changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 45599 8bc3a019f948
child 47395 2ea4edfdef8e
equal deleted inserted replaced
47215:4ebc2e2fb97c 47216:71c04702a3d5
     1 doclet.Generating_0=Generating {0}...
     2 doclet.Toolkit_Usage_Violation=The Doclet Toolkit can only be used by {0}
     3 doclet.MissingSerialTag=in class {0}, missing @serial tag for default serializable field: {1}.
     4 doclet.MissingSerialDataTag=in class {0}, missing @serialData tag in method {1}.
     5 doclet.Serializable_no_customization=No readObject or writeObject method declared.
     6 doclet.Serialized_Form=Serialized Form
     7 doclet.Serialized_Form_methods=Serialization Methods
     8 doclet.Serialized_Form_fields=Serialized Fields
     9 doclet.Serialized_Form_class=Serialization Overview
    10 doclet.Class_0_implements_serializable=Class {0} implements Serializable
    11 doclet.Class_0_extends_implements_serializable=Class {0} extends {1} implements Serializable
    12 doclet.Option_conflict=Option {0} conflicts with {1}
    13 doclet.Option_reuse=Option reused: {0}
    14 doclet.Option_doclint_no_qualifiers=Access qualifiers not permitted for -Xdoclint arguments
    15 doclet.Option_doclint_invalid_arg=Invalid argument for -Xdoclint option
    16 doclet.Option_doclint_package_invalid_arg=Invalid argument for -Xdoclint/package option
    17 doclet.error.initializing.dest.dir=Error initializing destination directory: {0}
    18 reading file: {0}\n\
    19 \t({1})
    20 doclet.exception.write.file=Error writing file: {0}\n\
    21 \t({1})
    22 reading system resource: {0}\n\
    23 \t({1})
    24 doclet.internal.exception=An internal exception has occurred. \n\
    25 \t({0})
    27 Please file a bug against the javadoc tool via the Java bug reporting page\n\
    28 ( after checking the Bug Database (\n\
    29 for duplicates. Include error messages and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
    30 doclet.File_not_found=File not found: {0}
    31 doclet.Copy_Overwrite_warning=File {0} not copied to {1} due to existing file with same name...
    32 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1=Copying file {0} to directory {1}...
    33 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_File_1=Copying file {0} to file {1}...
    34 doclet.No_Public_Classes_To_Document=No public or protected classes found to document.
    35 doclet.destination_directory_not_directory_0=Destination directory is not a directory: {0}
    36 doclet.destination_directory_not_writable_0=Destination directory not writable: {0}
    37 doclet.Encoding_not_supported=Encoding not supported: {0}
    38 doclet.Building_Tree=Building tree for all the packages and classes...
    39 doclet.Building_Index=Building index for all the packages and classes...
    40 doclet.Building_Index_For_All_Classes=Building index for all classes...
    41 doclet.sourcetab_warning=The argument for -sourcetab must be an integer greater than 0.
    42 doclet.JavaScript_in_comment=JavaScript found in documentation comment.\n\
    43 Use --allow-script-in-comments to allow use of JavaScript.
    44 doclet.JavaScript_in_option=option {0} contains JavaScript.\n\
    45 Use --allow-script-in-comments to allow use of JavaScript.
    46 doclet.Packages=Packages
    47 doclet.Modules=Modules
    48 doclet.Other_Packages=Other Packages
    49 doclet.Other_Modules=Other Modules
    50 doclet.Notice_taglet_registered=Registered Taglet {0} ...
    51 doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen=Note: Custom tags that were not seen: {0}
    52 doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden=Note: Custom tags that override standard tags: {0}
    53 doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn=Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: {0}. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names.
    54 doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered=Error - Exception {0} thrown while trying to register Taglet {1}...
    55 doclet.Error_invalid_custom_tag_argument=Error - {0} is an invalid argument to the -tag option...
    56 doclet.Author=Author:
    57 doclet.DefaultValue=Default value:
    58 doclet.PropertyDescription=Property description:
    59 doclet.PropertyGetter=Gets the value of the property
    60 doclet.PropertySetter=Sets the value of the property
    61 doclet.PropertyGetterWithName=Gets the value of the property {0}.
    62 doclet.PropertySetterWithName=Sets the value of the property {0}.
    63 doclet.Default=Default:
    64 doclet.Parameters=Parameters:
    65 doclet.TypeParameters=Type Parameters:
    66 doclet.Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a parameter name.
