
    70         super(true);
    71     }
    73     @Override
    74     public void init() throws Exception {
    75         super.init();
    77 //        setAnsiSupported(Configuration.getBoolean(ANSI, true));
    78         setAnsiSupported(true);
    80         //
    81         // FIXME: Need a way to disable direct console and sysin detection muck
    82         //
    84         setDirectConsole(Configuration.getBoolean(DIRECT_CONSOLE, true));
    86         this.originalMode = getConsoleMode();
    87         setConsoleMode(originalMode & ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT.code);
    88         setEchoEnabled(false);
    89     }
    91     /**
    92      * Restore the original terminal configuration, which can be used when
    93      * shutting down the console reader. The ConsoleReader cannot be
    94      * used after calling this method.
    95      */
    96     @Override
    97     public void restore() throws Exception {
    98         // restore the old console mode
    99         setConsoleMode(originalMode);
   100         super.restore();
   101     }
   103     @Override
   104     public int getWidth() {
   105         int w = getWindowsTerminalWidth();
   106         return w < 1 ? DEFAULT_WIDTH : w;
   107     }
   109     @Override
   110     public int getHeight() {
   111         int h = getWindowsTerminalHeight();
   112         return h < 1 ? DEFAULT_HEIGHT : h;
   113     }
   115     @Override
   116     public void setEchoEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
   117         // Must set these four modes at the same time to make it work fine.
   118         if (enabled) {
   119             setConsoleMode(getConsoleMode() |
   120                 ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT.code |
   121                 ENABLE_LINE_INPUT.code |
   122                 ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT.code);
   123         }
   124         else {
   125             setConsoleMode(getConsoleMode() &
   126                 ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT.code |
   127                     ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT.code |
   128                     ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT.code));
   129         }
   130         super.setEchoEnabled(enabled);
   131     }
   133     public void disableInterruptCharacter() {
   134         setConsoleMode(getConsoleMode() &
   135             ~(ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT.code));
   136     }
   138     public void enableInterruptCharacter() {
   139         setConsoleMode(getConsoleMode() |
   140             ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT.code);
   141     }
   143     /**
   144      * Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
   145      */
   146     public void setDirectConsole(final boolean flag) {
   147         this.directConsole = flag;
   148         Log.debug("Direct console: ", flag);
   149     }
   151     /**
   152      * Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
   153      */
   154     public Boolean getDirectConsole() {
   155         return directConsole;
   156     }
   159     @Override
   160     public InputStream wrapInIfNeeded(InputStream in) throws IOException {
   161         if (directConsole && isSystemIn(in)) {
   162             return new InputStream() {
   163                 private byte[] buf = null;
   164                 int bufIdx = 0;
   166                 @Override
   167                 public int read() throws IOException {
   168                     while (buf == null || bufIdx == buf.length) {
   169                         buf = readConsoleInput();
   170                         bufIdx = 0;
   171                     }
   172                     int c = buf[bufIdx] & 0xFF;
   173                     bufIdx++;
   174                     return c;
   175                 }
   176             };
   177         } else {
   178             return super.wrapInIfNeeded(in);
   179         }
   180     }
   182     protected boolean isSystemIn(final InputStream in) throws IOException {
   183         if (in == null) {
   184             return false;
   185         }
   186         else if (in == {
   187             return true;
   188         }
   189         else if (in instanceof FileInputStream && ((FileInputStream) in).getFD() == {
   190             return true;
   191         }
   193         return false;
   194     }
   196     @Override
   197     public OutputStream wrapOutIfNeeded(OutputStream out) {
   198         return new AnsiInterpretingOutputStream(getOutputEncoding(), out, new Performer() {
   199             @Override
   200             public BufferState getBufferState() throws IOException {
   201                 out.flush();
   202                 return WindowsTerminal.this.getBufferState();
   203             }
   204             @Override
   205             public void setCursorPosition(int cursorX, int cursorY) throws IOException {
   206                 out.flush();
   207                 WindowsTerminal.this.setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY);
   208             }
   209         });
   210     }
   212     @Override
   213     public String getOutputEncoding() {
   214         int codepage = getConsoleOutputCodepage();
   215         //
   216         String charsetMS = "ms" + codepage;
   217         if (java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(charsetMS)) {
   218             return charsetMS;
   219         }
   220         String charsetCP = "cp" + codepage;
   221         if (java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(charsetCP)) {
   222             return charsetCP;
   223         }
   224         Log.debug("can't figure out the Java Charset of this code page (" + codepage + ")...");
   225         return super.getOutputEncoding();
   226     }
   228     //
   229     // Original code:
   230     //
   231 //    private int getConsoleMode() {
   232 //        return WindowsSupport.getConsoleMode();
   233 //    }
   234 //
   235 //    private void setConsoleMode(int mode) {
   236 //        WindowsSupport.setConsoleMode(mode);
   237 //    }
   238 //
   239 //    private byte[] readConsoleInput() {
   240 //        // XXX does how many events to read in one call matter?
   241 //        INPUT_RECORD[] events = null;
   242 //        try {
   243 //            events = WindowsSupport.readConsoleInput(1);
   244 //        } catch (IOException e) {
   245 //            Log.debug("read Windows console input error: ", e);
   246 //        }
   247 //        if (events == null) {
   248 //            return new byte[0];
   249 //        }
   250 //        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   251 //        for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) {
   252 //            KEY_EVENT_RECORD keyEvent = events[i].keyEvent;
   253 //            //Log.trace(keyEvent.keyDown? "KEY_DOWN" : "KEY_UP", "key code:", keyEvent.keyCode, "char:", (long)keyEvent.uchar);
   254 //            if (keyEvent.keyDown) {
   255 //                if (keyEvent.uchar > 0) {
   256 //                    // support some C1 control sequences: ALT + [@-_] (and [a-z]?) => ESC <ascii>
   257 //                    //
   258 //                    final int altState = KEY_EVENT_RECORD.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | KEY_EVENT_RECORD.RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED;
   259 //                    // Pressing "Alt Gr" is translated to Alt-Ctrl, hence it has to be checked that Ctrl is _not_ pressed,
   260 //                    // otherwise inserting of "Alt Gr" codes on non-US keyboards would yield errors
   261 //                    final int ctrlState = KEY_EVENT_RECORD.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | KEY_EVENT_RECORD.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED;
   262 //                    if (((keyEvent.uchar >= '@' && keyEvent.uchar <= '_') || (keyEvent.uchar >= 'a' && keyEvent.uchar <= 'z'))
   263 //                        && ((keyEvent.controlKeyState & altState) != 0) && ((keyEvent.controlKeyState & ctrlState) == 0)) {
   264 //                        sb.append('\u001B'); // ESC
   265 //                    }
   266 //
   267 //                    sb.append(keyEvent.uchar);
   268 //                    continue;
   269 //                }
   270 //                // virtual keycodes:
   271 //                // just add support for basic editing keys (no control state, no numpad keys)
   272 //                String escapeSequence = null;
   273 //                switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
   274 //                case 0x21: // VK_PRIOR PageUp
   275 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[5~";
   276 //                    break;
   277 //                case 0x22: // VK_NEXT PageDown
   278 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[6~";
   279 //                    break;
   280 //                case 0x23: // VK_END
   281 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[4~";
   282 //                    break;
   283 //                case 0x24: // VK_HOME
   284 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[1~";
   285 //                    break;
   286 //                case 0x25: // VK_LEFT
   287 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[D";
   288 //                    break;
   289 //                case 0x26: // VK_UP
   290 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[A";
   291 //                    break;
   292 //                case 0x27: // VK_RIGHT
   293 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[C";
   294 //                    break;
   295 //                case 0x28: // VK_DOWN
   296 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[B";
   297 //                    break;
   298 //                case 0x2D: // VK_INSERT
   299 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[2~";
   300 //                    break;
   301 //                case 0x2E: // VK_DELETE
   302 //                    escapeSequence = "\u001B[3~";
   303 //                    break;
   304 //                default:
   305 //                    break;
   306 //                }
   307 //                if (escapeSequence != null) {
   308 //                    for (int k = 0; k < keyEvent.repeatCount; k++) {
   309 //                        sb.append(escapeSequence);
   310 //                    }
   311 //                }
   312 //            } else {
   313 //                // key up event
   314 //                // support ALT+NumPad input method
   315 //                if (keyEvent.keyCode == 0x12/*VK_MENU ALT key*/ && keyEvent.uchar > 0) {
   316 //                    sb.append(keyEvent.uchar);
   317 //                }
   318 //            }
   319 //        }
   320 //        return sb.toString().getBytes();
   321 //    }
   322 //
   323 //    private int getConsoleOutputCodepage() {
   324 //        return Kernel32.GetConsoleOutputCP();
   325 //    }
   326 //
   327 //    private int getWindowsTerminalWidth() {
   328 //        return WindowsSupport.getWindowsTerminalWidth();
   329 //    }
   330 //
   331 //    private int getWindowsTerminalHeight() {
   332 //        return WindowsSupport.getWindowsTerminalHeight();
   333 //    }
   335     //
   336     // Native Bits
   337     //
   338     static {
   339         System.loadLibrary("le");
   340         initIDs();
   341     }
   343     private static native void initIDs();
   345     protected native int getConsoleMode();
   347     protected native void setConsoleMode(int mode);
   349     private byte[] readConsoleInput() {
   350         KEY_EVENT_RECORD keyEvent = readKeyEvent();
   352         return convertKeys(keyEvent).getBytes();
   353     }
   355     public static String convertKeys(KEY_EVENT_RECORD keyEvent) {
   356         if (keyEvent == null) {
   357             return "";
   358         }
   360         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   362         if (keyEvent.keyDown) {
   363             if (keyEvent.uchar > 0) {
   364                 // support some C1 control sequences: ALT + [@-_] (and [a-z]?) => ESC <ascii>
   365                 //
   366                 final int altState = KEY_EVENT_RECORD.ALT_PRESSED;