    67 doclet.Parameters_dup_warn=Parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
    68 doclet.Type_Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a type parameter name.
    69 doclet.Type_Parameters_dup_warn=Type parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
    70 doclet.Returns=Returns:
    71 doclet.Return_tag_on_void_method=@return tag cannot be used in method with void return type.
    72 doclet.See_Also=See Also:
    73 doclet.See=See:
    74 doclet.SerialData=Serial Data:
    75 doclet.Since=Since:
    76 doclet.Throws=Throws:
    77 doclet.Version=Version:
    78 doclet.Factory=Factory:
    79 doclet.UnknownTag={0} is an unknown tag.
    80 doclet.UnknownTagLowercase={0} is an unknown tag -- same as a known tag except for case.
    81 doclet.noInheritedDoc=@inheritDoc used but {0} does not override or implement any method.
    82 # doclet.malformed_html_link_tag=<a> tag is malformed:\n"{0}"
    83 doclet.tag_misuse=Tag {0} cannot be used in {1} documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: {2}.
    84 doclet.javafx_tag_misuse=Tags @propertyGetter, @propertySetter and @propertyDescription can only be used in JavaFX properties getters and setters.
    85 doclet.Package_Summary=Package Summary
    86 doclet.Requires_Summary=Requires
    87 doclet.Indirect_Requires_Summary=Indirect Requires
    88 doclet.Indirect_Exports_Summary=Indirect Exports
    89 doclet.Indirect_Opens_Summary=Indirect Opens
    90 doclet.Exported_Packages_Summary=Exports
    91 doclet.Opened_Packages_Summary=Opens
    92 doclet.Concealed_Packages_Summary=Concealed
    93 doclet.From=From
    94 doclet.Packages_Summary=Packages
    95 doclet.Uses_Summary=Uses
    96 doclet.Provides_Summary=Provides
    97 doclet.Module_Summary=Module Summary
    98 doclet.Interface_Summary=Interface Summary
    99 doclet.Annotation_Types_Summary=Annotation Types Summary
   100 doclet.Enum_Summary=Enum Summary
   101 doclet.Exception_Summary=Exception Summary
   102 doclet.Error_Summary=Error Summary
   103 doclet.Class_Summary=Class Summary
   104 doclet.Nested_Class_Summary=Nested Class Summary
   105 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member_Summary=Optional Element Summary
   106 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member_Summary=Required Element Summary
   107 doclet.Field_Summary=Field Summary
   108 doclet.Property_Summary=Property Summary
   109 doclet.Enum_Constant_Summary=Enum Constant Summary
   110 doclet.Constructor_Summary=Constructor Summary
   111 doclet.Method_Summary=Method Summary
   112 doclet.Interfaces=Interfaces
   113 doclet.Enums=Enums
   114 doclet.AnnotationTypes=Annotation Types
   115 doclet.Exceptions=Exceptions
   116 doclet.Errors=Errors
   117 doclet.Classes=Classes
   118 doclet.Packages=Packages
   119 doclet.packages=packages
   120 doclet.modules=modules
   121 doclet.types=types
   122 doclet.All_Classes=All Classes
   123 doclet.All_Superinterfaces=All Superinterfaces:
   124 doclet.All_Implemented_Interfaces=All Implemented Interfaces:
   125 doclet.All_classes_and_interfaces=All classes and interfaces (except non-static nested types)
   126 doclet.Package_class_and_interface_descriptions=Package, class and interface descriptions
   127 doclet.Interface=Interface
   128 doclet.Class=Class
   129 doclet.AnnotationType=Annotation Type
   130 doclet.annotationtype=annotation type
   131 doclet.annotationtypes=annotation types
   132 doclet.Enum=Enum
   133 doclet.enum=enum
   134 doclet.enums=enums
   135 doclet.interface=interface
   136 doclet.interfaces=interfaces
   137 doclet.class=class
   138 doclet.classes=classes
   139 doclet.Error=Error
   140 doclet.error=error
   141 doclet.errors=errors
   142 doclet.Exception=Exception
   143 doclet.exception=exception
   144 doclet.exceptions=exceptions
   145 doclet.Package_private=(package private)
   146 doclet.Nested_Classes_Interfaces_Inherited_From_Class=Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
   147 doclet.Nested_Classes_Interface_Inherited_From_Interface=Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
   148 doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Class=Methods inherited from class
   149 doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Interface=Methods inherited from interface
   150 doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Class=Fields inherited from class
   151 doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Interface=Fields inherited from interface
   152 doclet.Properties_Inherited_From_Class=Properties inherited from class
   153 doclet.Properties_Inherited_From_Interface=Properties inherited from interface
   154 doclet.Annotation_Type_Member_Detail=Element Detail
   155 doclet.Enum_Constant_Detail=Enum Constant Detail
   156 doclet.Constants_Summary=Constant Field Values
   157 doclet.Field_Detail=Field Detail
   158 doclet.Property_Detail=Property Detail
   159 doclet.Method_Detail=Method Detail
   160 doclet.Constructor_Detail=Constructor Detail
   161 doclet.Deprecated=Deprecated.