   367                 // Pressing "Alt Gr" is translated to Alt-Ctrl, hence it has to be checked that Ctrl is _not_ pressed,
   368                 // otherwise inserting of "Alt Gr" codes on non-US keyboards would yield errors
   369                 final int ctrlState = KEY_EVENT_RECORD.CTRL_PRESSED;
   371                 boolean handled = false;
   373                 if ((keyEvent.controlKeyState & ctrlState) != 0) {
   374                     switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
   375                         case 0x43: //Ctrl-C
   376                             sb.append("\003");
   377                             handled = true;
   378                             break;
   379                     }
   380                 }
   382                 if ((keyEvent.controlKeyState & KEY_EVENT_RECORD.SHIFT_PRESSED) != 0) {
   383                     switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
   384                         case 0x09: //Shift-Tab
   385                             sb.append("\033\133\132");
   386                             handled = true;
   387                             break;
   388                     }
   389                 }
   391                 if (!handled) {
   392                     if (((keyEvent.uchar >= '@' && keyEvent.uchar <= '_') || (keyEvent.uchar >= 'a' && keyEvent.uchar <= 'z'))
   393                         && ((keyEvent.controlKeyState & altState) != 0) && ((keyEvent.controlKeyState & ctrlState) == 0)) {
   394                         sb.append('\u001B'); // ESC
   395                     }
   397                     sb.append(keyEvent.uchar);
   398                 }
   399             } else {
   400                 // virtual keycodes:
   401                 // xterm escape codes: E. Moy, S. Gildea and T. Dickey, "XTerm Control Sequences":
   402                 //
   403                 //
   404                 // just add support for basic editing keys and function keys
   405                 String escapeSequence = null;
   406                 switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
   407                 case 0x21: // VK_PRIOR PageUp
   408                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[5~", "\u001B[5;%d~");
   409                     break;
   410                 case 0x22: // VK_NEXT PageDown
   411                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[6~", "\u001B[6;%d~");
   412                     break;
   413                 case 0x23: // VK_END
   414                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[4~", "\u001B[4;%d~");
   415                     break;
   416                 case 0x24: // VK_HOME
   417                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[1~", "\u001B[1;%d~");
   418                     break;
   419                 case 0x25: // VK_LEFT
   420                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[D", "\u001B[1;%dD");
   421                     break;
   422                 case 0x26: // VK_UP
   423                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[A", "\u001B[1;%dA");
   424                     break;
   425                 case 0x27: // VK_RIGHT
   426                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[C", "\u001B[1;%dC");
   427                     break;
   428                 case 0x28: // VK_DOWN
   429                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[B", "\u001B[1;%dB");
   430                     break;
   431                 case 0x2D: // VK_INSERT
   432                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[2~", "\u001B[2;%d~");
   433                     break;
   434                 case 0x2E: // VK_DELETE
   435                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[3~", "\u001B[3;%d~");
   436                     break;
   437                 case 0x70: // VK_F1
   438                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001BOP", "\u001BO%dP");
   439                     break;
   440                 case 0x71: // VK_F2
   441                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001BOQ", "\u001BO%dQ");
   442                     break;
   443                 case 0x72: // VK_F3
   444                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001BOR", "\u001BO%dR");
   445                     break;
   446                 case 0x73: // VK_F4
   447                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001BOS", "\u001BO%dS");
   448                     break;
   449                 case 0x74: // VK_F5
   450                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[15~", "\u001B[15;%d~");
   451                     break;
   452                 case 0x75: // VK_F6
   453                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[17~", "\u001B[17;%d~");
   454                     break;
   455                 case 0x76: // VK_F7
   456                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[18~", "\u001B[18;%d~");
   457                     break;
   458                 case 0x77: // VK_F8
   459                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[19~", "\u001B[19;%d~");
   460                     break;
   461                 case 0x78: // VK_F9
   462                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[20~", "\u001B[20;%d~");
   463                     break;
   464                 case 0x79: // VK_F10
   465                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[21~", "\u001B[21;%d~");
   466                     break;
   467                 case 0x7A: // VK_F11
   468                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[23~", "\u001B[23;%d~");
   469                     break;
   470                 case 0x7B: // VK_F12
   471                     escapeSequence = escapeSequence(keyEvent.controlKeyState, "\u001B[24~", "\u001B[24;%d~");
   472                     break;
   473                 default:
   474                     break;
   475                 }
   476                 if (escapeSequence != null) {
   477                     for (int k = 0; k < keyEvent.repeatCount; k++) {
   478                         sb.append(escapeSequence);
   479                     }
   480                 }
   481             }
   482         } else {
   483             // key up event
   484             // support ALT+NumPad input method
   485             if (keyEvent.keyCode == 0x12/*VK_MENU ALT key*/ && keyEvent.uchar > 0) {
   486                 sb.append(keyEvent.uchar);
   487             }
   488         }
   489         return sb.toString();
   490     }
   492     private static String escapeSequence(int controlKeyState, String noControlSequence, String withControlSequence) {
   493         int controlNum = 1;
   495         if ((controlKeyState & KEY_EVENT_RECORD.SHIFT_PRESSED) != 0) {
   496             controlNum += 1;
   497         }
   499         if ((controlKeyState & KEY_EVENT_RECORD.ALT_PRESSED) != 0) {
   500             controlNum += 2;
   501         }
   503         if ((controlKeyState & KEY_EVENT_RECORD.CTRL_PRESSED) != 0) {
   504             controlNum += 4;
   505         }
   507         if (controlNum > 1) {
   508             return String.format(withControlSequence, controlNum);
   509         } else {
   510             return noControlSequence;
   511         }
   512     }
   514     private native KEY_EVENT_RECORD readKeyEvent();
   516     public static class KEY_EVENT_RECORD {
   517         public final static int ALT_PRESSED = 0x3;
   518         public final static int CTRL_PRESSED = 0xC;
   519         public final static int SHIFT_PRESSED = 0x10;
   520         public final boolean keyDown;
   521         public final char uchar;
   522         public final int controlKeyState;
   523         public final int keyCode;
   524         public final int repeatCount;
   526         public KEY_EVENT_RECORD(boolean keyDown, char uchar, int controlKeyState, int keyCode, int repeatCount) {
   527             this.keyDown = keyDown;
   528             this.uchar = uchar;
   529             this.controlKeyState = controlKeyState;
   530             this.keyCode = keyCode;
   531             this.repeatCount = repeatCount;
   532         }
   534     }
   536     private native int getConsoleOutputCodepage();
   538     private native int getWindowsTerminalWidth();
   540     private native int getWindowsTerminalHeight();
   542     private native BufferState getBufferState();
   544     private native void setCursorPosition(int x, int y);
   546     /**
   547      * Console mode
   548      * <p/>
   549      * Constants copied <tt>wincon.h</tt>.
   550      */
   551     public static enum ConsoleMode
   552     {
   553         /**
   554          * The ReadFile or ReadConsole function returns only when a carriage return
   555          * character is read. If this mode is disable, the functions return when one
   556          * or more characters are available.
   557          */
   558         ENABLE_LINE_INPUT(2),
   560         /**
   561          * Characters read by the ReadFile or ReadConsole function are written to
   562          * the active screen buffer as they are read. This mode can be used only if
   563          * the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also enabled.
   564          */
   565         ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT(4),
   567         /**
   568          * CTRL+C is processed by the system and is not placed in the input buffer.
   569          * If the input buffer is being read by ReadFile or ReadConsole, other
   570          * control keys are processed by the system and are not returned in the
   571          * ReadFile or ReadConsole buffer. If the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also
   572          * enabled, backspace, carriage return, and linefeed characters are handled
   573          * by the system.
   574          */
   575         ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT(1),
   577         /**
   578          * User interactions that change the size of the console screen buffer are
   579          * reported in the console's input buffee. Information about these events
   580          * can be read from the input buffer by applications using
   581          * theReadConsoleInput function, but not by those using ReadFile
   582          * orReadConsole.
   583          */
   584         ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT(8),
   586         /**
   587          * If the mouse pointer is within the borders of the console window and the
   588          * window has the keyboard focus, mouse events generated by mouse movement
   589          * and button presses are placed in the input buffer. These events are
   590          * discarded by ReadFile or ReadConsole, even when this mode is enabled.
   591          */
   592         ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT(16),
   594         /**
   595          * When enabled, text entered in a console window will be inserted at the
   596          * current cursor location and all text following that location will not be
   597          * overwritten. When disabled, all following text will be overwritten. An OR
   598          * operation must be performed with this flag and the ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS
   599          * flag to enable this functionality.
   600          */
   601         ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT(1),
   603         /**
   604          * This flag enables the user to use the mouse to select and edit text. To
   605          * enable this option, use the OR to combine this flag with
   606          * ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS.
   607          */
   608         ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT(2),;
   610         public final int code;
   612         ConsoleMode(final int code) {
   613             this.code = code;
   614         }
   615     }
   617 }