   162 doclet.DeprecatedForRemoval=Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
   163 doclet.Hidden=Hidden
   164 doclet.Groupname_already_used=In -group option, groupname already used: {0}
   165 doclet.value_tag_invalid_reference={0} (referenced by @value tag) is an unknown reference.
   166 doclet.value_tag_invalid_constant=@value tag (which references {0}) can only be used in constants.
   167 doclet.value_tag_invalid_use=@value tag cannot be used here.
   168 doclet.dest_dir_create=Creating destination directory: "{0}"
   169{0} in {1}
   170 doclet.Use_Table_Summary=Use table, listing {0}, and an explanation
   171 doclet.Constants_Table_Summary={0} table, listing constant fields, and values
   172 doclet.Member_Table_Summary={0} table, listing {1}, and an explanation
   173 doclet.Indirect_Packages_Table_Summary={0} table, listing {1}, and {2}
   174 doclet.fields=fields
   175 doclet.Fields=Fields
   177 doclet.Properties=Properties
   178 doclet.constructors=constructors
   179 doclet.Constructors=Constructors
   180 doclet.methods=methods
   181 doclet.Methods=Methods
   182 doclet.All_Methods=All Methods
   183 doclet.Static_Methods=Static Methods
   184 doclet.Instance_Methods=Instance Methods
   185 doclet.Abstract_Methods=Abstract Methods
   186 doclet.Concrete_Methods=Concrete Methods
   187 doclet.Default_Methods=Default Methods
   188 doclet.Deprecated_Methods=Deprecated Methods
   189 doclet.annotation_type_optional_members=optional elements
   190 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Members=Optional Elements
   191 doclet.annotation_type_required_members=required elements
   192 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Members=Required Elements
   193 doclet.enum_constants=enum constants
   194 doclet.Enum_Constants=Enum Constants
   195 doclet.nested_classes=nested classes
   196 doclet.Nested_Classes=Nested Classes
   197 doclet.subclasses=subclasses
   198 doclet.subinterfaces=subinterfaces
   199 doclet.Modifier=Modifier
   200 doclet.Type=Type
   201 doclet.Implementation=Implementation(s):
   202 doclet.Types=Types
   203 doclet.Members=Members
   204 doclet.SearchTags=SearchTags
   206 doclet.Field=Field
   207 doclet.Property=Property
   208 doclet.Constructor=Constructor
   209 doclet.Method=Method
   210 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member=Optional Element
   211 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member=Required Element
   212 doclet.Annotation_Type_Member=Annotation Type Element
   213 doclet.Enum_Constant=Enum Constant
   214 doclet.Class=Class
   215 doclet.Description=Description
   216 doclet.ConstantField=Constant Field
   217 doclet.Value=Value
   218 doclet.0_and_1={0} and {1}
   220 #Documentation for Enums
   221 doclet.enum_values_doc.fullbody=\
   222  Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in\n\
   223  the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate\n\
   224  over the constants as follows:\n\
   225  <pre>\n\
   226  for ({0} c : {0}.values())\n\
   227  &nbsp;   System.out.println(c);\n\
   228  </pre>
   230 doclet.enum_values_doc.return=\
   231 an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
   233 doclet.enum_valueof_doc.fullbody=\
   234  Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.\n\
   235  The string must match <i>exactly</i> an identifier used to declare an\n\
   236  enum constant in this type.  (Extraneous whitespace characters are \n\
   237  not permitted.)
   239 doclet.enum_valueof_doc.param_name=\
   240  the name of the enum constant to be returned.
   242 doclet.enum_valueof_doc.return=\
   243  the enum constant with the specified name
   245 doclet.enum_valueof_doc.throws_ila=\
   246  if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
   248 doclet.enum_valueof_doc.throws_npe=\
   249  if the argument is null